Wexford 6 - No More Dying Then (21 page)

BOOK: Wexford 6 - No More Dying Then
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   That phrase again. “She got in his way . . .” Wexford was beginning to get the shivers every time he heard it.

   “D’you want a drink? It’ll have to be something out of a bottle. Making tea and coffee is Roz’s province and, anyway, I don’t know where she keeps the things.”

   “I don’t want a drink. I want to hear about Bridget Scott.”

   “Oh God, it was such a hell of a long time ago, ancient history. I suppose you’ve already had a splendid selection of biased accounts.” Swan sat down and rested his chin in his hands. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I went to this hotel with another man and a girl. If you’ll give me a minute I’ll try and re member their names.”

   “Bernard Frensham and Adelaide Turner.” Poor Frensham, Wexford thought. Swan lived on in his dreams but he had no reciprocal place in Swan’s memory.

   “Why ask me if you’ve already talked to them?”

   “I want your version.”

   “Of what happened on the lake? All right. I did let her drown, but I didn’t know she was drowning.” Swan’s face was petulant. In the November light, fitful and fading, he might have been nineteen again, but Wexford could see no shadow of vine leaves in his hair. “She plagued the life out of me,” he said, the sullen look deepening. “She hung about me and tried to get me to go swimming and walking with me and she staged scenes to attract my attention.”

   “What sort of scenes?”

   “Once she was out in a rowing boat and I was swimming and she started shouting she’d dropped her purse overboard and would I dive for it. I didn’t but what’s-his-name – Frensham - did and after we’d all been messing about for about ten minutes she produced it from the bottom of the boat. It was all a ploy. Then she came into my room once in the afternoon when I was trying to sleep and said if I wouldn’t speak to her she’d scream and when people came she’d tell them I’d done something to her. A kid of eleven!”

   “So that when you heard her cry for help you thought it was another ruse to attract your attention?”

   “Of course I did. That other time when she’d threatened to scream, I said, ‘Scream away.’ I can’t be taken in by that kind of thing. Out in the boat, I knew she was putting on an act. I couldn’t believe it when they said she’d drowned.”

   “Were you sorry?”

   “I was a bit shattered,” said Swan. “It made an impression on me, but it wasn’t my fault. For quite a long time after that I didn’t like having kids of that age around me. I don’t now, come to that.”

   Had he realised what he had said? “Stella was just that age when you first saw her, Mr. Swan,” said Wexford.

   But Swan seemed unaware of the innuendo. He went on to make matters worse. “She used to try the same things on, as a matter of fact, always trying to get attention.” The petulance returned, making him almost ugly. “Could she have a dog? Could she have a horse? Always trying to involve me. I sometimes think . . .” He directed at Wexford a gaze full of fierce dislike. “I sometimes think the whole world is trying to get between me and what I want.”

   “And that is?”

   “To be left alone with Rosalind,” said Swan simply. “I don’t want children. All this has made me loathe children. I want to be in the country with Roz, just the two of us, in peace. She’s the only person I’ve ever known who wants me for what I am. She hasn’t made an image of me that’s got to be lived up to, she doesn’t want to jolly me along and encourage me. She loves me, she really knows me and I’m first with her, the centre of her universe. Once she’d seen me she didn’t even care about Stella any more. We only kept her with us because I said we ought, that Roz might regret it later if she didn’t. And she’s jealous. Some men wouldn’t like that, but I do. It gives me a wonderful feeling of happiness and security when Roz says if I so much as looked at another woman she’d do that woman the worst injury in her power. You don’t know what that means to me.”

   I wonder what it means to me? Wexford thought. He said nothing but continued to keep his eyes fixed on Swan who suddenly flushed. “I haven’t talked so much to anyone for years,” he said, “except to Roz. That’s her coming in now. You won’t say anything about . . . ? If she began suspecting me I don’t know what I’d do.”

   It was the sound of a car Swan had heard, the Ford shooting brake crunching on the gravel outside Hall Farm.

   “I was under the impression you couldn’t drive a car, Mrs. Swan,” he said as she came in.

   “Were you? I let my licence lapse while I was out in the East but I took a new test last month.”

