What Friends Are For

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

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What Friends Are For

Lacey Thorn


Book 2 in the Girls Night Out series.


Friends can make the best lovers. Or at least that’s what
Jacey decides when she finally takes that step with her longtime friend Jonas.
He knows her, what she likes, what she wants, what she needs. Maybe even better
than she does. But Jonas isn’t willing to settle for just a sexual relationship
when Jacey finally comes around. He wants more. He wants it all. And this time
he won’t give up until they’re much more than friends.


What Friends Are For

Lacey Thorn


Chapter One


“Fuck him.”

“You don’t mean that, Jacey,” Dee stated. “You and Jonas
have been friends for a long time now.”

“That was before he decided I should take a hike.”

“That’s not what you told us he said.” Mischa snorted. “I
believe the man just asked you to knock instead of barging in. Your brother is
sort of living there.”

Jacey laughed. “He might as well be living with Dee at this
point. Good grief it’s only been a couple of weeks and you two are practically
joined at the hip.”

“Yeah,” Dee agreed with a grin.

“She’s got that great-sex glow,” Mischa said.

“Oh, hell, yeah,” Dee nodded.

“And I so don’t want to hear about sex with my brother on
GNO,” Jacey groaned before grinning wide. “However, he’s my brother, so of
course he’s incredible and all that. It’s a family thing.”

“Really, when was the last time you had sex, Jacey?” Mischa

“I’ve been busy.”

“You’ve never been too busy for sex.” Dee snorted. “I don’t
remember you mentioning anyone since we saw Jonas out to dinner with that

“Yeah, wasn’t that when you walked out in a snit?” Mischa

“I did not have ‘a snit’,” Jacey snapped. “I just lost my
appetite seeing him try so hard, that’s all.”

“Try so hard on what?” Dee pressed. “Having fun? Going out?
Living his life?”

“Isn’t that what you’ve been teasing him to do forever?”
Mischa added.

“Whatever,” Jacey muttered. “What happened to the rule about
no picking at each other on girls’ night? Does that one not exist if it’s me?”

“Yep,” Dee agreed.

“Yes,” Mischa said at the same time, making them all laugh.

“Seriously, Jacey,” Dee spoke as soon as the laughter
quieted down. “Just take a little bit of time and think about why this is
really bothering you.”

“Think about it and then do something,” Mischa added.

“Trust me,” Jacey said, looking incredibly sad, “I’ve
thought about very little else for the last two weeks. I just don’t know what
to do.”

“What?” Mischa slapped her hand on the table. “You always
know what to do.”

“This is different,” Jacey said.

“How is this different?” Dee asked.

“Because it matters,” Jacey confessed with a sigh. “Damn it,
Jonas matters. I don’t want to lose him as a friend.”

“And how many times have you stopped over to see him in the
last two weeks?” Dee wanted to know.

“None,” Jacey admitted.

“Then seriously, Jacey, what have you got to lose?” Mischa
asked softly, putting her hand out to rub her friend’s arm.

“You still have the key to his place, don’t you?” Dee asked
and Jacey nodded. “Then use it.”

“I don’t think he wants me to.”

“Did the man take the key back?” Mischa demanded.


“Enough said then,” Mischa stated. “If he didn’t want you
there, he’d have snatched that key back or changed the locks.”

“What if I walk in on him with someone?” Jacey sighed.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Mischa demanded. She
reached out and tapped her fingers against Jacey’s head. “Hello? Is the real
Jacey in there? Can she come out and play because this insecure whiny bitch is
getting on my damn nerves.”

They all laughed again and for the first time that evening
Jacey started to feel more like herself.

“You’re right. I either need to do something or move on.”

“So what are you going to do?” Dee asked when she realized
Jacey wasn’t going to elaborate.

“I’ll let you know tomorrow,” Jacey said with a laugh. “Now,
doesn’t someone have an anniversary coming up?”

Mischa seemed to practically glow. “One year the end of the
month. I can’t believe I’ve been married to the perfect man for an entire

“He does seem pretty awesome,” Dee agreed.

“Yeah, I kind of wondered if we would have to do GNO without
you once you got married,” Jacey confessed. “I was afraid once he got the ring
on, things would change.”

“Nah, he loves it when I have girls’ night,” Mischa said.
“Besides it gives him a free night to go hang with his buddies and do guy

“True.” Jacey nodded.

