Read Wet (The Water's Edge #1) Online

Authors: Stacy Kestwick

Wet (The Water's Edge #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Wet (The Water's Edge #1)
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Opening the bathroom door, I peeked out. West was leaning against the wall just outside. He straightened and handed me an armful of clothing. “Here. These should work. And Hailey said thank you times a million.” He gave a crooked grin.

I took the clothes and retreated into the bathroom again. “Thanks for getting these for me,” I called through the door. “I wasn’t looking forward to driving home in wet clothes.”

West made a sound I couldn’t interpret. Spreading out what he’d brought me, I surveyed it. An oversized Nike tee, matching shorts, bra, and underwear. I took one look at the bra and tossed it aside. It was way too big for my B cups. The rest looked like it would work. I dressed quickly and then towel dried my hair. I didn’t see a brush and had to settle for finger combing the best I could. I checked my reflection. With my hair still damp, I was a bit chilled, and my hard nipples showed through the t-shirt. I hunched my shoulders. It sort of helped. I wrapped my wet clothes up in one of the towels and left the other hanging over the shower curtain rod. Upon opening the door, I stepped out and walked into West, who hadn’t moved from his position. My arms holding their wet bundle pressed into his stomach, but he didn’t move back. Instead, he reached for the towel and took it from me, setting it on a chair behind him.

“Tell Hailey thanks for the clothes. I’ll wash them and get them back to her soon.”

“I’m sure that’s the last thing she’s worried about right now.”

“Oh, I left the bra in there. It was… not the right size.”

His eyes dropped to my chest, and I hunched my shoulders more when my nipples tightened in response. He lifted his heated gaze back to my face, and his lips quirked up on one side. “I have to admit, once I knew Cody was okay, I kinda liked the wet t-shirt look on you.”

I took a step to the side. “I’m sure you did,” I replied.

He took a step to match mine, and I was pinned between him and the wall. He leaned closer, and his breath fanned over me, sending small tingles up and down my spine. “Well, if I’m being truthful, I liked the way they looked naked the best. And, Sadie, they are definitely the right size.”

His hands settled low on my hips, and I stopped breathing for a moment. “Were you spying on me in the shower?” I asked in confusion, my voice sounding breathy.

He leaned down until his lips were by my ear. “Not here. My house. The other night.”

“I thought we didn’t have sex that night.”

“I might have been too much of a gentleman to take advantage of you when you were drunk, but I’m only human. I couldn’t help sneaking a peek when I changed your shirt.” His thumbs rubbed lazy circles against the points of my hip bones. He leaned back, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Before I could come up with a response, his lips were on mine. It was just a gentle brush, an introduction. One soft sweep then back again. I sighed. His lips curled up in a grin and his fingers dug into the top of my ass. Settling his mouth more firmly against mine, he kissed me again. This time, he was thorough, learning the shape and contour of my lips, tracing the curve of my bottom one with his tongue before tugging on it with his teeth. He made a noise deep in his throat, and one of his hands coasted up my side to cup the back of my head, tilting me for better access.

Our lips clashed, and I twisted a handful of his shirt in my hand, using it to pull him closer. His hips pressed me against the wall, letting me feel how much the kiss affected him. Slowing the pace, his lips journeyed from my mouth, over my jawline, to the tender spot below my ear. I moaned and rocked against his hardness, dampness gathering between my legs. Desire made me dizzy. His breath was fast and harsh against the side of my neck, and his hand still gripped my hip, his fingers flexing. I tipped my head to the side, and his tongue had started a path down my neck when we heard the creak of the door opening.

West jerked away from me, stepping into the bathroom to grab the towel I had left hanging. I leaned against the wall, too unsteady to move. Aubrey poked her head in and saw me then turned to West as he emerged from the bathroom, holding the balled-up towel in front of him. Covering his anatomy, I noticed. I bit my lip to hide my grin.

“I better get back out there and help Wyatt. We’re moving a sofa around for Grandma. Thanks again, Sadie. You’re a lifesaver.”

