What She Craves (3 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: What She Craves
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“Hi, Tory. I saw you arrive and hoped we’d get a chance to talk.” His gaze traveled over her body, giving her the once-over before coming back to her face. “You’re awfully damn hard to miss in that pretty dress. A man would have to be blind.”

“Thank you, Erik. It’s nice to see you again.” Tory could feel Devon tense beside her and she could swear Con had moved closer behind. Heck, his entire body brushed against hers now. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that Erik was hitting on her, but why would that bother Devon or Con?

“Can I get you something to drink?”

“She’s here with me tonight, Erik.” Devon said, as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close to his side. She glanced up at Devon and nearly swallowed her tongue at the lethal look he pinned Erik with. Wow, Devon’s expression was positively deadly.

Erik spared Devon a glance and shrugged, as if Devon were nothing more than an annoying insect, then zeroed in on her once more. “Would you care to dance with me?”

Her gaze darted to Devon. Yikes. She recognized the barely leashed rage easily. Tory looked back at Erik, surprised when he seemed unfazed. Which meant the guy was either suicidal or not quite the brightest of bulbs. Considering he owned a thriving concrete business, he wasn’t stupid. That left suicidal.

“I'm sorry, Erik, but I promised Devon I’d dance with him.” She smiled, hoping to take some of the sting out of the rejection. “Thanks for the offer, though. It was very sweet.”

Erik nodded, one side of his mouth kicking up as he dared, “Maybe later, then.”




Anne Rainey

As he made his way to the other side of the room, Tory peeked over at Devon. She noticed he stared at Erik’s back for what seemed like an eternity.

Devon’s blue gaze came back to her. “You seem to be turning me into a jealous idiot. The thought of Erik’s hands coming anywhere near your body just about caused me to land a fist in his face.” His eyes narrowed, as if he were bewildered by his own actions. She well understood, because she was every bit as confused.

“Erik and I dated once, remember?” She knew he remembered, because at the time Devon had told her she could do better. Still, she felt compelled to remind him.

“I remember,” he said, his voice low, hard.

“So do I,” Con said from behind her. “He was an ass then and he’s an ass now. I don’t know how he managed to get an invite to my party, but I sure as hell didn’t send him one.”

Tory turned her head and looked up at Con. His gaze, usually so cool, even remote at times, blazed so hot Tory felt seared clear to the bone. “Erik wasn’t an ass. We just didn’t click, that’s all. And you two are acting so strangely tonight. What’s going on?”

The men looked at each other, then back at her. Con was the first to speak. “We’re not acting, Tory.

You’ve just never seen this side of us because we’ve kept it from you.”

She planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “Oh, really? And what side would that be, pray tell?”

“The lover side,” Devon blurted out. Con shoved him. Both of them looked way too satisfied with themselves. It pissed her off.

Tory stepped closer and poked Devon in the chest. “You aren’t my lover and neither is Con. We’re friends. So quit with all the chest beating and the innuendos.” She looked between the two of them. “I came here to have fun with my two friends, not to get mixed up in some convoluted delusion you two are suffering from.”

Con’s eyebrows shot up. “You think we’re delusional?”

“Well, what else could it be?” Her voice was rising, and people were beginning to stare. She took a few deep breaths before continuing in a more reasonable tone. “My two closest guy buds are suddenly acting like a couple of lions on the prowl, and for whatever reason they think I should be the lioness for their little lion sandwich. No thanks.”

Con chuckled. “I don’t know about a lion sandwich, but I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing a certain kitty purr.”

Oh, God. That should not have her pussy going damp with need, it really shouldn’t. Tory knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was way out of her element with Devon and Con. An image of the two men naked, pleasuring her, sprang to mind. It was forbidden, and she instantly felt guilty for even allowing the picture to invade her mind at all. Instinctively she knew that Con and Devon would be nothing like the 16



What She Craves

other men she’d dated. She’d always gone for the easy, staid sort of men. Con and Devon were bold, candid and insatiable when they got their hooks into something…or someone. Tory didn’t know what to make of this new situation.

