Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (129 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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“Yes…” she answered in surprise.

He slid a small box over to her. “This is for you, as well as this drink.” He placed a gin martini in front of her and left her alone.

Brie opened the box and found a silver chain inside. Underneath was another note.
Put this bracelet on, knowing that it signifies your acceptance of the chain that binds you to me.

She bit her lip in anticipation as she opened the clasp and put the chain around her wrist. Then she took a sip of the slightly dirty martini—it was perfection. She sighed nervously and looked around, wondering when he would show.

Ten minutes later, a man with deliciously long, black hair came up to her. He looked her over approvingly and gave her a wink. “The flower is a nice touch.”

Brie hadn’t expected her Dom to look like a rock star. She was unsure what to call him since his name had not been stated at the auction, so she fingered the rose lightly and said, “It
beautiful, thank you.”

He smiled and ordered her another drink when she finished. “This isn’t my normal mode of operation,” he explained.

She had to assume that this was his first auction, which explained the odd way it had been handled. “Then I am honored.” She looked at him curiously and asked, “What should I call you?”

He broke out in an all-out grin. “Raven will suffice. You ready to blow this joint?”

She smiled shyly. “If it pleases you, Raven.”

“Don’t bother finishing that drink.” He stood up and gestured towards the door.

Brie picked up her purse and was about to get off the stool when she felt a firm hand on her shoulder. “Remain seated.”

Brie trembled at the sound of his voice.

Raven immediately responded, “Hey, look, buddy. You get your hands off the girl. She’s coming with me.”

The voice behind her answered, “No, she is not. Ask her.”

Raven squared his jaw angrily and told Brie, “Give me the word and I’ll be happy to deck this guy.”

Brie quickly realized her mistake and stammered, “I’m sorry, Raven…” She formulated a viable excuse in her head to explain her mistake. “You see, this man is my blind date.”

“The freak is your date?” Raven asked incredulously.

A shiver went down Brie’s spine as she wondered just whom it was who held her so firmly. “It would be best if you leave now,” she answered.

The voice behind her stated, “I concur. Your presence is not welcome. Please leave.”

Raven cocked his head at Brie. “You can’t be serious. You’d rather go out with this sideshow act than me?”

Brie looked down at the floor, ignoring him.

Her Dom stated, “We will leave.”

He guided her off the stool and walked her out of the bar. Brie turned to see the bartender silencing Raven before he could cause a scene.

“I’m sorry. I thought he…” Brie began.

“I found it amusing, or I wouldn’t have let it continue.” Her Dom stopped and turned Brie to face him. “Look at me,” he commanded.

Brie let her gaze trail up his torso, noting the expensive business suit and his striped tie before her eyes beheld his face. His sandy hair was cut military-style, but what demanded her attention was the fact that her Master’s right cheek was caved in and a patch covered his eye. Before she could respond, he said, “Injury. You will not speak of it.”

She nodded, focusing on his soft lips. Despite his facial deformity, he had kind lips. “What shall I call you?”

“What my men did. Captain.”

“Yes, Captain.”

He put his hand on her back and guided her towards the elevator. “The cretin was correct. The flower
a nice touch. You look lovely, pet.”

“Thank you, Captain. The clothes are exquisite, as is the bracelet.” She held up her wrist to admire it again.

“I like my pets to wear a reminder of their position.”

“It is beautifully effective, Captain.”

He walked her to the door of his room. “When you enter I want you to take off your shoes and stand by the bed.” He swung the door open and ushered her inside.

Brie followed his command, wondering with trepidation what he had in mind when she saw the chain attached to the bedpost.

He came up behind her and unzipped the dress, then let it slip slowly to the floor. Then he unfastened her bra and tossed it aside. He caressed her breasts, playing with and tugging on her nipples until he’d made her drip with need for him.

Captain kissed her shoulder lightly before kneeling and attaching the metal cuff to her ankle. He stood up and informed Brie, “You will remain chained to the bed for the duration of our time together.”

She gazed at his face, wanting to say something but knowing it was not her right. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on a chair. She noticed numerous scars over his chest, probably caused by shrapnel. She felt an overwhelming sense of compassion and blurted without thinking, “May I kiss them, Captain?”

The indignant look on his face made her cringe. He said nothing, but moved to an overstuffed lounge chair and sat down. He looked at her dismissively. “You should know that I wanted the blonde, but my friend insisted you would be a better fit.”

Brie knew she had offended him and accepted his insult. “With all due respect, Captain, I have found that the outer shell doesn’t matter much.”

He shook his head with a bemused look. “Touché.” He patted his knee and commanded, “Kneel at my feet, pet.”

The chain rattled as she moved towards him. It was long enough for her to accommodate his wishes. She knelt beside him and he began stroking her hair. She closed her eyes and savored the feel of his fingers running through her long curls. He spent a considerable amount of time petting her hair in silence. Eventually, however, he stopped and she heard him unzip his pants.

“Suck my cock, pet.”

Brie moved between his legs and grasped his hard shaft. She wrapped her lips around him and slowly took the length of his manhood into her mouth.

“I like it slow and gentle.”

She moaned in response and moved her hair out of the way so he could watch her pink lips go down on his maleness. He shifted into a more relaxed position and let her work his cock for what seemed like an hour. She’d never taken that long to love a man’s shaft. Heck, she’d never had a man last that long before. By the time he ordered her to sit on his lap, her mouth and tongue were sore from her concentrated effort to please him.

Brie crawled onto his lap to the clinking sound of the chain. He slid her pussy down over his hard shaft, pushing himself deep into her, then instructed her not to move. “Look at me, pet.”

