Weapon of Desire (18 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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Feeling tired
we wish everyone good night before making our way to Anthony’s room. Once alone we lay beside each other on the bed, talking about anything and everything. Anthony seems the most relaxed I’ve ever seen him, talking about his dreams for the future.

“Darcey, I have never travelled, I have always wanted to
sit on a deserted beach and see the blueness of the sea and feel the warm water bathing my feet. Ma was frightened that by owning a passport that her family in Germany would find us.” He looks up at the ceiling with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

“I want to watch the sun set over the sand dunes in Egypt while travelling in a hot air balloon. I have seen it on the TV and it looks glorious.” He smiles to himself and I love watchi
ng his inner happiness radiate in his face.

It then suddenly dawns on me that although this family lived happily for many years immer
sing each other in love, they’d actually led a frightened, reclusive existence as prisoners in their own home. What had Anna and Freya run away from in Germany? Why were they hunted?

I roll onto my side staring at
Anthony who I’ve fallen head over heels in love with and imagine packing him in a suitcase and running away.

“That sounds magical, maybe one day we can go to together.”



The sunlight filters through the shutters as I open my eyes to see Anthony peacefully sleeping with an arm still wrapped around my middle. I blissfully watch him knowing that I should treasure this moment ahead of the covert life I’m about to accept. This is the first morning without the raw memory of a nightmare and I wonder whether this is due to the medication or just because I feel safe in his arms.

I feel so lucky to be adored by Anthony and
I try to be optimistic about today and Colonel Garner’s arrangements for my new accommodation. I tell myself I’m strong and that there’s nothing to be frightened of. The thought of having my car returned sets off a flurry of emotions from renewed independence to dread and awareness that those men are still out there.

My brain kicks into gear
, planning a visit to my apartment to collect more items in preparation for work tomorrow. I wonder whether Nick would drive me if my car is not delivered this morning. I think about plans for the weekend, calling Mum to arrange staying over and offering to cook dinner on Sunday. I have yet to mention Sunday to Anthony and perhaps Tom, Nick and Freya would join him so I can say thank you for putting up with me.

Anthony stirs, squinting with one eye. “Good Morning Ms Brooks.” His hands wander in the direction of my hips,
fumbling and sliding me closer. “Did you sleep well?” His eyes are still narrowed attempting to adjust to the streaming day light.

“Very well thank you.” I weave my hands around his neck
revelling as our naked bodies press delectably against one another.

He rolls me over onto my back and widens my legs with his body cushioned in between my hips. His arms are pressed into the pillow either side of my head. He grinds his hips into me and opens his eyes staring down.

“So Darcey what else do normal couples get up to in the morning?”

My throat and mouth is dry as I lick my
lips, my hands leisurely patrol his buttocks as he squeezes tighter pressing me downwards.

“I wouldn’t know, I am far from normal, I like spontaneity and anything non-conventional.” I cheekily grin below him wiggling my hips to provoke
a response.

Mmm… so you like anything kinky… or… rude?” His hardening interest gives him away.

“Yes I suppose that’
s what I meant.” Running my hands up his back, I grasp his neck pulling him closer to my mouth.

Pulling away he frowns “I want to know
more about the kinky Darcey.”

“What would you like to know?”

“Exactly how kinky are you, are we talking apprentice, qualified or hard core expert?” Anthony’s eyebrows rise as I smile seductively.

Hard core!” I purr pulling him close again.

So how am I to know what you classify as hard core?” He grinds harder against my hips.

“Why don’t you find out?” I challenge him.

A knock at the bedroom door interrupts our game.

“Yes” Anthony barks holding his position with our eyes transfixed.

“Anthony, Detective Stevens is here with Darcey’s car.” Freya sounds fretful.

Anthony rolls his eyes and sighs with disappointment.

“I‘ll be right there.” He moves to the edge of the bed and I am treated to that heavenly rear view as he strolls to the bathroom grabbing his bathrobe and then throwing another across the bed to me. “Come on lazy, your kinkiness will have to wait.”

