Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (147 page)

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“May I ask who else?”

She hesitated to answer, but looked up and smiled. “I only plan to ask one other.”

“The boy?”

She stifled a giggle. Funny to think that the other Doms had nicknamed Todd ‘the Boy’. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard it. Brie had a suspicion Todd Wallace would quickly change their tune. “Yes, Tono, the other meeting will be with Faelan.”

He did not mince words. “Do you love the boy?”

She looked down at their feet and became distracted by the graceful way they moved together. “I do feel something for him,” she muttered softly.

He continued dancing but said nothing. When the music stopped, he guided her over to his father. Brie tried to keep her composure, relying on her basic sub training—eyes to the ground and the body in a pleasing but respectful position.

Tono bowed low before his father and said, his voice ripe with respect, “
, this is Miss Brianna Bennett.”

She bowed and waited, with her eyes glued to her toes. Only silence followed, but she could feel the old man’s gaze on her as he studied her carefully. His callused fingers grasped her chin and he lifted her eyes to meet his. He had the same chocolate brown eyes, but they were cold; not like Tono’s at all. She struggled not to shiver against his hand.

The old man pushed his nose to within an inch from her face and stared into her eyes as if he was searching for something specific, something he could only see upon closer inspection. She allowed his invasion, hoping he would find what he needed to approve of her.

After several uncomfortable moments he let go of her chin and turned to Tono. He said only one word in Japanese: “
.” Then he walked away.

Tono shook his head as if to clear it. He looked at Brie and offered her a reassuring smile before heading off after his father.

She wanted to yell, “What does it mean, Tono?” However, she remembered her place and allowed him to leave without knowing why.

Brie watched Mary cozying up to a flamboyant Spaniard. He seemed quite taken with her. Although he did have the prettiest gray eyes Brie had ever seen, he wasn’t nearly manly enough to be attractive to Brie. Mary could have him.

Lea had found their mutual ‘doctor’ friend, Master Harris. The two seemed to be hitting it off well, and Brie wondered again if something might happen between them. Both had great senses of humor and it made her smile to think of them together.

Faelan came up from behind and growled in her ear. “I may have missed out on the first dance, but I insist on the next.”

She turned around and smiled coyly. “I was saving the best for last.” He looked youthfully debonair in dark clothes with a gray shirt, of which he had rolled up the sleeves just enough to expose his strong, veiny arms.

“Don’t you forget that, blossom. I may lack Tono’s elderly status, but I can take you places he never will.” As proof, Faelan moved the hair away from her neck and kissed that tantalizing spot where her shoulder and neck met. He easily lulled her into his seduction. Brie’s body responded without shame, remembering their chocolate ‘dance’. There was no doubt her body liked Faelan

“Who else is my competition?” he asked, moving to the other side of her neck, holding her tightly when her knees threatened to give out.

“Just Tono…” Brie breathed out.

“Good, then your choice is between the wise old owl and the eager young wolf. Seems simple enough to me.”

She slapped him on the ass. “I think you mean the arrogant wolf pup.”

Faelan grabbed the back of her head with one hand and her chin with the other. He kissed her, then, like she had never been kissed before. The possessiveness behind his embrace instantly made her wet and desperate for him.

He left Brie gasping for air when he let go. “Confidence, blossom, not arrogance.”

She excused herself, needing some distance between them to reorient herself. She looked across the room and saw Mr. Gallant with a sleek, dark woman of Amazon stature. The possessive hold he had around her waist left no doubt the Amazon was his wife. The height difference between the two was adorable, yet even so, Mr. Gallant looked every part the Dom and she the willing and happy submissive.

Ms. Clark headed towards Brie, so she braced herself for a confrontation. There was no need. The trainer passed by on her way to talk to Lea. After a brief conversation, Ms. Clark approached Master Harris. The interviews were beginning.

She jumped when Marquis appeared at her side, as if out of nowhere. “Are you ready for your first meeting?”

Brie was unable to hide the fear crowding her heart. “Marquis Gray, Tono was supposed to be my first, but he went to chase after his father.” She pointed in the direction the two had disappeared. “Do you have any idea what ‘
means in Japanese?”