“Funny,” I called out as he neared the door.

As he moved past her, Aubrey grabbed his arm and leaned close, talking to him in a hushed voice. West paused then shook his head. Aubrey spoke more adamantly, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. West’s jaw hardened, and he glared at her before giving a stiff nod. As he moved out the door, Aubrey’s hand trailed down from his elbow to his wrist. My stomach rolled. It seemed like an intimate gesture, yet he hadn’t seemed happy to see her.

She walked across the room to me. “I just wanted to make sure you were all right. We haven’t been introduced, but I’m Aubrey Perotti. And I would have been devastated if anything had happened to little Cody, so thank you again for, let’s just say, being in the right place at the right time.” Her husky voice had a slight accent. Of course it did.

“I’m just glad I could help,” I said.

“And I’d like to return the favor, if I may.”

I lifted my eyebrows. “And how do you plan on doing that?”

“You’re a photographer, correct? I’d like to hire you. Hailey was singing your praises, and I trust her. Have you ever done… boudoir photography?” Her voice dropped at the end, like she was sharing a secret. “I’ve always wanted to have some shots made, you know, while I still have the body for it. And if I like your work, I’ll be sure to whisper your praises in the right ears to make sure you have plenty more jobs headed your way.”

“Why me?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

She laughed. “Partly because I don’t know you well. Somehow, stripping down seems easier in front of a stranger than with a friend, yes? You’re a photographer, you must understand that. And, like I said, I want to do this now, while I’m young. While I still have the body and haven’t lost my nerve. I’ll pay you three grand. Is that enough?”

My eyes widened at that number, and I looked her over more objectively as a possible subject. There was no denying she was beautiful. Her skin was flawless, her curves lush without being trashy. She would photograph well, as I’m sure she already knew. And, as coordinator of that gala thing Hailey was talking about, she was no doubt telling the truth about her connections and pull. Not a good enemy to make by refusing. Plus, three thousand dollars? Yeah, I could use the money.

I ground my teeth before forcing a smile. “When would be a good time for you?”

“Are you free tomorrow? Just after lunch? I’ll text you the address.”

I recited my number, and she programmed it into her phone, which was covered with pink crystals. “Well, I’m sure you want to get home and get… cleaned up.” Her eyes raked over me with frank disapproval. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Can’t wait,” I muttered under my breath to her retreating back.

I was almost done loading the Jeep when West snuck up behind me and boxed me against the driver’s door with his arms. “Do you have plans for tonight? Have dinner with me.”

I turned and found myself only inches away from him. He smelled slightly of sweat from whatever he’d been doing for his grandma, and he was short of breath, like he’d run to get to me. I liked it.

I put one finger over his chest. “I can’t. I’m going out with Rue and Theo tonight.” I drew my hand down, letting my finger trace over his abs. His shirt was damp and sticking to his skin, and his muscles tightened with my touch.

He growled. “Skip it.”

“No.” He stared at me like he couldn’t believe I’d turned him down. “Look, you want to go out with me, give me some notice.”

“I just did.”

“Five hours is not notice.”

“Fine. Where are you going?”

“Why?” I teased. “Planning on crashing?” His checks turned a bit red, and I laughed, a real laugh. “I don’t know. It’s Theo’s turn to pick. Better luck next time.” I patted him on the cheek and slipped out of his loose hold, opening the car door.

His hand grabbed the frame as I went to shut it. His eyes flashed as he looked at me, and he opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but then he shook his head.

Neither of us moved. Neither of us spoke. The air around us felt charged with heat and anticipation. Finally, he closed my door and backed away, watching me the whole time.

As much as I felt drawn to him, a part of it scared me. It felt like too much too soon, like a firework, all bright and shiny and exciting, but with no staying power. If I was smart, I’d remember it wasn’t safe to play with matches.


inner was awesome. We’d driven over to this tiny pin dot on the map called Frogmore and eaten at The Foolish Frog. We sat outside, listening to live music and catching up with each other in between stuffing our faces. I was tired of red meat, and they had chicken piccata, my favorite, so I ordered that, but I was also stealing bites from Rue’s shrimp and grits and Theo’s Frogmore stew, a delicious mix of sausage, shrimp, potatoes, corn, and spices.

