West Pacific Supers: Rising Tide (10 page)

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Authors: K.M. Johnson-Weider

BOOK: West Pacific Supers: Rising Tide
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Seawolf kept her
voice calm though her stomach was churning. “We should hire a real super,
someone with experience on a super team, who knows the city, and has a top tier
power set.”

“That sounds great,”
with a hint of sarcasm. “And where do you
suggest we go to find this ‘real super’ who is going to be willing to jump
teams at the beginning of the Season?”

“Canada,” said
Seawolf. She was looking right at Dr. Hodges. He of all people should know
where she was going with this.

Dr. Hodges started.
“Camille!” he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face for the first time.
“Yes, we hire Camille!”

“Who’s Camille?”
asked Gabrielle.

“She used to be Nova
Girl,” said Seawolf, her lip curling a little as she thought of her old rival.
God, I can’t believe that I’m the one
suggesting that we bring her back,
she thought.
Talk about irony.

chuckled. “The one
who got fired because she wouldn’t wear a miniskirt any longer? Didn’t she
become Nova Woman or something?”

“Yes, that’s her,”
said Dr. Hodges. “She joined the Infinity Team after the Board refused to see
reason.” He sighed. “It was a terrible loss.”

“You know, we
actually studied her in one of my media classes,” commented Gabrielle. “An
example of how not to change with the times. But if she went to Chicago, what’s
she doing in Canada?”

“She was put on the
Injured Reserve list one too many times,” said Seawolf bluntly. “She’s a flyer
and quite arrogant; she arrived too quickly at some major crises and engaged
too early, no doubt thinking she could handle the situation. Infinity cut her
after the second year. Last I heard she’d joined some sort of Canadian super

“Do they even have
supers in Canada?” asked

“Quite a few from
what I’ve heard - if you can call them supers,” said Seawolf dryly. “Of course,
you’ll have to keep her on a short leash, Gabrielle. Camille is undeniably
powerful, but she’s a born publicity hound.”

Dr. Hodges gave her
a pained look and Seawolf grimaced. She and Camille had a long and rather
tortured history dating back to when they both had been at the Academy, all of
which Dr. Hodges knew. He should be pleased that she had even suggested her,
not annoyed that she, as usual, was one of the few to see Camille for what she
really was.

“That might work,”
admitted Gabrielle. “IF she even wants to come back given all of the bad
feelings from the last time she was on the team. She would give us the flyer we

“It’s an excellent
idea,” said Dr. Sterling. “Seawolf, you can fly directly from Milwaukee up to
Canada to hire her.”

Seawolf stared at
her in disbelief. “Oh, no – I don’t think that’s a good idea. Gabrielle should

“Don’t be silly,”
said Dr. Sterling dismissively. “You suggested her, you can hire her. Plus, we
need Gabrielle back right away in the city to take over public relations. There
are press conferences to hold and the funerals will be on Sunday. Stacey here
will fly out to Milwaukee to represent the team at the Super Draft.”

“Fine,” said
Seawolf, feeling a
of guilt at her own
pettiness when there were funerals to arrange. “I’ll get Camille.”

“Good,” said Dr. Sterling,
“but adding a teen and Nova Woman still isn’t going to make up for everything
we lost today, especially if Keystone jumps to another team, which seems
increasingly likely. Let’s face it: we’ve pissed off some big-time
supervillains in the past who are going to see this as the perfect opportunity
for payback. And that’s not even taking into account whoever was behind the
attack. It’s entirely possible that they are intent on finishing the job. We’re
going to have to pull together quickly, and we’re still short a team leader.”

Dr. Hodges broke in.
“I think I have that covered: Blue Star.”

Gabrielle gasped.
“Oh my god, Blue Star is still alive?”

“Mostly,” Seawolf
said. “He’s in Portland last I heard.”

“The graveyard for old
supers,” said
with a chuckle. “You know what
they say, old supers don’t die - they move to Oregon.”

