What She Needs (33 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander

BOOK: What She Needs
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He lifted his head only when she went still, quiet. His Little Mary Sunshine looked utterly spent, her chest heaving, her arms still stretched over her head. When she opened her eyes, she tried to speak, but her lips still quivered. “Wh-what was . . . ?”
“It was your G-spot,” he whispered.
Her green eyes grew big and round. “That really exists?”
He tried to keep from chuckling. Still innocent in some ways, his sunshine. “Hell yeah, it exists. You just felt the proof.”
“Holy shit,” she murmured. Then let her eyes fall shut again.
Brent gave her a minute to recover—he knew she needed it—by rising from the bed and finding the dagger he’d tossed aside earlier, ready to free her wrists. When he returned, she looked much more feral than frightened now, even with her wrists bound, even with the cut remnants of her white nightgown still falling away from her otherwise naked body.
He carefully sliced through the rope between her fists. Then he gave her his pirate look again—the look that said,
I’m going to take you rough and hard—
even though he wasn’t thinking about being a pirate anymore. He was only thinking about the fierce urges still driving him.
Planting one palm on her bare hip, he rolled her to her stomach on the bed. Then, sweeping the white fabric aside to reveal her round ass, he gave it a slap and said, “On your hands and knees.”
She obeyed, looking at once pretty and obscene—and he decided he needed her
all the way
obscene. So without warning, he used the dagger still in hand to cut down the
of the gown and robe this time, letting it fall away in the other direction to leave her enticingly naked. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” he breathed over her like a threat—but her only response was to arch her ass higher for him. “Good girl,” he said, low, deep.
Then he grabbed her ass with both hands and plunged his aching shaft back into her slick, enveloping pussy. She cried out, and he groaned, too—mmm, she was still so tight, even after a week of hot fucking. He rammed into her with all the power he possessed, as rough as he’d promised, making them both cry out at each stroke. And he smacked her ass, simply to provide another bit of sensation for them both. At some point, he bent his body over hers, anchoring his arm around her waist, to deliver shorter but still intense thrusts, and felt like a rutting animal.
Her sobs of pleasure fueled him and he knew he still hadn’t gotten enough of her. She was wet and willing and perfect, she was sexy and beautiful and dirty for him, she was everything a man could want—but tonight, he was driven to a point of needing still
Rising back upright, he continued to fuck her, drive after wild drive, now kneading her soft ass. His fingers dug into her flesh; so did his thumbs. Each time, his thumbs parted her bottom just a little, giving him a clear view of her tight, tiny asshole—which contracted, just slightly, with every stroke he delivered. Shit.
He knew what he wanted in an instant. He wanted in her ass.
But he also knew he was surely too big, even despite the glass toy she’d taken there the other night. That part of the toy was designed specifically for anal play, after all—his cock definitely was not. He’d fucked women in the ass before, but not many—and only girls who were well accustomed to that kind of sex.
Still, as he moved in Jenna’s moist passageway, relishing the hot slide, his thumbs moved farther inward, playing around the tiny fissure, soon stroking it in rhythm with his drives. The weak, lusty sighs that now came with her sobs told him she felt it, liked it. He couldn’t resist slipping the tip of his middle finger inside.
“Oh!” she cried, leaning her head back, arching invitingly.
Brent slid the rest of his finger inward, all the way, listening to the deep moan it tore from her throat. And he began fucking her ass with his finger as he fucked her cunt with his cock.
Her responses grew more wild and he felt strangely desperate to make her wilder still. And oddly compelled to get into her ass. More than just his finger. His cock. If her pussy was this tight, how compact would that sweet little ass feel around his erection?
He wouldn’t hurt her, of course—he couldn’t risk that. But he knew, in sex, when there was a will there was often a way. And if he prepared her well enough, and if her body wanted it the way his did, he might indeed get into that tiny opening.
