Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (210 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Chapter Seven


aking up surrounded by all the beautiful flesh was an experience I wouldn’t soon forget. My towel had come off during the night and Leif’s arm was splayed over my breasts. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. The passion last night had been incredible, but was I this person?

I maneuvered my way out of fantasy land and managed to stand up. Arranging the towel so I wasn’t showing off everything, I glanced around the room until I found my suitcase. Opening it I saw the string bikini resting on top that I remembered specifically unpacking before I’d left home. Rachel! Shaking my head I decided at this point showing off my body wasn’t that big a deal so I slid it on.

I was at the front door when Samson’s voice stopped me. “Running away?” I turned back and knew it was the wrong move when I saw his beautiful body standing in all its glory. The man was like a walking Adonis with his chiseled abs, tanned skin and even his prominent sex thick and long, giving me its own morning greeting.

“No. Just thought I’d take a walk on the beach.” Yes I was staring but hell who wouldn’t? The man was beautiful dressed in a business suit, with his sculptured face of the gods, undressed he was damn near irresistible.

“Let me grab my trunks and I’ll join you.” I didn’t stop looking as that well-rounded ass walked over to his own suitcase and almost sulked in disappointment when my view was stripped away by his bathing suit. He slid on a pair of sandals and I decided that wasn’t a bad idea so I rummaged through my bag until I found my own. We walked out the door leaving the rest of the men sleeping soundly.

Sunrise on the island was a sight to behold. The beauty of the waves crashing against the shore, the scent of the tropics, combined with the sounds it was easy to believe I’d stepped into another world. Having Samson walking beside me made it even more surreal.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” His hand reached down and grasped mine as we continued to walk along the sugary white beach.

“I love this place. I think the Isle will be a great investment.” It just felt right to be walking with him holding my hand.

“I’m glad you think so, but I was talking about last night.” He stopped, forcing me to come to a standstill as well.

Glancing up into his gray eyes I knew what he was really asking. Did I want to explore what happened more? “Honestly?”

“I’d prefer that instead of you lying.” His grin was easy but the look in his eyes was probing.

“I guess I’m overwhelmed? I mean until last night I wasn’t even interested in sex. Taking a step that big? Well it’s huge and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.” He wanted the truth I was giving him nothing less. “Don’t get me wrong, the pleasure was mind-blowing.”

“Always tell me the truth Zoey. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself last night, and I can speak for the others when I say I’m glad we were able to give that to you.” His hand lifted and he smoothed my hair away from my face. “This is about what you want.”

What did I want? Definitely not four men at once, even though the feelings of passion they’d given were ones I’d never forget as long as I lived. “If I had more experience maybe I wouldn’t be so afraid. But, um, maybe one lover at a time?”

“You’re asking me instead of saying what you need. Zoey you’re a strong women who knows her own mind. Intellectually, you may be one of the smartest women I’ve ever worked with. So don’t ask me what you want, tell me.” This was Samson from the office. The man that liked being in control and in turn made me want to argue with him about my place in our work environment.

His tactic worked because instead of feeling self-conscious I was ready to be the mouthy bitch I could be when things weren’t going my way. “Fine. What I want is to fuck you right here on this beach and worry about the other shit later.”

Samson tossed back his head and chuckled deeply. “Now that is sexy!”

I was amazed that my mouth filter flew off when confronted by his dominant side. “If it’s so sexy why aren’t you kissing me?” Obviously the filter wasn’t ready to be put back on.

That gorgeous smirk that I loved found his face and he stepped back to cross his arms over his chest. “Because little Zoey, you’ve explained what you want, but I have my own needs. I’d love nothing more than to throw your gorgeous ass down and fuck you until you screamed in pleasure, but sand and fucking? First of all, they don’t work well together that shit only reads well in books. Second if you want me to pleasure you, then it’s on my terms.”

Well didn’t that just change things completely? I knew Samson liked being in control in the club, but what would he want from a sexual partner? “What are your terms?” Asking seemed the easiest way of finding out if I was in over my head or not. I refused to even deny the fact that I really wanted to be with him that way.

“You can start by getting on your knees and using that mouth for something more pleasurable than arguing.”

“You want me to submit to you?” I remember vividly saying I’d never get on my knees for any of them the first day I walked into the office.

“Only in regards to sexuality. I love that smart ass mouth in business but when it comes to pleasure, I know you’ll be a lot happier if you allow me to take control.” He didn’t make a move toward me, and I was somewhat shocked that he wasn’t angry. Usually when I crossed him at the office he looked ready to toss my ass over his knee.

“I’m not sure I can be both those things Samson. Submissive in the bedroom, but in control out of it.” The only thing stopping me from falling to my knees right now was that concern. I wanted to be with him, but I also didn’t want to go back to work next week and feel I had to bow down to his wishes.

“If I didn’t approve of how you conducted yourself at work, you wouldn’t have a job Zoey. The last thing I want is some timid little woman saying yes to every idea brought up involving the company. You can take that out of your mind now. This thing between us will only happen outside of business hours. Well maybe during lunch.”

Holy shit didn’t that bring a few more fantasies to mind. Samson taking me over his desk at lunch. I think I was supposed to be focusing on what I wanted from this? “You’re not making it easy to think.” I went from pragmatic to horny as hell in less than a minute.

“If you want easy, you might want to talk to one of the other men. I’m sure they’ll give you whatever you want on your terms.” His deep chuckle did funny things to my equilibrium.

“What about them?” This was really going to sound slutty, but it needed to be put out there. “If I’m yours does that mean I can’t be with any of them?”

