Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures (3 page)

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He eyed the small window set high in the wall. He discounted the bars. They would stop a puny human, but they couldn’t hold in a wulf. He would get out and try to make it to the landing strip. That damned Janecek puppy had mentioned something about a plane coming in. He’d try to hijack it, make the pilots fly him to the mainland.

Delin went out to the bathroom’s lobby and dragged the heavy trashcan back with him. He positioned it under the window, removed the domed lid and leapt nimbly up on the rim. Balanced precariously, he relaxed, allowing his body to take on the hulking bulk of mid-form. The power and adrenaline rush he experienced in this form brought with it a heady euphoria and it was hard, but he bit back the joyous howls bubbling in his throat. With casual strength, he ripped out some steel bars, bent the others until he had a space large enough to wedge his mid-form body through.

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He left tufts of fur and a long strip of hide getting out the narrow jagged frame, but he was free! He wouldn’t worry about the evidence he was leaving behind. When they discovered he’d escaped, they’d pretty much figure him for the murderer.

Delin took a moment to regret having moved too soon, having given in to anger at the bitch’s disrespectful attitude. He’d planned to kill and eat her all along, but he should have timed it better. If he’d taken the time to do it correctly, he could have enjoyed a real killing spree.

As for that pompous ass, Rickard and his trained dog, Janecek…they needed to learn not to mess with the natural order of things. Catering to these hoity-toity dirt monkeys, preferring them over their betters was wrong. He couldn’t stand how they strutted around like their shit didn’t stink just because they had buckets of money.

His feral eyes glowed, fangs dropped down as his mouth twisted with the hatred he felt for the two responsible for his discomfort. When and if he could, he’d find a way to hurt them. Maybe kill that fine assed breed they’d been fucking. Yeah, he’d smelled her sweet pussy all over them. It was one more sin laid to their account: hoarding the best cunt for themselves.

He’d get to them, sure as shit, but for now, he’d have to cut his losses and live to kill another day. Getting to the mainland, where he could disappear into the teeming populace of the city and hunt at will was his main priority. To do that, he needed to be in fighting form.

A complete shift to fur form healed most of his injuries and with a wild, rebellious howl, Delin loped into the night, setting a roundabout course to the airstrip.

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


Early Morning Snack

Kaila came partially awake as Pavel slipped his hands under her shoulders and hips. She turned into his embrace, snuggling against his broad chest. “Meeting over with?”

Rickard answered her drowsy question. “Yes, drouch, now we have time for you.”

“You never told tell me what ‘drouch’ means.”

Pavel chuckled. “Here comes the vocabulary lesson…”

Rickard lightly punched him. “Shut up, you. She asked me. Drouch is an ancient Drestovian word with many meanings, all of them terms of endearment.”

Kaila looped an arm over Pavel’s shoulders and twisted her head a bit to bring Rickard into her sights. “What do you mean when you say it to me?”

Rickard smiled. “It means, ‘Little heart,’ ‘Beloved one,’ ‘Desired one’…all of those.”

She glanced over at Pavel, just in time to catch the two men sharing a surprisingly hot gaze. Kaila turned back to Rickard. “What does it mean when you say it to Pavel? Your voice sounds very different than when you use it for me.”

Rickard blushed. In the dark, lit by a brilliant moon, she easily saw the wash of hot color flood his pale features. She wished she hadn’t asked.

Long after she’d given up hope of an answer, Rickard whispered, “Heart’s home.”

“Ohhhhhh.” Breath going out of her on a sigh, Kaila lowered her head back on Pavel’s chest. For some reason, she felt like crying. “That sounds beautiful. I have never been…”

Pavel’s arms tightened about her, cutting off her forlorn statement. “You are mine, drouch. You are my heart and my home.” He spoke so close to her ear, the wind of his words brushed her ear causing her to tremble. His voice, gruff and low, touched her soul.

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She pulled his head down to hers, meeting his mouth with open heart and lips. The dark ecstasy of his kiss ran through her like napalm, detonating erotic explosions that flamed at her nipples and clit. The resultant burn had her thighs clenching together in urgent need.

“Take me home. I need you to fuck me again.”

Rickard’s hand joined Pavel’s at her back. “What of me, Kaila? Darkness still covers the world. This night is not over and it still belongs to me…”

She glanced over her shoulder at him, eyes widening as she took in his expectant expression.

