Welcome to New Haven (92 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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“How long do you think it’ll last?” A girl’s bitter voice said with a snort.

They broke their kiss and turned to see where the voice was coming from.

It was one of the girls from the day before, who’d hoped for a party invitation. The other two with her.

Alex could tell Holly was furious. Her eyes had narrowed, her breaths deeper and slower and her fists had curled up.

“What did you say?” She almost whispered, but loud enough for the girls to hear.

The girls took a step back, obviously wary of Holly and judging by the looks on their faces, they hadn’t intended for her to hear them.

“Babe, don’t.” Alex said gently, and he held her around her waist, to stop her doing something that would get her into trouble.

“Forever.” Alex replied, aiming his answer at the girl who made the comment. “That’s the answer.” He took Holly’s hand and led her outside.

“Cheeky bitch!” Holly spat.

“Who do they think they are? Saying shit like that.” Said Alex. He was pissed off with people thinking his relationship was any of their business.

He took a deep breath and held onto Holly.

The touch of her calming him immediately.

“You said forever.” Holly looked up into his eyes.

“I did. I told you, I want you always, eternally.” He stroked his thumbs across her cheeks.

“I do too.” She said, beaming.

They held each other tightly when Dev and Ben came out to the car.

“What’s happened?” Asked Dev “Those girls yesterday said something about you saying ‘forever’” She said to Alex.

“I’ll tell you on the way home.” He said.

“We were never
the market.” Said Ben about the comments they’d heard that morning, after Alex told them what they’d

There’d been whispers as they walked past other students, but they just ignored them.
Even though it
surprising that the usually ‘dateless’ group were now all coupled up, it wasn’t the ‘groundbreaking news’ that some students had made it out to be.

“They’re jealous bitches, Hol. Ignore them.” Said Dev with a snarl.

“I will, but when I saw it was the same girls from yesterday, it annoyed me.” It was a good job Alex had held her back. She wanted to smack the girl.

Holly knew her hostile reaction was because of what had happened with Stacey. Bitchy comments aimed at her, or Alex and it brought all those feelings back. Dev was right.
The girls were just jealous and Holly needed to let it go and ignore them. It would be hard because she knew how much the girls at school had wanted Alex, and the other guys, for themselves. There was bound to be some jealous comments flying about for a while to come and it wouldn’t do them any good to listen to them.

They got to Alex and Dev’s house and went inside.

“I need a shower.” Said Dev, and Ben followed.

“Ben?!” Said Alex, taken aback at his friend following his sister as she went upstairs. Ben just smiled, keeping his face turned towards him.

“Don’t you be joining her!” He said, pointing at him.

“Dude. I’ve
showered” Ben replied as he disappeared up the stairs, still smiling.

“Alex?” Evie said from the kitchen and him, and Holly, walked through.

“Hi Holly.” Said Evie. “¿Cómo estás, cariño?” She asked with a warm smile. She’d obviously heard about Abuela’s comments to her, in Spanish at the party.

“Estoy bien, graçias Evie. ¿Cómo estás?” She replied.

bien!” Evie said with a grin. She was certainly happy about something. “The party was fun, last night, right?” She asked, back to English.
It was good too because there was no way Holly could follow what she said. She could mange the basics and had just about translated a few of things that were said to her at the party.

“Oh, anyway…” She said after looking between them, happily for a moment “…Alex, you need to go to your room. Not the spare one.” She said with a twinkle in her eye.

Alex frowned but her took a breath and walked out, taking Holly with him.

His hand was shaking as he turned the door handle.

He slowly opened the door, and his eyes widened and he gasped.

The room had been completely redone.

The walls were now white with a black border around the top, that had silver strips on the top and bottom edges. A large, black square, thick pile rug that had silver specks running through it. Just like the one in Holly’s hangout room.

The new bed, like Holly’s, was set up under the window this time, instead of to the left of the door.

The contemporary style duvet covers were white with black, white, and silver stripes running horizontally across the top edge. White pillow cases with the same stripes on the outside edge. The drapes were black with silver tie backs, vertical blinds on the windows, like before.

The furniture that Alex had ordered, had arrived the day before, were set up. A black desk with silver legs and computer chair to match.
The five draw dresser, placed where the old bed had been, matched the wooden nightstands and bed.

“Do you like it?” Evie asked from behind them.

“Mom, it’s amazing, Thank you!” He said and pulled her in for a hug.

“We finished it when you were at school. We kept it quite plain so you can have whatever color on your bed, and it’ll still match. Like Dev’s.”

Alex was stunned. He loved it. Even better than it had been previously, and with the white walls he could put pictures of him and Holly up or even draw directly on them.

Rami joined them, Alex hugging him too.

“Thanks Dad.”

“You’re welcome son.” Rami’s eyes had misted with emotion.

Evie showed Alex where she had put all of his things and the other bedding sets.
She’d even moved all of his clothes for him.

“We have a few errands to run. We’ll be back soon” Evie and Rami left Alex and Holly alone.

“This is…wow.” Said Holly in awe, looking around the room. “It looks totally different. It’s…wow.” She let out a quick breath.

“I would’ve liked you to have seen it before, without…you know.” He frowned as he recalled the incident with Stacey on the Saturday.

“I did, a bit” Holly said, smiling shyly. She’d seen his room before Saturday.

“You did? When?” his scowl turned into a smile.

“A few weeks ago. You’d left your door open, and I looked in when Dev and I went to her room.”

Alex closed, and locked the door, before leading Holly to the bed. They kicked off their shoes and sat down.

