Werewolf in a Suit book 2 (Werewolf,Romance,Paranormal) (3 page)

BOOK: Werewolf in a Suit book 2 (Werewolf,Romance,Paranormal)
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“Am I forgiven?” Marcus asked, out of the blue, his lips moving against my skin.


Confused, I blinked at the sky. “What for?” I couldn’t remember a thing he had to apologize for, not at that moment anyway.


Grinning into my neck, he muttered, “Never mind.”


My lips pursed as I tried to recall what it was he had done that needed my forgiveness. Five seconds later, I gave up – my brain was too fried for serious thought anyway.



After spending another hour rolling around in the backyard – Marcus had a lovely little bench tucked away behind the trees, and it had been just high enough for him to bend me over without pulling a muscle – we stumbled into the house, sweaty, naked and covered in dirt. We tracked mud through the previously spotless floors, but if Marcus minded the filth, he didn’t let it show.


His arms were wrapped around my waist, and as he walked me further into the house, I felt his semi-hard cock grind into the cleft of my ass. Shuddering, I twisted around, reaching for his mouth, and my fingers tangled in his hair when his tongue slid between my parted lips. The angle was awkward, and my sides were starting to ache from being stretched for so long, but I couldn’t bring myself to turn away, not just yet.


Somehow, we made it into the kitchen without breaking our faces or bruising our bodies, and when his hip bumped into the island counter, Marcus pulled away from me. He smiled at my disappointed sigh, moving across the room to rifle through the fridge. I crawled onto the countertop as I waited for him to come back to me. I sat cross-legged, with my knees spread farther apart than they needed to be, and if by resting on my arms, my breasts ended up higher on my chest than they usually were, then that was a happy coincidence.


You don’t have to try so hard to tempt me, Lily,” Marcus said suddenly, his head still inside the refrigerator. Dumbfounded, I gaped at his back and wondered if he could read minds, too; not a second later I got my answer. “I can smell you from across the room.”


“Good to know,” I replied. A hot flush spread up my neck, but I didn’t make any attempt to change the way I was positioned.


As he bent lower, I stared at his firm butt, transfixed by the way the muscles in his round cheeks clenched whenever he moved. Tamping down the urge to bite into his flesh, I dropped my gaze to his thighs, absently noting the light smattering of hair across his skin. I wondered how it would feel to have those strong legs – and those coarse bristles – rub against my face, and I bit my lip as a bolt of lust shot through my system; there was only one way to get his thighs around my head, and even as I pictured him thrusting his cock into my mouth, I deliberated the possibility that all the sex I’d been having had turned me into a nymphomaniac.


When I swallowed, I could taste a hint of Marcus on my tongue, and I knew I had definitely become addicted to him when more heat surged in the pit of my abdomen.


His back rose and fell as he inhaled sharply, and the growl was clear in his voice when he spoke. “Lily, what the hell are you doing over there?”


“Nothing,” I mumbled, my gaze now focused on his defined calves. The muscles rippled before my eyes and I sighed, aching to touch him again. “I’m not doing anything.”


Throwing me a disbelieving look over his shoulder, Marcus kicked the fridge door shut with his foot and turned around; my eyes widened at the large pile of dishes stacked in his arms.


“What did you do, make food for an army?” I blurted out, watching him amble over to the island. I made it a point not to stare at his cock – that would be counterproductive, considering all the food he was carrying.


With a grace that I admired – and envied, just a little – he set the platters of food on the countertop, somehow managing to get everything down without spilling a single thing. Throwing me a proud smile, he whipped off the lids to the dishes, and my mouth watered as I breathed in the heady combination of sinful aromas; I had no idea what any of the food in front of me was called, but all of a sudden, I was ravenous for something that was definitely not sex.


“I figured we’d need to load up on carbs,” Marcus remarked, smirking at my obvious approval of the spread. I arched my brow at his comment, and looking unrepentant, he shrugged. “We burn off a lot of energy whenever we get together, and the last thing either of us wants is to pass out halfway through.”


He had a point, but I opted not to tell him that – his ego was big enough without adding my compliments to the mix. I picked out a piece of chicken that was dripping with cheese and popped it into my mouth, unable to hold back my appreciative moan as the rich flavor exploded on my taste buds. His lips curved in a genuinely delighted grin as I grabbed a bowl full of pasta and held out my hand, silently demanding silverware.


Immediately complying, Marcus handed me a fork and watched me eat, his blue eyes twinkling in barely suppressed amusement. When I’d chowed down half the bowl, I looked up at him, startled to find that he hadn’t moved an inch.


Gesturing at all the other dishes on the counter, I asked him, “Aren’t you going to eat anything?” With a light snort, I added, “It’s not like there isn’t enough to go around.”


He shook his head in denial, his gaze intent on my lips. “I have something else on the menu for myself, thanks.”


“What are you talking about?” I shot him a puzzled look, but most of my attention was on the amazing food in front of me; I soon realized that I should have focused on the dark undercurrent to his words. Oblivious, I went on, “What about needing all the energy?”


“I have plenty of energy,” he retorted, sounding dismissive, and without needing to ask him about it, I understood that it was a werewolf thing. I made a mental note to grill him about his abilities, promptly forgetting all about it when I spotted an olive hiding beneath a piece of zucchini.


Uncaring of the fact that my mouth was full, I countered, “Then why did you bring out so much food?”


“It’s for you,” he replied simply, and awareness began to grow dimly in the back of my mind. Looking up from my plate of pasta, I felt a shiver creep up my spine at the look on his face – it was pure animal, lust and want and heat all rolled into one expression as old as the air around us. Taking the bowl away out of my hands, Marcus shifted closer to me, placing his palms around my ankles. “I had a feeling you were going to need it.”