She stared into his good eye and smiled warmly. It didn’t matter that he was disfigured; the man had a gentle soul. But she could tell he needed something more from her, so she moved her hands behind his head to undo the ties of his patch. “May I, Captain?”

He stiffened and she wondered if she’d overstepped her bounds again, but to her relief he answered quietly, “Yes.”

Brie slowly undid the ties and removed the patch from his face. Underneath was a sunken eyelid, healed shut. She leaned over and kissed it lightly.

She heard his intake of breath as he grabbed her hips and his shaft started pulsating inside her. He threw his head back and groaned softly. When his orgasm had subsided, he looked at her questioningly, cradling her cheek in his hand. “Why did you do that, pet?”

“I needed to, Captain. Thank you.”

He slowly lifted her off his cock and told her to kneel beside him again. She felt sensuous in her black garter belt and hose, resting her head on his lap while Captain stroked her hair. There was such an aching need radiating from her Dom—Brie desperately hoped she could meet it.

A short time later, she heard a knock at the door. He stopped the petting and stood up to answer it. “Stay,” he ordered quietly as he quickly got dressed.

He walked to the door and told the hotel staff, “There is no need to come in. Thank you.”

She heard the door shut and then the clatter of a cart as he rolled it in her direction. “I have dinner, pet.” He placed a plate of food and a silver bowl on the coffee table in front of her.

She noticed there was only one plate and wondered if she would be expected to watch him eat. Her stomach grumbled against her will and she bowed her head in shame.

Captain sat back down and fingered her curls, chuckling under his breath. He leaned over and cut off a small piece of meat, then brought the fork to her lips. She opened her mouth and slid her teeth against the tines, moaning in pleasure when she tasted the tender morsel.

“Good, girl.”

He cut himself a slightly larger piece and chewed it. Even though Brie felt like a dog, there was something comforting about kneeling beside him, being fed by her Dom. He made her feel cared for by taking turns and cutting smaller pieces so that she could eat gracefully.

“Thank you, Captain,” she said, looking up at him.

“My pleasure, pet.”

When he’d finished the meal, he put the bowl down on the floor and filled it with water. “Drink. Be sure to lift your ass in the air and look at me lustfully while you lap it up.”

Brie turned to face him, liking the sound of the jangling chain as she moved. It gave her a feeling of possession. She looked at her injured Master as she sensually lapped the water. Yes, she was acting the part of a dog, but she made sure she was the sexiest damn dog he’d ever seen.

“That’s nice, pet,” he complimented, rubbing his hand against his crotch. She watched the outline of his shaft grow under his ministration. When his dick began straining against his slacks, he stood up and removed them.

He picked up the bowl and placed it back on the coffee table before commanding, “On the bed, now. Present yourself.”

Brie quickly got off the floor and made her way onto the large bed to the sound of the clattering chain. She arched her back alluringly, spreading herself open for his pleasure.

“You do have a beautiful cunt, pet. It appears hungry for what I can give it.”

“It is, Captain. I am desperate for you.”

Captain smiled as he climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between her legs. He ran his hands over her round buttocks, growling, “I do enjoy pleasing an obedient pet.” Taking a fistful of hair, he pulled her head back and thrust the full length of his shaft into her in one solid stroke. She gasped in surprise.

“Am I too much for you, pet?”

“No…” she panted. “Just right, Captain.”

“Good, because I plan to ride you long and hard.” He let go of her hair and grabbed her hips.

The thrusts he gave her sent bursts of heat through her body and the whole room echoed with the sound of the frantically rattling chain.

“You know how to ride your pet,” she complimented between gasps.

He grunted in response and pushed her flat onto the bed. “I want to hear you scream in pleasure.” Captain squeezed her ass cheeks as he gave her everything he had.

Brie shrieked at the force of his passion, but then she met it and cried, “Oh, Captain… O Captain, my Captain!”

He slowed down momentarily to slap her ass and said drolly, “Cheeky little thing.” She screamed lustfully when he went back to his unrestrained fucking of her. Unexpectedly, he stopped and collapsed on top of her, holding her tight. The stillness allowed her body to catch up and she felt the welcomed chills take over as her orgasm descended upon her.

“That’s it. Caress your owner’s shaft, you impish pet.”

She groaned and squirmed underneath him as he worked over her body, bringing her past the edge over and over again. Hours later, his cock finally stiffened inside her with its own orgasmic dance and she purred in contentment. His pleasure was her pleasure.

Afterwards, he rolled over on his back, breathing heavily. Captain stared up at the ceiling, saying nothing as Brie curled up next to him. He automatically began stroking her hair again.

Finally, he broke the silence with a barely audible command. “You may lick them.”

She smiled in gratitude as she got on all fours and tenderly ministered to each and every scar…

May I Humbly Suggest?

he next afternoon, Brie took the light rail to Lea’s apartment to avoid traffic. She sat in the back of the train car, watching the constant stream of people enter and leave. It was entertaining because she made up stories in her head to go along with the people she observed, from the homeless bum (who was actually a millionaire trying to regain his humanity by denying himself) to the little grandma (who looked all proper with her perfect hairdo and conservative dress, but was actually a fierce Dominatrix who made grown men cry).

There was one couple, however, who caught Brie’s attention without her needing to make up their story. It played out clearly in front of her, even though no one else seemed to notice. When they entered the car, the young man pushed his girl down onto an empty seat. To the average onlooker, it might have appeared the grungy youth was being kind and making sure his girl was seated, but the force he’d used and the way he was lording over her spoke only of one thing—a power play.

Brie tried to catch a glimpse of the girl, not wanting to come off like a nosy onlooker. The young woman had an extremely thin frame and a despondent aura around her. Her watery eyes made it clear she was miserable.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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