His lips formed a thin line. “Not good.”

“What do you mean by that? Did I do something wrong?”

He looked down at her without any expression in his dark eyes. “No, Miss Bennett. That is simply what the word means.”

Brie felt herself falling backwards.
Not good?

Marquis took her by the arm and guided her towards the room they had assigned for Brie’s interviews. “Forget it for now. Concentrate on the next Dom you want to meet with.”

She looked back in the direction in which Tono had left. “But I don’t understand…”

“Miss Bennett, listen to me. You cannot waste this opportunity. Who would you like me to bring to your first meeting?”

“Faelan,” she answered distractedly.

“Fine. I will find Mr. Wallace. Go inside and wait, but I caution you to concentrate on what you are going to ask Mr. Wallace when he gets here. Do not waste energy wondering about what happened earlier.”

She nodded her head numbly, feeling crushed by the encounter with Tono’s father. Marquis Gray grabbed her shoulders. “Do you understand me, pearl?”

His forceful nature brought her back, and she answered with a quiet, “Yes.” Before she walked into the room she added, “Thank you, Master Gray.”

He gave her an uncharacteristic wink and left. Brie felt sad knowing that she would not spend time with Marquis after this. Everything was ending—
… She sat down on the leather couch, trying not to let the weight of it consume her.

Brie listened instead to the exuberant laughter and music just outside the door, and reminded herself that this was a celebration. A celebration of her success.

Faelan walked in with a smile that was both provocative and charming. “Good evening, Graduate.”

She actually blushed and sputtered, “When do you guys graduate?”

“Our ceremony is a…more private affair.”

“Oh, really?”

“Sorry, no details. Only Dominants are worthy of the specifics.”

Brie opened her mouth in protest and then closed it with a wicked grin. “Maybe I need to go to Dominant school next.”

He swept down on her and crushed Brie against the couch. “Oh, no. You are perfect just as you are.”

She laughed, struggling to breathe. He deftly rolled her on top of him and watched her reaction as his cock ballooned between them. Faelan was definitely male in every sense of the word.

Brie pretended not to notice and started the official interview, ignoring his lustful stare. “So, Mr. Wallace, I must first ask how old you are.”


“Ah, I see.” Brie smiled at knowing he was only three years older. “What exactly do you do for a living, besides dominating innocent subs, that is?”

“I’m an assistant manager a department store. It may not be glamorous work, but it pays the bills and I plan to advance myself onto bigger and better things.”

“Managerial position, huh? I suppose that’s a fitting career choice for a Dom.” She tapped his nose and asked, “How would you feel about a submissive who has a career of her own? Say a film career?”

“It isn’t a problem unless your career includes lots of travel and months away from me. If that’s the case, I could not give my approval. The whole reason I want you is so we can spend time together, blossom.”

His words concerned Brie. Filming was not a nine-to-five desk job. She could go anywhere in the world at any time. It was all dependent on the project. “We may have a problem then, Faelan.” Brie got off his lap and stood up. This was serious business. This was her future they were talking about.

He wouldn’t let her go so easily and wrapped his powerful arms around her, pulling her back onto him. He growled in her ear, “I am sure we can work something out. Even if it means me coming to dominate my girl on weekends.”

She squirmed in pleasure when he nibbled on her earlobe, but resisted further teasing. Brie pushed herself up on his chest and told him, in no uncertain terms, “This is important. If you can’t support my need to become a film director, I really don’t see this working between us.”

He snorted in anger. “Did you not just hear me? I said we would find a way to make it work.” Then he growled in a low, deep tone, “But only if you wear a tight corset under your clothes and promise to come every day at designated times while you are away from me.”

She liked the suggestion and rubbed his scruffy chin. “Are you sure you would be willing to support me in this? I might not make it for a while, and you’ll have to put up with a starving artist in the meantime. It kind of goes with the territory of artsy-fartsy types like me.”

