Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures (13 page)

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Did a bear crave honey? He laughed softly at the naiveté of her question. Pavel slid off the desk and slowly unbuckled his belt, opened the fastening on his slacks, and let them fall past his waist to snag on the top curve of his butt. His cock leapt out, long, hard, and thick, its heavy length curving up in readiness.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Kaila licked her lips, eyeing his package. “Damn it, Pavel, no matter how often if happens, I don’t think I’ll ever get over how big your cock is.”

“All the better to fuck you with, my dear.”

“Oh, yes, please!” Without breaking eye contact, she took five shaky backward steps toward the door, reached behind her, and fumbled for the doorknob. They both jumped at the loud click of the lock engaging.

Kaila didn’t wait for him to command her to strip. Not bothering with the buttons, Kaila lifted both hands to the bodice of her dress and yanked, sending the tiny fasteners scattering to the far ends of the office. The slip flew over her head a minute later. She stood before him, managing to look demure in panties and bra, though a hungry expression twisted her beloved face.

The sight made Pavel pause and stare. He lost his smile, brows came together as displeasure dampened his arousal. He crossed his arms. “I thought I told you never to wear panties around me. Get them off!”

“Sorry!” she cried breathlessly, hurrying to obey, making short shrift of getting those cotton unmentionables off her full ass.

Not so easily placated, Pavel raised an eyebrow. “Saying sorry doesn’t begin to cover this infraction, young woman. Next, the bra comes off.” As she complied, he slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt, baring his chest. He toed off his shoes, bent over, and pulled off his socks. Leaving his pants hanging open, he moved back to the other side of his desk. With ruthless efficiency, he cleared the broad surface with a sweep of his arm and shot a hot glance in her direction.

Naked now, she stood with one arm pressed to her chest, palm overflowing with milky, caramel-colored flesh. The other arm crossed her full belly, half-shielding the coarse curls rioting over her pouty mound. He definitely wasn’t having any of that.

“I’ll spank your butt if you hide so much as an inch of that gorgeous body from me,” he warned, voice hard, letting her know he meant the threat. “I’ll use the belt this time.”

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She whimpered -- a soft little sound that made his balls ache -- letting her arms drop.

That whimper hadn’t been about fear. Kaila’s pussy had given off a strong, tangy scent at his words, telling him the thought of going over his lap had excited her. She always made sounds like that when she had her lips wrapped around his cock, or when he was licking her sweet, juicy cunt and she was fighting not to come. Right now, he intended to make sure she made a lot more of those needy, sexy sounds.

“C’mere, baby,” Pavel crooned, sitting down in his chair and scooting up to his desk.

He patted the desktop, and then held out his hand to her. “It’s been what, a day since we made love? I want to suckle those full teats and work my way down your luscious body for a taste of that tight little pussy.”

Both Kaila’s pulses raced, her heart thundering in her chest and her clit throbbing at the apex of her thighs. It was one thing to go with the flow when they were naked together, making love. It was quite another to be big, bare-butt naked in your boyfriend’s busy office -- to be naked, all secrets and imperfections bared while he remained mostly clothed.

How terrifying it was having his burning gaze trained on her swaying breasts and jiggling tummy as she came to him. Still, mouth dry with trepidation, she stepped out in faith, praying his clear eyes would see her insecurities and fears in all their ugliness, see her pain, and more importantly, see beyond all that to her true essence. She needed him to see the woman trapped in the hated body and love the totality.

“Hurry, love,” Pavel urged, the golden shimmers of incipient change completely obscuring the light green of his eyes. “I can’t wait to be all over your pussy like ants over sweets at a picnic.”

Memories of Pavel’s mouth on her, his tongue licking and curling along the shallow groove between her labia, weakened Kaila at the knees. She clenched her thighs together, cheeks growing hot as she felt the cream gushing from her, slicking her thighs.

She groaned when Pavel lifted his face, gave a wide-nostriled sniff. Naturally, her supportive lover just had to comment. “Mhmmm…that delicious aroma tells me someone needs fucking!”

“Pavel!” Her shocked cry drew a laugh from him.

