Wayward Soldiers (9 page)

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Authors: Joshua P. Simon

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Wayward Soldiers
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Most of the people working with Ira were who I expected, hard men formerly committed to Jareb. However, Reuma stood out amongst them as she came into view carrying an armload of wood. The former prostitute dropped the wood beside the edge of a ditch, pulled out a knife, and began sharpening the ends.

Dressed in a much more practical manner, she was proof that looks were deceiving.

“Looking good,” I said to Ira.

He turned, with a grin that, given the circumstances, would have seemed out of place on anyone else. “I doubt they’ll come again given the way they broke, but if they do, we’ll be ready.”

I pointed to Reuma. “How’d she do?”

He snorted. “I had my doubts when you first assigned her to me, but she more than held her own. She’s crafty. Knows how to use what she’s got. Earned a lot of respect from others too. Makes me glad I never mistreated a whore before. I could have been in for a surprise had I.”

“You seem to be in a surprisingly good mood.”

He wiped his brow. “Not good so much as comfortable, I guess. The world may have changed on us, Ty, but making war is always the same. I don’t know how to live in a new world. A world of war and fighting, though, like this,” he said gesturing, “I think I’ll manage.”

“That’s a sobering thought.”

“Am I wrong?”

I thought about how comfortable I had been directing the town in preparation for the attack. Even during the assault, I was never too rattled, slipping into a familiar skin I had worn too many times to shed. The life I had lived for ten years wasn’t quite ready to let go of me it seemed.

“No. Just sobering.”

He spat. “We’re just about done here. What else do you want me working on?”

I gestured to a side street filled with the bodies of raiders. “Make sure we’ve gathered up all the bows and recover as many arrows as possible. We didn’t have many to begin with. Give everyone capable of drawing a bow their own weapon. If the raiders come back, I don’t plan on luring them into anything. We’ll try to pick them off from a distance.”

“You got it.”

Ira didn’t move though. He probably knew I wasn’t quite done. Probably something about the way I kept staring off down the road from whence the raiders left.

“When Sivan’s report is what I expect, we need to get ready to leave.”

“Everyone?” he asked, eyes drifting over to people in town working.

“Whoever is interested in coming. Zadok already put that out there. Hard to take it back.”

“I thought you might say that.”

“You don’t agree?”

He shrugged. “Not my place. You’re the leader.”

“We’re not in the army anymore, Ira. You don’t have to do what I say.”

“I didn’t have to then. I could have just gutted you and thrown you in the latrine. I chose to follow you, just like I choose to follow you now.”

I stared off at the bend in the road. “We’ll need to do something about the bodies we used for our welcome party before we head out.”


“People won’t be keen on leaving them like that. Especially since I never really told them exactly what I used them for.”

“You think they’d care considering it saved most of their lives?”

“You know how people are.”

He spat. “Yeah. They usually aren’t worth much.”

I watched Ava walk to Nason. She squatted beside him and wrapped him a hug. Zadok joined in and all three embraced in a moment of mourning.

My chest tightened. There was a lot of truth to what Ira said. For the most part, people weren’t worth much. I had seen plenty enough examples of poor behavior in the army and more since leaving. However, it was good to know that despite the poor behavior people easily slipped into, we could still show kindness when it mattered most.


Sivan returned with news that the raiders showed no signs of mounting another assault. However, that didn’t stop me from taking further advantage of the old tailor’s skills as a scout. I had him shuffling in and out of town, checking all the major ways of approach through the evening and into the night, resting only when I had Ira take his place.

By morning, I felt confident we were in the clear as the raiders had broken camp and moved away from Denu Creek.

While I ran Ira and Sivan ragged scouting, I helped bind the wounds of the injured, eased the passing of the dying, and offered a shoulder to those mourning.

In the meantime, I set Dekar in charge of organizing those planning to leave Denu Creek with us. People piled supplies into the backs of wagons and rounded up any animal they could find. We readied the animals in the best shape for travel. The rest we slaughtered and salted for the journey.

Those who had chosen to stay behind watched the activity with confusion as if they couldn’t believe we really planned to leave. It didn’t take a genius to see there’d be yet another confrontation with those citizens before we made our exit out of town. A part of me wanted to see to that situation before it happened, but after the battle with the raiders and everything that came afterward, I just didn’t have it in me to be that proactive. I wasn’t even sure how I would prevent it anyway. Besides, too many other items occupied my list of things that needed doing.

One of those things was keeping an eye on Jareb. He and a few of his buddies slid into town once more, holding private conversations with small groups of townsfolk who for some reason still listened to his nonsense. He didn’t try strong-arming anyone into listening, nor did he go after any of my family or friends so I didn’t have any reason to get involved with him yet.

