Wedding Survivor

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Authors: Julia London

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The Wedding Survivor
Julia London

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty


Praise for Julia London's "fun and fast-paced adventure[s] of the heart"*


Miss Fortune


"Read this fun and fast-paced adventure of the heart. It will make you laugh, cry, and believe in the power of love."

*The Best Reviews


"With saucy wit, London brings her delightful trilogy to a triumphant conclusion, and her sharp, snappy writing style is the perfect complement to this deliciously entertaining story of a not-so-ugly duckling who discovers her own true worth."



Beauty Queen


"A wonderfully endearing heroine, a delightfully roguish hero, some sizzling chemistry, and writing that sparkles with sexy, sassy charm all come together beautifully in the second in London's fabulously entertaining Lear family trilogy."



"Another 'knocks your sox off' read… funny, sexy, and touching. Julia London's colorful characters and superb narrative make this one of the best books of the year."

Affaire de Coeur


"Showcases [London's] talent for depicting the progress of intimacy between
two equally strong and unpredictable lovers… the exchanges between Rebecca and
Matt are winningly fresh and funny throughout."

Publishers Weekly




Praise for


Material Girl


"Great characters, sassy dialogue, and a feel-good ending give readers everything they want in a romance."

The Oakland Press


"Julia London proves her outstanding writing talents as she goes outside the realm of the historical era to debut her first contemporary.
Material Girl
is a well-written novel, worthy of the hours you will devote to and savor reading it."

—Carol Carter,
Romance Reviews Today


"Simply irresistible. Precious. A polished gem… Julia London has been writing stellar books from the beginning with her historical romances, but
Material Girl
puts the
zing, ping, bang
on this contemporary romance for her readers."

—Suzanne Coleburn,
Reader to Reader


"[Robin Lear and Jake Manning] are as different as night and day, but go together like whipped cream and strawberries… you'll never get enough of them… The romance is great, the sex is fantastic… A number-one pick for your summer reading."

—Debbie Keppler,
A Romance Review


Material Girl
is so much fun, I couldn't put it down… Don't miss this extraordinary debut contemporary from a very talented author. 4

—Jennifer Russell


Praise for the novels of Julia London


"Few authors can pull you into the story like Julia London."

The Oakland Press


"Witty, absorbing… London's fast-paced narrative is peopled with colorful characters… and not without its fair share of thrills."

—Publishers Weekly


"Delightfully imaginative."



"Julia London gives you romance and adventure, thrills and chills, sensuality and compassion, and characters you will fall in love with." —
Romance Reviews Today


"A 'one-sitting' read that will take your emotions on a roller coaster ride. Very highly recommended."

Reader to Reader


"Ms. London writes so cleverly in all her work."

The Romance Reader's Connection


"Completely engaging and fun, as well as sensual and exciting."

All About Romance


"Exciting, romantic… hard to put down."

Under the Covers


Berkley Sensation books by Julia London








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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


Berkley Sensation edition / October

Copyright © 2005 by Julia London.

Cover photo by Gie.

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ISBN: 0-425-20631-9


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I would like to acknowledge the expert help of Denise Silverman, my friend and owner of Soiree, a premier wedding design and consulting service in Austin, Texas. When I couldn't imagine how any celebrity could spend a million dollars on a wedding, Dee could. With her help, I plotted a book and redesigned my own wedding in my head, only this time on a much grander scale, with lots of fancy food and killer cakes and of course, great shoes. Dee's services may be found at

I also owe a debt of gratitude to my good friend and fellow author, Kathleen Givens. When I called Kath and asked her if she would ferry me around L.A. for a few days so I could write about it, she never so much as blinked. It wasn't until we were stuck on the 101 or some other incredibly clogged highway that I realized what I'd asked of my friend. So my sincere thanks to Kath for remaining my good friend, even after I arrived in L.A. on a truckload of turkeys.

Chapter One

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