“I remember that. I wanted to see you, so I left my door open for when you went to her room.” He told her as he gently cupped her face with one hand. Stroking his fingertips on her neck and behind her ear. “I’d left my room for less than a minute, and you’d gotten her and went straight upstairs. I missed you.”

“I’m here
” Holly whispered as they gazed into each others eyes.

Alex leant forward and sucked her bottom lip, softly. He moaned, releasing her lip before running the tip of his tongue across it.

“Yes. You are”

Holly shuddered and she took in a shaky breath. Her skin was tingling already from Alex just touching her.

Now, she was hot all over.

The heat surged through her body with electrifying intensity, straight down to her centre, right between her legs.

As Alex kissed her, their tongues savouring each other, his hands slid down her back. One upper, one lower, pulling her tight to his chest. Holly’s hands moved smoothly up Alex’s hard pecs, his neck, then her fingers twisted in his hair, holding him to her.

As her body pressed to his, her nipples that were already standing to attention, rubbed against his chest, causing a jolt of arousal to hit her already aching parts.

Holly let out a gravelly moan into Alex’s mouth, causing him to hold her tighter.

His kisses that started slow and deep, became more frantic with sexual desire. Alex’s full, sinful lips, delivering blisteringly hot, lustful kiss, dripping with so much desire that Holly wanted to tear his clothes from his body and lick him all over.

Holly released her fingers from his hair and glided her hands to his shoulders.
She broke their kiss, trying to catch her breath.

Chest heaving and heart pounding.

She rose up higher, onto her knees and gently pushed Alex’s shoulders backwards. Bringing her bodyweight forwards. Alex stilled his hands as Holly pushed him to lie on the bed. Holly was above him, and she lifted her leg to straddle his hips.

Just like Alex had done to her; Holly reached back to take one of his hands.

“Holly?” He asked with uncertainty across his face. He looked like, maybe, he thought Holly wanted his hands off her. That was never gonna happen. She loved his hands on her. Alex’s expression changed to one of surprised recognition when she interlaced their fingers and pressed his hand on the pillow next to his head.

She repeated the process with his other hand.

Holly had him pinned down.

Not that it would take much energy for Alex to easily regain power and flip her over. That thought sent another burst of tingles to shoot south to her core.

Holly was on her hands and knees above him, looking down into his eyes She lazily ran her tongue over his lower lip and brought her head down to taste it. She pressed her lips, to his, in a featherlight kiss and pulled back.

“Holly.” He groaned, and he lifted his head to kiss her, but she pulled up. She shook her head slowly and tutted at him.

“No, no, Mr. Valencia.” Alex actually whimpered as she spoke in a sultry whisper. “I think it’s one for a little…
don’t you?” She bit her lip and chuckled.

“Oh God!” He said, his voice barely audible.

Even though Holly was supposed to be turning Alex on, she herself was aroused to the point of pain…again.
But, she wanted to do it. She wanted to show Alex, let him feel how much he set her alight with his touch, his words.

She closed her eyes and took deep breaths as she sat down on top of Alex. She instantly felt his arousal, through his pants, underneath her.

“Holly…please…don’t move about babe. I…”

Holly understood that her moving against him would make him erupt. That’s how she felt too and with his parts against hers, she had to suppress the urge to rub against him. Alex released a breath as she lifted up slightly.

“Oh you don’t get to relax
yet; Alexandro.” She leant forward so her lips were brushing the outer shell of his ear. “No tocar, señor.”

“Fuck!” He growled. Holly squeezed his hands and kissed his cheek, before running her lips down his neck to kiss under his ear.

“I love you.” She whispered. Alex was breathing heavy.

“I…love you…too…babe.” He said as she ran her lower lip across his jaw.

She left a trail of kiss down his neck, to his collarbone, working her way to the hollow in his throat. She kissed up, on his Adam’s apple and over his chin. She kissed the outer edges of his lips, the top, then the bottom, and his lips parted as he took in a jagged breath.

Holly pushed her tongue into his mouth, kissing him hard. Her mouth sucking and nipping his luscious lips. Not wanting to stop but the need to go further, increasing. Her core screamed at her for a chance of attention. She ached and was so turned on she felt that she would actually catch fire.

But it was Alex’s turn.

He’d done the same thing to her the day before.

There was nowhere they needed to be, nobody was relying on them for anything.

“I think it’s time for

“What?” The look on his face told Holly that he was barely controlling himself.

“Yes. A test.
turn. En Español.” She said with a wicked smile.

He looked confused so Holly enlightened him.

“Obviously I have a different set of rules for
game.” Holly ran her nose along the side of his face until her lips were next to his ear. “I’m sure you’ll catch on pretty quick.” She purred quietly.

“Oh Fuck! Mmph!” Alex said, gritting his jaw.

“But…if you get a wrong answer…” She lifted to look him in the eye, her hair falling over a shoulder. “…You pay the price.” She added.

“Wh. What is it?”

“Hmmm. Maybe…I’ll bite you. Just a little.” Alex’s eyes grew in shock. “I haven’t decided yet, so I might change my mind.” She softly pecked his lips. “Are you ready?”
Alex nodded that he was. “No tocar?”

“No tocar.” He repeated.

Holly let go of his left hand. Their rings had been joined together as she’d held him.

With her finger, she stroked his lips.

“¿Qué son éstos?” She asked.

“Labios.” He answered immediately. His low tone making Holly squirm and bite her lip. His voice was so sexy, especially when he lowered it in that way that made her go from tingling to electric with a single word.

Holly shook her head and looked into his gorgeous, deep, chocolate brown eyes. Eyes that looked at her with so much love, it melted her heart. She lowered her mouth to his and gave him a deep, open mouthed kiss.

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