Welcome to New Haven (84 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“Shhh.” He said and brought his head above hers to look into her eyes. His pupils were large, and his face slightly flushed.

Alex was aroused as much as she was, and he was putting himself through it to tease
in return.

“I think I should test you.” He said with a smile as he caught his tongue between his teeth.

He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her, his tongue licking inside her mouth as if she were his last meal and he were starving.

Holly’s body craved his.

She wanted his touch, his mouth, all of him.

He still had her hands pinned, and she longed to grasp his silky hair, run her hands down his body, his perfectly formed arse and, yes, she wanted to touch him where she almost had the night before.

He pulled back from they kiss and licked his lips.

He lowered his head to the side of her neck and placed a featherlight kiss just under her jaw.

“Alex” she managed to whisper.

“Sí?” He replied.

Oh fuck

“You’re getting me too…
.” Her voice raised in pitch as he licked her collarbone.

“Disculpe. Yo no hablo inglés.” He whispered.

“Don’t do this to me.” She whimpered, even thought she really
wanted him to.

“No entiendo.” He chucked into her throat.

“Oh my God, Oh my God!” She whisper shouted.

“¿Qué parte del cuerpo es esto?” He used his low voice that rumbled through Holly’s lady parts like thunder.

“What? I…don’t know…what you said.” She said between pants.

“Esta es una prueba.”

“This is a…um…” Holly was trying to think as hard as she could whilst Alex was slowly and sensually assaulting all of her coherent thoughts.

“Test.” He finished for her. ”I asked you what body part this was.” He said as he gently nipped her neck. “If you get it right, I move onto the next. If not…” Alex gave her an opened mouthed kiss on her throat and she almost screamed.

She clamped her mouth tight, and the sound came out like a muffled ‘mmph’.

Her back arched and her hands opened wide before squeezing shut again, gripping Alex as hard as she could.

“Mmm. I like this.” He said as he lifted up to suck he lower lip. “I think I’ll win this fight.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“Now, Miss. Edwards…” He said as Holly’s mouth popped open in surprise. “Let’s begin.” He lowered his head to her neck again.

“¿Qué parte del cuerpo es esto?”
He whispered and then kissed her neck.


“Buena. Y esto?” He ran his lip over her ear.


“Buena mi preciosa.” He moved across and kissed her lips.

“¿Y esta?”

“Boca” she barely whispered. She was so turned on with Alex’s touch and his sexy Spanish voice; she was almost losing control.

She was dizzy with desire and if she couldn’t touch him soon, she would scream.

“No tocar señorita.”

“What? Alex!” she whined.

“No tocar.” He repeated as he let go of one of her hands and stroked down her arm.

“¿Y esta?” He continued.

“Brazo.” Holly had learned some body parts only that afternoon, so the names were fresh in her memory.

“Sí. Hmmm…Y esta?” He asked as he stroked down her side, to her waist, avoiding her chest.


“Sí. Buena…¿Y esta?” He trailed his hand further down and gripped her thigh.

“Oh my God. Um…Pi…Pierna?”

Alex pouted as if disappointed.

“Sí. ¿Y esta?” He ran his hand back up and under her shirt, across her flat stomach.

Holly took a sharp breath and tightened her grip with her thighs, her loose hand gripping the pillow.

“I can’t take any more, Alex.”

“¿Y esta, Holly?”

“Fuck! Um…estómagoooah
Her voice rose at the end as Alex’s hand slid further up her shirt, and he gazed into her eyes.

Holly could see that Alex was on the edge of his own sanity, both close to losing themselves that she knew they should stop now, or they were both going to combust.

“You win.” She breathed heavily.

“I haven’t finished yet, babe.” He whispered across her lips before pushing his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply.

Holly moaned.

His hand stopped on her ribcage when her free hand found his hair. He gently pulled back and grabbed her hand.

“Naughty, naughty.” He tutted. “I said no touching. Miss. Edwards.”

Alex pushed her hand back to the pillow.

“It’s not fair.” She said, frustrated.

“It wasn’t fair, in art class, when you said you’d strip me naked in the library, it wasn’t fair at lunch when you said how the
should be held firmly, and it wasn’t fair when you backed up right into me. If we had been alone, I would’ve run my hands up your thighs and, you know, all the times I’ve had to take a cold shower. I want you to feel how I feel. Every. Single. Time I’m near you.

Alex let go of her hand and reached down to her waist and round to her arse and gripped her firm cheek.


“Culo” She said, shakily, staring into Alex’s eyes.

He had only touched a few parts of her, fully clothed, and she was so far gone with arousal she could cry.

She wanted him…now…badly.

She wanted him to take off her clothes and touch her, kiss her…

”I love you.” He whispered into her ear.

“I love you.” She replied as her breath caught in her throat.

“Are you ok?” He asked gently, and Holly nodded.

He’s making sure I’m ok with this!

She didn’t think she could love him anymore until he gazed at her again and asked…

”Do you want me to stop?” He was deadly serious.

Holly shook her head and his eyes widened slightly as a devilish grin spread across his face.

He bit his lower lip as he glanced down to her chest and her heart rate, she didn’t think possible, increased even more.

Oh, she wanted him to touch her, feel his hands on her so much she felt like begging him.

“¿Y esta?” He asked.

Her breath shook as his hand moved up towards her ribs.


He shook his head slowly.

“Yes, they’re buttons!” she said. She had a feeling that wasn’t what he was taking about.

Her hips were trying to lift to meet his, and she was trying her damnedest to keep them still.

are buttons.” He said as he held her highest fastened button between his fingers…and opened it. The very top of her breasts on show.