He grinned, while shaking his head. “Now if you were mine completely, you’d ask permission to fuck them, but that’s not what we’re discussing here. I don’t think you’re ready to belong to anyone in that capacity yet. Don’t add boundaries to this that we’re not approaching. This is about you and me enjoying each other sexually. What you do outside of the time we’re together is up to you.”

“So basically you’re saying that anytime you and I sleep together I’m under your control and that’s it?” I really wanted to understand what he was offering. This was a new world that I was embarking on and I was clueless.

“That’s it, for now. If we decide we’re compatible together later on, we’ll rethink things.”

My mind was overwhelmed. “But isn’t that dangerous. I mean having several sexual partners can’t be safe.” Slut. My mind was really having a hard time accepting that a person could just sleep with someone without emotions being involved.

“We’re all clean and you are as well. None of us sleep with people outside of the club and they are all tested to retain membership. As long as you agree to those same terms you can do whatever you like.”

That explained the medical exams I’d underwent for employment, and I knew from Rachel that the other employees did that as well. “Did you know you were going to sleep with me when I was hired?” There was no doubt in my mind now that it would happen, but it made me uncomfortable to think he was considering this back then.

“No. I had no idea. It is standard protocol for employment. When our clients ask for a fantasy, they are required to undergo the same tests. They also have a yearly exam to continue membership.”

My head was spinning with so much information that I’d forgotten why this conversation started. “I guess I’ve gotten off topic.”

“I don’t mind answering your questions. Why don’t we move to the boat and get more comfortable?” At my nod we walked back toward the pier and boarded.

Sitting down at the table I tried to understand what kind of relationship he wanted with me. I got that it was purely sexual but there were so many what ifs that I still wasn’t sure what that meant.

“I can see your mind working overtime, Zoey.” He walked over to the small cooler on deck and pulled out two bottles of flavored water. “This doesn’t have to be so complicated. If you want to fuck me, then you agree to let me be in control during the act.”

I couldn’t believe I was sitting on a boat staring at the beautiful scenery, and contemplating sleeping with my boss. The irony was not lost. I’d lost my last job for that refusal. I took the bottle he offered, unscrewed the top, took a deep sip and made a decision. “My answer is yes.” I was sitting on the long running leather couch at the front of the boat offering my submission in exchange for the pleasure I knew he could give.

He took several deep drinks of the liquid before putting his bottle down on the table. “Come with me.” Holding out his hand, I took it and was led downstairs to the bedroom. “You’re sure this is what you want?” He stopped in front of the bed and searched my face for an answer.

“I’m sure.” My voice didn’t sound sure and wobbled while looking into the intensity of his gray eyes.

“Until we leave this room all I want to hear from those beautiful lips is yes or no. Understand?” His knuckles lightly grazed over my cheek and instantly had me aching for his touch.


“Good girl. Now on your knees.”

I knew this was what he’d want and as I did what he asked I felt strange. I’d always thought that a woman doing this would feel degraded, but I didn’t. Instead I felt empowered. Maybe it was knowing that while I’d done as he asked, it was only because of the pleasure I knew his hands were capable of? I watched as he lowered his swimming trunks, putting me eye level with his beautiful cock.

“Show me how you worship a cock, Zoey.”

I had no experience with this at all, but I refused to let that stop me. Reaching out my hand I gently grasped the base of his shaft, squeezing lightly. My eyes lifted to his as my tongue laved over the smooth steel.

He was already semi-erect and with each stroke of my tongue he grew thicker and longer. Going on gut instinct alone I took him inside my mouth, suckling half of his length before retreating. His width forced my mouth open wide and I attempted to take him deeper with the next downward plunge of my mouth.

“Relax your throat.” His hips pushed forward gagging me, and he retreated. “We’ll work on this.” Pulling out slowly he watched my face as he pushed back in. By forcing my throat muscles to relax I took him a little deeper that time. “Put your hands on your thighs.”

I trembled as I followed that command knowing that my hand wouldn’t be there to stop him. “You have to learn to trust me Zoey. I won’t do anything you can’t handle.” To prove his point he pushed his cock into my mouth a few inches and retreated. Repeating this movement several times until I wasn’t worried he was going to choke me, I relaxed again.

I felt his hand tangle in my hair and he pushed a few inches deeper before retreating, never once abusing the trust I had given as he rode my mouth slowly. Closing my eyes, I tightened my lips and let him fuck my mouth. If you had asked me before if I thought I could find pleasure in this I would have laughed in your face. With Samson, I enjoyed knowing I was giving him pleasure.

“I’m going to give you more now, just relax and take me in.”

I almost panicked when his mushroom-shaped head hit the back of my throat, but forced myself to relax and swallow instead. Instead of choking, I discovered I could easily do this.

“That’s so beautiful Zoey. I love watching you suck my cock.” His movements increased in speed and I focused carefully on my breathing and not tensing my throat muscles. “One day I’ll come in your mouth, but I want to show you how proud I am of you right now.” He pulled away and I almost whimpered in disappointment.

He stepped out of his shorts and kicked off his sandals. “Undress and lay on the bed. I want those sexy legs spread wide.”

I didn’t hesitate about taking off the string bikini or my sandals. Climbing onto the bed I parted my legs slightly, still not comfortable with putting myself on display.

“I want those legs spread wide. Don’t make me tell you again.” He wasn’t asking.

“I’m sorry. It’s embarrassing to know you’re looking at me that way.”

Samson sat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot beside him. “Do you remember what I told you to do when we were in this room?”

Fuck. I’d forgotten he only wanted me to say yes or no. “Yes.” Why did I feel so guilty for opening my mouth?

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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