“Wow,” said
Gabrielle. “That’s amazing. My mom was such a big fan of his!” She frowned as
Seawolf raised an eyebrow at her. “Seriously, I thought he was dead. “

“Not dead,” Dr.
Hodges confirmed. “He’s team leader of the Legends, but I hear he’s bored in
Portland. He’s got decades of experience, so even the Governing Board should be
happy with the choice. When Gabrielle gets back in town, Annie and I can head
to Portland to talk to him.”

Dr. Sterling stood
up. “Alright, let’s get working on it!” Goodbyes were said, the video
conference feed was cut, and the television screen went dark.

Gabrielle sat for a
moment, apparently mustering the strength to start working on everything she
needed to do. “It’s a good plan,” she finally said, though she sounded as if
she were trying to reassure herself more than Seawolf.

Seawolf raised an
eyebrow. “Indeed. Let’s just hope that it’s better than whatever plan the bad
guys have.”

Chapter 7

8:22 a.m.,
Friday, March 29th, 2013



Richardson-Franklyn, formerly Nova Woman of the Infinity Team, formerly Nova
Girl of West Pacific Supers, formerly Camille Richardson of the Hodges’
Institute Academy for Mutant Youth, had never learned the art of starting a car
in 10 degrees. In fact, driving a car was something she’d largely given up on
since moving to the Yukon. She listened with bemused incomprehension when Jules
complained about putting chains on the tires or explained how to plug in the
car so that the engine block wouldn’t crack. There were obvious advantages to
being able to fly and commuting in a subarctic climate was clearly one of them.
Not that Jules always appreciated that. This morning he’d gotten
uncharacteristically upset when she’d woken him up so he could get ready to
drop Meghan off at preschool.

“It’s negative 12
out there!” he’d exclaimed after checking the window thermometer.

“What is that in
Fahrenheit?” she’d asked absentmindedly; she had also failed to internalize the
metric system.

“For Christ’s sake,
Camille, when are you going to learn Celsius?” he’d snapped, surprising both of
them. “We aren’t in the States anymore!”

They were both quiet
after that, though he had kissed her before she left. “It’s been a long
winter,” he said apologetically and she’d nodded but said nothing.
They’re always long winters
she thought,
and he
wouldn’t have kissed me if he’d known what I was up to today.

Now, flying parallel
to Lewes Boulevard, then over the Yukon River, she wondered why on earth she
had agreed to this meeting. She’d put Jules through hell over the last 8 years
of their marriage and even Meghan was now getting old enough to understand
about making friends and putting down roots. Why would she consider
jeopardizing her tenuous family harmony again?
It’s about public service
, she told herself
. Helping out old friends. And going
home again
, she admitted.
maybe redemption
. She sighed. Whatever being a superhero was, it
was never easy.

Christina was
already bustling around the office; her Scots ancestry seemed to make her as
immune to the bitter cold as Camille’s mutant genes made her. “Private jet,
then,” she said to Camille significantly as she updated the Crime Stoppers
wanted postings on the waiting room bulletin board. “First class all the way,
they are.”

“That they are,”
said Camille with a sigh, heading back to her office. “First class even when
they show you the door.” She was still bitter that the West Pacific Governing
Board had refused to let her change her costume design when Meghan was born. It
was ridiculous that they expected a 26-year-old married woman and new mother to
keep flying around in a miniskirt, halter top, and go-go boots. Not that she
had wanted to change to some dowdy costume, mind you; the slacks and low-cut
blouse she’d proposed still polled well with 18-to-26-year-old males, though
admittedly she’d lost some sponsors and a portion of her fan base when her
marriage became public. It was pathetic, really, how marketable sex appeal
plummeted once you got a wedding ring.

If Dr. Hodges had
come, she would’ve gone to the airport to meet him. Seawolf, on the other hand,
was another matter entirely. She’d always made Camille uncomfortable for some
reason. Camille had been 13 when she arrived at the Academy; Seawolf was
already a graduate, studying at UC-West Pacific while working as an Academy RA
for room and board. Camille had been assigned to her floor and the two had
clashed from the start. It hadn’t been because Seawolf was an obvious mutant,
she quickly told herself. In fact, Seawolf had been the one who wasn’t
comfortable around her.
always resented that everyone liked me better.
The thought was so
unexpected that Camille was surprised by its vehemence
. I sound like a teenage brat
she thought ruefully.
I was, back when I first met her. Hell, even when I got on the team I was
pretty full of myself. No wonder she didn’t like me.
Seawolf was
always professional, always distant, even arrogant, but a pro. A sarcastic,
negative, and aloof pro, but a pro nonetheless. Camille shook her head.
That’s years ago now. We’ve both
moved on.