Detective Stevens i
s seated at the breakfast bar with a cup of coffee.

“Good Morning Ms Brooks, Mr Hunt.” He spins on the stool and stands to shake
our hands.

“Good Morning.”
I glimpse at the clock, it’s 9.15.

“Colonel Garner called to say that you’re moving to Dorton today and that you
’ll need your car. Sorry we took a little longer than expected.” He holds out my car keys.

“That’s not a problem; Nick has been
great escorting me around.” I’m immediately aware of our appearance together dressed in robes. Anthony becomes distant adopting his professional persona as he sits across the bar and collects a coffee. It feels so cold and I absolutely hate it.

“So how have you been?” the Detective s
eems chatty, more than when we’d previously met. “I suppose your boyfriend has been taking good care of you here?” He turns to address Anthony who is casually scanning the newspaper.

his head, Anthony smiles and coolly answers “Oh I’m so sorry to confuse you but I’m not Darcey’s boyfriend we are close work colleagues.”

Freya stares across the
orangery and notices the annoyance in my face. That comment is as sharp as a knife but I know I have to get used to it.

I take a deep breath and accept my role. “
Anthony and his family have been a great support while my boyfriend Daniel travels with work.” This is so peculiar and my brain is starting to short circuit.

“Well I’m pleased to see you’
re on the mend and ready to return to work.” He puts down his coffee cup and makes towards the door. “I suppose I should get back to work instead of enjoying a coffee break.”

Detective Stevens
sharply turns “Oh I nearly forgot, Darcey do you know of the Beust family in Germany?” I can hear Anthony folding the newspaper and standing straightaway.

“No, that name means nothing to me. Should I?” I am intrigued by this last minute questioning.

“They own the German company whom the Range Rover was registered to.” Steven’s eyes are skilled at reading body language as he ignores my reaction and focuses on Anthony and Freya. “Well I better be off.”

“Thank you for dropping by with my car.” Detective Stevens waves as I c
lose the front door, something tells me all is not well. I make my way bare footed back to the kitchen where I can just about distinguish Freya’s voice.

“Does Darcey know?”

I am struck with not knowing whether to enter the room. Anthony’s reply is low and deep. “No.” I want to listen for longer but I can see Tom and Ian striding across the front lawns coming towards the house. Tip toeing hastily I retreat upstairs closing my bedroom door behind me. The shower seems the perfect sanctuary to hide and think.

The water rains
down on my head as I try to puzzle out the connection. What is it that I don’t know?

“Darcey, I wondered where you’
d disappeared to. Do you want some breakfast?” Anthony slides back the shower door as I swivel to face him.

“Anthony, do you know the Beust family?” His face is
blank and it feels as though I don’t know him the way I thought I did.

“No of course not, we’ve never
met.” He moves towards the enclosed space as I pull the door shut.

“Liar, my brother introduced you a
nd Joanna to the Director of that German company in May this year.”  I am furious with myself for allowing him to mislead me.

“His name was not
Beust!”Anthony shouts standing the other side of the glass door. “He was Lukas Berg.”

m so muddled that I can’t respond. So what is it that Freya thought I knew but I don’t? How do I say I listened to your conversation?

Anthony opens the door again, drops his robe and steps inside. “If you won’t
talk to me from out there, I’ll come in here.”

We sta
nd staring at each other and I’m desperately yearning for his touch but still reeling about all of these secrets. My gut instinct tells me that he’s hiding something sinister.

uses his body to press me up against the tiles, holding my chin and aggressively delves his tongue into my mouth. Pulling back he searches my eyes “Darcey I know you’re hurting because of my performance down there but that’s all it was.
I love you
and don’t forget it.”

m shocked at his declaration of love but can’t measure his honesty as Freya’s words still ring in my head.

“Anthony, I heard your conversation downstairs…..” his eyes widen with surprise as water trickles over our heads. “I
f you love me, why are you deceiving me right now? We should have no secrets from one another.”

