Web of Deception (12 page)

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Authors: Nina Blake

BOOK: Web of Deception
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Slowly, she crossed her legs, the split in her dress parting as she did so. Lifting one leg, she flicked the silver mules off her feet. First one. Then the other.

Kate was smiling, brea
thing through parted lips. She had him in the palm of her hand. At that moment, he couldn’t have moved even if he’d wanted to.

Sitting up, she reached behind her head and pulled the tie from her ponytail so her pale hair ca
scaded down against her shoulders. She shook her head and swept the tresses back.

“What are you doing all the way over there?”
she asked through lowered lashes.

The keys fell out of Daniel’s hands, the jangle as they hit the ground startling him. He ripped off his jacket and shirt and threw them on the floor. He took a step forward, then shucked off
his shoes and socks.

Dropping to his knee
s in front of her, he parted Kate’s legs and slid his hands along the length of her silky thighs, his thumbs slipping low between her legs. A small cry escaped her lips.

His hands slipped over the soft flesh of her hips, her waist and higher
until he cupped both breasts in his hands. No bra. He’d suspected as much. And no resistance.

As he massaged the firm flesh, she tilted her head back and pressed her chest towards him, letting out a low moan. If she thought this was good, he’d barely got started.

And he wasn’t going to waste any time.

Wrapping one arm around her, he covered her mouth with his, holding back nothing. Her lips already parted, he swept his tongue inside easily and rolled it against the softness of hers.

He slid the strap of her dress down her shoulder and slipped his hand under the fine fabric to caress the bare flesh of her breast. She fit into the palm of his hand perfectly and felt so good. Warm and soft and rounded. Just like a woman should.

He tweaked her nipple and felt her shudder beneath his touch, felt her pull away slightly as though she needed air. He wasn’t going to give her any.

She leaned back but he pressed himself closer to her, crushed his mouth against hers, refused to let her go. Then he reclined her down onto the bed.

He ravished her neck, peppering little kisses on the pale skin. His mouth travelled lower, along her collarbones,
until he felt the swell of her breast beneath his lips.

Hooking his fingers over the fine fabric of her dress, he pulled it lower to fully reveal the curve of her breast, pressed down by its own weight. Such beautifu
l breasts. So lush. So shapely.

And all his to do with as he wished.

He flicked his tongue across her nipple. She gasped. He took the succulent bud into his mouth and sucked gently on it, felt her heart beating faster, felt her writhing beneath his touch.

He wanted to pleasure her. In every way he knew.

His mouth still on her nipple, he pulled the skirt of her dress up higher. Over her thighs. Over her hips. One hand slipped lower so his fingers skimmed her bare stomach. She quivered beneath his touch.

He traced a line along the top of her panties, his touch feather-light as he brushed his fingertips over the silky fabric. Was it sheer? Had she been thinking of him when she got dressed that evening?

He kept caressing and stroking, taking pleasure at her quickening breath. Then he slid his hand under the fabric of her underwear and teased her with his gentle touch. She was ready.

kneeled on the floor between her parted legs. Her panties slid off with ease as Kate lifted her bottom to oblige.

He slid his tongue along her most intimate parts. Her breath quickene
d. He kept going. She gasped, then cried out. A long painful groan. She arched her back, then fell back onto the bed, her body twitching momentarily.

Eventually, she said,
“That was so quick, so intense…so good.”

“That was the idea,” Daniel replied.

Kate sat up, her hair disheveled. Although her underwear had disappeared, she was still wearing that damn dress. She slipped her hands behind her. Daniel heard the rasp of the zipper as it slid down so the bodice hung loose against her chest. She slipped out of the dress and slid herself higher up the bed, curling one finger to indicate for him to join her.

He didn’t need to be asked twice.

Daniel ripped off his trousers and boxers, his eyes glued to Kate’s wonderfully naked figure. He kneeled to the bed and made his way slowly along the length of her body.

Taking his time, he enjoyed every moment, every new body part he discovered. Pretty knees that he kissed, long thighs that he trailed his hands along. The curve of her hip, the dip of her waist and those lush rounded breasts. They were all there for his pleasure.

She cupped his chin in one hand, brushed her mouth gently against his, and reclined back onto the bed. Taking his weight onto his hands, Daniel covered her body with his.

Bare skin on bare skin. It felt so good
. His erection throbbed between them. He wouldn’t be able to wait any longer.

Suddenly Kate
pushed him off, rolling him over so she was on top. He didn’t have a problem with that. The only problem was that he felt like he was going to explode.

She straddled him, brushing
her breasts against his bare chest. It sent a signal straight to his groin. He couldn’t take much more of this.

He lifted his head and
said, “I want to be inside you.”

Kate looked up, her lips curling to a
sultry smile. She pressed his shoulders back down. She was ignoring him, continuing with what she was doing.

he trailed a line with her tongue towards his belly button. She peppered his abdomen with little kisses, her breasts brushing against his groin, driving him crazy. This was no accident. She knew exactly what she was doing.

she slid her tongue along the length of him. Deep sexual pleasure radiated from his groin throughout his body.

fingers were wrapped around him. She covered him with her mouth. Her hand felt so small but the power she had over him was enormous. His groin felt like it was ablaze.

He knew he
wouldn’t last. Knew it was only a few moments until…

His orgasm rocketed through him. His whole body was taken over by waves of intense pleasure. God, he’d needed that.

