Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 (21 page)

BOOK: Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5
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She giggled and ran her fingers through his sweat-dampened hair. “Could be. But I think…we might…have to do it again in a little while…just to be sure.”

* * *

Paula Leighton’s anger grew as she drove past Marco’s house for a third time in the past hour. She glanced at the dashboard clock. Almost midnight.
Where the fuck was he
? It had been over a week since she’d seen his truck in the driveway, and he wasn’t at Harper’s house either. He must be staying at the compound with all the others.

She’d taken a chance earlier in the day, when she’d spotted the familiar vehicle outside Donovan’s and entered the restaurant, just to catch a glimpse of the man she’d fallen in love with a year and a half ago. Her affection hadn’t been returned, but never one to back down from a challenge, she’d begun to find out everything she could about him, hoping she could one day change his mind. But then that bitch had to get pregnant with his baby, and it had put a damper on Paula’s plans.

Having been Trident Security’s secretary for a few months, she’d been able to snoop around a lot when the men had been out of the office. Unfortunately, she’d gotten caught by that asshole, Evans, one day when she didn’t expect him to return so soon and he’d found her in his ‘restricted’ war-room, as it was called. She’d been fired that afternoon, but by that point, she’d had access to much information, even though they’d obviously thought she hadn’t been smart enough to figure some things out on her own. She knew everyone’s phone number and their provider’s account number since she received the monthly bills in the office mail. Finding all their home addresses on the payroll sheets had been a piece of cake, also. Then she had gotten samples of Marco’s handwriting and found a forger, who’d been able to draft a letter to the whore, basically telling her to go fuck herself along with her unborn brat.

It had been pure coincidence finding out Harper was pregnant two weeks before Paula had been fired. They had the same GYN, who also happened to be one of The Covenant’s contract doctors for medical exams. Oh, yeah. She knew all about the sex club her former bosses had tried to keep her from finding out about. But it wasn’t her thing—people fucking each other in public…such whores. When Marco became hers, she would insist they only had sex in private.

Paula had been in the waiting room for a routine physical when the other woman and doctor walked out of the examining room. Harper had clearly still been in shock from getting the news and didn’t even glance in Paula’s direction. It had taken Paula a moment to figure out the woman’s stunned expression. While the new-mommy-to-be stood next to the front desk, the doctor told the receptionist to schedule an ultrasound and call in an order for pre-natal vitamins to Harper’s pharmacy. She then placed her hand on Harper’s arm and told her if she wanted help telling Marco, to let her know.

Paula had seen red at the mention of Marco and her original thought had been to kill the bitch right then and there. But then another thought had formed. She would bide her time and wait for the baby to be born, then eliminate the competition. Once Harper was out of the way, Paula, Marco, and the baby could be one big happy family.

Now, pissed off, she vowed to stick a fork in Lairson’s ass to get him to finish what she’d hired him to do, and steered the vehicle toward home. Well, it wasn’t exactly her home. After getting fired from Trident, she’d used the measly severance pay they had tossed her way to live on while she searched for the perfect job opportunity. She’d found it three months later on Craigslist. An elderly, recluse of a man, with the beginnings of dementia, had advertised looking for a cook/housekeeper/companion. Paula had dressed nice and turned on the charm, all but guaranteeing her the job. It didn’t take long to figure out the man had no family nor good friends who would notice if he went missing. The house was in a quiet neighborhood where most people kept to themselves and ignored those living around them. She’d slowly gained access to all the man’s bank accounts and powers of attorney. Once she had everything she needed, she took advantage of his failing health and suffocated him with a pillow as he slept in his bed. The next day she’d had a full-size freezer delivered and placed in the garage, so she could stuff his body in it and avoid stinking up the house with decaying flesh.

Happily using the old man’s money, car, and house, she didn’t have to worry about having to work or deal with the nosy neighbors she’d had in her apartment complex anymore. She could devote all her time to planning her new life as Mrs. Marco DeAngelis.