Anthony steps back with his hands rested on the wall behind me, staring at the water pooling on the floor. “Darcey, the least you know the better! I need
to protect you and my family.”

“Then how can I trust you?” Our eyes meet and I am unable to read his expression.

“You just have to Darcey; I’ll never let anyone harm you.”

“Anthony I
don’t question that but I need to know everything so I can trust you completely.” I pull away from his shielding arms and stand with my back to him directly under the flow of water.

when I know the time is right I’ll tell you but until then it is safer for everyone concerned to remain oblivious.” He doesn’t approach me, remaining still.

“If you
’ve nothing to hide, you’d tell the police the truth. They may be able to protect your family.” My mental reasoning reaffirms that it doesn’t take Einstein to work out that whatever Anthony is hiding must be illegal.

“They can’
t protect us from that family.” Anthony’s words are cold and conclusive.

I spin around opening my e
yes with fury “You said you didn’t know the Beust family!”

“Darcey, I didn’
t say that. Detective Stevens put the question to you. I know of the Beust family but I have never met them.” I reach for the door and Anthony holds it shut.

“Let me out!” My eyes are wild with anger.

“Not until you calm down and listen to me.” His arm still guards the door.

“I w
on’t have the police lead that family to my mother, they are ruthless killers.”

“So you think that ignoring them will work?” my sarcasm flows effortlessly as Anthony stares in astonishment witnessing for the first time the fiery bitch I have unleashed.

“Darcey, I found out about the family connections this week and instructed private investigators immediately.”

The realisation that Anthony has also been completely in the dark until this week highlights
to me my selfishness and ignorance towards his own personal turmoil and needs.  I step closer towards his wet body and run my hands softly down his face. “I’m so sorry for being such a self-centred cow.”

Anthony without
warning swiftly lifts me up cupping my buttocks as I wrap my legs around his waist. He is like a man possessed, smothering my mouth with his and slamming me up against the wall. His fingers wander eagerly under my thighs and skim my wet lips. Wasting no time he thrusts hard inside me, driving deeper with determination over and over. Our mouths are greedy biting and gliding over one another. My inner pulse quickens as I push my hips forward to take all of him.

My moans ar
e muffled as I nuzzle his neck. The frail invisible guard falls away, I am completely his as my danger sensor is blurred and tuned out. All I know is that I want him and I can’t stop my desires for Anthony to be inside me whether day or night.

I love you.” The words roll smoothly from my lips as my body takes wave after wave of pleasure.

He stops pulls back to look me in the eyes while still holding me firmly against the wall. “What did you say?”

I nervously repeat “I love you.”

Anthony grins as he
conquers my mouth with his probing tongue, circling his hips and thrusting harder. He stills “Tell me again.”

My lips caress his tenderly, mumbling the words in between each kiss.

“I love you, I love you!!”

His muscular torso glistens under the stream while my hands roam through his chest hair.
Lowering my legs to the floor his fingers meander up my back as I tip toe still tongue locked. Breaking our kiss he rotates me towards the wall, softly parting my legs and stroking my bottom, drawing me out and upwards. I feel completely exposed as the warm water lashes my back.

Again he is inside me, slowly building pace and
depth; I steady myself with palms down against the wall. Leaning forwards he whispers, brushing my ear sending shivers down my spine.

“Darcey I want to have
all of you.” A single fingertip circles my bottom and probes into the moist opening as he maintains his long deep thrusts.

Including here……. do you like me touching you here?”

My hand massages my clitoris as I search
sideways for his lips. Closing my eyes in a heightened state of pleasure my tongue glides over his mouth.

“Yes,” I murmur “Yes I like it
.” My legs are weakening as my orgasm builds.

Anthony’s finger delves deeper as his hips grind harder
sending mind blowing waves to my soul.

“Anthony” I cry o
ut as my orgasm explodes rippling through my body, taking every ounce of air in my lungs as I pant, pressing hard into the wall for support as he continues to pump. He pulls out breathing heavily then leans forward calling my name, driving his hardness in his hands until his warm juices spill over my back.

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