As he had done to her, she delayed her answer until the hope in Rickard’s pale silvery blue eyes began to fade. “You are our beloved one. Desired one, come to our bed. Come and fuck us.”

“Us…?” Pavel and Rickard spoke in unison, their questioning voices synced.

She nodded, smiling. “When you are both inside me, the two of you can touch, loving each other as you love me.”

They came together with unhurried touches, long, lush kisses and it was all the more powerful because of the gentleness. Tongues caressed, hands soothed, mouths shared until the two men could no longer hold back.

This time, Pavel lubed his cock to ease his entry, sliding his demonically thick length inside her with slow easy thrusts that soon had her arching in blissful surrender. “Now, Rickard,” he urged gruff-voiced. “Join us.”

Kaila glanced over her shoulder to see Rickard preparing himself. The absence of a condom bothered her for a moment until Pavel’s warm mental reassurance eased her concerns.

Except with me, he’s never gone without a condom. He’s clean and so are you. As for me, wulves don’t have, nor can we transmit human diseases.

Pavel hadn’t based his earlier demand that Rickard use a condom on the threat of disease. He was simply too possessive of her to allow another male -- even Rickard -- to spend inside her pussy without protection. She found she loved the idea of accepting no one’s seed but his, so as she waited for the prince to prepare her, she stretched up and kissed Pavel.

I love you so much, love the way you feel inside me, filling me up, making me burn.

Not half as much as I love you for accepting me, accepting this. Pavel looked beyond her to where Rickard knelt behind Kaila. He’s almost ready for you, baby. Remember to relax. Relax and enjoy.

Rickard warmed the lube between his hands and worked it into her tiny puckered sphincter with firm yet gentle touches. He applied a generous dollop to his stiff erection, slathering his cock good. Fitting the slippery blunt head against her quivering entry, he rolled his hips, pushing in.

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


The broad rounded tip punched through the puckered slit and Kaila’s head snapped back on her neck. She hissed through her teeth at the pain shooting up her spine. “Hurts!”

Rickard paused, waiting for her to adjust. He rubbed her lower back, his husky voice murmuring encouragement. “You forgot to push out. Push out, Kaila, and let me all the way in.” His hand dropped to her clit and circled.

Lending another layer of distraction, Pavel palmed her breasts, fingers tweaking her stiff nipples. Groaning, he pulled her torso down to his lips, replacing his hands with his mouth. He slurped at her crests with carnal hunger. “I love your rigid little nipples,” he growled, voice gone thready. “They’re like hard candy drops that don’t melt in my mouth.”

Above her, Rickard gripped her ass cheeks, fingers sinking into the full mounds as his cock squeezed through the tight elastic mouth of her anus. He held still for a moment, letting her adjust.

Below her, Pavel rocked up and she felt his thick penis filling her pussy, felt him rubbing his cock along Rickard’s through the thin membrane separating her pussy and anus.

Cocooned in their arms, impaled on their cocks, Kaila moaned, loving the decadent sensations.


She opened her eyes and glanced down to find Pavel’s eyes burning with that incandescent glow that presaged his change. She shuddered, catching fire from the excitement flaring in his hot gaze. “Y-yes?”

“The next time we fuck, I’m going to put your luscious nipples in clamps.”

The idea shocked her, titillated her imagination. “Oh, God, Pavel…!”

“I’ll clamp your clit…let it pinch while I eat your pussy.” He grinned. “You just gushed all over me, so I know you like the sound of that idea.”

Rickard’s cock jerked in the hot confines of her ass. He chimed in with a groaning laugh. “Damn it, Pavel, my damned cock likes the sound, too. It’s gone hard as stone.”

He pulled out of her clinging passage only to slam into her ass so fiercely his balls slapped the skin below her vagina. Grunting, he began fucking her hard, forcing every long thick inch of his cock up her tight next-to-virginal rectum. With each inward thrust, he forced her down on Pavel’s cock, lifted her up as he pulled out.

“I’d give anything to see her in your clamps. God, I can just imagine those big tits of hers adorned in a nipple chain. You should buy her a diamond and peridot set to match your eyes.”

“Good idea!” Pavel grunted. “Would you like that, Kaila?” His hands rose to her breasts.