   She had been shopping. In London perhaps, at any rate in some more sophisticated place than Kingsmarkham. Her packages were wrapped in black paper lettered with white, scarlet printed with gold. But she hadn’t been buying for herself. 

   “A tie for you, my love. Look at the label.” Swan looked and so did Wexford. The label said Jacques Fath. “And some Russian cigarettes and a book and . . . It doesn’t look very much now I’ve got it all home. Oh, how I wish we were rich!”

   “So that you could spend it all on me?” said Swan. 

   “Who else? Did you remember to ring the electric people, darling?”

   “I never got around to it,” said Swan. “It went right out of my head.”

   “Never mind, my love. I’ll see to it. Now I’m going to make you some nice tea. Were you lonely without me?”

   “Yes, I was. Very.”

   She had hardly noticed Wexford. He was investigating the murder of her only child but she had hardly noticed him. Her eyes, her attention, were solely for her husband. It was he who, now there was someone to prepare it, rather grudgingly suggested that Wexford might care to stay and share their tea.

   “No, thank you,” said the chief inspector. “I wouldn’t want to be in your way.”

The lock of hair had belonged neither to John Lawrence nor to Stella Rivers, but it was a child’s hair. Someone had cut it from a child’s head. That meant whoever had written the letters had access to a golden-headed child. And more than just access. No one could go up to a child in the street and chop off a piece of his or her hair without getting into trouble. Technically, it would be assault. Therefore, the letter-writer, the “fur man,” must be in such close association with a golden-headed child as to be able to cut off a lock of its hair either while it was asleep or with its permission.

   But how far did that get him? Wexford pondered. He couldn’t interview every golden-haired child in Sussex. He couldn’t even ask for such children to come forward, for the person “in close association” - father? Uncle? - would prevent the one significant child from answering his appeal.

   Although it wasn’t the prescribed time, Wexford swallowed two of his blood-pressure tablets, washing them down with the dregs of his coffee. He’d need them if he was going to spend the rest of the day scouring Stowerton. Mrs. Thetford first, to see if there was any chance she had broadcast the news of John’s disappearance around the town. Then perhaps Rushworth. Sit down with Rushworth for hours if necessary, make him remember, make him describe his fellow searchers, get to the bottom of it today.

The climate in which Burden and his sister-in-law now lived wasn’t conducive to confidences. It was nearly a week since she had smiled at him or said any more than “Colder today” or “Pass the butter, please.” But he would have to tell her about his forthcoming marriage, and tell the children too, perhaps even ask their permission.

   He thought his opportunity had come when, thawing a little, Grace said, “Aren’t you having next weekend off?”

   Guardedly, he said, “Supposed to be, We’re very busy.”

   “Mother’s asked all four of us down for the week end.”

   “I don’t think . . .” Burden began. “I mean, I couldn’t manage it. Look here, Grace, there’s something . . .”

   Grace jumped up. “There’s always something. Don’t bother to make excuses. I’ll go alone with the children, if you’ve no objection.”

   “Of course I’ve no objection,” said Burden, and he went off to work, or what would have been work if he had been able to concentrate.

   He had half-promised to have his lunch in Fontaine Road. Bread and cheese, he supposed it would be, in that loathsome kitchen. Much as he longed to be with Gemma in the night, the meals she prepared had no attraction him. The police-station canteen was almost preferable. And suddenly it occurred to him that soon every meal he ate at home would be prepared by Gemma.

   Wexford had gone out somewhere. Time was when the chief inspector would never have gone out without leaving a message for him, but all that was changed now. He had changed it and the change in him had lost him Wexford’s esteem.

   Descending in the lift, he hoped he wouldn’t encounter Wexford, and when the door opened he saw that there was no one in the foyer but Camb and Harry Wild, who these days had become almost a fixture, as much a part of the furnishings as the counter and the little red chairs. Burden treated him like a chair, accepting his presence but otherwise ignoring him. He was nearly at the swing doors when they burst open and Wexford appeared.

   Except when he was with Gemma, muttering had become Burden’s normal mode of speech. He muttered a greeting and would have gone on his way. Wexford stopped him with the “Mr. Burden!” he habitually used in the presence of such as Camb and Wild.

   “Sir?” said Burden with equal formality.

