What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (222 page)

Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Elyse soaked in the large tub in Logan’s bathroom. He insisted on cleaning up the dinner dishes so she could take some time to relax. His affectionate side made her smile. He always found new and thoughtful ways to surprise her. Yesterday morning, he’d left an old book on the kitchen counter. The book contained recipes from his aunt’s side of the family. Elyse remembered some of the muffins and pies from when she visited the inn as a child. One of the things she recalled was the scent of those fresh baked goods filling the entire downstairs. She wanted to recreate that bit of nostalgia and have Logan’s guests leave with such vivid memories of their stay. She felt honored Logan would share them with her.

Indulging in the hot, bubbly water longer than she anticipated, her fingers shriveled. She drained the water as she toweled off. She wondered what Logan had planned for her tonight. Two nights ago, they sat on the front porch drinking hot apple cider and making plans for the grand opening. He had impressed her with his marketing and advertising ideas. After the first of the year, he wanted to implement his business plan. There was no doubt in her mind that Logan would be a success. He had a charismatic personality, he proved to be more than handy, and he possessed a strong business sense. Pleasure Inn could be the talk of the area by this time next year. Elyse looked forward to seeing the place thrive. But even more so, she wanted to stay here with Logan and build a future with him.

From the mirror, Elyse caught the door to the bathroom open. She wrapped the towel around her and turned to face Logan. He smelled of body wash and sported nothing but a pair of worn, well-fitting jeans. He must have showered in the spare bedroom while she had her bath.

“Did you need something?”

“You.” He stepped into the spacious room and moved behind her. “I have plans for you.” He trailed his tongue along the side of her neck.

“What kind of plans?” She smirked.

“Patience.” He tugged at her towel, releasing it from her body and letting it fall at her feet. “You’ll be naked most of the evening.”

She leaned against his chest, reaching up to cup his face.

He grabbed her hands and placed them by her sides. “Tonight we have rules. The first one is no touching me unless I give you expressed permission.”


He pressed his finger against her lip. “Rule number two, you don’t speak unless I ask you a question. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Technically that was a question, but I’ll give you a few minutes to get used to the scene.” He slipped his hand down her jaw and across her neck. Her nipples hardened as she watched his every move in the mirror. “I’m in a Dominant mood tonight. Your little act of defiance at the market today triggered it.”

Elyse wanted to push his buttons earlier in the day because she liked when his Dominant side made an appearance. She hoped he would want to play when she taunted him, but she thought more along the lines of an erotic spanking. When her eyes connected with his in the mirror, she wasn’t sure a sexy slap on the ass was what he had in mind.

“If you don’t want to play, now would be the time to tell me. Once we enter the bedroom, I’ll expect you to obey my every command.” Moving his hand down her stomach and to her heated sex, he covered her pussy with the span of his hand. “Your body, this,” he swiped his thumb over her slit, “belongs to me. I’ll control all of your pleasure tonight. I’ll say how many times you come and when you come.”

A soft moan escaped her lips when he pushed his finger inside her.

“You. Are. Mine.” He moved his free hand up to her breasts and tugged on her nipple. “Can you handle that?”

“Yes.” Mesmerized by his every action, she couldn’t take her eyes off him in the mirror.

“Things will get deep. Do you remember your safeword?” He inserted another finger into her pussy bringing her closer to the edge. “That’s how you’ll tell me to stop if you don’t like what I’m doing to you.”

What’s he planning on doing to me?

“You may say it whenever you need to and all play stops.”

The pressure continued to build inside her until she could take no more. As she teetered on the edge of pleasure, Logan pulled his fingers out stopping her from climaxing. Her eyes connected with his in the reflection of the glass.

“We need to take care of the details and then we’ll see about letting you come.” He ran his wet fingertips over her lips, forcing them into her mouth. “Taste where I’ve been.”

She sucked her tangy arousal from his fingers. She’d never tasted herself before, but doing it with Logan only increased her desire.

“What is your safeword, cupcake?”