“Dance with me.” Devon murmured, holding his hand out for her. “I want to get you in my arms, that’s all. I want to feel you against me. Just that, Tory, nothing more.” Hypnotized and unable to resist, Tory lifted her hand. Devon took it and tenderly kissed her knuckles. Tory let out her breath and allowed Devon to steer her toward the center of the room where several other couples danced to the beat of Bing Crosby. As Devon’s arms came around her, Tory looked to the left and saw Con watching them, a tender smile on his face.

“I can feel you trembling, sugar. Don’t think this to death. Just feel. That’s all, just feel.”

Feel? How could she do any less with Devon’s powerful arms surrounding her, embracing her in his warmth? He pulled her up against his hard strength, and Tory knew Devon’s earlier words were nothing short of the truth. Tonight
going to be a night they’d never forget.




Chapter Three

Tory felt at home. It was odd, but there it was. Nothing could ever harm her with Devon’s strong arms holding her tight. She twined her arms around his neck, and he pulled her in tighter. She immediately knew what he wanted to show her. The rigid thickness of his cock now pressed into her belly. Tory’s knees went weak. Her eyes sought his, searching for confirmation. His wicked smile sent her blood pressure soaring.

He rotated his hips, causing heat to pool between her legs and her face to flame.

Leaning down, his hot breath against her ear, Devon whispered, “Don’t be embarrassed, sugar. You’re beautiful. Feeling your sweet curves against me is driving me right out of my mind.” He lifted his head, his gaze so dark she barely saw the pupils. “I’m not going to do anything about it. Not unless you want me to.

Do you want me to, Tory?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Are you a little turned on?” he whispered against her ear.

“Maybe,” she confessed. “But we’re friends, Devon.”

“And friends can’t be lovers?”

Tory shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never had it happen before.”

“Maybe we should find out where this could go.”

“Devon’s right.”

Tory froze at the deep baritone coming from directly behind her. Turning her head, she saw Con, and he was close. Close enough she could smell his clean masculine scent and see the tension riding him.

The ramifications of what they were saying hit her at once. “Both of you?” Her nipples hardened as if begging to be touched, tasted, played with by Con and Devon both. Her nipples were total sluts, she decided.

Con cupped the back of her neck. It was a strong, possessive hold. Tory couldn’t move. “You sound surprised, baby.”

“Surprised barely covers it,” she said, and her voice sounded husky. Damn it, she sounded aroused.

“You two must have had too much to drink or something.”
Lighten the mood,
she lectured herself.
While you’re at it, remember who you’re with, you wanton.

Con tsked. “You know better. Devon never drinks, and I only had a few sips of that white wine you tasted earlier.”

What She Craves

She did know Devon’s rigid stance on alcohol. His father had been an abusive drunk and, as a result, Devon never touched the stuff. “Then maybe I’m the one who’s had a little too much.”

“Come upstairs with us, sugar. Where we can be alone. We can talk about this in private.”

“Talk?” she asked, turned on despite her suspicions.

“Talk, nothing more. Unless it’s what you want,” he added. “I promise.”

“You have our word, baby,” Con said, adding his two cents to Devon’s. “The ball’s in your court.”

“But you don’t deny you want me. Both of you. At once.” She said it quietly, but still it felt like all eyes were on her.

“We won’t lie to you,” Devon said. “Having you is something we’ve both fantasized about, Tory.”

Tory slapped a hand over her eyes. “Oh, God. This is so crazy.”

Con pried her hand away, a tender smile on his face. “Crazy because you like the idea, or crazy because the thought is repugnant?”

She couldn’t lie, not about this. Not when they were opening themselves up to her in such a vulnerable way. “It’s not repugnant,” she answered, her voice quivering. From fear or excitement? Both, she suspected.

Devon’s arms tightened and Con’s silver gaze blazed with passion. “Follow me,” Con growled.

Con gestured to Jason, his personal assistant. Making arrangements for Jason to handle the guests?

Most likely. Heat filled her cheeks when Jason’s gaze darted her way for a split second. As Con started out of the room, Devon wrapped a hand around her smaller one, then led her toward the doorway. Her legs shook. She was really doing this. Going upstairs with Devon and Con. Would they make love to her? Both powerful men? She couldn’t even begin to get her head around it. Tory had no experience to aid her in this.