Marco was glad Harper’s case had been adjourned for another day. It meant he could get her back to the safety of the compound while they continued to try to figure out who was after her and why. Things had been quiet since the day at the bomber’s apartment, but he was worried a clock was ticking down and they’d soon be facing another attempt to kill Harper.

Cain Foster was walking in front of them out of the Hillsborough County courthouse, in downtown Tampa, and descending the steps to the parking lot across the street. Tristan McCabe had their six from about four paces behind. All three men, dressed in suits for court, had their heads on automatic swivel, scanning the area for any threat. Somehow they timed it right with the walk-on-red signal and made it to their vehicles with nary a pause. After making sure Harper was secure in Marco’s truck, the two other men jumped into one of Trident’s SUVs and got ready to follow. They hadn’t been worried about anyone tampering with either vehicle since back in his war-room, Brody had hacked into the video feed of the courts security system. Someone from the teams had been watching both vehicles the entire time court was in session to make sure no one had approached them.

After starting the truck, Marco eased out of the space, and once he was sure the others were right behind him, he exited the parking lot. While the Monday traffic was moderate, it wasn’t close to what it would be in another hour or two, when most commuters would be leaving their offices for the day. Stopping at a red light, he glanced over at Harper, trying to keep his gaze off her long legs. The skirt of her grey suit had risen a little higher above her knee than it had been in court, due to her climbing up into his truck. Damn, he wanted those legs wrapped around his waist again—just as they had been the second time he took her last night before they’d reluctantly returned to the apartment to sleep in separate rooms. Out of respect for her mother, Harper wanted to tell her she would be sleeping in his bed from now on, before actually doing it.

Loosening his tie, he yanked it over his head, then undid the top button of his dress shirt. Beside him, she let out a sigh and he took a quick peek at her before accelerating when the light turned green again. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” The shake of her head was in contrast to her word. “It just pisses me off that some of these dirtbags can manipulate the system and drag these cases out. My client’s husband refused to let her work, kept full control over her money, abused her, and cheated on her. Then when she finally had the courage to say she’d had enough, he hires a lawyer who is only in it for the billable hours. They file motion after motion, keeping my client in limbo. I freaking wish Florida was a community property state—assets acquired during a marriage get split 50/50. End of story. None of this bullshit.”

Marco chuckled at her last sentence.

“What’s so funny?”

“You just cursed and the first thought that popped into my brain was you owe a dollar to the swear jar. I think there’s more money in there from you than me.” Both of them were trying to curb their language, so by the time Mara was talking, she hopefully wouldn’t be picking up any bad habits. He couldn’t stop the quick grin which spread across his face at Harper’s scowl. “Sorry. Look, I know you were being serious and I agree with you. I think a lot of times the person who needs and deserves a good portion of the assets isn’t the one who get it. At least not in this state.”

She was about to say something more when his phone’s ringtone cut her off. Hitting the Blue Tooth feature on the steering wheel, he connected the call from McCabe a few cars behind them. “What?”

“Think we’ve got company. Blue Impala, two cars back from you and right in front of us. Male driver appears to be alone unless someone is ducked down.” Marco glanced in the rearview mirror and spotted the vehicle. While in a normal protection detail, Foster would have been right on his ass, but in this case, the two man had stayed back a little, hoping for this exact scenario to happen. With any luck, this was Harper’s stalker. “He’s been following since we left the courthouse and looks like he’s waiting for an opening in traffic to make a move. Not sure if he’s just in a hurry and happens to be going the same way or if you’re his target. What do you want us to do?”

They had merged onto a highway with three lanes going eastbound. “Give him some room, but not too much. Let’s see what he does. In the meantime, get the license plate to Egghead.”

“Done already. I’ve got him on my phone and you on Foster’s.”

“Good. Then stay on the line with both of us.” After a few minutes, he was starting to think they were wrong about the vehicle when it made a sudden lane change to the right and accelerated quickly. Marco scanned what was ahead and to the side of him, taking it all in and making a fast lane change himself, to the left, just as the Impala caught up to them. Behind them, Foster was trying to get between the two vehicles, but traffic wasn’t making it easy for him.