“Um…” Her thoughts were cluttered and her body turned on. How could he expect her to remember her safeword? “Can’t I just say stop?”

“No. You chose
and I want you keep that since it’s something you’d never say during sex. Tonight there might be times when you’ll think you want me to stop but you’ll work through the pain to get to the pleasure.”


“You’re afraid. I can see it in your eyes. Do you want to play with me?”

“Yes, but how much pain?”

“I’m not going to give you any more than you can handle. I know you trust me. This is where we begin building a much deeper trust. I won’t violate that bond we have. You have all the power. As long as you remember your safeword, you can stop me any time.”

He turned her to face him. “Trust me.” He barely touched his lips to hers, but she felt the electricity course through her body. “Are you ready? Tell me your word.”


“Very good, that is after all, the reason we’re entertaining this evening.” He cupped her backside, squeezing it hard beneath his hands. “Let’s go.”

Once through the bathroom door, she knew there was no turning back. Logan needed this. He wanted her and she wanted to give herself to him completely. She had to show him she could be everything he needed. After all, he was everything she could have dreamed of.

He led her across the room, to the chair by the huge windows that overlooked the front of the property. A light rain fell, misting the ground and a breeze kicked up blowing the leaves from the trees.

“It looks awfully nasty out there tonight.” He sat in the chair, pulling her into his lap. “I’d much rather be in here doing nasty things to you.”

She leaned forward to kiss him, but he turned his face. “Have you forgotten who is in charge?” He suppressed a smile when she let out a frustrated sigh. “You are a naughty girl.” He flipped her over his knee, positioning her so her backside was in the air.

Maybe he was going to spank her. That she could handle.

He ran his palm over her flesh. “So smooth and creamy. What color do you think it will be when I’m finished?”

She closed her eyes and focused on his strong muscular hand caressing her skin, but her eyes popped back open when she felt a hard, unexpected swat land on her ass.

“I asked you a question.”

“I thought it was rhetorical.”

Another smack, even harder than the first.


“Don’t disappointment me, cupcake. You may only speak if I ask you a question.” His palm connected with her flesh again. “What color is this creamy ass of yours going to be when I’m through with you?” He hit her again. “Answer me.”

“Red.” His strikes weren’t terrible but enough to cause discomfort.

“Good girl,” She felt his warm breath caress neck when he lowered his head to speak to her. He ran his hand along her backside, slipping it between her legs and rubbing her center. “Do you like your punishment?” He pushed a finger inside her pussy.

“Yes,” she breathed out as he worked her from the inside.

While he continued to finger her with one hand, he swatted her backside with the other creating a pleasurable tempo. She felt the tension building inside her, threatening to spill out at any second. The more he hit her, the more his finger moved inside her. She thought she’d explode from the sensation. She gripped the armrest of the chair, clenching her muscles and readying herself for the inevitable, when Logan withdrew his fingers and stopped swatting her, leaving her whimpering with need.

He maneuvered her into a standing position, placing her between his legs. He had a dark, menacing look in his eyes. The ice blue color clouded with stormy gray overtones.

“That was just the beginning.” He took her hips in his big hands and pulled her closer to him, resting his head against her stomach. She fought the urge to run her hands through his hair when she remembered she wasn’t allowed to touch him.

“I’m going to keep you on the verge of climax for as long as you can stand it. I want you to remember who your pleasure belongs to.” He trailed kisses down her abdomen and to her mound. “You are mine.” He slipped the tip of his tongue inside her entrance and kissed with the same attention he would her mouth.

Oh, fuck!

She couldn’t hold on. How could she be expected to linger between release and denial? He continued to torture her with his tongue until her knees buckled. He pulled her down to his face. “Kiss me.”

She darted her tongue out, licking his chin before claiming his mouth. Feeling his erection pressing against her breasts gave her a sense of confidence. She took his face between her hands and deepened the kiss.

He pulled away and smiled making him appear less Dominant but she knew he wasn’t finished with her. “You won’t unravel me, my little minx.”