What would they expect from her? Would she be able to satisfy two such virile men? More importantly, what would it do to their friendship?

Suddenly, Devon stopped and cupped her chin in his large, gentle grip. “Stop analyzing it. Only let us please you. That’s what Con and I want. To please you.”

His gaze dropped to her chest. Was he looking at her nipples? Could he tell they were hard for him?

His nostrils flared as he muttered, “So sweet. So tempting.”

“So out of my depth,” she muttered.

Devon brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. Without another word, he took her to the stairs.

Halfway up, he stopped her again, murmuring, “Tell me, sugar, are you wet right now? Is your pussy eager for my touch?”

“Devon.” She had no idea what she was going to say. She had no words to describe the feelings rioting inside her at that moment.

“Con and I are going to make you feel so damn good. Every sexy inch of you, Tory.”




Anne Rainey

She had to make him understand. He had to know she wasn’t this daring. That she’d never been wild or uninhibited in bed. She swiveled on her heel, nearly tumbling right off the step had Devon not reached out and grabbed her around the waist. “I’ve never…this isn’t—”

“Shh, it’s okay.” He reached around and patted her bottom. “Upstairs first, sugar.”

Tory hesitated. She could leave. Simply ask Devon to take her home. He’d do it. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn’t hold it against her, either. He would call tomorrow morning and wish her a Merry Christmas the way he always did. Did she want that? Did she want to walk away from them?

Sleep in an empty bed and wonder for the rest of her life what she’d missed out on? The answer was simple. Making the final decision calmed Tory’s racing heart as nothing else could.

Turning around, Tory started up the stairs once more, taking the steps one at a time. When she reached the upstairs landing, Con was there, quietly waiting. She let her gaze travel the length of him. As she spied the rigid length of his cock beneath the navy slacks, her mouth watered. Devon moved in beside her. Both men wore twin grins. Tory shuddered.


Devon couldn’t believe his eyes. Tory, the woman who had fueled too many fantasies to count, stood a mere few feet from Con’s bedroom. Devon licked his lips, anticipation humming along his nerve endings.

His cock, already hard enough to drive spikes through cement blocks, strained against the tight confines of his slacks. He looked over at Con and saw the same hunger, the same wild need. Con’s gaze stayed on Tory as he stepped backward. Once. Twice. When his back hit the door to his bedroom, he asked, “Do you trust us, Tory?”

Devon held his breath. Would she go through that door or would she tell them both to go to hell? With Tory, it was a toss-up. Her no-nonsense attitude had always been one of the things he’d loved so much about her. She said what she meant. She didn’t play games like some of the women he’d dated.

“Yes, I trust you. I wouldn’t have come up here if I didn’t.”

Devon exhaled. Con grinned, then reached behind his back, turned the knob and opened the door. He pushed it open and stepped aside. “After you, baby.”

Tory looked over at him, her gaze eating him up. Devon easily saw the arousal, but there was a healthy dose of nerves too. He reached out and cupped her cheek. Damn, she had the softest skin. He’d never touched anything finer. “You know us, sugar. Better than anyone, I think.”

“And when I go in there…” she sent a look toward Con’s bedroom, “…we’re going to be together.

The three of us.”

“Is that what you want?” Devon asked, his voice rough with the feelings coursing through him.

“I-I don’t know.” Tory pushed a hand through her hair, mussing the shiny blonde strands. Devon ached to grab a handful and press it against his face. Tory’s hair always smelled like coconuts. He fucking loved coconuts.




What She Craves

As he moved his thumb over Tory’s bottom lip, he accidently smeared the pink gloss she’d applied earlier. Christ, he wanted her mouth naked. No paint, just smooth skin. And soon to be wrapped around his cock, if he had anything to say about it.

“Would you like to hear what I want?”

She snorted and wrapped her small hand around his wrist, then pulled his hand away from the temptation of her mouth. “I’m pretty sure I already have a good grasp on what you want, Devon.”

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