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Authors: Marcus Brotherton

We Who Are Alive and Remain (41 page)

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Pearl Harbor and enlisting
post traumatic epilepsy
waiting on a log incident
Lugers captured by Americans
Luz, George, Jr.
Luz, George, Sr.
accidental death
background of
Bronze Star
death of
family of
humor, sense of
memories of my father by Lana Luz Miller and George Luz, Jr.
Purple Heart
reunions and
tribute to
Luz, Steve
Lyall, Clancy (Sergeant)
background of
basic training
Bastogne (Belgium)
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
Carentan (France)
coming home
concentration camps in Germany
daylight vs. nighttime jump (Operation Market Garden, Holland)
drinking problem
drop zone, missed
faith of
family of
father in 92nd General Hospital (England) with Lyall
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
future that nobody could prepare for
Germany, meeting a defeated aggressor
Hagenau (France)
Heineken beer factory (Operation Market Garden, Holland)
heroism, thoughts on
Island, defending the (Holland)
Korea, landing in a rice paddy
machine gunner
Mae West experience
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
Recon units
shooting to wound, not kill
stamp collection from Berchtesgaden (Germany)
Ste. Mère Église battle
survivors vs. heroes
tea times of British during fighting (Operation Market Garden, Holland)
today, getting through
urinating to stay warm and warm up M-1s
machine gunners
Malarkey, Don
Malmédy massacre (Belgium)
Mampre, Al (Staff Sergeant)
Aldbourne (England)
background of
Bastogne (Belgium)
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
bobcat, jumping with
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
faith of
family of
freedom, lives in
heroism, thoughts on
humor (sense of), importance
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
Stotchmen and Americans
trading uniforms with a German kid (joke) in Bastogne (Belgium)
unexplained things in combat
Mann, Bob
march to Atlanta
Marmion Farm (German headquarters and supply depot) battle
Martin, Johnny
Massaconi, Mike
Mather Field (California)
Mattheson, Sal (General)
Matz, Father Leo
Maynard, Bill
McAuliffe (General)
McClellan Air Force Base (California)
McClung, Earl “One Lung” (Corporal)
Aldbourne (England)
Atlantic crossings
Austria, last duties in
background of
basic training
Bastogne (Belgium)
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
Carentan (France)
combat vs. garrison soldier
concentration camps in Germany
drop zone (Normandy-day), missed
family of
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
future that nobody could prepare for
Germany, meeting a defeated aggressor
heroism, thoughts on
Indian heritage
invincibility feeling of
Island, defending the (Holland)
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
potbellied stove in boxcar (France)
R&R in Mourmelon (France)
smelling Germans, ability to
Ste. Mère Église battle
survivors vs. heroes
McGonigal, William, Jr. (Private First Class)
Bastogne (Belgium)
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Foy (Belgium)
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Meehan, Thomas (First Lieutenant)
Mellett, Frank
members of Easy Company, known
Memmingen (Germany)
memories of my father
military as heroes
Miller, John (Private First Class)
Miller, Lana Luz
Miller, Nate
money (extra) for paratroopers
Moone, Donald
Moorehead, Harvey
Morgan, Sir Frederick (British Lieutenant General)
Morris, David
Mount Currahee run, Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Mourmelon (France)
Moya, Sergio (Private First Class)
Muck, Warren “Skip,”
Muhlhausen (Germany)
Murray, Elmer, Jr. (Sergeant)
Myers (Major)
Nazi Regime.
Germany; Hitler, Adolf
Neitzke, Norman (Private First Class)
Austria, last duties in
background of
basic training
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
coming home
concentration camps in Germany
death of
family of
freedom, lives in
German relatives, meeting
Germany, meeting a defeated aggressor
guard duties with German MPs in Austria
guard duty in Hagenau (France)
Hagenau (France)
heroism, thoughts on
hitching ride with Germans in Austria
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
SS troops, executions
Newman, Paul
nightmares from World WarII
“night of hell” in Foy (Belgium)
Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Normandy (D-day).
See also
Carentan (France)
Nuenen (Netherlands)
Nuremberg trials
“Nuts,” McAuliffe to German surrender demand at Bastogne (Belgium)
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
olive drabs (ODs)
Omaha Beach
101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles,”
See also
Easy Companyh
Parachute Infantry Regimentt Airborne
Operation Market Garden (Holland) .
See also
Island, defending the
Order of William (Dutch) for 101st Airborne
Owen, Richard (Sergeant)
P-47 fighters
P-51 Mustangs
“Paper Doll” (Black, recorded by Mills Brothers)
paratroopers (airborne).