He inserted a second finger without warning, making her howl in pleasure. Damn, she was hot. He still fucked her cunt, slowly, but concentrated more on her anus now, moving his fingers in small circles, trying to gradually expand the flesh there. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this deeply, hotly aroused, a sensation that grew in his gut. He wanted to possess her in a way no one ever had; he wanted to
her right now.
Withdrawing his fingers and cock, he whispered, “Rest a second, baby,” then retreated from the bed to a set of drawers built into the cabin. Given that this wasn’t a real pirate’s ship, he found an array of un piratelike articles: fur-lined handcuffs,
handcuffs, an enormous black vibrator, some condoms, a silver cock ring—and then, finally,
, a nearly full tube of lubricant! Thank God.
Returning to the bed where Jenna leaned forward, resting with her shoulders on the mattress but her knees still tucked up under her, Brent smoothly reinserted his fingers in her ass. A strangled cry erupted from her, pleasing the dominant side of him.
He moved his fingers again in circles, gently stretching her, his arousal compounding at the sight of her widening asshole. “So hot, honey,” he murmured instinctively—and she only let out a weak, whimpering sigh in response.
Mmm, God, he was so ready for this. So ready to take her where no one else had. He’d done that many times already, of course, but this felt different from all the other fantasies—even more intense, more personal.
Upon withdrawing his fingers this time, he squeezed a generous portion of the lubricant into the slightly opened fissure. He knew, because it was the Hotel Erotique’s signature lube, that it would feel cool and tingly—and he heard her surprised gasp.
Feeling urgent now, he applied the lubricant to his cock, rubbing it over the whole length but concentrating on the head—and was forced to let out a small gasp of his own.
His gut clenched in anticipation as he leaned in from behind, then bent to whisper in her ear, “Your safeword is still Cleopatra.”
She turned her head to look at him, eyes questioning.
“In case this hurts,” he explained, low. “Don’t let me hurt you, Jenna.”
Too late for that
, Jenna thought. But she had no time to think about that kind of hurt at the moment—the current threat felt much more immediate. And still, she wanted it. She wasn’t even sure why, but she yearned to have him inside her in this new way.
At her rear, the tip of his erection nestled in that oh-so-sensitive spot, and she shut her eyes, bracing herself, as he began to push.
Oh God. It hurt. He was too big—he’d never fit. She clenched her teeth, and her fists, wanting this to work.
“Relax,” he said gently. “Try to relax your muscles.”
She did, focusing on the task. And then it hurt less. It was still tight as hell, stretching her there, forcing her to bite her lip—but she never said Cleopatra. Because she didn’t want him to stop.
Behind her, Brent’s breath came labored and thready, and she knew he was partly inside her anus now. He massaged her ass as he worked, clearly trying to comfort her and stretch her more at the same time. She bit her lip and willed her body to open to him there.
“Aw . . . aw, fuck yes,” he muttered—and then she felt his thick cock make the painstakingly slow glide into her ass.
She sucked in her breath at the overpowering sensation. Although she was aware of being stretched to the max, it no longer hurt—exactly. Or maybe it did, but at the same time, it filled her with . . . gloriously overwhelming pleasure. “
Oh God
.” The words came straight from her core.
“Does it hurt?” He sounded barely able to talk.
Did it? Crazy as it sounded, she wasn’t sure. “Yes. And no. I . . . I . . .”
“Tell me, damn it—am I hurting you?”
“N-no. It’s . . . amazing.”

are,” he whispered deeply. “Fucking amazing.”
She could only sob in response. Because the sensations this position produced were growing, multiplying, spreading all through her body. It felt like his cock was
, pervading her entire being. She’d never imagined any sexual experience could be
consuming. More than two cocks. More than surrendering to everything he’d inflicted on her in the dungeon. More than
. It filled her. It saturated her. It owned her. Sweat began to pour from every part of her body as she clenched her teeth against the strange, hot pleasure, at once frightening and glorious.
And then he began to move.
Short, gentle thrusts in that tiny, narrow tunnel. And she lost all control.
