What Einstein Kept Under His Hat: Secrets of Science in the Kitchen (52 page)

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     for disinfecting surfaces, 116

     removing odor from, 116

     for washing produce, 115

chlorine dioxide, bleaching of flour with, 217, 218

chlorophyll(s), 109

     color change with cooking and, 111–13

     denaturation of, 109


     bloom on, 440–41

     caffeine in, 441

     carob as substitute for, 441–42

     composition of, 431–35

     conching, 434

     ganache, 442, 443

     Grilled Chocolate Sandwich, 444

     loss of temper of, 435–36

     melted, decorating with, 439

     milk, 434

     pillowcase sweets, 58–59

     seizing of, 435–39

     smoothness of chocolate bars and, 434

     Spicy Chocolate Crinkle Monsters, 329

     unsweetened (baking), 433

chocolate liquor, 432–33

choleglobin, 278

cholesterol, 22

     saturated fatty acids and, 171

chopsticks, 213–15

chorizo sausage, in Ultimate Oven Paella, 258–60

cider, 195

     hard, 195, 196–97

Cider Sauce, 199

cigarette beetle, 352

citric acid, as preservative, 375

Citrus Brioche Loaf, 182–83

CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), 274


     razor, 256–57

     in Ultimate Oven Paella, 258–60

climacteric fruits, 151

Clorox Oxygen Action, to remove red wine stains, 49–50

Clostridium botulinum,
283, 311, 312

     in garlic-infused oil, 345–47

     in honey, 237

     killing, 346

     spores of, 346

Clostridium perfringens,

cloudy iced tea, 6–7

cloves, 336

     corrosive properties of, 361–62

club soda, to remove red wine stains, 47, 48

coagulation, of protein, 271

cocoa, 434

cocoa butter, 433

     in chocolate, 434–35

     crystallization temperature of, 436, 437

cocoa solids, 433


     brewing, 16–17

     cream in, temperature and, 18–20

coffee cream, 55, 57

cola, freezing of, 5–6

cold-pressed oils, 161

cold smoking, 322, 354

Colgin, 353

collagen, braising meat and, 298

colloidal bubbles, 427

colloidal suspensions, 379, 382–83


     browning reactions and, 302

     of carrots, 117

     of chemical compounds, 49

     of cured meats, 282–84, 285

     of eggs, 90

     of ground beef, 275–79

     of hard-boiled egg yolks, 96, 98–99

     of olives, 184–86

     of peppercorns, 333

     of pork, 269–70

     of red cabbage, 13–14

color (

     of salmon, 239–41

     of scallops, 263

     of shrimp, 264–65

     of stocks, 303–4

     of tannins, 14

     of tea, 13, 14

     of tomatoes, 111

     of tuna, 242–45

     of vegetables, 109–13

     of Yukon Gold potatoes, 117


conching chocolate, 434

condensed milk, sweetened, 55

conduction, oven cooking by, 403–4

containers, emptying, 426

convection, oven cooking by, 404

convection currents, 310

converted rice, 216

cookies, Spicy Chocolate Crinkle Monsters, 329


     of coffee, 18–20

     of hard-boiled eggs, 96

     rate of, 19, 412

     of stocks, 307–8

see also
refrigeration; temperature

copper, emissivity of, 399

coquilles St. Jacques,

corks, for Champagne bottles, shape of, 35

corn, kernels of, 225

corn flour, 226

cornmeal, 225–27

     in Not-Very-Indian Pudding, 134–35

see also

cornstarch, 226

corn syrup, 233

Cortados, 30

cottage cheese, 68–69

     calories in, 70

Coulommiers, 77

coumarin, in Mexican and Caribbean “vanilla,” 366


     adding to coffee, cooling and, 18–20

     as emulsion, 83

     fat in, 52–59

sour cream

     types of, 52–59

cream cheese, 69

     in Best Damn Cheesecake, 71–72

     fat in, 70

crème anglaise (instant vanilla custard sauce), 92–93

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 274


cross-bridging, of proteins, 271

cross-linkage, of proteins, 135, 136

crystallization temperature, of cocoa butter, 436, 437


     bitterness in, 130–31

     types of, 131

cucurbitacins, in cucumbers, 130–31

culture, attitudes toward meat and, 270

culturing, of butter, 83–84

cured meats, color of, 282–84, 285

custard, frozen, 66

cuticle, of eggs, 101

cyclopentenolones, 324

Cyprus fever, 77

Dairy Queen ice cream, 65–66

Danish blue cheese, 77

Dawson Research Journal of Experimental Science,


     of Beignets Soufflés, 164–65

     in olive oil, 180

     rancidity of oil used for, 174

dégorgement, 33


     of chlorophylls, 109

     of proteins.
protein denaturation

density, role in cooking, 192–94


     of oils, 162

     of refrigerator, 368–71


     color of ground beef and, 276, 277, 278

     color of tuna and, 243

De Re Coquinaria
(Marcus Gavius Apicus), 234

detergents, 376–77

dewaxing, of oils, 162

dextrins, 205, 206

DHA (dihydroxyacetone), 8

diallylthiosulfinate, 343

dietary fiber, 223–25

diffraction, iridescence on meat and, 282

diglycerides, 381

dihydrocapsaicin, 334, 338

dihydroxyacetone (DHA), 8

dill seed, 336

dipole-dipole attraction, 398

direct grilling, 319

disaccharides, 203–4, 206

see also
lactose; maltose; sucrose

dishwasher detergent

     discoloration and corrosion of aluminum by, 376–78

     as electrolyte, 378

dishwashing detergent

     to remove red wine stains, 48

     for washing produce, 115

disinfecting sprays/wipes, caution regarding, 116

dissolving, melting versus, 420

diver scallops, 262

DIY Sour Cream, 63–64

doneness, testing cakes for, 402

double refraction, 282

