What the Duke Wants (13 page)

Read What the Duke Wants Online

Authors: Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency

BOOK: What the Duke Wants
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“And you? How are you adjusting?” he asked. For but a moment his expression slipped to give her an insight into the simmering beneath the cool waters of his gaze, but just as quickly as it appeared, it was closed off.

“Well, your grace. Bath is quite close to where I was raised, so I find myself very much at ease here.”

“I was not aware that you were from Bath.” He seemed shocked that he hadn’t been aware of that fact.

“Not Bath exactly, I was raised a few miles north, closer to the sea.”

“Ah, do you have family? I could arrange for you—” He stopped his offer mid-sentence as she shook her head. “I see. My apologies if I have mentioned something to risk offending you.” He bowed his head tenderly, completely confusing her from his earlier detached demeanor.

The man had more mood shifts than a play had scenes!

“It is of no consequence, your grace,” Carlotta said, hoping to put the subject to rest. The last thing she wanted to do was discuss her history.

He nodded and then took a few steps about the room. The silence was thick and heavy in the air, and Carlotta wanted to break it, but didn’t know exactly how to go about doing just that. She had just opened her mouth to speak when the duke seemed to remember he had company.

“I have a guest here, a woman who accompanied me,” he began.

Carlotta felt the blood drain from her face yet at the same time, she was thankful to have a reason to convince herself that their prior… interludes… were of not consequence. At least to him. This new knowledge would serve to remind her at night when she saw his alluring gaze in her dreams.

“I see. I’ll be sure to tell the girls that you are not to be disturb—”

“Actually, I’m quite sure Lady Southridge will be more than happy to be ‘disturbed’ as you put it. I feel it necessary to explain that she feels a certain…” He paused as if thinking of the correct word. “…obligation to my wards.”

“I shall do my best to make her feel welcome, then.” Carlotta spoke bravely, all the while her mind spun in a million different directions. Had he brought this woman as a potential bride and she was already staking a claim on his wards? Was she mercenary in her intentions, sizing up the girls for their worth upon their majority? Maybe she was trying to get into his heart by showing compassion on those less fortunate. Either way the picture painted in her mind was one of shallow intentions and came from a jealous heart. Her own jealous heart.

“I have no doubts that you will do just that, Miss Carlotta.” He nodded then resumed his infernal pacing.

And he was calling her Miss Carlotta, rather than Miss Lottie. It had not escaped her notice. She told her traitorous heart that it was another confirmation that he was simply telling her that whatever they had shared earlier was now in the past, over and finished. He no longer felt any attachment. Her heart pinched at the realization that she was so easily discarded, and disregarded. For her, kisses were so much more than frivolous tokens. To know they meant so little to him was stinging and hurtful.

Though these emotions all played havoc on her heart, she took great efforts to school her expression into one of polite disinterest. The same one she’d use when forced to be around whatever woman he brought to meet the girls.

“I don’t think I’ve ever encountered you this quiet, Miss Carlotta.”

She glanced up to find him watching her intently. The coolness of his gaze had warmed, like a loch heated by the summer sun, still chilly but refreshing and Carlotta felt herself losing ground.

“I, perhaps, do not have much to say, your grace,” she replied.

“I, perhaps, find that hard to believe.” He tilted his head in challenge.

“You are quite sure to believe what you wish, your grace,” she replied, raising her eyebrow and issuing a challenge of her own.

He narrowed his eyes and watched her, the moments ticked by but she remained unmoved, unwilling to give away the secrets of her heart. Not to him.

Never to him.

At least never to him again.

“Damn it, Carlotta why don’t you just say whatever is written all over your face? I cannot read your mind it is quite killing me right now.”

“Why are you here?” she asked before she could sensor her words.

“It’s my estate,” he answered back.

“I’m pleased to add that to my growing information about you, your grace,” she replied with a tart clip in her voice. Her self-control was slipping in light of his likewise lack of emotional control and she began to resort to her wit in order to keep to safer subject matter.

“Did I just mention that you were quiet? I take back my erroneous statement,” he said dryly.

