We Are the Children of the Stars

BOOK: We Are the Children of the Stars
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The Bible constantly reiterates that “divine” intervention lifted stumbling mankind into the light. Can it be that starmen have been the “angels” and emissaries of God, in an indirect way, with the mission of creating human life on Earth?

Are we the “Sons of God” by virtue of colonization? Colonization by a people so highly advanced in morals, ethics, intelligence, and spiritual wisdom, that it is part of a Greater Plan than we know?

First published in 1974 by Fawcett Publications

Copyright © 2013 by Max Flindt

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Hampton Roads Publishing, Inc. Reviewers may quote brief passages. Originally published as
Mankind – Child of the Stars
, ISBN: 978-1-886940-06-2.

Cover design by Jim Warner

Cover art by
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Interior designed by StanInfo

Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.

Charlottesville, VA 22906

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ISBN: 978-1-57174-696-2

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data available upon request

Printed on acid-free paper in United States of America


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To my wife, Elfriede, for her patience, and to George Higer, without whose intellectual aid this book would have been impossible. And to all others who encouraged me in presenting this new theory.


To my wife, Ione, for her many secretarial aids, and to my collaborator, Max Flindt, whose brilliant new concept of mankind's origin inspired me in coauthoring this book.


“The proper study of mankind is man.”

– Alexander Pope

To the Authors

We search with humbled thoughts and reeling brains

For stellar footprints, cosmic legacy,

For signs of visitors from distant lanes

Who bred this race in dim prehistory,

And wonder if these watchers of the earth,

These strange observers from a stranger port,

Evolved us from the brutes to foster mirth,

Created us in fancy and in sport.

The mighty structures of a dateless age

That hold their stories thoughtfully concealed

May still become an open lamplit page

In which these riddles show themselves revealed;

And we, who strive to open and to rob

The secrets, face the laughter of the mob.


Table of Contents

Foreword by Erich von Daniken


Introduction: A Step into the Future

1 Evolutionary Clues

2 Space Clues

3 Planetary Clues

4 Fossil Clues

5 Hominid Clues

6 Homo Clues

7 Hairy Clues

8 Physiological Clues

9 Anatomical Clues

10 Sexuality Clues

11 Reproductive Clues

12 Brain Clues

13 I.Q. Clues

14 Cerebral Clues

15 Mental Clues

16 UFO Clues



by Erich von Daniken

What exactly is a scientist? A person who has run the course of a prescribed education and then belabors a certain discipline with scientific methods. The scientist becomes a specialist in his particular field when he engages in certain activities for several years, remains informed in his area of research, and, if possible, publishes something of his own in it.

The flow of information is so immense in the age of the media that every scientist is obliged to specialize. No one can any longer be sufficiently informed about everything. On the one hand, specialization leads to magnificent results, such as computer technology, landings on the moon, nuclear fusion. On the other hand, however, it harbors the danger of a simplistic perspective that, with the abundance of directed information, can lead to apparently well-founded yet erroneous conclusions.

Anthropology and prehistory are closely linked. The preparations for both branches of human knowledge run parallel up to the borderline that separates the specialists. The goals are well defined, the outcome predetermined by the training. The literature of predecessors to be consumed remains erratic while pointing the way to be taken. Where, then, is a well-ordered, concentric search for truth to be found?

Our historical past is composed of indirect knowledge. Discoveries of bones and tools, cave drawings, and so on, are incorporated into a research hypothesis. The jigsaw puzzle then becomes an impressive, interesting mosaic; but it is based on a preconceived notion into which all parts can be fitted – although the putty is at times all too clearly visible. Either, or . . . there is but one way. And that is it. But there we are; if one is willing to accept it, that is exactly the way it was supposed to be.

The scientific community is, in many respects, a secretive society. Its individual members “know” something, but they are not at all concerned about the fact that their one-sided information may merely give them the impression of being knowledgeable. And if their knowledge is ever attacked, familiar human defense reactions are set in motion: ridicule, arrogance, and the struggle for respect. After all, it is impossible that both parties could be right, assailant and assailed. And who wants to admit that he is wrong?

In this regard, the famous “scientific community” is actually a rather disjointed conspiracy. It has a restraining and destructive effect on new, possible truths. An unbiased attitude and objectivity are certainly promised but not practiced. Not one of us is ever completely objective, neither prosecutor nor defender. Specialization has made both camps far more subjective.

