Watching You: KJ Elite Inc. (7 page)

BOOK: Watching You: KJ Elite Inc.
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“Um...” I bit my lip searching for the best, kindest brush off.

“Just one lunch. I promise I won’t call you again if you have a bad time.”

“I’m not really sure Jason, things with me and my life are a little bit more than complicated. Dating is just not something I’m interested in, now or in the foreseeable future.”  
Which means I am married to a man I’ll never be able to un-love and I am not interested in anyone else. Ever.
Not like I’ll ever have him back again either though. Sadness hits me in waves, then lingering lust and hope, then I shift it to anger to move on. This cycle has been through and through for the last, nearly, six years. It’s like I’ve been grieving a loss in my own way that I haven’t and can’t get over, as if it were yesterday, every time.

Someone started to talk to Jason in the background. “I’m sorry Taylor, I have to run but I’ll give you a call back in a bit, if that’s alright.” He hung up before I could answer and I turned instantly on Matt who wiped the grin off in record time. These two men apparently just don’t quit.

“I cannot believe you. I oughta shoot you just because.”


“Oh, no. No, don’t you act all innocent. He told me you gave him my number and suggested he call.” I pointed my champagne fingernail at him, real hard like.

“Okay wait, he was going to find you one way or another. He is very interested in you.”

“Yes, to be his next conquest or whatever, then he is going to move on to some beach bunny or groupie or whatever they are.”

“You’re the romance author, you tell me. Just give him one date, what can it hurt?” He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his coffee looking at me curiously over the lid. Sitting back into my couch, he looked way too giddy, like he was winning this argument. Maybe it was time for the truth for Matt. I swallow deeply.

“What part of maiden name didn’t you understand?”

A look flashed in his eyes and he paused a moment to think this over as if he had never given it a second thought.

“Well, I kind of figured with all of the, it’s a long story’s and I don’t wanna talk about it’s, that indicated it was more of a widowed situation or he was a piece of shit.” Valid thought. He gets one point.

“No to both.” I said simply.

“We will talk more about this one day, you know that right?”

I thought I was ready today but I’m definitely not and he’s giving me a free out. Maybe I’ll never be able to move on and talk about it. I’ve thought this over a million times in the silence and the answer is that, no, I’ll never be done or over Tommy Kane. Not even in my wildest, most farfetched delusions. The truth was, I would always be okay with that because Tommy was not a man I ever wanted to get over. Though on top of was a different story altogether.

“Why haven’t you just googled me if you know my maiden name?” The thought pops into my head instantly, fearing that I may have given too much away already but I need the answer in that moment, almost more than I need my next breath.

He gave me a sad look that turned hard and it could not have hurt more if he dug his hand into my chest and crushed my heart to dust himself.

“Because we’re best friends and that means something to me. I love you Tay and I would never invade your personal space like that. I may push and poke and prod with a lot of things but if you tell me no and I can see it’s a personal, no-go type situation, I leave it alone and wait for you to be ready. There is no other option as far as I’m concerned. It’s like one of your books; I fall so deeply in love with the characters, I
to know what happens, but I cannot skip to the end and figure it out. I have to read every word, feel every emotion, know every detail they exchange until I reach the end and learn it together with them.”

“Oh.” I was blown away by the depth and the love this man exuded. He just shrugs at me again, I assume to lighten the mood.

“I just always figured that you would tell me when you were ready. I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

“It’s not.” I said, entirely too fast. Without his words, I knew I hadn’t even fooled myself, let alone him.

“So, would you like a donut or a bagel?” Grateful for the subject change, I nodded vehemently in interest. He always had my back and always knew what I needed.

“Donut, please.”

He handed me a maple donut, my number one favorite and when I opened my mouth to apologize, he held up a hand and shook his head lightly.

“We’ll talk about it later. You’re still tired and we have a lot to do today.”

“Like?” I asked, mouth full of food. Which for the record, I would never do near my mother for fear of being targeted by her wooden spoon, that never broke in all of my 18 years at home.

“First up, a run. You’ve been sluggish lately and I wanna get some fresh air into you.” Back was his shit eatin’ grin.

“Ugh, but Matty, I don’t wanna!” I pouted and threw a hissy fit like a three year old.

“Too damn bad. Plus, that donut will put an extra 300 calories on you that you don’t need if you want to be lively and fresh.”

“Hey! You brought me that donut!” I exclaimed. The nerve.

“It was a trap.” He laughed grabbing the donut and bag and threw them away.

“You could at least let me finish it, meanie.” Seriously, with the double X chromosomes, I could whine and pout all day long before tiring. I think it is entirely fair when male’s come with all that hotness to tempt.

“You’ll thank me later. I’m only here to look out for you.” He winked then walked out of my room, calling after me, telling me to put on some running clothes.

“Jerk.” I breathed out, standing up.
“I heard that.” He yelled from down the hall in the living room. What the hell is he, a ninja? If my eyeballs could shoot daggers and they could go through the wall, I would seriously do some damage. It’s probably best I can’t though.


Matt ran circles around me as I power walked the trails in Central park. Okay, so I just walked, but there was some serious effort just in that.

“Come on, pick it up! That perky ass of yours cannot possibly be that tight and perfect without doing some physical activity.”

I opened my mouth, feigning shock. “So crude. You’d be shocked and appalled at what little activity I do. Why do you think I wear yoga pants and a tank top all the time? No one ever knows if I just rolled out of bed or stepped off the treadmill.”

He laughed a booming, comforting laugh and slowed to a walk beside me.

“What time is it?” I asked, possibly out of breathe.

He looked at his watch, “It is now... 8:30.”