At this, Carlotta couldn’t help the small smile that teased her lips.

“And quit that insufferable smirking,” he groused. “ If you must know, I’m here because I was forced to make an appearance.”

“I find that hard to believe, your grace.” Carlotta felt her eyebrows shoot up at his declaration. Just who was this woman who had accompanied him? What hold did she have on his heart for him to jump at her whim?

“There are forces of nature you have never encountered,” he replied dryly. “Lady Southridge is one of those forces of nature, Miss Lottie, and I don’t pity you that you’ll be quite in the middle of her raptures.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.” Carlotta paused, even as her heart rejoiced that he slipped into calling her ‘Miss Lottie.’

“ Lady Southridge is my good friend’s sister and, much to my dismay, has determined that same office over myself. And, through some means I am still not aware, she learned that I had inherited three wards and I had no choice but to accompany her here to provide introductions. I had no free will in the matter.”

“Oh, then we shall do our best to meet whatever requirements she has for the girls so that you may be free to leave,” Carlotta replied carefully.

“I have no qualms about staying here, Miss Carlotta, but I do have qualms about
staying here for an indefinite duration, which I’m sure she’s planning at this very moment.”

Not knowing how to respond, Carlotta simply nodded.

“And I wanted to speak with you before she pounced, so you would be aware of the situation and encourage the wards to be kind.”

“I assure you the
will be all that is goodness and light, your grace.” Carlotta replied in a clipped tone.


“And they are girls, not simply wards.” Carlotta finally spoke the words she had wanted to shout from the first moment he had reduced them to simply an obligation rather than the delight that they were. Her tone was soft but steely, and she prayed she hadn’t offended him… too much.

He stared at her, as if weighing his next words. Anger had flushed his face yet his eyes were calculating as if his mind were trying to convince his emotions to back down.

So she waited, her hands clasped in front of her and her posture prim and straight.

“Be that as it may…” he began, then paused, working his jaw and narrowing his eye slightly, “I still
you to indulge Lady Southridge’s whims.

“Of course, your grace. Is there anything else?” Carlotta asked as she kept her posture stiff.

“Yes. So please, make yourself comfortable. I’m nowhere finished with you yet.” He gestured to the settee, a rebellious smile tilting his lips and making him appear the rake his reputation had deemed.

Carlotta bit the inside of her lip, then walked to the settee and sat, a sigh escaping her lips.

“Tsk, tsk, Miss Lottie. We cannot have you give a bad example to the
You shouldn’t sigh so.” He shook his head.

“Forgive my sigh, your grace.” She gave a forced smile, knowing she was playing a dangerous game to provoke him, yet she couldn’t seem to restrain herself.

“All is forgiven. I had not known my presence was so exasperating,” he commented as he dusted imaginary lint from his sapphire colored waistcoat.

“I value honestly over flattery, your grace.”

“Miss Lottie. It seems you are in possession of a sharp wit this afternoon. I will simply have to hone my own in order to give you a worthy counterpart.”

“There is no need—”

“Oh, indeed there is.” His eyes took on a predatory gleam as he stepped forward slowly, deviously, and challengingly.

Carlotta watched his approach with growing suspicion. Whatever he was about was not good.

“Perhaps to conquer your wit, I’ll simply have to silence it,” he mused, his gaze roaming her features. Gone was the cool displeasure of earlier, replacing it was a warm and teasingly passionate expression that lit Carlotta’s stomach to fluttering and her blood to pulsing furiously through her veins. His gaze moved from hers to settle upon her lips. Though the glance was quick, it changed the depth of his eyes from a summer lake’s blue to the passionately tousled North Sea’s hue in the midst of a storm. Hunger burned brightly, stealing all thought from Carlotta’s captivated mind.

“Yes, I see that if I’m to conquer you at your own game, I must change the rules.”

“I don’t think—”

“Thinking would be a very bad idea right now,” he whispered, holding his hand out as he paused before her.