   Speaking in a lower tone, Wexford said, “I’ve spent the morning with that fellow Rushworth, but I couldn’t get a thing out of him, Strikes me as a bit of a fool.”

   With an effort, Burden tried to fix his mind on Rushworth. “I don’t know,” he said. “I wouldn’t have considered him as a possible suspect myself, but he does wear a duffel coat and there was that business when he nearly frightened the wits out of the Crantock girl.”

   “He did what?”

   The words had been spoken in a sharp hiss. “I told you,” Burden said. “It was in my report.” Hesitating, muttering again, he recounted to the chief inspector his experience of the encounter in Chiltern Avenue. “I must have told you,” he faltered. “I’m sure I . . .”

   Wexford forgot about Wild and Camb. “You never did!” he shouted. “You never made any bloody report. D’you mean to tell me now – now - that Rushworth molested a child?”

   Burden had no words. He felt his face grow crimson. It was true - he remembered now - he had made no report, the whole thing had vanished from his mind. Love and involvement had driven it away, for that night, while Stowerton was wrapped in mist, had been his first night with Gemma.

   Things might have come to a head then between him and Wexford but for the intervention of Harry Wild. Insensitive to atmosphere, quite incapable of ever supposing himself to be de trop, Wild turned round and said loudly:

   “D’you mean to tell me you’ve got Bob Rushworth lined up for this job?”

   “I don’t mean to tell you anything,” Wexford snapped.

   “There’s no need to be like that. Don’t you want any help in your enquiries?”

   “What do you know about it?”

   “Well, I do know Rushworth,” said Wild, pushing himself between the two policemen. “And I know he’s a nasty customer. Friend of mine rents a cottage from him down in Mill Lane, but Rushworth keeps a key to it and pops in and out just whenever the fancy takes him. He went through all my friend’s private papers one day without so much as by your leave and his boy goes in and takes apples out of the garden, pinched a pint of milk once. I could tell you things about Bob Rushworth as’d make . . .”

   “I think you’ve told me enough, Harry,” said Wexford. Without extending the usual invitation to lunch, without even looking at Burden again, he swung out of the police station the way he had come.

   Because he was sure that if he went to the Carousel Burden would only follow him and ruin his lunch with mealy-mouthed excuses, Wexford drove home and surprised his wife, who seldom saw him between nine and six, with a peremptory demand for food. He couldn’t remember when he had last been in such a bad temper. Angry-looking black veins were standing out on his temples and this alarmed him so that he took two anti-coagulant tablets with the beer Mrs. Wexford produced off the ice. Burden ought to know better than to upset him like that. Fine thing if be ended up like poor old Scott.

   Somewhat calmer by three o’clock, he drove off to see Mrs. Thetford. According to a neighbour, she was out at her job of cleaning for Mrs. Dean. Wexford hung about till she got back and saw no reason to refuse her offer of a cup of tea and a piece of fruit cake. The Rushworths were both out all day, anyway, and he wanted to see them together rather than endure another interview with Rushworth in his estate agent’s office, their conversation constantly interrupted by phone calls from clients.

   But tea and cake were all he got out of Mrs. Thetford. She repeated the story he had already heard from her husband. Mrs. Dean had given her the news about John Lawrence at five o’clock but she declared she had passed it on to no one except her husband and her brother-in-law.

   He drove slowly up the lane and entered Sparta Grove. Lomax’s patient, Mrs. Foster, was his only hope now. She must have told someone what she had over heard at the doctor’s. Or been overheard herself? It was a possibility, perhaps the only one remaining.

Number 14 was her house. Wexford parked outside it and then he saw the boy. He was swinging on the gate of the house next door, number 18, and his rather long hair was bright gold.

   By now all the children were home from school and Sparta Grove was full of them. Wexford beckoned to a girl of about twelve and she approached the car suspiciously.

   “I’m not supposed to talk to strange men.”

   “Very proper,” said Wexford. “I’m a policeman.”

   “You don’t look like one. Show me your warrant card.”

   “By gum, you’ll go far if you don’t come to a bad end.” He produced his card and the child scrutinised it with huge delight. “Satisfied?”

   “Mmm.” She grinned. “I learnt how to do that off the telly.”

   “Very educational, the telly. I wonder they bother to keep the schools open. You see that boy with the fair hair? Where does he live?”

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