Zadok wanted to help Dekar, but I convinced him to look after Nason’s kids while my childhood friend grieved his wife. Ava spent most of her free time trying to comfort Nason. I checked on her once, asking if we needed to trade places, but she said she had little energy to do much else other than listen.

It was a peculiar thing seeing Nason rest his head on my sister’s shoulder. By his own admission he said he once had a crush on her. Odd that a childhood crush would be there to see you through the death of the person you had planned to spend your life with.


Ira and Sivan rode into town just as the murky orange sunlight of dawn squirmed its way through the thick haze. They kicked up a cloud of dust in their wake.

I met them on foot. “Well?”

Both men climbed down gingerly from their tired mounts, Sivan more so than Ira.

“No sign of them in any direction,” said Sivan. Bags rested heavily under the old man’s eyes.

It was a wonder he could stand considering how much I had pushed him over the last day and a half.

Unfortunately, that’s just the way things were. Any commander would always want their best person at work to ensure the job got done right. That worked out well for the person giving orders as it increased the likelihood of success. It didn’t usually work out so well for the best workers. Regardless of how much praise and reward a commander heaped upon them, it was easy for them to feel overworked and underappreciated. I wonder if that was why Balak never made much of an effort to show appreciation to anyone. It simply wasn’t worth his time since he figured in the end it would never be enough.

Thankfully, Sivan showed no signs of bitterness. I had to be careful not to work him so much I caused them.

“Not even a single scout of their own,” added Ira while rubbing a dirty hand over a sweaty face, leaving behind a brown streak of grime.

“How would you know that?”

“By myself, I might not. But the old man is good. We rode some together before splitting off. He picked out signs I didn’t even know were there. I’d reckon he’d give Hamath a run for his money.”

I raised an eyebrow at that. Hamath had been one of the best scouts in the army. If I hadn’t made such a fuss about needing him in my unit, General Balak would have pulled him to take fuller advantage of his talents. We eventually compromised by having Hamath train the scouts for the Turine army in between missions assigned to my unit.

I turned back to Sivan. “You look exhausted.”

He smiled. “I am.”

“Hand off your mounts. Then get a bite to eat. I’ll see Dekar clears off a spot in the back of one of the wagons for you to rest while we travel. Ira, I’ll see you get a chance to rest a bit later.”

I was waiting for the typical complaint from Ira about why he had to wait to get his rest, and how I overlooked him again. He didn’t.

He did pause briefly before leaving. Nothing more. I guessed he saw how tired I was too and knew even the best of jokes or most outrageous of complaints would be wasted.


Mayor Rezub hustled toward me. I gave him a half-hearted wave as I took a few steps forward.

Not long ago, Rezub had been part of a group trying to arrest me. I didn’t hold it completely against him as I knew how tight of a grip Jareb once had on Denu Creek. Rezub had since been distancing himself from Jareb and making decisions like he actually ran the town in more than just name.

“What can I do for you mayor?”

“I just got back from talking to Dekar. He said you’re still planning to leave today.” He said the last word like it was a joke, something he must have misheard.

I let out a long sigh. The confrontation I expected was coming earlier than I had hoped.

“Why do you look surprised? We made it clear yesterday what our intentions were and Dekar’s been gathering supplies and organizing those coming with us for awhile now. You think all that work last night was for show?”

“No. But today? What about the raiders?”

“Sivan and Ira said they’re gone.”

“What if they come back?”

“I suggest everyone not be here. I’m sure they’ll be less amiable than before.”

“See. I told you! Running out on us when things get tough,” said a voice that made the hair on my neck stand up.

Jareb had snuck his way around a pile of debris. A few of his loyal lackeys trailed him.

He had come into town not long ago, claiming that a smaller band of raiders attacked his property about the same time we fought ours which was why he couldn’t help in defending the town limits of Denu Creek. According to the story, of which I believed not a word, Jareb and his men dispatched the men quickly and without suffering any losses.

It was obvious he had come into town now that the danger was gone in an effort to regain control of the people. His shouting caught everyone’s attention.

“One of my men overheard Tyrus talking to his friend after the battle,” he continued as his audience grew. “One of the brothers. They did know some of those raiders. I wouldn’t doubt if he let the others get away on purpose. Maybe he plans to meet up with the survivors and take command. Then he can reap the spoils for himself.”

Ira appeared at the edge of the townspeople. Calmly, he drew his sword and started walking to Jareb. The man’s eyes widened and he took a step back as his men drew steel.

“See! He knows it’s true and wants to shut me up,” said Jareb.

“Ira,” I said without shouting.

