Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (195 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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“You guys want to go there? I’m down. I really don’t care where we go,” I said.

Pushing his chair back and standing up. “It’s settled then, 80’s rock here we come,” Michael said smiling at Nicole.

Watching the two of them warmed my heart. You could just see how much they liked each other. There is nothing I want more than to see Nicole happy, and I truly believe Michael may be the one.

Chapter Nineteen

he next few months went by like a whirlwind. Both Garrett and I were busy with wedding preparations and work. Katie and I were in prime time wedding season, which kept me very busy. Garrett and I barely spent any time together. We would discuss wedding plans over the phone. I would email him pictures of the invitations or flowers I liked. He told me to pick out what I liked, it didn’t matter to him. The only thing that mattered was I was going to be Mrs. Garrett Levine.

When it came time to choose our ceremony location it was a no brainer. “Our” spot at Wales Park––we had so many memories there. Some were good, some were bad. It just seemed like the right place. Danny was nice enough to offer us the bar for the reception site. I knew it wasn’t anything fancy, but it worked for us.

I just got off a double shift at Danny’s. My head was pounding, and my feet had heart beats. I dragged my tired ass up the flight of stairs thinking about how wonderful it was going to be to take a hot shower and go to sleep. Unlocking my door I fully expected to see Molly sitting on the counter waiting for me, but she wasn’t there. I heard a strumming noise coming from my bedroom. For a second, I began to freak out thinking someone was in my apartment, but once I stopped and listened to the sound I knew exactly who it was.

I quietly crept down the hallway to my room, stopping in the doorway. I stood there watching and listening to him play. He looked so sexy lying in my bed with only his boxers on playing the guitar. My heart began to beat a little faster watching his fingers move up and down the strings so eloquently.

I remembered back to the time when he tried to teach me how to play when we first started dating. I gave up pretty quickly telling him holding the strings down hurt my fingers. He did manage to teach me a couple of chords, but I was just as happy laying on his bed listening to him play. I found it so soothing.

I let him finish the song he was playing then I walked into the room. “G? What are you doing here?” I asked smiling from ear to ear.

“Hey Babe. What I can’t come visit my fiancée?” He said jokingly. “I missed you and wanted to spend the night with my girl. Come here and gimme a kiss.”

“No offense, but do you mind if I take a shower first? I stink like beer. Some asshole knocked into me while I was carrying a pitcher.”

“Who was it? You want me to kick his ass!” He laughed.

“Hell no! You’ve caused enough trouble at Danny’s. Just give me five minutes. I need to get this stench off of me.”

“Can I join you?” He said raising his eyebrows.

“To be completely honest I really just want to get in and out of there.”

He put this stupid pouty face on. “Fine, I guess I will just sit here and think about you all hot and naked in the shower rubbing your hands all over yourself.”

“You do that,” I said laughing as I walked out of the room.

I showered as quickly as possible. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and curl up next to him. For the first time in a long time, I actually didn’t even want to have sex. I was so spent from work that just lying with him would make me happy. I wrapped a towel around me and headed back into my room. I found him on my bed in the same exact spot, but something was different about him. He had a huge smile on his face. He looked like a cat that just ate the canary.

“What’s so funny?” I asked him suspiciously.

“Oh, nothing.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“It’s nothing. I just found something that belongs to you in the night stand.”

My face dropped. “No you didn’t.”

He nodded his head and began to laugh. “So why have you kept this from me? We could’ve been using it.”

I felt my face turn bright red. “Garrett, put it back please,” I begged.

From underneath the blanket he pulled out my
Rabbit Vibrator,
and he proceeded to turn it on. “Oh look at that, it has three speeds,” he laughed hysterically.

“Garrett! Stop it! Put it away!” I laughed. I could feel my face getting even redder than it already was.

“Hell no, Babe, I’m going to try this out right now. Get over here and spread em. I wanna see how this little bunny makes you squirm.”

I started walking toward him crossing my arms. “What were you doing going through my drawers anyway?”

“I was looking for a tissue. I just had a sneezing fit. What else do you have in your drawers? Nipple clamps, ben wa balls or a butt plug?” He was laughing so hard he was holding his stomach.

I charged at him to grab the vibrator, but he was too quick for me. He caught me as I jumped on him and pinned me to bed. I could feel myself getting angry. I knew he was only joking, but I was truly mortified that he found it.

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about, relax,” he said softly.

He reached down and opened my towel up. “Spread your legs.”

I shook my head. “No.” I said angrily.

“Come on. Don’t be like that.” He began to lightly kiss my neck and chest.

I felt myself beginning to calm down and my arousal starting to build. I was trying so desperately to fight this feeling. I didn’t want to give in to him. I was still mad.

He ran his tongue down my chest and began teasing my nipples. I was fighting so hard to hold back a moan. I heard the click of the vibrator and his hand move down my body. I felt my body stiffen at his movement, even though I had used it a million times on myself. I had never used it in the company of someone else.

“Relax nothing bad is going to happen. Just relax and enjoy it,” he said calmly. “Now open your legs.”

I reluctantly spread my legs, feeling my body tense up again. He slowly inserted the vibrator into me and turned up the speed again. I felt my body shudder involuntarily, damn my body for defying me. He began to pull the vibrator slowly out of me and then pushed it back in making sure my clit was being touched by the little bunny. I bit my lip trying not to show him I was enjoying it. I knew I was going to have to give in. I couldn’t fight it much longer I was already feeling that buzz inside me.