“Look what I have for you, honey,” he taunted, fisting his cock and rubbing slowly up and down the thick length. After a couple of passes, his lids fell and his jaw tensed. “Why don’t you come and get it?”

Her mouth watered at the sight, and she managed -- just barely -- to walk over and replace Pavel’s hand without melting into a puddle. He rewarded her with a kiss, removing her hand from him with a murmured, “Too close.”

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


Swiveling in the chair, he made room between his legs for her. Kaila let him help her clamber up on top of his desk. It was a daring European design, bowed in a sprawling S

shape, taller and wider than what she considered standard.

He positioned her with her bottom resting on the protruding curve, her legs splayed wide. She felt like a child with her feet dangling above the floor, but only a woman could truly appreciate the engorged length of rampant cock waving up at her, or the heated look of desire in her lover’s eyes as he gazed on her nakedness.

Voice rough as an unpaved road, Pavel instructed her, “Place your feet here, on the armrests of my chair, drouch. That’s right…slide them all the way to the back. I need your legs open.”

The seat was bulky and wide, custom-made for his big body, and this position opened her to his view, placed her body on total display. A blush spread from her toes to her head when he scooted his chair close to the desk, dropped it to its lowest level. Placing his hands on her thighs, he pushed them wider apart, causing her pussy lips to open, revealing the tight kernel of nerves nestled at the top of her sex.

She waited, breath stuttering, hope stalling, as he sat unmoving, gazing his fill at the steamy, wet area between her legs. This was the point at which she always balked, the moment she doubted herself, fearing his judgment of her. Each and every time he looked at her like this, she faced the same dread, unable to trust totally in his stated love.

“You’re so beautiful in my eyes, Kaila. I’ll need a thousand years to enumerate how many ways you touch my soul.”

His hot breath wafted over her intimate flesh, his words lodged themselves in her heart and Kaila fell forward, folding over Pavel’s shoulder as every muscle in her body relaxed. Her relieved tears wet his shirt. Of course, he felt them, probably smelled the saltiness of them.

She thought he’d say something, but instead, he bent his head to her, bathing her vagina with hot licks of his raspy tongue.

“Pavel!” Her hips shot forward, fingers curled into fists in the thick locks of his hair.

Kaila hung on for dear life, lips parting as she gasped for breath, panting at the glittering pleasure fizzing like champagne bubbles in her blood.

He glanced up at her, mouth and chin wet from her fluids, eyes shining in a face gone primal and wild. “Moan some more for me, Kaila,” he ordered. Words terse, voice hard, he growled, “I need to hear you crying out with the pleasure I give you.”

Pavel’s hands moved then, and she convulsed as he twined two fingers deep inside her, adding his tongue and teeth in the mix. She came twice before he stood up between her legs.

Groaning about needing to get inside her, he peeled off his shirt, and pushed his pants down.

He kissed his way up her body.

Falling backward on the desk, Kaila coasted her hands up his tree trunk-strong arms, pulling him tighter to her, over her. Their lips met in a torrid series of kisses, tongues lashing each other, battling for supremacy in the dark, moist caves of their mouths.

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His teeth latched onto an upstanding nipple and she framed his face in her palms, held him there as her pelvis rose, begging him to take her. “Need you, Pavel…” she moaned, releasing his face to slide her hands down his back, clench her fingers in the firm mounds of his buttocks. “Fuck me…love me…please!”

He tore his lips away to stare down at her. “I do. Every time I fuck you, I love you more.”

Both of her damp, pebbled nipples, stinging from the savage way he’d bitten and suckled them, stood upright, quickly stiffening more in the chill following his mouth’s abandonment. She tugged at him, pulled him back to her. “Then love me now, Pavel.” Her chin wobbled. “Love me like you mean it.”

He slid into her, the key to her lock that opened her to a world of light and warmth.

They fit, merged, melded together in a seamless circle of give and take. Kaila loved fucking Pavel, loved the way his long, thick erection stretched the intimate corridors of her sex.

Taking him no longer hurt as it once had, but his sheer size insured she’d experience that overfilled feeling she’d begun to revel in.

“Feel my love, drouch, feel me loving you…so much!” Pavel groaned, rocking his pelvis against hers, his hips flexing strongly as he pushed his cock into her tight depths, withdrawing only to surge back in again and again.