His fingers pinched her nipples until she flinched from the small pain, then soothed them with his tongue. “Would you like to be adorned in my colors? I’ll order a full set. A clit clamp attached to two nipple rings joined by a chain so every move you make you’ll feel them as if my hands were touching you, keeping you ready for me.”

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Kaila’s belly muscles cramped with excitement. Pleasure sizzled and fizzed like champagne bubbles in her blood, turning her into a wild woman. Her womb clenched, spilling slick cream. Her pussy and ass clamped down on the cocks shuttling in and out her tight channels as she screamed an enthusiastic yes.

Gentleness gave way to urgency. Rickard and Pavel banged her furiously, each man fucking into her, sinking in, withdrawing with a smooth, cadenced, coordination that had her frantic to come. Each time they buried their cocks in her, their balls slapped against each other and both men groaned in erotic agony.

“Knot her, Pavel!” Rickard demanded, hips pistoning so fast the passage of his cock was a constant burn in her ass. “Wedge your cock all the way in and knot her so I can feel you!”

Pavel bared his fangs. Curses streamed from his mouth. Like verbal silk, the liquid sounding vowels of his native language poured over her. Grabbing her hips, he ground her down on his cock, lifted her up, and slammed her down again in a show of otherworldly strength.

Rickard clung to her back, long arms slung around her torso, hands palming her breasts as he rode out Pavel’s storm. He pinched her nipples between his fingers as his cock continued to burrow deep in her dark, secret channel. “Do it! I want to come with you!”

With a shout, Pavel began releasing short bursts of semen in her vagina, the slippery ejaculate helping his cock penetrate to the thick root. Her pussy stretched around the knot forming at the base of his cock, the fit almost too tight for comfort.

Kaila exploded into a series of jagged orgasms that curled her toes and arched her spine.

Cries spilled from her, helpless pleas that they fuck her harder, deeper as she crested wave after crashing wave of ecstasy reveling in being at the mercy of two heavenly, relentless cocks.

“That’s right…” Rickard hissed, his big cock digging, digging deep in her anus. “Fuck us, Pavel! Come in her! I want to feel your seed blasting the walls of her cunt!”

His growled words had her climbing another glittering edge and Kaila couldn’t do a damned thing other than hang there, suspended on steel-hard cocks between rock-hard abdomens -- a wondrous, devilish place. He reached that sweet spot where the stabs of pain piggybacked with sublime pleasure.

Her men were so big, so powerful. The passionate strength of their lusty thrusts had both her entrances burning raw and scalding hot. Pavel’s cock -- squeezed into a space made tinier by the presence of Rickard’s large penis -- was pulverizing her oversensitive pussy.

Rickard’s battering ram of an erection pounded the narrow corridors of her newly initiated rectum.

The pleasure-pain was driving her to insanity. Desperate, she pushed her bottom back at Rickard, dragged her jutting nipples through Pavel’s springy chest hair and screamed at them to come.

Werewulf Journals 4: Sated Pleasures


Moving in tandem, Pavel and Rickard easily shuttled her between them, for all her hefty build, making her body feel light and insubstantial. Both sent a hand questing, fingers meeting at her clit. Both fingered, rubbed, and rolled the small knot of nerves while their hips flexed strongly. With a triumphant cry, Kaila soared, taking flight.

Her milking sheaths rippled along their cocks, calling forth their sperm. A moment later, Pavel and Rickard exploded within her. Harsh cries fell from their lips. Their strong bodies shuddered in her welcoming grasp while they ejaculated jet after jet of hot semen.

Replete for the moment, they fell to the bed in a tangled heap of satiated bodies.

Later, cleaned and ready to sleep, Kaila lay between them, chuckling. Pavel leaned up to peer down at her. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m a Simon and Garfunkel song.”

His puzzled look sent her off into gales of laughter. “‘Bridge over Troubled Water.’”

Pavel still didn’t get it, though she thought Rickard did. She reached for both men’s groin, took a cock in each hand. “I’m Rickard’s bridge to his heart’s home.”

“Thank you.”

She looked over to find tears in Rickard’s eyes. Turning to Pavel she ordered, “Quick, while the night is still his…kiss him.”

The men met over her, male mouths meshing in a kiss so beautifully emotional it brought tears to her eyes. Love, immeasurable and boundless flowed between them through the link, unselfish and unfettered. Eons passed and when at last they parted, Pavel’s green eyes swam behind a shining wall of moisture.

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