Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (38 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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Shifting his weight to he
r side as he withdrew,
he slipped his left arm under her neck, his right around her body and pulled
her to him. Her arms came around him as she nestled against his neck letting
her breathing slow to its normal rate.

“How are you doing?” he asked, his hands
tracing the line of her spine.

” she answered
” she continued then wriggled herself
away from him a little
. “You’
re like a hot water bottle
” she explained.

“Did I hurt you?”

” she smiled
“I never imagined it would feel like

raised his eyebrows questioningly “Like
what?” he asked “You’re giving me performance anxiety

“You were great
” she assured
“Of course, I have nothing to compare
it too
but to me it
felt great

“Thank God for that
” he rolled onto
his back
“I though
t it was pretty damn great too

“Kiss me

he demanded.

He rolled back towards her, propping his body up on his left elbow and
she raised herself to meet his kiss. He eased his body towards her once again
as they kissed, his free hand stroking its way up
side, caressing the back of her arm before using his superior weight to
overbalance her and put her beneath him.

“Again?” she asked as she felt him harden against her, he nodded, smiling
“So soon?” she asked again.

“Hey, I’m eighteen remember
I’m in
my prime
” he laughed
but his hand
was between her legs, encouraging her to open to him, followed swiftly by his
change of position as he entered her for the second time that night.

They lay together in quiet conversation, the heat of the moment dying aw
ay, causing her to shiver and press herself closer to his
warm body

“Tired?” she asked.

” he replied his
hand idly stroking her side.

“Better blow out the candles
” she made to
move away.

“I’ll do it
” he slid from
the bed and proceeded to snuff out
the candles.
Watching him in this light, Angel really wished she had her sketch pad handy,
she would persuade him to let her draw him.

“You’re quite comfortable being naked aren’t you?” she observed.

“I have no reason not to be
” he replied
“You are hardl
shy about it”

“That all depends who I’m with
” she answered honestly
comfortable with you


e sat down on her side of the bed,
stooping to pick up the champagne glass he’d dropped on the floor earlier. The
only candle left alight was the o
ne on the bedside
chest; he bent to blow it out.

“Leave that one for a bit
” she said, her
hand resting on his thigh
“You are the
first man who has seen me completely in the nude
” she told him
“I’m glad I waited for you

he sat up, reaching to pull hi
m into a kiss.

He responded to her kiss, turning towards her, coming up onto his knees
edging closer to her
he again pushed her back onto the bed,
his body alive once more. Sitting back on his knees, he encouraged her to turn
onto her stomach
Leaning over her, he pressed
his weight on
her back, his mouth kissing the nape of
her neck as his legs parted hers and he slowly eased into her hearing her gasp.

She felt his hands beneath her hips, pulling her up onto her hands and
knees. Oh, this fel
t good, she couldn’t help herself,
even though he was being encouragingly gentle, she began to ram her body back
onto his. His hands were grasping her hips, balancing himself and pacing her, a
loud groan escaped her when one of his hands came around her be
lly, sliding along her engorged clit, her orgasm
instantaneous, then his body was pressed to her back, one hand between her
breasts, keeping her firmly against him as he quickened his pace only moments
before he came, his breath warm on her back. He leaned
forward, both hands supporting his weight on either side of her, slowly easing
down onto the mattress on top of her, again kissing her, reassuring her. He
continued to kiss her back as he eased out of her.

“Stop turning me on like that
” he whispered,
answering chuckle pleasing him.

“Sorry, I don’t do it on purpose
” she grinned, now able to face him as he lay beside her.

” he said gently
“Now tell me you want to finish with me
” he referred to her earlier statement.

“Not until I have totally
used and abused you

“I’m all yours sweetie

He was alone in the bed when he woke. He stretched and laid on his back,
revelling in the memory of the previous night, the slow mo replay in his head
cut short by the urgent need to empty his bladder. On his
quick jog to his bathroom, he glanced into the living room
and noticed the door to his walk in wardrobe was open
his guess being that Angel was in

After relieving himself, he dragged his toothbrush around his mouth
before surveying the darkening b
ruises that now
covered both shoulders, lifting an arm, he examined the scratches across his
ribs and grinned, when he had her in full flow, he knew full well his skin
would be ripped to shreds, he couldn’t wait!

suspected, he
found her in his wardro
be, his grey shirt from the
previous night draped around her shoulders but being held open as she examined
her body in the full length mirror.

“Morning gorgeous
” he said as he
stood behind her his chin resting on her shoulder, his arms wrapping around her
“Whatcha doin?”

“Just seeing if I look any different
” she replied, her hand cupping her left breast
“When did you do this?” she asked,
displaying the rosy love bite on the side, he simply smiled and kissed her
neck, choosing not to answer, he instead s
around her.

“I really don’t think you have anything to complain about
” he said opening his arms and letting
her look at him
“I’m going to
have fun explaining these in the changing rooms
” he gestured to his various scratches
and bruises.

” s
he giggled
“Sorry, I won’t do it again

“Yes you will
” he stepped
closer, his hand sliding beneath the shirt and grasping her waist
“I like it
” he bent to kiss her
  “The shirt suits you
” he kissed her again
“But it would look better lying on the
oor at the side of the bed
” he had both arms around her by then,
his body rubbing against hers which responded in kind, her arms around his neck
as he lifted her and lowered her to the floor.

She pre-empted his intention to have a slow, long lasting sessi
on by grasping him as her back touched the floor and
guiding him into her, wrapping both legs around his back, her heels digging
into his behind as she encouraged him to take her right now, right this
instant, quickly, forcefully.

Gavin was ecstatic that h
e was able to be so
vigorous with her this soon, supporting his weight on his hands, his body
raised from hers, he thrust as hard as the cage of her legs would allow before
he noticed she seemed somewhat distracted.

“Do you want me to stop?” he panted.

at? No! Sorry
” she turned her attention back to him,
“I got caught up in how good we look together

“I agree, but can we talk about this later?”

“Yeah, sorry
” she propped
herself up to kiss him, the reflection in the mirror once more catching her
eye, s
he began to laugh sending shudders of mirth
down her body into her groin causing him to gasp.

“What now?” he asked exasperated, still rock hard inside her and wishing
she would stop messing around and let him continue.

“It’s a good job you don’t show your
bum in the
changing rooms
” she laughed,
he twisted to look at his behind

“I can’t see

“Mirror. Idiot
” still

“Bloody hell, look at my arse
” he started
laughing as he saw the crescent moon shaped gouges in his cheeks “I think you
forget that
I have to have showers with the guys on
the team
” he laughed
“Shit, they are going to rip the piss
out of me
” his laughter
coming in bursts. Angel gripped his arms and moaned.

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