“Harder, fuck me harder, Pavel,” she cried, loving the way he threw his entire body into giving her pleasure, knowing he wouldn’t come before she did. Kaila tightened her pussy around his thick length, squeezing rhythmically, shuddering every time his blunt head scored its heated path along her gloving flesh.

“I’ll give you hard,” he promised, pulling out of her and flipping her, bending her over the desk. He gripped her butt cheeks, spread them wide and slid his cock back in, filling her empty pussy as he’d filled her empty heart. “Give me your sweet cries of surrender!”

Kaila glanced over her shoulder, pulse kicking up when she caught a glimpse of the wild glow in his eyes, the fangs crowding his mouth. A dense pelt of dark fur covered his upper body, rubbed soft as silk against her lower back every time he thrust into her. He looked closer to changing than she’d ever seen him and for a minute, her heart raced at the thought of what she’d do if he shifted while inside her and fucked her as the wulf.

She couldn’t stop the pictures looping through her head: Pavel, as he’d appeared to her in their bedroom -- a giant wild wulf, so huge the top of his wulven head brushed the undersides of her breas s. She felt his fangs sink


into the bend of her neck, his forelegs at her

waist, holding her down. She saw him standing on his hind legs, felt his furred haunches along her buttocks and back as he fit his steel-hard wulf cock to the mouth of her dripping pussy and punched through, fucking her furiously.

The depraved daydream drove her over the edge. She fell from a dizzying height, screaming and bucking under him. Relentless in his pursuit of pleasuring her, he rode her Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


down, his weight pressing her nipples into the cold surface of the polished oak desk, his heavy balls slapping the back of her thighs.

Her powers of speech left her and she could only moan as he took her roughly, mastering her carnally. She relished the way he demanded her surrender, controlling her and at the same time making her feel safe, cherished, and protected. She’d never experienced anything like this before his loving touch.

His cock grew inside, knotting her, sealing shut the mouth of her womb. The tight stretch snapped the last vestiges of Kaila’s control and she shattered in the grip of a wet and wild orgasm of hurricane proportions. Throwing back her head, she gave him the cries he demanded, voice breaking as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over her.

Slamming into her, howling his victory to the world, Pavel came right behind her, as his tight balls pumped jets of hot cum out of his cockhead, flooding her pussy. With a satiated groan, he collapsed on top of her and they lay on his desk, spent, breathing hard and panting.

After a long while, Pavel’s knot diminished. He tried to pull out, but Kaila yelped in dismay. Her pussy was puffy and so swollen he ended up working his penis out of her in small increments. If he’d still been hard, he wouldn’t have been able to accomplish it.

“Let me take care of you,” he whispered, picking her up with that casual inhuman strength she loved. He carried her into the small in-office suite consisting of a bedroom, full bathroom, and a sitting room, stood her on her feet in the bathroom. One arm holding her upright, he leaned in and started the shower.

After a long, lazy time under a heated shower and an even longer second loving, Pavel carried her limp body out of the shower. Leaning her against the wall, he dried every inch of her abundant flesh, paying close attention to the crease under her breasts. Following the towel’s downward path with hot, open-mouthed kisses that ended with his tongue licking her clit and the surrounding tender areas, he bathed her in his healing saliva. She shuddered through a smooth series of orgasms, the pleasure flowing like warm, thick molasses, too spent to do anything but mewl.

Lifting her in another display of easy strength, Pavel whisked her back to the impromptu bedroom, lowering her to the spartan bed where he proceeded to love her again.

This time with a wild turbulent energy that -- to her shocked delight -- revitalized her, turned her into a scratching, clawing wild woman who demanded he make her come hard and fast.

“Moonbeams and shadows, Kaila,” Pavel gasped as he settled down beside her, drawing her to his chest and covering them both with the light blanket folded at their feet. “Loving you gets better and better each time.”

I love you more than my next breath, she whispered in his mind.

As I love you, drouch…

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If I am truly your heart’s home, why do you have a locked door in your mind? Her mental tone was diffident, cautious. Why won’t you open the door and let me in?

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