What Emma Craves (18 page)

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Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: What Emma Craves
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Pete reluctantly stood and hoisted Mallory up. She was only a few inches shorter than he was. “How tall are you?” he asked as he brushed the sticky sand off his chest and legs.

“Almost six feet.” She walked past him, grabbing his hand. “Come down to the water with me and help me wash off.”

He followed her, but he didn’t really know why.

While they walked, he kept an eye on Emma, who was now bobbing on her back in the water.

Once they were waist-deep, Mallory turned and said, “Can you splash off my back? Pretend you’re really into it, so we can get ready for the show.”

“What show?” he asked, splashing water on her.

“Antonio covertly meeting up with your wife.”

“What?” Pete said, craning his head around toward Emma. She was alone. “What are you talking about? He’s on the boat, and she’s in the water near shore.”

“Just watch and learn, boy. Damn, you
thickheaded.” She turned, splashing water onto her own chest, the droplets gleaming in the sun.

“I’m not thickheaded,” he retorted. “And I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m beginning to think you love to make shit up.”

“I’m not making anything up. Just watch and learn.” Charlotte joined them with a splash as she jumped in. She had an air mattress under one arm. Mallory nodded at Charlotte. “Pete here doesn’t think Antonio is going to seek Emma out at his first opportunity. What’s your bet?”

Charlotte snorted, shaking the water from her hair. “A thousand to one he’s going to dive off the back of that yacht like he’s just going to take a leisurely swim, but he’ll slowly make his way over like a piranha scenting blood. If he doesn’t, I’ll happily eat this air mattress.” She shook it.

Pete was stunned. “Doesn’t it bother you that he wants my wife? He’s supposed to be your boyfriend.”

“It would only bother me if I thought I had a chance to be with Antonio forever. But as you heard this morning, that isn’t happening. He’s a total player. I knew that going in. He wants what he can’t have, and currently that’s your beautiful, flexible, limber-as-all-hell wife, so you better be careful. Antonio has charisma coming out of his ass. Add filthy wealth into that equation, and all bets are off. This wouldn’t be the first time he’s broken up a marriage either. One of these times, he’s going to pick The One and it’s going to stick.”

Before Pete knew what was happening, his hands were being moved upward while Mallory gave a throaty laugh, loud enough for Emma to hear. His hands landed on her breasts as she squealed, “Oh, you’re SUCH a naughty boy! That feels

“What the hell are you doing?” he said through clenched teeth, trying to pull his hands away. Mallory was surprisingly strong and kept them locked in place.

“I’m helping you, you big lunkheaded dummy.”

“Helping me how? By trying to make my wife jealous?”

“You hit the nail on the head. You and Emma deserve to be together. The sex you just had was hot, and it’s clear you two have a connection. Being a little jealous goes a long way on both sides. Follow my lead, and you can win her back,” Mallory told him with assuredness in her voice.

“I don’t need to win her
. She’s already mine—”

There was a big splash.

They all turned to look. Antonio was in the water, and he was headed straight toward Emma.

* * *

Emma stood, her feet digging into the soft white sand. She heard Mallory’s laugh, and she frowned as she watched. Pete’s hands were all over her. At the sound of a splash, Emma turned in time to see Antonio’s head bob to the surface. He was swimming toward her.

She glanced back toward Pete, but his back was to her. He seemed to be in an animated conversation, his hands flying in the air, and Charlotte was laughing.

As Antonio swam closer, Emma shivered. She crossed her arms in front of her, suddenly feeling exposed.

She both wanted him to come to her and didn’t.

Emma bit her lip as she glanced back over at Pete. She had no idea what to do. She knew she and Antonio had had a moment on the beach, and for a second she wished she could take it back. It’d been much too intimate a look to share with a stranger, even though they hadn’t touched each other.

Emma was no fool when it came to men. She’d invited that interaction, and Antonio had accepted the challenge.

Now she felt cheap.

But also thrilled.

She didn’t know what to do. She was trapped with an empty beach behind her and a wide-open ocean in front of her.

For a brief moment she was pissed that Pete was ignoring her. He’d asked to join her, and she’d told him no, but if he’d really wanted to, he could’ve. But instead he was frolicking in the surf with a supermodel.

Antonio made it to her in a few more strokes. “Just making sure you’re okay,” he said, grinning as he stood. The water was chest-deep. “By the way, that was incredible back there.” He brought his nicely defined arms up and whipped the water away from his face.

He was undeniably gorgeous. He had the tall, dark, and handsome thing all going on.

Emma’s heart sped up. The fact that she had his attention was a little daunting.

This guy could have whoever he wanted.

“Yes, it was good.” She cleared her throat politely. “I love sex. I feel like I’m a bit of a broken record when it comes to talking about the art of the act, but there you have it. Pete and I don’t normally do impromptu gatherings like this with more than one couple, but I have to admit it was thrilling. But we don’t usually encourage feelings and—”

“Attachment from others,” he finished.

“Exactly.” They both eased themselves down into the water, bobbing in silence.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked after a while.


“Are you happy with Pete? I mean, the life you’re living with Pete in Madison? Is that the life you envisioned for yourself?”

Emma had to take a moment to formulate her thoughts. “That’s a tough question with no easy answer. Before I met Pete, I had no idea what I wanted. I’d never been a girl who dreamt of fairy-tale weddings or had fantasies of picket fences with kids running through the yard. When I met Pete, things just clicked, and my life became

“If you could change it, would you? Like, if I handed you a million dollars today, would you choose to do something different? Go back to dancing? Travel the world? Move to Madagascar? Join the Peace Corps?”

Emma laughed. She had to. Antonio was a smooth operator. But she knew what he was doing. He was trying to get her to imagine a life that didn’t include her husband.