As Brent slid into her, growling his pleasure with every stroke, Jenna found herself crying out through clenched teeth, pounding her fists on the bed, besieged with sensation. “
Oh God, oh God, oh God!
” she heard herself scream. All the blood drained from her face and her body grew weak trying to absorb it all. She heard the deep sobs and cries echoing uncontrolled from her throat and could barely fathom anything but the huge cock in her ass and her own incredible response—she’d never been this crazed.
And even after the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had—oh Lord, the G-spot was real!—she felt on the edge of another, wildly hungry to come again. Her clit ached—she craved friction there.
Behind her, Brent growled ferociously and she became aware of one more important thing—
pleasure. It felt as intense as hers, roaring through her almost as forcefully.
Soon, her limbs grew so shaky that she sank to the bed completely, flat on her stomach—still with Brent fucking that tiny fissure that felt so huge right now. And almost as soon as her clit touched the woven bedspread, the orgasm hit like an earthquake.
Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as it echoed violently through her—her body thrashed about and she screamed through the raging pleasure pumping from her cunt. And just when it ended—as mind-numbing and earth-shattering as the previous climax—Brent let out a deep groan, said, “Jesus, I’m coming in your ass, baby,” and thrust into her, spilling himself.
Then he sank on top of her and they both fell into an exhausted sleep within seconds.
Jenna woke a little while later to the rocking motion of the ship, astonished. Wow, she’d discovered her G-spot
been fucked in the ass, all in the same short span of time—no wonder she felt so replete yet drained.
Brent lay next to her, still in his sexy pirate clothes. Sexy, but she wanted them off now—especially since her own lay in shreds around her.
Just then, his eyes opened. “You okay, sunshine?” he asked softly.
She bit her lip, feeling sheepish about her reply. “More than okay,” she admitted. “I have been . . .
thoroughly pleasured
.” Then she let out a small sigh. “Although . . .”
“Yeah?” He lifted his head slightly to peer down at her.
“Well, my—um—anus feels kind of odd, like it’s . . . uh . . . sort of more open than usual right now. Which felt better, frankly, when there was something inside it.”
He cast an indulgent smile. “That’ll go away in a little while.”
He said it with such confidence that she wondered how he knew, but then remembered who she was talking to—he wasn’t just
lover. He’d likely been having this same discussion for years with
girls he’d fucked this way. Ugh—unpleasant thought, so she pushed it aside and tried to ignore the senseless jealousy pulsing through her veins.
As Brent scooted toward the head of the bed—they’d ended up sideways across it—he reached for her. “Come share a pillow with me,” he murmured, still sounding sleepy.
She replied by joining him but giving
a command, too. “Take your clothes off. The pirate thing is hot, but naked is hotter.”
Brent said nothing, just agreeably removed the white shirt over his head to reveal the muscular chest and arms underneath, then shed his boots and pants as well. Together, they wordlessly pushed down the covers and crawled underneath.
Then it hit her—what did this mean? Was she spending the night with him here? Or was this just a temporary rest period before they went their separate ways for the evening? Given his declarations this afternoon about not being able to get close to her anymore, she was pretty confused by this whole night.
So she propped up on one elbow and looked down at him. “I thought you said we were getting too involved.”
“We are,” he answered simply, without quite meeting her gaze.
“Then why . . .”
“Don’t ask me.”
“How come?”
Now he looked at her. “Because I don’t know the answer. I just did it. Because I wanted to. And because
wanted to.”
Hmm. Wow. He’d wanted her just like she’d wanted him. Enough to break more of his own rules. She couldn’t help it—she leaned down and kissed him, a move that left her scalp tingling. “You’ve . . . changed me so much. In such a short time.”
He nodded. “That’s my job, sunshine.”
And her stomach pinched lightly. But, deciding this was no time to start holding back, she asked what was on her mind. “When I leave here, Brent, will I . . . mean anything to you? At least be someone you remember fondly?”
“Honey, let’s not go there.”
Damn it. “I need to.
, Brent.” She knew that was a word he well understood.

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