He stopped and gave me a look. “C’mon, Ty. Three fists in the face and he still ain’t learned a thing. A taste of steel should teach him to hold his tongue.”

“Let it go,” I said.

It was one thing if Jareb had died while attacking me. People would view it differently if I went after him. People whose opinions I cared about. Like my kids.

Ira sheathed his sword. “If you change your mind . . . .”

“Then I’ll just do it myself,” I said in a low voice.

He grinned.

I addressed the townspeople. “I’ve said this before, but apparently some of you just don’t get it. Jareb’s a lying, obnoxious mule who wouldn’t know his manhood from his little toe if it wasn’t between his legs.” There were a few snickers at that. I saw Jareb ready to reply, but kept going before he got a word in. “Still, if you want to follow him, be my guest. We’re leaving. Those interested can come along. You don’t have to stay with us for the entire journey. You can leave the group whenever you want. But if you do come, then you do things my way.”

No one seemed upset by my terms so I continued.

“If you can’t handle taking orders from me because of rumors, you’re a fool. If all that I’ve done for this town hasn’t been enough to prove what kind of person I am, I hope you rot with Xank. You definitely deserve to suffer the same fate as this idiot,” I said, pointing to Jareb.

Townsfolk exchanged looks, some angry, some ashamed.

I continued. “If you decide not to join me on the road, here’s a bit of friendly advice. Don’t stay in Denu Creek. There won’t be enough of you to defend what’s left. Take this chance to start over somewhere else.”

Heads swiveled, eyes searching for answers in the faces of their neighbor. Whispers followed. Conversations began. The choice seemed simple to me, but based on the lack of certainty many wore, it seemed my little speech had gone in one ear and out the other for some.

Sadly, I wasn’t surprised.

Nason pushed his way through the townspeople and grabbed their attention. He looked awful, eyes red from sorrow.

“I don’t know why this is such a hard decision for everyone,” he began. “Tyrus is right. My wife died, but my children are alive. That’s because of him. Even if those same raiders never return, eventually others will come. What will you do then? Turn to Jareb?” He spat. “Where was he during the fight? Does anyone really believe his dumb story? He was hiding! Again! Just like he hid after the second eruption when we were trying to save people. Had he and his men chosen to stand with us in both instances, more of our loved ones would have survived.” He stared daggers at Jareb then left.

For once, Jareb said nothing. It was probably the smartest decision he could have made. No way would he have matched Nason’s raw emotion in a rebuttal and he had already made his point known. Best just to see how things played out, and perhaps speak with others in smaller groups rather than make a greater scene.

Someone in the crowd shouted “Where are you going when you leave?”

It was a good question since I hadn’t discussed a final destination in detail with anyone, even my friends and family. I wasn’t necessarily trying to hide my intentions. We had just been a little preoccupied, and the last thing I wanted to do was raise more questions.

I said, “The Southern Kingdoms.”

As expected, people gasped. “That’s crazy!” someone shouted. “Count me out,” said another. “Why would anyone want to live among those people?” another asked.

Those people? Anger swelled inside of me even though I expected the reaction. Still, the disdain in many of their voices nearly caused me to draw my sword.

The Southern Kingdoms were made up of people primarily with dark skin, some as black as night. Those people were Lasha’s and they shared the same blood as Zadok and Myra.

I managed to refrain from disemboweling anyone by simply walking away.

My reaction stifled the conversations.

“Where are you going?” someone asked.


“But we haven’t made our decisions yet.”

“I don’t care. I’d rather not bring along a bunch of bigots with me anyway.”

The blacksmith, Sered, came up beside me with his head down, looking humbled. The man had once turned away my business after learning about my military experience. He wasn’t my favorite person in the world.

“Wait, please. We’re sorry. We didn’t mean to offend you. Your announcement just caught us off guard. Can you at least tell us why you’re going so far south?”

I gestured in the direction of Hol, then made a waving motion in the air, emphasizing the haze hanging all around us. “I thought that would be obvious. I want to get as far away from Hol as I can. Things could still get worse.”

“How do you know that?”

I stopped myself from looking at Ava. I didn’t want people to start bugging her with questions. It was bad enough I had to deal with them. No reason to bring that misery to my sister.

“I just do.”

“Why the Southern Kingdoms then? Why not just go east to Bozrath or Kartan?”

“I have my reasons. Maybe I’ll choose to share them later, but now isn’t the time. I’m irritable, exhausted, and just plain tired of justifying my decisions to people who have treated me and mine so poorly. All you need to know is that I’m heading south. Any other information will come up once we’re on the road.”

I walked away once more.

“When do you leave?” Rezub called to my retreating back.

Without turning I said. “One hour. And I wait for no one.”

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