And I was drinking. Theo was DD for the night, so Rue and I were indulging. A lot. In fact, I may have already been partially drunk when we piled out of the restaurant and into Theo’s old beater.

“Ugh, take me home,” I said, moaning. It had been a long day, and the thought of dealing with Aubrey tomorrow was so depressing that I hadn’t even mentioned the whole episode at dinner.

“Nuh-uh,” Rue said, shaking her hair and making the pink tips swirl. “
are going out!”

Theo looked over his shoulder at her as she sprawled in the backseat. I had shotgun. “Where are we going?”

“To get laid!” Rue cried, throwing her arms up in the air. Theo and I laughed. Rue always wanted to get laid. “Let’s hit up Anchor for some tourist booty!” She pulled out her phone and started texting furiously. “And I may have told Boone we were headed there. You can thank me later, Sadie.”

I stopped laughing. Boone. I had kind of forgotten about him after Grady’s party. Boone with his floppy hair and his laid-back vibe. Boone could be fun. And then West’s face skittered through my mind, and I got butterflies. I frowned and tried thinking about Boone with his skateboarder’s body again. No tingles. I remembered West crowding me against my Jeep. Goose bumps.

Well, maybe I just hadn’t given Boone enough of a chance yet. Besides, I didn’t think I’d be in over my head with him. He didn’t strike me as particularly… deep. I could already tell West was going to be trouble for me. And I wasn’t sure I was ready for something that strong. I needed something lighter, easier. I needed a Boone.

“To Anchor!” I yelled through my open window, flinging my arm out to feel the sticky humidity blowing through my fingers.

Theo grinned and shook his head. “You guys are going to be crazy tonight, aren’t you? Just text me if you find another way home.”

When we pulled up to Anchor, the parking lot was almost full. Theo found an unopened bottle of water on his floorboards and made me and Rue each drink half, trying to pace us for the night ahead. Rue rubbed some pink lipstick across her lips that matched her hair and straightened her white eyelet dress. She was playing up the whole I-may-look-innocent-but-trust-me-I’m-not thing. I bet she wasn’t even wearing underwear, knowing her. I was buzzed enough I didn’t care anymore. I halfheartedly smoothed my dress down as I climbed out of the car. It was soft and short and red, and Rue had made my eyes all dark and smoky and lent me some crazy heels. I felt sultry, and that was good enough for me.

Theo shook his head at me as I stumbled over the crushed oysters in the parking lot. “Sadie, do you at least have your phone with you, so you can call me if you need me?”

I waved my phone at his face. “Yes, sir.” I did a mock salute and smashed the phone into my forehead and dissolved into giggles.

Theo sighed. “I swear, the only reason you guys invite me along is so you have a babysitter.”

Rue snorted. “We don’t need a babysitter. We just take pity on you and your love life. You should be thanking us for dragging your preppy ass out here for some action.”

Theo glared at her. “I don’t need help.”

“Of course not,” she mocked.

“Shut up.”

“Oh, Theo, you know we love you!” She kissed him on the cheek, leaving behind her pink lipstick.

“Aargh,” he muttered, rubbing at his cheek. “I feel sorry for whatever guy picks you up for the night. Does he know what he’s in for?”

She winked. “Not yet.” Rue linked her arm with mine, and we sashayed into the club.

I looked around. Jason, the bald, stubbly bartender was working again tonight. I was pretty proud of myself for remembering his name. Maybe I wasn’t as wasted as I thought I was. “Let’s get drinks!” I yelled at Rue, trying to be heard over the loud music, and she nodded. We wedged ourselves into a small open spot on the bar. Rue got a mojito, and I debated between a rum and Coke and a margarita. I decided on the rum and Coke.

BOOK: Wet (The Water's Edge #1)
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