See also
Easy Company h Parachute Infantry Regimentt Airborne
all-volunteer program
best-trained soldiers
“blousing” pants
camaraderie of
combat, length of
fighting and
job of
money (extra) for
patriotism (USA)
Patton, George S. (General)
Peace Woods, Bastogne (Belgium)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting.
See also
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Penkala, Alex
Penkala, Tim
Pepping, Ed (Private First Class)
Aldbourne (England)
Apollo project
background of
Bronze Star
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
Carentan (France)
catapult made from trees
close-order drills
Croix de Guerre
faith of
freedom, lives in
future that nobody could prepare for
heroism, thoughts on
mattresses, jumping off
Normandy (D-day)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
Purple Heart
Perconte, Frank (Private First Class)
Atlantic crossings
background of
Bastogne (Belgium)
family of
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
Perconte, Jack
perspective, Easy Company
Perugini, Philip
Pickel, Roy, Sr.
pockets, sewing extra into uniforms
point of embarkation (POE)
point system for discharge
poker playing
Polish Armed Forces
Powers, Darrell “Shifty” (Sergeant)
Aldbourne (England)
Atlantic crossings
Austria, last duties in
background of
Bastogne (Belgium)
beaches vs. jumping in (Normandy-day)
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
car wreck in Austria
cravings (food)
family of
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
grenade and poker playing
heroism, thoughts on
jeep incident at Normandy-day
Normandy (D-day)
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
R&R in Mourmelon (France)
Sobel (Captain) and
survivors vs. heroes
Powers, Jake
practical jokes during training
Presidential Distinguished Unit Citation for 101st Airborne
Purple Heart recipients
push ups
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Mary
Quick Bear incident in Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
quit wall
Rader, Bob
Randleman, Bull
Ranney, Mike (Sergeant)
Ravenoville (France)
reenlisting after World War
retreating American soldiers, Bastogne (Belgium)
Ridgway, Matthew (Major General)
Riggs, Carl (Sergeant)
Robert, Joel
Roberts, Murray (Staff Sergeant)
Roe, Gene
Rogers, Paul
Rooney, Mickey
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President)
Rosenfeller, Peter
Ross, Ronald and Mary
R&R in
Mourmelon (France)
Russell, Virginia
ally and enemy
Austria and
prisoners of war (Russian) in Austria
Ryan, Buck (Captain)
Saalfelden (Austria)
Schellenberger (Principal)
Schwimmer, David
“Screaming Eagles.”
101st Airborne Division
2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry
See also
Easy Company h Parachute Infantry Regimentt Airborne
Shames, Ed
Silent Enemy
Sink, Robert (Colonel)
smelling Germans, ability to
Smith. T.
Smith, Robert Burr
background of
Bastogne (Belgium)
Camp Toccoa (Georgia)
CIA career
“company of heroes,”
death from lung cancer
Delta Force
“expert in violence,”
family of
Foy (Belgium)
game of avoiding bullets at Foy (Belgium)
Green Beret
hand gliding accident
jump school
memories of my father by C. Susan Finn
motivation for living
Normandy (D-day)
Purple Hearts
soldier, calling to be a
Southeast Asia and
Snider, Gerald (Private First Class)
“snowbanks” of German soldiers at Bastogne (Belgium)
Sobel, Herbert (Captain)
background of
Camp Toccoa (Georgia) and
fighting to win
memories of my father by Michael Sobel
selling of officer’s items and Sobel’s car incident
shooting close to Sobel incident in Aldbourne (England)
suicide attempt by
views against
views for
Sobel, Michael
Sobel, Sophia Rose
Soboleski, Frank (Staff Sergeant)
Atlantic crossings
Austria, last duties in
background of
basic training
Bastogne (Belgium)
Berchtesgaden (Germany)
bobcat vs.
boxing career
Soboleski, Frank (
butt on fire at Bastogne (Belgium)
coming home
concentration camps in Germany
cow pie landing (Operation Market Garden, Holland)
dappled-gray horse and purple top hat, Hagenau (France)
fallen comrades, helping
family of
Foy (Belgium)
freedom, lives in
future that nobody could prepare for
Germany, meeting a defeated aggressor
Hagenau (France)
heroism, thoughts on
Operation Market Garden (Holland)
Pearl Harbor and enlisting
Purple Heart
riding stable in Austria
R&R in Mourmelon (France)
saving a machine gunner’s life at Bastogne (Belgium)
“snowbanks” of German soldiers at Bastogne (Belgium)
surrendering by Germans
talking for dealing with war
visiting Europe after war
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