Christina sent Sven
to the airport while Camille checked her email for the twentieth time that
morning. Nothing. The fact was that not a lot went wrong in Whitehorse. Of
course, she technically had jurisdiction over the whole territory, but even
that wasn’t saying much. There were less than 35,000 people in the whole Yukon;
two-thirds of them lived right here in the capital. There simply wasn’t a lot
of crime and almost no supercriminal activity. Most of her day-to-day work was
supporting the RCMP, but the Mounties were competent enough to not need a lot
of help. There had been some excitement last year when Polaris had needed her
assistance up in
with a witch problem, but
together they’d resolved the situation pretty quickly and she hadn’t had an
excuse to visit the Northwest Territories since.

The only thing that
kept her sane was alien activity. Both the Canadian and U.S. governments had
allowed various alien refugee groups to establish settlements in the wilderness
of the Yukon and Alaska, almost all on full restricted status, which meant that
the inhabitants were prohibited from leaving strict geographical boundaries.
Invariably, someone would decide to wander and then Camille would get to round
them up and escort them back to wherever they were supposed to be. Even that
sounded more exciting than it usually was. Few of the aliens were that dangerous,
or delusional enough to put up much resistance. Compared to the sort of heroics
she’d done in Chicago and West Pacific, it was downright pathetic.

Action junkie!
She could almost
hear Jules’ accusing voice.
what he would say this is all about. My need to be a hero. But dammit that’s
what I am
! She got up abruptly and paced around her office. Mr.
Awesome used to say that powers were not a gift, but a loan from the future of
the human race to help out those stuck in the present. Her eyes filled with
tears as she thought of her old friend who had suffered such an ignominious
death. She had lost so many important people over the years that she wasn’t
sure she could put herself through it all again. Almost at once she remembered
what Dr. Hodges had said yesterday night when he called.
West Pacific needs you again Camille.
It’s time to come home

escorted Seawolf back to Camille’s office, pausing a bit longer than was
strictly necessary to give this newcomer in the fancy costume a one-over. The
swirling blue and white ultimesh took Camille aback, but she was also acutely
aware of how pathetic her office must look to a professional super. Even the
damn computer she had been so proud of was probably years behind what they were
using in West Pacific now. She forced a smile and extended her hand. “Seawolf,
welcome to Whitehorse! Please, take a seat. It’s been too long.”

hand felt slightly
tacky to the touch, always a strange sensation to shake. She rather pointedly
looked around the office before sitting in the chair across from Camille’s
desk. “You’ve heard of course,” she said.

So much for small
thought Camille. “Yes, of course. It’s been all over the news and when Matthew
called to say you were coming… ” She paused at
Oh God, I
thought he told her that he called!
“Well, he told me some of the
details. Not much though. We mostly talked about Ben and Jason - it’s just
shocking,” she finished lamely.

“So, Dr. Hodges
already talked to you? Well then, I guess you know why I’m here,” Seawolf said.
She stared at Camille for a moment before adding, “We want you back on the

“Right,” said
Camille. “The thing is, I don’t know whether or not I’m prepared to uproot my
family again. After the last… ”

Seawolf stopped her
with a wave of her webbed hand. “Obviously you’re prepared to accept our offer,
or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. The only questions are about terms.
We are prepared to buy off your current contract and offer you one year at 2.5
million, personal assistant, physical trainer, car with chauffeur, the typical
equipment, ultimesh costumes - pants suit is fine, premium office space,
publicity assistance with acquiring endorsements, five percent share in revenue
from the Nova Woman brand… ”

“Ten percent,”
countered Camille automatically, her pulse already racing.