“So I have this really wild, kinky idea for our one-year
anniversary.” Mischa leaned in to the table to tell them. “A weekend away at
this cabin I found and I already put a deposit on. Now I just need you two to
help me shop for some fun stuff to take with me.”

“Fun stuff? Please tell me this will involve a trip to our
favorite toy store,” Dee said. “I could use a few new things myself.”

“Not going there,” Jacey said, looking at Dee, but she was
grinning nonetheless. “What kind of fun things do you have in mind? Tell us

“Well, I’m thinking this is as good a time as any to play
out some of our sex talk fantasies,” Mischa said.

“Fantasies are good,” Dee said. “I have a few myself.” She
looked at Jacey and laughed as her friend buried her face in her hands and
groaned. “A few I will refrain from sharing.”

“Bless you, my friend,” Jacey said and they all laughed

“So what are we looking for?” Jacey asked Mischa. “What kind
of fantasies are you talking about?”

“And is Clint going to kill you for telling us?” Dee asked
with a laugh.

“Please, girl, we’re married. My man knows I share
everything with you two. Hell, at this point he asks me what you guys said!”

They all laughed again.

“He’s a good guy, Mischa,” Dee said.

“A total keeper,” Jacey agreed.

“I think so.” Mischa smiled. “Now about these fantasies.”

The waitress arrived then with fresh drinks and food. At
this point she knew that it didn’t matter who she gave what plate as they
always passed and shared everything. That was why they all ordered something
different and at least one of them ordered whatever they saw that was new on
the menu.

“Oh my god, this is so good,” Jacey moaned as she popped a
stuffed mushroom in her mouth.

“So dinner, shopping and then the bar?” Dee asked.

“Sounds good to me,” Jacey mumbled around a full mouth,
making them all laugh again.

“Sounds like a plan,” Mischa agreed.

* * * * *

Dee and Mischa waved as Jacey pulled out of the parking lot
at the bar. They’d all done some serious shopping, letting Mischa’s fantasy
list inspire them.

“Do you think she’s heading home?” Dee asked.

“As many times as you said that Jack was waiting for you at
your house, I’m hoping that she goes to see Jonas.”

“Well, I just wanted to let her know that her brother wasn’t
staying with Jonas tonight.”

“Do you think he’s with someone?”

“No, Jack said Jonas is a moody ass lately. He hasn’t been
out since the redhead and according to Jack, Jonas said it was a bad idea.”

“Well, duh.” Mischa snorted. “You can’t go out with one
woman when all you do is think about another one.”

“Not fair to any of them,” Dee agreed.

“Man, I just want to smack them both upside the head and
tell them to quit being stupid,” Dee said and Mischa went off into peals of
laughter. “What?”

“I’ve felt that way for over a year now,” Mischa told her.
“Welcome to the world of happiness and being with the man you love.”

“Yeah.” Dee smiled. “I’ve been trying not to say the words

“Why not?”

“He’s just not ready yet,” Dee said.

“Meaning, he’s not ready to say them. But, honey, everyone
knows you’re in love with that man.”

“I know, but I’m trying not to make him feel pressured into
feeling like he has to say them in return. Is that silly?”

“No, honey. It’s definitely not silly. And when he sees
what’s in that bag of yours, he just might be moaning the words by the end of

Dee giggled. “My one bag has nothing on your three bags!”

“My man won’t know what hit him.” Mischa grinned wickedly.

“I can’t wait to hear all about it.” Dee snickered.

“I can’t wait to experience it,” Mischa said. “The next few
weeks will be the longest of my life, even longer than the ones leading up to
our wedding.”

“Better tell him that you rented a cabin so he doesn’t plan

“He knows and he knows I have more planned. He keeps
commenting on the wicked light in my eyes.”

They both laughed.

“Are you planning to drive by Jonas’ and see if Jacey’s car
is there?” Dee asked and they both laughed again.

“Hell, yeah,” Mischa said.

“Me, too.” Dee nodded.

“I say we give her at least ten minutes to get out of her

“At least.” Dee grinned. “If he’s there, and she finally
decides to go inside, I hope she rocks his world.”

“Oh, honey,” Mischa said, “I hope that man rocks hers.”