“Logan, please let me touch you. I want to make you feel good.”

He stood and pulled her over to the foot of the bed.

“No more warnings. You will obey. Do you have something you need to say?”

Spinach. All I have to do is say it, but do I want to?

“No, Sir. I want to please you.”

“Very well, but it seems I was too lenient on you a few minutes ago. You spoke without being asked a question and you touched me without my permission. It looks as if more discipline is in order.” He reached under the mattress and pulled out a pair of black leather handcuffs. “Still want to submit?” He dangled the cuffs in front of her face. “The choice is yours.”

“You won’t hurt me?” She trembled at the thought of being locked in the handcuffs.

“I know you trust me. Show me.”

Without hesitation, she put her wrists together and held them out in front of her.

“Not like that.” He took her arms and placed them behind her back, nudging her closer to the large bed post. He secured her hands together around the wooden structure. Once restrained, the post was too high for her to slip her arms over it. “Are you okay?”


He kissed her mouth as his hands roamed her heated flesh. “You’re a distraction. You make me lose focus. That doesn’t happen often.” He stepped back, creating some distance between them. “My cock aches for you but we need to work on a few things first.” She followed his gaze to the bed. “I have something else for you.” He slipped his hand under the mattress again and pulled out a black strap with a handle. He held it in front of her line of vision. “This is my riding crop. I can make you do anything I say with this.”

What will you ask?

He stroked the leather tongue over her collarbone and down to her breasts. “Drop your head and lower your gaze to the floor.”

She did as he asked enabling her to watch him trail the crop along her stomach. His actions were slow but deliberate. He took his time moving the strap across her hipbone and down her leg sending shivers throughout her body.

“The crop can be used for pleasure or pain.” He struck her inner thigh hard enough to make her sensitive flesh sting. “I like to cause both at the same time.” He stepped closer to her before slapping the crop against her other thigh. Reaching between her legs, he caressed where he had made contact. “Are you enjoying this?” He rubbed his thumb along her wet slit.

You know I am.

“Yes.” She moaned out her satisfaction.

“Hmm.” He slid the crop up her stomach and swirled the handle end around her nipples as he kept a steady rhythm with his thumb between her legs. “Don’t come.” He struck the side of her breast a little lighter than he had on her thigh. “You’re not allowed.”

She sucked in a breath when the crop made contact with her skin.

“Too much?” He slapped one nipple and then the other causing a light burning sensation.

“Oh…” At first, he applied enough pressure to hurt, but once the sting wore off she wanted more.



“Beg for it.” He moved the crop lower as he withdrew his fingers from her pussy. “Do you want my crop here?” He ran the leather strap across her mound. “Tell me.”

“More, Logan. I want more. I need to…”

“Not yet.” He brought the crop down against her aching center. “You’re not allowed to come.”

“Please.” She desperately wanted to see his eyes – was he as turned on as she was? – but she also wanted to know where he was going to take this. She kept her eyes on the floor. The scent of her arousal swirled between them, her juices dripped down her thighs and her clit throbbed from the pressure building inside her.

“Who do you belong to?” He ran the strap over her slit as he brought his lips to her jaw.


“I already own your body but I’m greedy.” She heard the crop hit the hardwood floor. “I want more.” He hiked her leg over his hip and pressed his denim covered erection against her center. “Will you give me what I want?”

“Anything you want?” She thrust her hips forward, rubbing against the rough material of his pants trying to create some friction.

“Tell me I can have you. All of you.” He rocked into her, spreading her lower lips with his fingers so that each time she moved against him she felt the sensation she desperately needed.

“I’m yours, Logan.” She closed her eyes and gave into her needs. The smell of him, his warm skin against hers, the way his lips lingered just below her ear was too much. “Please…”

“Tell me.” He moved her hips faster. “Scream it out.”

“You! I belong to you. All of me.” She pulled against the restraints trying to get even closer to him. “Mind, body and soul. It’s all yours.”

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