“Eight,” said
Seawolf with a distinctly wolfish grin. “Obviously we need you to start
immediately. We’ll send people to move your family… ”

My family - Jules,
holy shit, what am I doing here!
Camille broke out in a cold sweat. “Wait,
wait just a minute, actually I don’t want to revise the Nova Woman brand,” she

“You’re not going
back to Nova Girl, are you?” asked Seawolf with furry arched eyebrows. “Having
marital problems?”

“No, of course not!”
Camille glared at Seawolf. “I’ve just been thinking of dropping the whole
costume and secret identity and everything. Just going with Camille.”

“How very European,”
remarked Seawolf dryly.

“It’s not just European,”
said Camille defensively. “There’s Meredith with the Arches.”

“True, probably not
the first time St. Louis has tried to import European class,” said Seawolf.
“Very well, I think we can accommodate that request. Are the rest of the terms

Camille took a deep
breath and forced herself to think. This was business after all. Sure, West
Pacific might need her, but that didn’t mean they were going to treat her
fairly – when had they ever done that? “2.5 million is way under my market
value,” she said carefully. “Twice that would be more like it.”

Seawolf scoffed.
“Considering what you’re making now, I should think that you’d be grateful for
the pay raise.”

“That’s not the
point,” said Camille, narrowing her eyes. “The top teens in the Super Draft
this year are going for ten million. And I have experience.”

“At your age, it’s
called baggage,” retorted Seawolf. “You’re not a teen anymore, Camille. You
have scar tissue and stretch marks. Who’s your largest sponsor nowadays anyway?
Canada Dry?”

Camille gritted her
teeth. She was not going to let Seawolf rile her, even if she was making a good
point. When the Infinity Team had cut her, Camille had lost almost all of her
Stateside sponsors. The real blow was being dropped from the Barbie
line, which had been her most lucrative
contract. Maybe West Pacific could help her get that back – it would be kind of
neat to get back into the doll market now that Meghan was old enough to play
with them. Camille shook her head. She had to focus here.

“Look,” she said to
Seawolf, “what I’m looking for is stability. I’m tired of being treated like a
damn yo-yo. So I want a three-year contract at four million a year. I’m
insulted that you’d even offer 2.5. There’s no way in hell I’m going to settle
for less than four million. You can take it or find yourself someone else.”

Seawolf laughed.
“You’re losing your touch, Camille. You aren’t supposed to make ultimatums
until later in the negotiations. Then again, I guess we are operating under
time pressure here. After all, we did just lose Ben and Jason, not to mention
that Starfish is now on the Injured Reserve. I should have expected you’d try
to rake us over the coals. Perhaps you’re taking your cue from Keystone.”

“Oh, cut the crap,”
snorted Camille. “If they wanted to try a guilt trip, Matthew would have come
himself. West Pacific’s in the top five in the West Coast Conference, so don’t
give me a load of bullshit about you not having the money to pay me a living

Seawolf gave her an
incredulous look. “You’re trying to tell me that 2.5 million dollars – U.S.
dollars – is not a living wage?”

Camille frowned,
feeling frustrated. “You know what I mean, Seawolf! How much are you pulling in
a year, anyway? Five, six million?”

“I have a
nondisclosure agreement,” said Seawolf smugly, “so I can’t legally discuss my
salary. But suffice to say that I feel myself justly rewarded for my 13 years
service to the city. Seniority has its perks.” She grinned at Camille, showing
more teeth than Camille thought was strictly necessary.

Camille swallowed
hard. This was all a damn negotiating tactic, she told herself; Seawolf was
just trying to get her angry so that she’d settle for less than she was worth.
Then again, maybe Seawolf was actually trying to scuttle the contract entirely.
She’s always hated me
Camille reminded herself.
probably forced her to come and she’s bound and determined to either screw me
over or get me to back out.
Camille clenched her jaw. She wasn’t
going to let pride or anger get the better of her. The fact was that even the
initial offer was almost ten times what she was making now. This wasn’t 2007
anymore. Times had changed and so had her marketability. She couldn’t
reasonably expect to pull in top dollar. “Three years, 3.5 million,” she said,
forcing a smile.

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