Werewolf Academy Book 1: Strays (8 page)

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“Pip,” Dray corrected.

Chet continued as if he hadn’t heard him, “Then you’re dead. Your goal in combat training this year is going to be extending your snapping point. If you can’t control yourself here, you aren’t going to do it out there. Let’s get busy.
Now, who’s going to fight Boris?”

Chapter Five


Everyone was black and blue b
y the time someone tolled the gong three times, indicating the conclusion of class.

“I’m going to enjoy combat training
,” Boris said in the hallway.

Alex stood near Jericho. The Alpha bristled. Even though Dray had warned the werewolves to go light on each other, neither Alpha had pulled their punches. By the end, all of the werewolves were slamming their opponents as they ran through the punches and blocks Dray showed them.
Alex was grateful werewolves healed quickly; even so, if every day was like that, they would all be one big bruise before it was over.

He rubbed a particularly sore bruise on his arm from blocking a kick Sid was supposed to land on his shin, but had aimed for his groin. It was a good thing Alex had fast reflexes. That might have been his snapping point after all that had happened.

“I’m not sure I approve of Chet’s training techniques,” Cassie said quietly, rubbing her arms. Boris’ team was severely lacking in any weaker members, so Cassie had been forced to train against Brace, who had it out for Alex already and didn’t mind showing his aggression against Alex’s twin. Chet had finally stepped in and Dray finished training with Cassie.

“Maybe they’ll let us train with our own pack members next time,” Alex said. He
wanted to give her hope that it would get better, but part of him needed to pit his strength against Sid again. The hatred in Boris’ Second gave him something to match. He didn’t hate Sid, but there were a few punches that made it a close thing.

“Dray says we have wilderness education next,” Jericho said, catching up to them. “Where’s that?”

Alex and Cassie exchanged an excited look. “We’ll show you,” Alex said. He took off running down the hall with Cassie at his side. The rest of the pack fell in quickly behind them.

Alex pushed open one of the rear doors to the Academy and stepped into the sunlight.
He took in a deep breath of fresh summer air as they jogged across the clearing.

“Do you have to run ever
ywhere?” Don protested, panting. “I’m built for strength, not running.”

“That’s gonna change,” Alex called over his shoulder.

Cassie reached the gate first and quickly unlatched it. Everyone piled through. Alex began to pull off his shirt. He glanced around and realized that everyone was just watching him. He grinned. “Time to phase. Come on!”

lit up around him at the command. Everyone stepped behind bushes and trees to pull off their clothes before they phased.

Alex willed the change to come. It took only a matter of seconds, but he enjoyed the way his arms and legs shifted, changing size and musculature. His ears lengthened and grew pointed, shifting
to higher on his skull. His nose and mouth elongated and formed into a muzzle. Dark gray fur ran down his back and up his arms. He stretched, then shook, settling the fur around his shoulders. It had been far too long since he had been in wolf form.

A howl called through the trees. It was a command to gather. Alex gave a wolfish grin and stepped out from behind his tree. The other members of his pack joined him.
Jericho had the thick black fur of an Alpha. The rest of the male members of the pack were various shades of gray, while the females were cream-colored. Alpha females were pure white, but there were no female Alphas on Pack Jericho.

Cassie bumped her shoulder against Alex’s. The smile in her eyes said she
felt as happy to be a wolf as Alex did. Jericho looked at Alex. He tipped his head toward the origin of the howl. Jericho gave a bark of command and started to run.

The werewolves fell in behind their Alpha.
Alex’s paws ate up the ground in a steady thrum. The heady scent of loam and pine needles flooded him with joy. He was at home beneath the trees, one with the pack around him that matched the cadence of their Alpha. The next howl that sounded filled him with such elation he had to lift his voice with it. Soon, the howls of fifteen wolves mingled with Rafe and Colleen’s voices. More howls rose to meet them; the other pack wasn’t far behind.