He kissed her roughly, but when he pulled away she blurted, “What if I become wildly successful?” She grimaced as she wondered aloud, “Can a Dominant handle his sub making more money than he is…?”

“Enough, blossom. I accept you for who you are. We will work out the logistics like any couple must. I want you.” His hands ran down her sides. “I want to dominate this body in every way known to man, and then add a few of my own.” He bit her neck and she melted into him.

“Not fair…” she whimpered, her loins contracting in pleasure as he changed positions and pushed her down on the couch.

“If I could, I would collar you right now.” He fumbled with his pants before he ripped her panties aside. She gasped as the round head of his cock penetrated her with persuasive force. He felt so good inside her.

Faelan thrust deeply, leaving no doubt that he was claiming his territory. “I feel you awakening, blossom,” he murmured.

It was true—her body was giving itself over to the wildness he provoked. “I can’t. Not here, not yet,” she complained, trying to push off the couch.

“You can and you will.”

“But I’m not done interviewing you. Are you thinking twenty-four-hour submission or just several times a week?”

“You with me, twenty-four seven,” he answered, nibbling her collarbone as he pumped deep into her.

“Living where?” she gasped as he bit down harder.

“My place, of course. I’ve set it up for us, my sweet.”

She almost let herself go, but reined the reaction in just in time to complain, “But you live fifty minutes from my work.”

“Stay at the tobacco shop or find a job closer. It matters little to me…” He began sucking on her skin, causing a delightful, concentrated burn.

“Stop, Faelan,” she protested weakly, as her body betrayed her and gave in to his desire.

“You want me, blossom. You
me,” he snarled into her neck, licking and biting her.

Control was almost his, but she forced out one more question. “Do you see this as temporary or long-term?”

He stopped thrusting and looked at her. “Is there any question?” He went to bite her ear, but she stopped him.

“Answering a question with a question is
an answer.”

He smiled a wolfish grin. “I want to devour you for a lifetime.”

“But if it doesn’t work between us?” she cautioned.

“I will howl to the moon in frustration.” He belted a long howl before pulling out and descending between her legs. Brie giggled, cried out and then screamed for mercy as he devoured his prize.

She looked up at the ceiling as her body fought against wave after wave of pleasure. Finally, she had no more fight left and relaxed. Brie let out a low-pitched growl as her pent-up frustration released in a lightning bolt of orgasmic force.

“Good, blossom. I like to see your animal,” Faelan complimented as he patted her mound and then lay on top of her, crushing her with his weight. “You cannot resist the power of your potential mate, the commander of your soul.”

Breathless from the weight of his body on her chest, she gasped out, “I have not… decided…anything…Faelan.”

“But you
. Tonight is the night. I feel it in my bones.” He lifted himself off her and sat down on the couch, gathering her onto his lap. “It is easy to see your desire to be collared tonight. The question is, which man will be found deserving of such a prize?” He tweaked her nose. “In case you were wondering, I
that man.”

The bell sounded, the one that let the girls know that there were only ten minutes left of the first session. Brie looked at Faelan and smiled. “How may I please you, Lord?”

“Lord Faelan…” He said the name again, letting it roll on his tongue. “I could get used to that, woman.”

Brie knelt before him. “Your pleasure, Lord Faelan?”

He stood up, his cock a sword before her. “I would like to fuck your red lips, blossom.”

“My red lips shall love you well, my Lord.” She grasped his shaft and opened her mouth wide to wrap him in her warmth.

He groaned appreciatively and placed his hand on her head, helping to guide her. It was her turn to moan as she gave in to the joy of being his. She pushed the head of his shaft to the back of her throat and relaxed her muscles. She took one more quick breath before sliding it farther in.

“Oh, my blossom…” he grunted huskily.

She moaned around his cock as she pushed her lips to the base of his manhood. With a gentle rocking motion, she caressed his shaft with her tight throat muscles and then drew him out to lick and suck the head again.

“Oh, fuck, woman.”

She looked up at him and purred. She took him fully again, this time rocking with more motion, causing her throat to tighten. She actually thought she heard the man squeak.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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