Glancing to his hand, she paused, debating. She could feel his body heat and it called to her, beckoned her. The scent of cinnamon and cloves permeated the air, thickening it, weaving a spell around her till she felt her hand reach for his. Immediately his grip tightened and he pulled softly, and she stood. Though she only came up to his chin, it seemed the perfect height for his scent to hold her captive, for his eyes to penetrate her soul.

As if he knew she were about to try and break the spell that passion had woven so intricately around them, he silenced her unspoken efforts with his lips. Softly, his lips met hers, but with determined pressure, he left no question that this kiss was very, very intentional.

Though chaste by most standards, this kiss seemed to place his claim on her soul. After the brief touch, he leaned back gazing into her eyes, eyes she realized, had never closed through the short duration of the kiss.

His gaze spoke the question clearly, though words were never used.


Carlotta felt herself nod ever so slightly, but it was all the confirmation the duke needed for his lips captured hers once more.

And this kiss was far from chaste.

His lips caressed hers with a persuasion she was unable to deny. She inhaled deeply, letting the moment flood her senses. His taste of peppermint combined with his masculine and heady scent of cinnamon was nearly her undoing. He teased her lips with his tongue, caressing them before biting gently and evoking the most astonishing pleasure she had ever encountered.

As if of their own accord, her arms found their way to embracing him, his solid shoulders were warm beneath her gloved hands and firm in their strength. His muscles were coiled, roped in a way that was completely primal and she wantonly desired to be able to feel him far more than her gloves and his jacket allowed.

His hands pressed into the small of her back, guiding her deeper into his embrace. Warm tingles of delight danced in her belly as his lips left hers and traveled across her jawline to her ear.

“You taste sweeter than I remember. How I utterly missed you,” he whispered, causing Carlotta to gasp at the revelation.

He had missed her?

Well he
kissing her… so that signified.

But somehow hearing it from his lips, and then having those same lips
just how much his words were true.

It was delightful.



“Charles?” a woman’s voice called, her footsteps becoming louder as she undoubtedly made her way down the hall.

Immediately breaking the spell he cast a frightened glance to the open door then back to her. His eyes were still drunk with passion and slightly unfocused as if his mind were trying to pull itself from the blazing haze their kissing had created.

“Bloo—blasted woman. I should have tossed her from the carriage when I had the chance.” The duke spoke in a frustrated whisper. He glanced to the door, then to her, then back to the door.

“Charles? I say, where could he have gone?”


“Excuse me?” Carlotta stammered, not quite believing her ears… or her eyes for that matter, for the duke was pulling her by the hand to hide behind a large tapestry.

“Hide! She can’t see you. Not yet.”

“You can’t be serious!” Carlotta exclaimed as he all but shoved her behind the heavy curtain.

He covered her mouth with his hand, the warmth of his skin seeping through her lips and warming her core, causing a hum of desire to reawaken within her.

“You must be quiet. She’ll hear you and… I’m not prepared to deal with this just yet.”

She was confused, but with his warm hand covering her mouth, she couldn’t really question his strange statement.

“Do not move.” His gaze was firm, decided and Carlotta felt herself nod in agreement though she had no idea why.

“Very good.” With quick spin on his heel, he covered her within the confines of the tapestry. A swirl of dust motes danced in the air in his wake. She sent up a quick prayer she’d not sneeze.


Chapter Nine


“Charles! There you are!” Lady Southridge breezed into his study uninvited. Though he wasn’t surprised. He exhaled a sigh of relief that Carlotta was safely hidden away, and close. Though he began to question the wisdom in hiding her within listening distance of Lady Southridge. This could be bad.

Very bad.

But of course that hadn’t crossed his mind three seconds ago.

No, that would have been too bloody convenient.

“Charles, I say, where is that governess of yours?”

“Lady Southridge, might I suggest that you take a moment of respite in your rooms from our long journey?” He appealed sweetly.

“What are you about Charles?” She speared him with a gaze that was penetrating to his very bones. Like a young boy caught with his hand in the plum pudding, he felt caught in his own trap. But there was no way to go but through it.

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