Dow Corning, 406–8, 408

drink, meaning of word, 4

drinking, binge, 43

driving performance, alcohol and, 43

drupes, 148

“dry” scallops, 263

DuPont, 406–8

dyes, in farm-raised salmon, 239–41

East Coast razor clams, 256

EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid), 375


     in Best Damn Cheesecake, 71–72

     boiling without cracking, 94–95

     candling, 91, 94

     cassowary, 99

     color of, 90

     cooked versus raw, distinguishing, 96–97

     with double yolks, 93–94

     ferrous sulfide and ferric sulfide in, 98–99

     fertilized, 90

     freshness of, 86–87, 102

     in Fresh Orange Sponge Cake, 88–89

     grading of, 85–86

hard-boiled eggs

     hydrogen sulfide in, 98, 99, 100

     in Instant Vanilla Custard Sauce (crème anglaise), 92–93

     red spots in, 91

     rotten, 100–101

     sizes of, 85–86

     spinning, 97

     structure of, 86

     thousand-year-old, 105–6

     whites of, pasteurized, 104–5

eggplant, 266

Einstein, Albert, xvi

elbow pasta, 222

electrolytes, 378

electrolytic reactions, between metals, 377–78

electronegativity, 378

emissivity, 396–97, 398–99

emptying containers, 426

emulsifiers, 379, 380, 381

emulsions, 378–83, 383

     oil-in-water, cream as, 83

     water-in-oil, butter as, 83

endocarp, 148

endosperm, 225


     energy usage of fast and slow cooking methods and, 410–15

     kinetic, 385, 389–90, 403

enfleurage, 331

Ensis directus,

enzymatic browning, 155–56, 299, 375

enzyme(s), 12

     in honey, 236–37

     names of, 12

see also
specific enzymes

enzyme inhibitors, as preservatives, 375

equilibrium, 39

erythorbic acid, 285

esophagus, 4–5

essential oils, 327, 330–31

     in chili peppers, 334

     evaporation of, 348

     timing of adding herbs and spices and, 347

esters, 177, 315

ethanol, 22

ethyl acetate, 315

ethylene, ripening of fruits and, 151–52

ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), 375

eugenol, 336

     in cloves, 361–62

     vanilla synthesis from, 365

evaporated cane juice, 233

evaporated milk, 54–55

     skimmed, 54–55

expellers, in oil production, 161

expressed oils, 161

extra-light olive oil, 179

extra-virgin olive oil, 178–79

fatty acids (FAs)

Fahrenheit, Gabriel, 388

Fahrenheit scale, conversion between Celsius scale and, 388–89

Fajitas, Skirt Steak, Marinated, 294–95


farm-raised salmon, dyes used in, 239–41


     in Brie cheese, 73–74

     in butter, 82–83

     cacao, 432, 433

     in chocolate, 432, 433, 434–35

     in cream, 52–59

     in cream cheese, 70

     hydrogenated, 168, 170

     in milk, 52–55

     in muscle tissue, 271

     removing from cooled stock, 308

     trans (trans fatty acids), 166–71

see also
butter; cocoa butter; olive oil; vegetable oils

fat bloom, on chocolate, 440

fat-free milk, 52, 55

fatty acids (FAs)

     chains of, 181

     in olive oil, 177–78

     saturated, 169, 171

     sugar esters of, 381

     trans, 166–71

     unsaturated, 169–70

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

ferric form of iron, 278

ferric oxidation state, 285

ferric sulfide, in eggs, 98–99

ferrous form of iron, 278

ferrous oxidation state, 285

ferrous sulfide, in eggs, 98–99

fertilized eggs, 90

fettuccine, 221, 222

fiber, dietary, 223–25

finishing sauces with butter, 82–83

Finos, 30


     ammonia smell in, 347

     “cooked” in lime juice, 248–51

     Miso-Glazed Black Bass, 139–40

     raw, caution regarding, 244

     stock, 306

see also
specific types of fish

Fiskars knife sharpener, 127, 128

Fit Produce Wash, 114

flatulence, with legumes, 141–42

flavonoids, 109, 237


     added by wine, 315

     of beer, 24–25

     of butter, 84

     of capsicums, 334–35

     of cucumbers, 130–31

     deep-frying oil and, 174

     essential oils and, 331

     of garlic, 340–42, 343

     of mangoes, 425

     melding of, 421–22

     of olive oil, 177

     of onions, 340–42

     release by alcohol, 313–15

     smoking foods and, 322–23, 324

     of tea, 11

     of yogurt, 61


     artificial, 424–25

     natural, 424, 425

flavoring marinades, 288

Fleming, Alexander, 75


     bleaching of, 217–18

     buckwheat, 219–20

     corn, 226

     self-rising, making, 219

     semolina, 217

     unbleached, 217

flour tortillas, 230

foams, 427–28

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

     cheese categories of, 80–81

     definition of “natural” of, 423–24

     fat content in chocolate required by, 433

     labeling requirements for foods containing trans fatty acids and, 166

     Pure Vanilla Extract defined by, 366

     regulation of cheese production by, 77–78

     silicone approval by, 407

food labels

     fiber on, 224

     “natural” on, 422–25

on, 195

     sugars on, 233

foot, of clam, 256–57

Ford, Henry, 318

Ford Charcoal Company, 318

fortified wines, 30

Foster, Richard, 158

fractionation, of oils, 162, 168

free radicals, 175


     of apple wine, to produce applejack, 198

     of cola, 5–6

     of herbs and spices, 348, 353

     of margarine, to improve consistency, 167

     to prevent spoilage, 374

     of stock, 308

     of tofu, 137


     color of tuna and, 245

     of eggs, 86–87, 102

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