My throat was dry, and nothing I did made it better. Hoarsely, I murmured, “Do you have something up your sleeve, Marcus?”


His grin was wicked as he answered, “When have I not had something up my sleeve, Lily?”


That sounded ominous. A heady thrill shot through my limbs as I realized he was going to wreck me completely – and it would be magnificent.


He drifted his hands up my calves, skimming across my skin and leaving hot little flames in his wake. My lips parted in a soundless gasp as his nails raked along my inner thighs, and to my everlasting disappointment, he stopped a scant inch from my suddenly aching pussy. Skirting around my mound, his rough palms moved onto my abdomen, then up my midriff, and his eyes dropped as he cupped my breasts in his hands.


All my thoughts and my words jumbled together, and when he gently kneaded my flesh, I blurted out, “The food’s going to get cold.”


“I have a microwave,” Marcus replied, not missing a beat. Pushing my breasts high on my chest, he continued, “Heat it up when we’re done.”


Anticipation sent a tremble down my arms as he dipped his head, and when he pressed his lips to the arch of my foot, I whimpered, somehow far too stimulated already, even though he’d barely begun to touch me. Aching to feel him, to feel his skin against mine, I leaned forward to wrap my arms around him, my legs sliding off the countertop, but my movement was halted abruptly; glancing down, I found myself being held in place by his hands on my breasts.


Puzzled, I frowned at him and received a stern look from him in return. “Stay where you are, Lily,” he ordered, his voice eliciting a sharp twist of heat deep in my abdomen. I set my arms back on the cool granite, smiling when he nodded his approval. My back arched as he – finally – tugged on my nipples, and his jaw was clenched when he went on, “Put your legs back the way they were.”


I did as he asked, feeling a warm flush spread across my skin when his gaze immediately fell to my exposed pussy. His hands tightened on my breasts as he inhaled a slow, long pull of air, and his expression morphed into one of pure ecstasy. Absently rubbing his thumbs along my hard nipples, Marcus continued to stare down at me, and the fact that all of his attention was focused on one specific part of my body made me squirm against the countertop.


When I shifted in his hold, he gripped my breasts in a silent warning and I stilled; my blood hummed in my veins at the unyielding set to his jaw, and I couldn’t decide if I loved or hated how controlled he was. We’d been in the same positions for over fifteen minutes, hardly moving, barely touching, our breaths rushing out of our bodies in quick beats – it was driving me insane.


I needed him to move, to touch me, to do something that would make me stop aching all over. If he didn’t want to get things going, I would gladly step up – if only he’d let me slide an inch or two off the counter. A helpless whimper slipped out of my mouth as my eyes dropped and landed on his erect cock, so close to my leg that I wouldn’t have to shift much to be able to feel him on my skin. But every time I did so much as lean to one side, Marcus squeezed my breasts, compelling me to stay right where I was.


“What are you doing to me?” I whispered, licking my lips as I gazed at his erection. The head was an angry shade of red and I could see the veins running along his length pulse; the urge to lean forward and take him into my mouth was bordering on painful. Glancing up at Marcus, I found him looking as wrecked as I felt. “Is this a werewolf thing?” I asked, knowing that it was a stupid question – not that I cared enough to take it back. “Because I’m not sure I can handle being this close to you without being able to touch you. It’s crazy.”


Slowly, Marcus lifted his head, moving his gaze to meet mine. His eyes were dark and clouded over with a hunger so deep that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to satiate it. Trailing his palms down my abdomen, he asked, seemingly at random, “Do you have any idea how tempting you are?”


He was running his fingertips across my mound, and it was incredibly hard to think. Grasping my waist with one hand, Marcus dipped his other hand a little lower, and I sputtered, “What?”


His thumb was tracing endless circles into my side, and I closed my eyes. Stroking my outer folds, he repeated, “Do you have any idea how tempting you are?”


I had no idea what he was talking about, and when his forefinger drifted past my clit, I honestly didn’t care. My hips bucked into the air, but thanks to his firm hold, I didn’t move an inch. His fingers slipped between my lips, and in slow, languid movements, he spread the moisture around; he was unfazed when my legs jerked out and nearly kicked him in the stomach.


Grabbing me by the ankles, Marcus set my legs down against the wooden cabinets and continued to fondle my sex, his pace still unhurried. His thumb pressed into my clit for one small second, and a powerful, sinful burst of current shot up my spine. My entire world had shrunk down to that one point of space where his skin touched mine, and the pleasure was so intense that I cried out, crushing my knuckles against the granite countertop.


“Unfair,” I moaned, raising my ass to push my hips harder into his hand; his hand pushed me harder onto the counter, and I couldn’t figure out why I’d bothered to try.


“It is unfair,” Marcus agreed, his voice low and husky. His fingers drifted towards my entrance, and I cut my lip open waiting for him to finally touch me the way I was dying to be touched. Leaning forward, he pressed a soft kiss against the curve of my shoulder, sending a spiral of heat straight to the pit of my abdomen. “Especially,” he went on, “when you act like you have no idea.”


Within the span of the same moment, he tasted my skin and slipped two fingers into my pussy, and my field of vision was flooded with painfully bright stars. My spine arched as he moved his hand higher, deeper, further, and my world suddenly burst to life.


“What you’re doing to me is unfair,” I panted, digging my heels into the cabinets as he bent his fingers inside me. He pulled his hand out slowly, pressing his fingertips into my walls with measured deliberation, and a sharp breath hissed out of me when he rubbed along a hidden bundle of raw nerves. “So, so unfair.”

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