What He Didn't Say (19 page)

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Authors: Carol Stephenson

BOOK: What He Didn't Say
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“I didn't expect to feel this way. Didn't need it, tried to
talk myself out of it.” She shook her head, still disbelieving that so much had changed in her life in so short a time. “I fought so hard against my feelings for you because I'd made one terrible mistake with my ex and I'd vowed never to make another. But how could I not fall in love with a man who has such a tender heart?”

His mouth slowly curved. “You love me?”

“Totally. You're caring and loyal. You don't strut your power or demand gratitude. You just stay in the background and do what needs to be done.”

Using a fingertip, he traced the outline of her jaw. “You make me sound like a good catch.”

“You're an amazing catch. Super driver, super guy, all rolled into one. Any woman would count herself lucky to have you.”

“Only one does.” He lifted her hand, pressed his lips against her knuckles and made her heartbeat skitter. “We can build a good life together, Caitlin. For ourselves. Our children.” He turned her hand over, kissed her wrist where her pulse pounded. “Say yes,” he asked her. “Please tell me you want those things, too.”

“Yes. Yes, to everything.”

He kissed her temple. “It seems we have some celebrating to do. And planning.”

She gazed up at him through her lashes. “Which do you want to do first?”

He nuzzled her throat. “Celebrate.”

“Your win at the track today?” she murmured while aching desire pooled deep inside her belly. “My
win of the day,” he said, sweeping her up into his arms. “You, Ace Reporter Girl,” he added before his lips settled on hers.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6418-6


Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.

The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.
Carol Stephenson is acknowledged as the author of “Chasing the Truth.”

Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.
Maggie Price is acknowledged as the author of “Cornered.”

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