This book provides detailed evidence for the fact that
Homo sapiens
is not the product of natural evolution, and that human intelligence is not the result of a spontaneous mutation. Traditions, religions, and myths do, in fact, enable us to deduce that unknown beings – gods – created man “in their image.” Gilgamesh, in the Sumeric epic, is two-thirds human, one-third god. Noah, the biblical survivor of the Deluge, was, according to the Lamech scroll found near the Dead Sea, “the Guardian of Heaven (of the Skies).” The patriarch Enoch, who lived before the Deluge, unmistakably establishes this relationship between gods and men (Book of Enoch, Chapter 15):

Say unto the Guardians of Heaven . . . why have you forsaken the high, holy heaven above, lain with women, soiled yourselves with the daughters of man, taken wives as did the sons of the earth and sired giants? . . . You have . . . lusted for the blood of man and brought forth flesh and blood as do those who are mortal and perishable.

Can one,
speaking, overlook such crystal-clear passages? And around the globe, mythologies are filled with similar evidence.

I am one of those who must daily face arguments denying a visit by gods from our galaxy. The attacks are formulated in a “particularly reasonable” fashion, and behind them lurks knowledge as profound as gaping gullets. For scientific depth is onedimensional. Its counterarguments are rooted in
(literally, up-till-now) learning,
paleontological findings,
dating methods,
space travel. Interrelationships between all fields of knowledge and the easily anticipated technological future are never established.

In my correspondence, and in public, I debate with scientists. Our verbal battles are fair and honest. Yet they are not objective. Paleontologists generally know too little of man's record. And what they have never heard of they are not interested in. Myths and old books are rejected as fairy tales. They are terribly sure of themselves.

Can we, from an objective standpoint, simply ignore the old scriptures? Science should always get as close as possible to the truth. In the case here presented, the discovery of truth is rendered impossible by the mania for specialization. Thus, scientists can be accused of holding a channeled view –
their lack of knowledge in mythology.

And should someone raise the objection that our primitive ancestors saw God in nature – in clouds, lightning, thunder, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, the sun, the stars, and natural catastrophes – this comfortable view in no way rhymes with the cave paintings that make no gods of natural events. And how dare chroniclers assure us that the gods created man “in their image”? If God was believed to be a natural event, the most stupid of our ancestors could not have thought of himself as “God's image.” And those who thousands of years ago mastered the art of writing were not of the dumbest kind.

May the debates evoked by this book make tumultuous waves. I know of no work since Darwin's that deserves as much attention regarding the evolution of man.

Translated by


(Many of the following received Max Flindt's original pamphlet,
On Tiptoe Beyond Darwin
, and kindly gave the author encouragement in producing this expanded book).

With deep gratitude to the late President Lyndon B. Johnson (who sent us his new book in return); to Nobelists Dr. Glenn Seaborg, Dr. Edward Teller, and especially to Dr. Melvin Calvin for his warm personal interest. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation to these faculty members at their respective universities: Professor Emeritus Percy Baumberger, Professor White, Dr. Olds, Dr. Krupp, Dr. McClenahan. Dr. Borovsky, Dr. Sowers, Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Milleron, Dr. Leong, Dr. Voelker, Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Berryman, Dr. & Mrs. Davenport, Dr. Elizabeth McComb. Thanks also to Dr. John Foster, Department of Defense, and to the Honorable Richard Marriot, mayor of Sacramento.

Very especially, Erich von Daniken has been a fabulous pillar of strength, believing that this book's anthropological and his archeological approach together strongly bolster our common theme of extraterrestrial visitation of significant proportions in mankind's past.

Credit for various aids and approving comments must also go to Arthur C. Clarke of England, and to Phil and Kathy Diacanoff, Mr. & Mrs. Francis McCarthy, Addie and Cray Lange, Pat Pope, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Feagans, William Ruenie, William Phillips, Mr. Garden, Bernie Ellis, Mr. Bartlett, Henry Ponleither, Miss Tremaine, Dick James, Wes Barry, Cledith Jones; and finally to our parents, various relatives and friends, and dozens of others. Those not mentioned for lack of space (
you know who you are
) nevertheless merit our thanks too.

In no way are any of the above named responsible for the final contents of this book. All the ideas, theories, and conjectures are solely those of the two authors, and must not be construed as being endorsed by any person to whom we've extended our thanks for encouragement, information, and scientific comments.

A Step Into the Future

This book is concerned with the strong possibility – almost a probability, in our measured opinions – that mankind on Earth may have had superintelligent ancestors from outer space. Man may therefore be a hybrid, partly of terrestrial origin, partly extraterrestrial. There exist an incredible number of amazingly persuasive “proofs” in support of this theory, which are duly presented in the pages ahead.

We sincerely feel we have dramatic evidence – very nearly proof – that will hopefully make a never-to-be-forgotten impact on the mind of the reader. An impact that will even affect scientific opinion, eventually.

Those proofs or evidence of the theory's validity will be found virtually everywhere around us – in our bodies, our brains and minds, our histories, our archeological and anthropological pursuits, and in many other unexpected areas of the humanities and sciences.

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