“Good Lord almighty, what have we been doing for three hours?” I put my hands on my hips to steady myself. Seriously, three hours, doing what?

“Biding time.” That deep, silky voice answered, exhaling the lung full of air he was currently using to run up to us. “Sorry, I couldn’t get away.”

Before I turned around to see Jason, I slit my eyes and ran my tongue over my teeth, under my top lip as if to let Matt know I was on to him.

“I should have known better. In five years, we have never worked out together.”

He grinned and suddenly perked, “Oh, well would you look at that, I’ll be late for work and I haven’t even showered yet. Gotta run!” He waved to us, clearly amused, and ran off before I could kick him in the shins. I was sorely tempted to run after him. Who was I kidding, I wouldn’t run. If I was running and you saw me, you should probably run too, because chances are about absolute that I’m being chased by either a zombie, bear or… yeah, that’s about it.

“I take it you did not know I was coming.” Jason asked looking at the ground, a little regretful. Damnit.

Turning to actually look at him, I really couldn’t understand what was with my lady parts, because the way he wore his tight workout shirt made to keep him dry and cool, clinging to his biceps, made him look like sex in a wrapper. Could you imagine if they sold those in a vending machine? I’d buy stock. That golden hair of his shone brightly, mirroring the sun, rising in the sky above. Jason flashed his pearly whites at me and if I were any other woman, as I am pretty sure he was currently hoping I was, I would have been melted to the spot.

“No, I didn’t. Matt left out that little detail when we left my apartment.”

“I’m not going to lie and say I’m upset because, you know, he’s helping me out.” He looked back up at me and beamed.

“I’m sorry. I know this is going to sound incredibly stupid and very rude to you...” I bit my bottom lip, shifted my weight around uncomfortably a few moments and looked back up, “But what is it you do exactly? I keep hearing you’re very popular with the ladies and such.”

He just laughed. And laughed. Then laughed a little more. I mean, it really wasn’t that funny. Sheesh.

“You know, that’s actually nice.” He appeared to blush a little.

“What is?” Now I was terribly confused and felt like an ass.

“Most of the time, I have people chasing after me because of what I do.” He visibly relaxed a bit and answered, “I’m an actor, by the way.” The biggest grin, I assumed he had in his arsenal, would not leave his face.

“Oh. I’m truly sorry. I’m just so much more of a book person. I don’t know who anyone is in ‘the business’ really. I was forever lost in L.A and no better off here. Poor Matt and Jamie have to tell me who everyone is. I’m afraid I embarrass them terribly when they take me to events. When I am alone though, I at least have a clue by the red carpets and limousines. I really appreciate it when celebrities manage to blend in and try to remain anonymous.”

“How do you even make it?” He laughed almost incredulously.

“Well, it’s pretty easy. The more oblivious I am, the easier it makes it to do things. I am not tempted to run up and check out who it is if I see a bunch of paparazzi running around. I know to avoid that particular area. Kind of like I would do in this situation and feel terribly sorry for the unlucky woman who was being photographed enough to line around the world, at least ten times over.” I grimaced pointing my chin to the ever growing group 30 feet back from Jason. It just kept on growing like clowns hopping out of a circus car.

He turned to see what I was looking at and his smile suddenly faded. “I’m sorry! Let’s get out of here.”

Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me through the park out to where the cars lined up the curb. With someone behind us yelling at Jason, he ran faster and pulled me closer to him, searching for something or someone.

I laughed weakly and he looked over at me confused. “What’s so funny?”

“This is the kind of stuff that only ever happens in the movies... or a book! There’s no way someone could get into this situation in real life.”

my life. Welcome.” He waved at me with his free hand and I shook my head laughing more.

“I should hit you.”

“Why? What did I do?”

“Thanks to you, my mama called me at 5 this morning about why I was on the cover of every website and magazine as, and I quote, ‘Jason Henderson’s bimbo of the week.’”

“Well, you’ve been promoted. Usually it’s bimbo of the hour. I’m impressed, they must like you.” He ribbed and looked at me, fascination blooming on his handsome face.

“You couldn’t keep me for a week, even if I let myself be caught.” I half-joked.

“Oh, snarky are we?” I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not because he was glancing toward the street, his eyes darting from side to side, searching.

“Where are we going or what are we looking for?” I asked, realizing we were still running along with his eyes on the street again.

“That.” He pointed to a shiny black stretch limousine and gestured for me to hop in as we approached it. His driver was already waiting for us as he saw us running toward the vehicle.

“Thank you Frederick.” He said politely, jumping into the back of the limousine behind me.

Once inside I realized I probably made the biggest mistake by obliging and getting in a vehicle with him, especially with an army of paparazzi on our trails.

“Well, thanks again. I’m sure my mother will be calling me again shortly.” I said rather snippy like and regretted it immediately.

“You can give her my number if you’d like.” Jason replied to me kindly and with a matter of fact look to him. I eyed him cautiously. Was he crazy or just stupid? In his defense though, he really did appear to be a gentlemen, from what little I had seen of him.

“Yes, that is exactly what I want to do. They would eat you alive.” I laughed heartily, thoroughly impressed by his comment.

“They?” Jason kinked his brow at me.

“They as in my mother and her best friend who is a very close family friend and as close to family as you can get without the blood ties. Closer than you could imagine.” Why not have my own personal comments and jokes I can smile about to myself. “You don’t cross a southern woman or her mama. Don’t you know it’s the confession to having a death wish?”

He just smiled and pushed a red button on his door panel. “To Ms. Kane’s please, Frederick.”

As the car began to move smoothly forward into New York City traffic, his direction made me pause. ‘How do you know where I live?” With possible creepy stalkers about, you should always be cautious.

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