They reached a clearing above the Academy that was flooded with sunlight. Alex blinked, willing his eyes to adjust after the shadows of the trees. Instinct warned him. He bent his knees and allowed himself to be bowled over, then rolled back to his paws prepared to defend himself.

His eyes adjusted to the older wolf with a dark gray coat. Rafe gave a huff of amusement. Alex answered with a toothy grin. He realized with a start that Jericho was right behind him, his hackles lifted and legs straight as if he was ready to defend Alex should he appear to need it. Alex bumped Rafe’s shoulder with his own, showing their camaraderie. Jericho gave a snort, his gaze uncertain. A familiar scent touched Alex’s nose.

“Glad to see everyone’s getting along,” Colleen said, stepping into the clearing.

She smiled as the other pack, which turned out to be Shannon and Shaylee’s. The packs nodded at each other amiably, but kept to themselves as they waited for what was next.

“Welcome to wilderness education,” Colleen told the group. “Today is going to be more about fun and pack camaraderie than education, but hey, we’ll learn as we go.” She smiled at Rafe. The wolf sat near her feet and surveyed the group. “Your job today is to follow Rafe and his wild wolf pack; see how they interact, how they play, how they hunt.”

She gave a little, amused laugh. “Each of your packs has fifteen members; throw in Rafe’s pack, and we’ve got just under forty wolves roaming the woods. Good thing we’re in Rafe’s forest. You won’t get shot if you stay within the boundaries.”

She stepped behind a tree and came out
in her wolf form. Colleen was the only black and cream colored wolf Alex had ever seen. Her violet eyes stood out in sharp contrast. Rafe touched her nose with his. He turned and ran into the woods. Colleen gave a sharp bark and followed. Jericho and Shannon fell in with the rest of the werewolves close behind.

Alex had never run with so many wolves. Those who grew up around the forest ghosted on near silent paws, while the city werewolves and others who hadn’t had the freedom to run could be heard stepping on the leaves, sticks, and brush those who knew the value of silence avoided. Alex fought back a smile as Jericho quickly picked up the way Rafe and Colleen ran. He was quick at learning, and had proven to be a good leader so far. Alex was proud to be his Second.

Rafe’s wolf pack joined them. The wild wolves ran within and around the werewolf packs. Alex could see the uncertainty some of the werewolves felt at running with truly wild wolves, but he had grown up with them near, and knew he could trust their instincts. They vanished again, running ahead to find a game trail.

few minutes later, a howl sounded. Heat ran through Alex’s blood. Rafe’s wolves had found a scent. He caught up to the smell. The sharp, musky scent of a buck filled his nose. He surged ahead, careful to stay just behind Jericho, but anxious to watch the wolves at work. Jericho glanced back and saw how close Alex was. He leaped forward, willing to play along.

Rafe’s pack
backed the buck against a slab of rock. It was an older animal, and limped heavily on its front leg. A closer look showed that the leg had been injured and healed wrong. The animal wouldn’t survive the coming winter. It lowered its head and swiped at the wolves with huge antlers. Adrenaline rushed through Alex. He wanted to be there with them, helping them to pull down the animal as he had done in the past.

He glanced at Jericho. Pack protocol dictated that
he didn’t participate unless his Alpha did, but the emotions from the earlier run-in with Boris were still fuming in the back of his mind. He needed to let it out somehow.

To his surprise, Jericho tipped his head toward the buck. Alex stared at him. Jericho gave what passed as a smile for a wolf and nodded his
head at the buck again, granting Alex permission to go. The rest of the pack watched with uncertainty. Shannon and Shaylee exchanged glances and didn’t move from their position.

Alex looked at his sister. Cassie’s gaze was on the buck. She had helped the pack hunt enough times that he could see the want to participate in her eyes, but she held back. Alex snorted. She shook her head without looking at him. Alex blew out a breath and leaped forward.