But, honestly, would she change anything if she could magically alter her path right this minute? “Wow, you don’t mess around,” she commented. “These are hard-hitting questions. Questions that I could only really answer if that cool million was actually put in my hand. But, you know, I’m pretty sure I’d stay where I am. I really love my life. I love teaching. I love my home. I love my friends. And, most of all, I love my husband. The life I have now is the one I created for myself, and I’m proud of it. I’d probably drive a nicer car, however.” She giggled. “And maybe travel more. But, ultimately, I’d stick with what I have. I’m content.”

“I’m impressed,” he said. “When I ask others that same question, the answers usually reflect their wish to drastically change something in their lives. If you polled the majority, you’d find them an unhappy lot, eager to get a do-over at any cost.”

“Well, I guess I’m in the happy minority.”

Antonio suddenly turned onto his stomach and swam closer to her. “You’re a total catch, Emma. I hope Pete understands what he’s got, because if he doesn’t, I can show you a whole world you never knew existed—”

They were interrupted by Mallory and Charlotte splashing their way over. “Hey, you guys, let’s play Marco Polo!” Mallory called. “Pete’s going to play Marco first. I used to love this game as a kid. But this one includes groping once you find your target. It’s more fun that way. The raunchier, the better. Like, total boob grabs are allowed.”

“Then let’s go eat lunch,” Charlotte added. “I’m starving. We all had a workout back there, and I burned off my morning granola in about seven minutes.”

“You guys go ahead and play, and I’ll go back and get lunch started,” Antonio said. “I’ll see you in a few.”

“Emma, you up for it?” Mallory asked.

“Sure,” Emma said. “I haven’t played in years.”

“Pete, are you ready?” Mallory called behind her.

“Yep!” he called.

“Be sure to close your eyes,” she ordered.

“They’re closed!”

Emma thought she heard a little grumble behind Pete’s words, and she smiled inwardly. Her husband didn’t love games unless they were played on a field with a ball. It was kind of cute to see him close his eyes and walk forward with his arms out.

“Marco!” he called.

“Polo!” all three girls yelled at once.

Pete immediately turned toward Emma as they all tried to move quietly away, which was impossible in the water.


“Polo!” they all cried.

Pete made a beeline for her, and Emma shrieked as she tried to run, but of course she couldn’t get any traction, and her husband was much faster than she was.

A few splashes later, he scooped her up. She laughed, running her hands along his broad shoulders. “Okay, you got me!”

He opened his eyes. They were gleaming as he grinned. “Damn straight I do.”




ete wrapped a towel around his waist as he emerged from the shower. “You know, we don’t have to meet them for dinner.” It was a casual suggestion he hoped his wife would consider. “We can just order room service.”

“We did that last night,” Emma said from her spot by the closet. “Plus, I’m dying to see the formal dining room and watch the sunset. Hurry up, we only have twenty minutes at most to get there. We told them we’d meet for drinks on the patio first, and the sun is setting in less than a half hour.”

Pete wanted to grumble, but kept it to himself.

After they’d lunched on the yacht, Antonio had tried to persuade them all to go to another island to snorkel, but Pete had successfully swayed Emma to come back to the villa, with the promise that they’d meet them for dinner later.

Emma and Pete had taken a dip in their pool, and then had a long nap. They’d both been exhausted from traveling the day before and rising early. It had been a nice afternoon together, but they hadn’t talked once about their encounter with the group on the beach. Pete had been hesitant to bring it up after what Mallory and Charlotte had told him.

If Antonio was really after his wife, arguing with Emma wasn’t the answer. The guy had it all. He could build Emma the mansion of her dreams, take her on trips around the world, and shower her with gifts. Antonio had the means Pete did not. The girls had persuaded him to play it cool and go along with what Emma wanted for now. If he pushed back, they’d said, she could fall right into Antonio’s waiting arms.

He wasn’t sure he believed them.

His instinct was to stalk over, knock the guy out, and take Emma over his shoulder like a caveman.

When he’d seen Antonio swim up to his wife, he’d almost done it, too.

When the girls pushed the game of Marco Polo on him, he’d thought they’d been out of their minds. But it’d worked. Antonio left, and Pete had made his wife happy.

Once they returned to the yacht, Pete had made sure that Emma sat next to him. Mallory had helped in the galley with the food, and since it was so small, there was no room for anyone else.

Antonio putting the moves on Emma still rankled him, but he was keeping it to himself. For now. If Pete insisted on breaking their dinner plans, he would look like a complete asshole.

“It’ll be fun,” Emma said. “You’ll see.” Pete balked as Emma closed the closet doors and turned toward him.

“Are you wearing that dress without a bra?”

The dress was a frothy peach color and completely see-through. It made her areolas stand out like they’d been painted with a rose-colored paintbrush.

“Yes, I am.” Emma set her hands on her hips. “Charlotte said people come to dinner dressed, but always very provocatively. Women routinely wear skimpy outfits with no panties or bra, so I’m just playing along. We are at a
resort, Pete, which you know better than anyone. And it was your idea to come here, not mine.”

“Emma, every guy in there is going to have a hard-on the moment you come in. Nobody is going to be able to eat their dinner. Turn around.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Your ass is visible. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it looks as good as it did in those bikini bottoms. The peach color makes it sort of…glow.”

Emma chuckled. “Now you’re just being silly. We’re having dinner with a supermodel. No one is going to notice me.”

“Emma, have you looked in the mirror lately?”

“Why are you being so complimentary all of a sudden? You see me every single day, and you never comment on how I look. Come on, let’s go.” She walked her amazing backside over to the sliding glass door. “I want to take the beach to get there.”

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