She reached across for some tissues from the bedside table, then lay down beside him.

His arm was already around her as he said, “You can see how badly matched we are. No chemistry at all. I didn’t feel a thing.”

She nestled her head under his arm onto his chest. “You know what that means, don’t you?”


“We need to do further research…Just to make sure.”

Kate kissed him gently on the mouth.

He slid his hand over her breast and massaged the ripe flesh. She had such an amazing body that wanted to bury himself deep inside her.

A bolt of excitement shot through him. He’d just had his release but he wanted her again. Now.

Wrapping both arms around her, he rolled her onto her back and positioned himself between her legs.

“Best to be sure,” he said, between kisses as he ravished her neck.

She moaned. Her little hands were on his erection as she slid his length inside her. She fully engulfed him.

deep groan escaped his lips. His whole body was simmering. Sexual heat surged outward from his groin. Dear God, he wouldn’t be able to hold back again but he’d have to try.

He began rocking gently inside her, heard her moan again. His movements became faster as h
e listened to her panting and felt himself getting hotter. He was on the edge when he heard her yell out his name, her secret muscles clinging to him.

That tipped him over. No holding back. One more stroke and waves of excitement ripped through his body.

And he wondered…

It was as if
he didn’t have an off switch. As if he could do this over and over again and get the same intense pleasure out of it every time. As if there would never be an end to it.

And he knew.

This was a woman who could satisfy him for a long time. A very long time.

Certainly long enough for what he wanted.


Chapter N


Kate Henry leaned forward off the wooden bench of her seat on the ski lift to slide onto the snow in front of her and head back onto the beginner’s run. Problem was that the snow was frozen from having being compacted by so many skiers, making it very slippery, especially for a beginner. Knees bent, she leaned forward to make sure she kept her balance.

Making her way onto the edge of the run,
Kate looked uphill to make sure she wouldn’t get in the way of other skiers coming down the hill, then shifted her gaze down towards the slope she was going to tackle.

She heard
the swish of snow being flicked at her feet as a pair of skis cut into the snow and turned her head.

“Where did you come from?” Kate asked.

Daniel slid his ski goggles onto this forehead. “From up the mountain. There’s a black run on the other side.”

“I didn’t even see you.”

“It’s lucky I spotted you then, isn’t it? I saw you in your lesson earlier on. You were very good. Easily the best in your class.”

Though not sure she believed him,
her lips curled to a smile. “I don’t know about that. But I’m feeling rather pleased with myself. When we got here, my aim was to be able to go down the beginners slope without falling onto my butt and I can do it.”

Daniel pointed his ski pole down the hill. “Show me what you can do. Lead the way.”

There was no doubt her achievements on the ski slopes weren’t as grand as his. Still, she was happy to show off her newfound skiing skills.

Kate made her way down the hill, zigzagging from one side of the run to the other as she’d been shown by her instructor. This was how the beginners skied down the hill.

As she slowed down to turn again, she heard Daniel calling out and stopped.

“Very good,” he said. “But this time let’s up the pace a bit. You can follow me.”

“You won’t go too fast, will you?”

“Faster than this.” He grinn
ed. “But not too fast.”

She nodded
and he sped off. Kate struggled to keep up with him as he skied down the hill with the ease of a seasoned professional. At one point, he slowed and looked back to see she was far behind so he stopped and waited for her to catch up.

Kate slid to a halt next to him. “That was too fast for me.”

He shook his head. “Kate, you can do it. I know you’re good enough. You’ve got to relax and let the skis take you. Trust me.”

No, I can’t. I’m not as good as you.”

“You can. Don’t think about it. Just do it.”

He placed his gloved hand over hers. If only she shared his confidence. She was reasonably good for a beginner but could she let rip and speed down the hill?

Everything she did was always well wi
thin the bounds of her skills. Though she tried new things occasionally, she so so rarely went outside her comfort zone.

Looking up at Daniel, she knew this was the time. Now or never. She nodded.

Daniel sped off again, zigzagging down the hill. And she did it. She kept up with him. The wind rushed past her, skis gliding along the snow, and she felt her heart beat faster. Felt the rush. Each turn was a little quicker than the next as they shot down the slope, building up speed.

Then she saw him signalling her, pointing straight down the hill. He wanted her to stop zigzagging and go straight down the middle like the professional skiers did. That meant going even faster.

Kate sucked in a deep breath, leaned forward a little more and skied straight down the middle right behind Daniel.

So this was what it felt like. Challenging. Exhilarating. It went straight to her head.

At the bottom of the run, Daniel pulled over to one side. Kate slowed and stopped beside him. He’d already pulled his goggles onto his forehead and she did the same.

He grabbed her shoulders and rubbed her arms. “I knew you could do it.”

She couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. “That was brilliant. I got such a buzz out of it.”

She’d loved the rush, loved pushing herself. And though it had probably been nothing for Daniel, for her it had been an adrenaline rush. An extreme.

“See what happens when you leave what the instructor said behind you, when you don’t worry about the way other people do it. You just let rip. You did it your way.”

Kate couldn’t stop grinning. She wasn’t sure she had done it

But it had been a heck of a lot
of fun.

*          *          *

Daniel stepped out of the shower, a towel around his waist. That felt better. Glancing across at the spa, he saw the water in the tub was bubbling furiously, nearly filled to the top. He was glad he’d started it running earlier. He couldn’t wait to get Kate in there.

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