“Oh, my God!”

Trying to keep one eye on the road and the other on the Impala, Marco resisted the urge to look at Harper who was staring out her window at the other driver. “What?”

“It’s Ramon Nunez. I helped his wife disappear about six months ago. He’s got a history with guns, assault, and a bunch of other stuff. Last I heard, he was still in jail for assaulting a neighbor.”

“Shit.” He swerved around another vehicle and punched the gas pedal. “McCabe pass that onto Egghead, then hang up with him and call 911. We need backup fast. Identify yourself as Trident and ask for the on-duty supervisor. Let me know when you have him on the line. We’re going to have to coordinate a blockade. There are too many other cars around for us to run this guy off the road.” He pulled his gun from its holster, flipped off the safety, and placed it in a specially made pocket attached the dashboard next to the radio. This way he still had both hands free for the steering wheel, but if he had to shoot, the weapon could easily be drawn and ready to fire. And he also didn’t have to worry about it falling out of reach if the driving got crazy. “Harper, climb in the backseat and lay on the floor. If this guy starts shooting, I don’t want you visible. Keep your head down unless I tell you otherwise.”

Kicking off her heels, Harper did as he’d ordered. Traffic was opening up and he continued weaving between lanes, staying ahead of the suspect’s vehicle. Foster was still on the guy’s tail, but resisted the urge to ram the guy off the road. They couldn’t take the risk since it could result in innocent drivers, or their passengers, getting hurt. They didn’t have to worry about the Impala trying to ram Marco’s truck because the car would definitely lose that fight.

When McCabe informed Marco he had the desk sergeant on the line, he took note of where they were on the highway. He then estimated where they
be when the patrol units were given enough time to set up a road block. Picking an exit ramp he knew wasn’t heavily used, since it led to a partially-abandoned industrial area, he had McCabe relay the information. They’d be there in about five or six minutes. Hopefully, that was plenty of time for units to arrive and prepare to intercept. If not, then they would have to try again somewhere else.

Things got hairy a few times when Nunez tried to ride the shoulder to get next to them. But the asshole didn’t have the ‘oh shit’ driving experience that both the former SEAL and Secret Service agent had and couldn’t keep up. When they were about a half mile from where he hoped the cops were set up, Marco gave Foster a head’s up. “All right. It’s the next exit coming up. Ride his driver’s side and force him down the ramp. As soon as you’re sure he’s committed, slam on your brakes. After I pass them, the cops should be throwing the spike strip.”

Marco had actually done a similar scenario about two years ago when Brody and he had been chasing a guy on the U.S. government terrorist watch list. They’d spotted him after the geek had picked Marco up at the airport. It had been sheer coincidence they saw and recognized the member of al Qaeda from the alerts they got from Uncle Sam on a regular basis. Surprisingly, the takedown had gone without a hitch and he prayed this one had the same results.

Making it obvious he was taking the exit by slowing down a little and putting on his blinker, he hoped the idiot didn’t realize it was a trap until it was too late. Hitting the ramp at about thirty miles an hour over the suggested speed limit, he was thrilled to see their backup had arrived and were all set. As soon as he passed the cop partially hidden by brush, the man stepped forward and threw the spike strip, designed to blow the suspect’s tires, across the road. Marco skirted one of the patrol cars blocking the bottom of the ramp and slammed on the brakes. Just as he expected the hole between the patrol cars closed up behind him.

“Harper, stay down until I come back for you.”

Not waiting for an answer, he grabbed his weapon and bounded from the vehicle. In the seconds it took for all that to happen, Nunez’s car had run over the spikes, blowing the tires, and the jackass lost control, slamming into the high curb, disabling the vehicle. Amidst the smoke, the cops were shouting at the suspect to show his hands, while their guns were trained on their target. Marco spotted McCabe and Foster high up on the ramp where another patrol unit had pulled in behind them. Both men were staying back, letting the cops do their thing, but remaining alert in case they were needed.

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