Rafe jumped at the buck’s head. One of the wild wolves bit a foreleg. The buck swept its head to the side, attempting to dislodge the animal with its antlers. Colleen grabbed an antler in her jaws. The weight of the wolf pulled the animal forward. Alex leaped at the animal the same time Rafe did. Each latched onto a side of the buck’s neck. As they pulled it down, a wolf disemboweled the animal. Rafe grabbed its throat and freed the buck’s lifeblood. The wolves stepped back as it thrashed once, then grew still.

s heart pounded loudly in his ears. Pride filled him at what he had helped the pack accomplish. Usually the pack went after smaller game; he had never helped them pull down a full grown buck before. The sense of accomplishment chased away the frustration and rage he had felt toward Boris. He panted and looked over his shoulder.

The other werewolves were watching them with wide eyes. If ever a wolf showed a look of horror, it was reflected on Shannon and Shaylee’s faces.
Even Jericho seemed a bit pensive as he watched Alex. Shannon and Shaylee turned away. The rest of their pack followed. To Alex’s surprise, Cassie was the next to leave. She held his gaze for a second, then turned and padded away with her tail low. Von and Amos followed, with Pip, Trent, and the rest behind. Eventually, even Jericho joined them.

Alex was torn between joinin
g the pack for the feast and following his Alpha. It was a part of pack bonding to share in the meal, but Alex’s pack was gone. He followed the trail of the others beneath the trees. It was with a much different feeling that he shifted and pulled on his clothes. He found the two packs waiting for him near the gate.

“What was that?” Shannon demanded.

“Take it easy,” Jericho warned her.

“What about the
poor deer?” Shaylee seconded.

Alex stared at her. “You’re sad about the deer?” he asked.

“Everyone’s sad about the deer,” Terith replied quietly. The young werewolf pulled on one of her blond curls and refused to look at him.

studied them all, his chest tight. “The wolves had to eat.”

“We didn’t have to be there,” Shannon said.

“But you’re wolves,” Alex replied. He glanced at Cassie, confused. His twin sister stood at the edge of the group and looked at her toes.

“We’re werewolves,” Shannon said. “It’s different.” She waved toward the Academy. “We have lunch waiting for us, not some sad elk that’s now getting eaten because of you.”

“It was a deer, not an elk,” Pip said next to Alex.

Alex stared, surprised at the young werewolf’s courage.

Shannon clenched her hands into fists and took a step forward.

Jericho stepped in front of Alex
and Pip. “There were other wolves hunting besides Alex, real wolves. They needed to eat.”

Shannon shook her head. “He didn’t need to join them. Control your Second, Jericho.” She stormed away with the rest of her pack close behind.

Jericho was silent for several seconds. He glanced back at Alex. “We’ll talk later,” he said quietly.

Alex nodded.

Jericho led his pack through the gate for lunch. Cassie was the last to follow him.

“Cass?” Alex called quietly, his voice desperate.

She turned at the gate. “I wanted to join you, Alex, but you saw the way everyone watched the wolves.” Tears showed in her dark blue eyes. “I didn’t know what to do. I finally feel like I fit in somewhere. If I had helped with the buck, they wouldn’t be speaking to me now.”

Alex’s heart threatened to break. He nodded. “I understand. It’s alright.” He mustered a weak smile. “I’m glad you’re fitting in.”

She gave him a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

patted her back. “It’s alright. Go join the others. I’ll be there in a bit.”

“I’ll save you a seat,” his sister said.

He nodded and she slipped through the gate.

When she was out of sight, Alex let out a slow breath and leaned against the thick iron bars. He glanced up and was surprised to see Rafe walk
ing silently through the trees in his human form. Rafe was the only instructor at the Academy who lived in the forest full time. Colleen had once told Alex that her mate was wild at heart. He loved the forest far more than walls and doors, and she agreed. Spending time in the forest had helped her learn how to control her phasing. She said she suspected it was Rafe more than the forest.

The golden-eyed werewolf studied him silently. “They were a bit harsh in their judgment,” he said softly after a minute.

Alex nodded. Tears burned at the corners of his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. “I don’t understand.”

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