“G,” I whispered.

“There’s my girl,” he smiled. “Do you like that?”

I nodded my head.

“Show me how you use it,” he said brushing his lips against mine.

I closed my eyes in embarrassment and shook my head again.

He ran his hand over my cheek. “I wanna watch you get yourself off, please,” he begged.

I clenched my eyes closed again hoping all of this would stop. Knowing Garrett and how persistent he was, he wasn’t going to stop until I gave in. I opened my eyes and gave him a defeated looked. Removing his hand from the
I took over. I immediately turned it onto the highest setting, figuring the faster I got off the sooner this would all be over.

“Full power? I like it,” he smiled.

I turned my face to him and gave him a dirty look. “If you don’t stop picking on me, I’m going to sleep on the couch.”

“Will you stop it, I am just teasing you.”

I laid my head back on the bed and closed my eyes trying to pretend he wasn’t in the room. I began moving the vibrator in and out with the little bunny rapidly vibrating against my clit. A relaxed feeling started to come over me, and I began to enjoy it. I heard Garrett moan, turning my head, I looked over at him. He was rubbing himself on the outside of his boxers.

“Seriously, I’m going to blow a load in my fucking underwear watching you,” he groaned.

“Come here,” I said breathlessly. “I want to suck your dick.”

He crawled up the bed and knelt down next to me pulling his boxers down. His erection was rock hard and I licked my lips to wet them. I felt his breathing become jagged as I put my lips around him slowly moving my tongue around his cock. Letting go of the vibrator I pulled myself up onto my forearm to give me better access.

I felt Garrett’s body lean down. “You are not getting out of this,” he said reaching down and inserting it back into me.

I must have lost my concentration.

“You okay?” I heard him say.

The intensity of the full power setting was almost too much, and I found it hard to focus. He pulled the vibrator slowly out of me and quickly pushed it back into me. I gasped. I could feel myself coming already. I began to press my lips tightly down on his shaft pushing him deep into my throat. He took a handful of my hair trying to quicken my speed. He pushed a little too hard, and I gagged.

“Oh, Babe, I’m sorry,” he laughed “I got a little carried away. I thought you were actually going to deep throat me.”

“Do you want me to puke all over you?” I said laughing.

He continuously pressed the bunny up against my clit applying pressure. I could feel myself building. I looked up at him. “I need you inside of me,” I moaned. I quickly got on all fours and backed myself up to him. I could hear the vibrator still buzzing in his hand as he pushed inside of me. He handed the vibrator to me. “Here use this,” he moaned. I went down on my forearms pressing the vibrator up against my clit. He took hold of my hips and pulled me hard into him.

My breathing became labored, and I felt my eyes roll back in my head. I had to drop the vibrator to the bed. It was too intense, and I couldn’t take it anymore. Garrett was still ramming himself into me, and I could feel his balls bouncing up against my ass. Clenching the blanket on the bed I was so close to coming, but I was trying to hold on until he came. It felt so good when we came at the same time. Every part of my body quivered, and I let myself go. I couldn’t hang on anymore.

As I began to cry in pleasure he slowed his pace down and pulled himself almost completely out of me. He paused for a moment then plunged himself back in. He repeated this a couple of times until I heard him moan loudly, and I felt his explosion inside of me.

I dropped onto my stomach in utter exhaustion breathing heavily. He lowered himself slowly on top of me breathing in my ear. “I love you so much.” I sighed fighting to keep my eyes open. “I love you too.”

Chapter Twenty

month before the wedding Garrett went away again for training. Nicole suggested we hit the mall to find a wedding dress. After looking at what felt like a hundred stores, I found the perfect dress. It wasn’t your typical wedding dress, but it was perfect for me. It was an off white, empire waist, kimono sleeved dress. It was very bohemian looking and perfect for a summer wedding. For shoes, I picked out simple white strappy sandals.

As we were standing in the dressing room Nicole began to cry. “I can’t believe you are getting married and leaving me,” she said sadly.

I took her hands. “Don’t cry, you are going to make me cry and I think I’ve shed a lifetime of tears for the both of us.” I was smiling, trying to hold back my own tears. “I’m only a phone call away and we can Skype all the time.” With a huge smile on my face I said, “Plus, now that I am moving to paradise you can come visit me. How amazing would that be? Us on the beach in Hawaii!” I squealed.

“I’m not crying because I am sad, I am crying because I am happy for you. I know how much you love each other.” She got very serious and hung her head. “I never told you this, but Garrett would call me every few months to check on you. He wanted to make sure you were okay.”

I became very quiet and let out a sigh of relief. “So, you were the one he was talking about.”

“What?” She said looking completely stunned by my words.

“The night that Garrett and I got back together he told me he always knew what I was doing and just because he was away, didn’t mean he didn’t talk to people around here.” I paused for a minute trying to decide if I wanted to ask my next question. I took a deep breath, “Did you know about his accident?

“Leila, I swear I didn’t know,” her voice began to rise. “I would’ve told you if I knew. When we spoke, he never talked about himself. He would call, ask how you were, make some small talk and then our conversation would be over. Please don’t think I would have ever kept that from you,” she pleaded.

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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