Chapter Two


Jacey sat in her car and stared up at Jonas’ window. The
light was on. His car was in the drive but his motorcycle was gone. She had no
idea if that meant he was gone or if he’d loaned it to her brother or another
friend, or if it was in the garage. A shadow moved at the window and the
curtain shifted aside. Definitely Jonas. He was home.

Her phone rang, making her jump. She looked down at it and
wasn’t surprised to see Jonas’ name on the ID. She was busted. She slid her
finger across the screen to answer and put it to her ear.

“You planning to sit out there all night, Jacey?” His voice
was that deep timbre that she’d always associated with safety and comfort.
She’d missed hearing that voice. “Jesus, I’m feeling stalked here.”

That made her laugh. “I wasn’t sure if I was welcome.”

A sigh. That was what came over the line. “What do you want,

“To talk.”

“I’m tired, Jacey. Go home.” And the son of a bitch hung up
on her.

“You did not just fucking hang up on me,” she yelled at her
phone. She was good and pissed now. He was tired? Well, fuck that. She wanted
to talk and by god he was going to fucking listen to her.

She slammed her car door and when the curtain moved again
she couldn’t control the impulse to flip him off as she moved toward his house
and the outside stairs that led up to his porch. He should have taken the key
away if he didn’t want to talk to her. He was tired! Well, bully for him. He
could wake the fuck up.

The door opened as soon as she reached it and Jonas filled
the space. His brown waves were mussed as if he’d been running his fingers
through them as he often did when he was agitated. His brown eyes were a deep
chocolate shade behind his glasses, and if she wasn’t mistaken, he’d been
drinking. He still had on the slacks she was sure he’d worn to the office that
morning but his shirt was unbuttoned and hanging untucked and wide open,
revealing a chest that no computer geek should have.

God, how had she been so blind? How had she not realized
that Jonas meant more to her than a mere friend? And when had that changed?
When had her feelings for him changed? Because, honestly, she didn’t know. She
just knew that when he said she should find someone else to discuss her love
life with, it had hurt. Then when she’d seen him with that redhead, well, she’d
seen red. And she hadn’t been looking at the bimbo’s hair.

“I told you to go home.” Jonas’ voice washed over her and
she shivered, her nipples getting tight and hard. She wasn’t missing the way he
made her feel now.

“Well, good for you,” she said and shoved past him into his
house. “But I want to talk.”

She turned around when she was safely inside only to see him
still holding the door open. “Shut the door, Jonas, before you let the flies
in. Besides, I’m not sure you want the neighbors to hear what I’ve got to say.”

He slammed the door and flipped the lock before moving away
from her. She followed him to the kitchen and took in the dishes in the sink,
the clutter on the counters and the open bottle of whiskey and glass on the
table. Jonas was neat. Jonas was tidy. Jonas didn’t drink all that often.

“What’s going on Jonas? Everything okay?” she asked, really

“Everything’s perfect,” he said, plopping down into his
chair and lifting the whiskey glass to his lips for a sip. “Abso-fucking-lutely

“Jonas, you can tell me,” Jacey said. “We’re friends.”

“Friends,” he muttered and she watched the glass lift for
another longer sip. “You wanted to talk, so talk. Who’s the guy this time,
Jacey? What’s wrong with him? Did he suck in bed? Was his dick too small?
Didn’t he satisfy you?”

Jacey blanched at his candor. Oh god. Had she destroyed any
chance of going further with him by talking to him about her sex life? Did she
really talk like that with him? Usually she said those things to Dee and Mischa
but she did feel safe and comfortable with Jonas, she just hadn’t realized why
until he’d pulled away.

“There isn’t a guy, Jonas,” she said.

“Wow, the amazing sex machine called Jacey is taking a
little fuck break,” Jonas muttered then chuckled. “What will the male
population do?”

“You might as well have just called me a whore,” she said

“Well, if the shoe fits,” he muttered again and she rose to
her feet.

“Fuck, Jacey, I’m sorry,” Jonas said, coming to his feet
beside her and grabbing her arm to keep her from leaving. “I told you I was
tired and apparently I’m a fucking douche bag as well.”

“Yeah, you are,” she agreed.

“Just go home, Jacey,” he said. “Before I say something else
that attempts to destroy any friendship we have left.”