The next one down would reveal her cleavage, almost fully.

“Do you know the answer yet?” He was biting his lip as he looked down at her chest again.

“I think…pecho?”

“Ooh, close…” He said as his hand ran under her shirt again. “However, I didn’t actually mean ‘chest’.”

Alex’s hand travelled up to her ribs and up higher.

Holly could feel his fingertips touch the edge of her left breasts and her back arched involuntarily as she gasped.

“I meant these” He whispered as his hand cupped around her and gently dug in his fingertips. “Oh my fucking God.” He whispered as he scrunched his eyes shut, tensing his jaw.

He was close too.

Holly knew that they had a few minutes before somebody was going to go over the edge, and it would probably be her.

If he could just touch her…there… She didn’t know why, but she knew that was where she needed him, wanted him, so much that her parts were throbbing so hard she could feel her pulse there.

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, which made his lower body connect with hers.

Alex had tried to keep them apart by keeping his hips further down. Her lifting her legs made his hips shift.

“God…Holly.” Alex reeled off his sports lists, but he didn’t remove his hand from her breast.
He lifted his gaze, and Holly knew, from his eyes, that he wasn’t seeing straight.

He growled and eyed her chest and buttons.

“No tocar.” He said as he released her other hand.

Holly gripped the pillows, either side of her head and lowered her legs again.

Alex brought his fingers to the next button.

“If you get this one wrong…” He threatened, “every incorrect answer, I will undo a button.”

Holly just nodded; eyes glazed in arousal.

“Are you sure?” He whispered.

“Yeah.” She whispered in reply.

“Ok then, Miss. Edwards…en Español. ¿Qué son estas?”

“I thought it was pecho.” She said.

Alex smiled mischievously.

“Nope. That would be more suitable for me. So…that’s a wrong answer.” He said and took the next button between his finger and thumb, looking into her eyes as he opened it.

His other hand still cupping her breast as Holly held her breath.

“Think harder, baby.” He risked a glance to her shirt, at the skin that had become exposed.

He could see more cleavage.

Her breasts were large enough that, when she lay down, they pushed up towards her collarbone.
Showing a lot more than if she were standing up.

Alex licked his lips, hungrily, as he stared down.

“Um…” Holly was trying to concentrate as her pulsating core was practically screaming at her for more.

She wanted him to open her buttons, to show more of her skin to him.

Her legs tightening and she could feel his hard length pressing against her.

Her body felt as though it was going to ignore her pleas for control and rub against him, seeking relief, but she forced herself to stay still.

Alex’s fingers gripped the next button.

thought it was pecho.”

“Remember the masculine and feminine.” He whispered as he stroked his nose along her cheek. “Also, what I did to your neck when I said if the answer were wrong… Shall I remind you?” He didn’t give her time to answer. He planted a hot, open mouthed kiss on her neck and Holly clamped a hand over her mouth as she cried out.

Alex chuckled into her neck.

“That was if you got
part wrong. So I think you can guess what’ll happen with the current one, if you keep getting it wrong.”

“Alex, I don’t know, but if you do that…I won’t be able to control myself. I might um…” She felt a little embarrassed that she was telling him that she might orgasm.

“I don’t think it’s allowed.”

“Nobody said otherwise.” He said with a low growl in her ear.

“Agh!” She squeaked and clamped her eyes and mouth shut.“ You’re torturing me, Alex.”

Her knees clamped against his sides.

His fingers played with the next button, and she saw a look pass his features. Was it…worry?

He continued to caress her breast. He moved his hand away, after a final squeeze, only to swap hands and caress her other breast.

“Oh fuck
!” She whisper shouted, arching her back at the new sensation in the other side.

“I want to make you…” He whispered in her ear.

“Oh God, I want you to.” She breathed, her chest heaving, head dizzy and her core set to explode.

“It’s not fair on you.” She said.

“Can I tell you a secret?” He asked as he continued to knead her breast gently, as he rolled her button between his finger and thumb that would expose right down to the centre of her bra.

Holly nodded her head.

“Would you think bad of me, if I said I have, a few times by myself? Because of you, but never before you?” Holly’s breath hitched, and her eyes opened wide.

“You did? Seriously? Because of me?”

Alex frowned a bit, seemingly regretting telling her that he had to relieve himself.

“Do you think less of me now?” Holly shook her head. Still in shock of what he’d told her. It was exactly what she’d been thinking, the other day, about him touching himself because of her.

“You get me so worked up, not even a freezing, cold shower can fix it.”

Holly opened her mouth to speak.

“That is sexy as hell!” She squeaked.

“Really?” He asked, surprised.

Holly nodded frantically.

do that to you…Oh my God.” Holly’s eyes fluttered, her breathing coming faster as she squirmed underneath him.

“You like that I have to?”


He crashed his mouth to hers in a kiss that could only be described as sexual, the way he moved his tongue around her mouth.

He rubbed across her nipple, and she flinched, her legs squeezing as her core burned.

Alex pulled back, breathless.

“Now to resume your test.” He said in his low, sinfully sexy voice.

“Oh shit!”

“¿Qué son estas?” He asked, licking his top lip seductively.

“Alex, I really don’t know.”

“Are you getting it wrong on purpose?” He narrowed his eyes, flashing his killer smile.

“No. Honestly. The book and the app say pecho.”

“Ok. Guess then.”

“I really have no idea.”

Alex popped her button.

“Holy fucking mother of…!!” Alex growled, and his jaw tensed at what he saw.

Holly’s shirt widened to expose her cleavage and the centre part of her white bra.

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