“I can’t,” she whispered. If she left now she might not have
the courage to come back. She’d been the one to tell him about her conquests,
laughing as she described having sex with another guy. She was an idiot. And if
he told her to get the hell out when she was done, then she would. It would
kill her to walk away but she would.

He sat back down and lifted the glass. “Then stay at your
own risk. I’m not going to pussyfoot around with you when I told you now wasn’t
the time.”

“I understand,” she said, sitting beside him again at the

They sat for a few minutes in silence. Jacey had never seen
Jonas like this. It was blowing her mind.

“Jacey,” Jonas said as he emptied his glass and reached for
the bottle. “You better talk soon.”

“Why are you drinking?” she blurted.

“You came all the way over here on a Friday night, a night I
know is girls’ night, to ask me why I’m sitting in my house drinking?”

“No, I’ve just never seen you drink like this,” she said.

“There’s a lot you’ve never seen,” he muttered and took
another sip.

“So show me,” she whispered and finally, he met her eyes.

“Don’t,” he said.

“Why not?” she countered.

“Trust me. You don’t want to go there. Not now. Not

“Why not tonight?”

“Because I’m not in the mood to play games with you

“Too bad. Girls’ night included a toy store visit and I
picked something up.”

“Go find someone to play with then, Jacey.”

“I’m trying to.”

“Don’t, Jacey. Just don’t. I’m not going to be one of your
bed buddies for a night.”

“Why? I know you want me,” she blurted.

“So, you finally opened your eyes, huh? Well, good for you,
Jacey. Chalk me up to another male conquest and just go home.”

“I’m not leaving, Jonas. So you can either deal with me or I
can sit here and watch you drink.”

“You wouldn’t like the way I’d deal with you,” he muttered,
standing and taking his glass to the sink where, with a sigh, he dumped the
whiskey out. “You’ve ruined a really good buzz.”

“Maybe I’d enjoy the way you’d deal with me,” she said,
coming to her feet and moving over to stand behind him.

He turned around, his eyes blazing. At
five-foot-eight-inches, she wasn’t that much shorter than he. In fact their
bodies aligned perfectly. He had a longer torso than she so their legs were the
same length, making the important parts align just right. She glanced down at
his slacks where there was definitely something growing.

“Sizing me up?” he said and her eyes flew back up to his

Damn it. Enough was enough. “Yeah, I’m sizing you up,
Jonas.” She moved into him, not stopping until they were touching, her breasts
against his chest, her pussy nudging the growing bulge in his pants.

“Back off, Jacey,” he grunted. His nostrils flared and his
hands gripped the counter behind him so tightly that his knuckles were white.
But she could feel his cock at full mast now and damn it felt good.

“Or what?” she asked. “Are you going to discipline me,
Jonas? Gonna spank my ass until it’s nice and red?” She reached out to shove
his shirt off his shoulders, trapping his arms at his sides, and scraped her
nails over his chest. “Is that what you want to do to me?” she purred and
rubbed her hot cunt along his clothed cock.

“Fuck it,” he said. “I tried, Jacey, I really tried.” Then
he was shoving away from the counter and his shirt was on the floor. She found
herself backed against the wall with him plastered against her. “No more Mr.
Nice Guy. Tonight I’m going to take what I want.”

“Yes,” she moaned in agreement as his lips found her neck
and he began sucking and licking along the column. “Tonight you’re mine,” he
stated and nipped her jaw with his teeth, making her cry out. “Say it, Jacey.
Say you’re mine,” he ordered.

“I’m yours,” she agreed, hungry for his kiss.

“Anything I want, any way I want,” he said.

“Yes,” she agreed.

“Good,” he said, and nodding, he grabbed her hand and pulled
her out of the kitchen, heading down the hall to the stairs that led to his
bedroom. She’d been in there before. But not like this, not with the intention
of sex. They were up the stairs in a blur and at his bedroom door.

He stopped then and turned back to look at her. “Be sure,
Jacey. Be very sure,” he told her.

“I’m sure,” she nodded.

He opened the door and set her away from him as he shut it.
He leaned back against it, crossing his arms and looking at her. He was
incredibly sexy wearing nothing but his slacks, chest and feet bare. God, he
was sheer perfection. She licked her lips in anticipation of seeing him naked.

“All right, Jacey.” He broke into her thoughts. “Strip.”

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