What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (62 page)

Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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The bikini was a knotted mess and it took some time to untangle it. As she fitted it to her body and retied the strings, her mind spun with conflicting thoughts. She’d just had the most incredible sex of her life. Primal and satisfying.
Can I pass this up?
Her body wanted it, no question about it. Her mind though, her mind urged caution.

Tabitha stepped into the attached bathroom. Looking back at her from the mirror was a woman she barely recognized. Her eyes were dark and her skin flushed. She had total sex hair. She fished a brush out of the drawer and made herself presentable. Putting her decision on hold, she headed up on deck.

Marcus and Tabitha enjoyed a light lunch and relaxed on deck. The ocean was beautiful, soothing and calming all at once. Marcus made no reference to their encounter or the decision he’d put in her hands. Tabitha sensed he was trying to put her at ease by suppressing his intensity. The undercurrent of desire was still there, but muted to a degree.

The vessel was heading back toward Oahu when Tabitha spotted something in the water. She went to the railing. “Marcus, come here. There are humpbacks.” She motioned him over.

Marcus joined her, sliding his arm over her shoulder. They watched together as two humpback whales slid through the ocean waves in tandem.

Tabitha leaned into him. “They’re so enormous! It’s amazing.”

Her enthusiasm made Marcus smile.

Huge scalloped flippers dipped in and out of the water. They were so close that Tabitha glimpsed the barnacles on the surface of their skin. The closer whale dove and moments later thrust into the air, breaching, before disappearing back beneath the waves, its tail slapping the surface as it submerged.

Tabitha grasped his arm. “Marcus, they’re wonderful!”

“Yes, it is wonderful.”

Tabitha turned into his arms as she realized he wasn’t referring to the whales. He kissed her and she responded eagerly.

When they returned to the hotel, Marcus made no mention of specific plans to get together again. He escorted her to her door and kissed her. It wasn’t a peck, but it wasn’t deep and sensual either. He left her there, bewildered, while he walked away.

Tabitha supposed this was his way of not pressuring her. Though he didn’t say it explicitly, the next move was up to her, and it came down to trust.

As Tabitha thought about it, she realized it wasn’t Marcus that she didn’t trust. It was herself. Tabitha didn’t know if she could give up control. She was afraid of losing herself. She sensed it would be either the most liberating thing she had ever done or the biggest mistake she would ever make.

Marcus wouldn’t deliberately hurt her. He had given her no indication of excess aggression. In fact, he was one of the most controlled people she’d ever met. He’d slipped off his self-imposed leash when he made love to her on the yacht, but even then, he hadn’t completely let go. She speculated upon what it would take to overwhelm his self-discipline.

Tabitha made a decision. She knew what she was going to do. She wanted Marcus on a primal level. She’d never wanted anyone else like this. The risk was worth the potential reward.
What if we only have these few days together?
She wanted to make the most of them.

After showering and shaving her legs, Tabitha carefully blew out her hair so it curled and fluffed attractively. She applied her makeup, emphasizing her brown eyes with smoky highlights. She hadn’t brought many fancy outfits with her, but she had her favorite blue dress. It fit her well and always gave her confidence when she wore it. She slipped on her heels and thought about how to proceed.
Should I call him? Just show up at his door?

Tabitha didn’t want to lose her nerve, so she simply left her room and headed toward the elevator. Marcus’s room occupied one of the top floors. She hadn’t been to his room, but he’d mentioned the number. As the elevator ascended, Tabitha’s heart pounded in her chest.

When Tabitha arrived at his floor, she hurried down the hall, scared she might lose her nerve. She knocked on the door and waited, struggling not to back away. The door opened and Marcus stood there framed in the doorway. He wore slacks and his shirt was open at the neck with the sleeves rolled up.

He smiled. “Tabitha, you look lovely.”

“May I come in?”

“Absolutely.” He stepped aside and allowed her to enter.

The suite was elegant and much more spacious than hers. The view was incredible. Tabitha sensed Marcus behind her as she stared out the windows into the night sky. He said nothing but simply waited. She wished he would make it easy for her but she supposed this was something about which you did not want any confusion or misunderstanding.

“Marcus, I’ve been thinking about the things that you said. About your proposition.” She turned to face him. His expression remained impassive. She’d give anything to know what he was thinking. She leaned into him and nuzzled his jawline with her lips.

He grasped her arms and looked into her eyes. “What have you decided?”

“I want to. I want you.”

Marcus took her in his arms and kissed her. He released her and took a step back. “What are you open to?”

“I’m not sure. This is new to me. But the suggestions you made … earlier … excited me.”

“I thought so.” Marcus crossed to the side table, picked up his drink and took a sip. “Just soda water.”

Tabitha nodded. She supposed he was reassuring her of his state of mind. His blue eyes pierced her, studying her. Tabitha fought the urge to cross her arms.
Was he going to do something?

Tabitha couldn’t stand the silence. “Well?”

“Well what?”

Tabitha’s hands fluttered. “What do you want me to do?”

“What do you want to do?”

Tabitha frowned. Marcus was not being helpful. “I thought we might, you know ….”

“You have to tell me what you desire, Tabitha. You have to show me what you want.”

Tabitha was at a loss. She searched his face for a clue. He provided none. “I want you.”

“Can you think of a way to show me?”

“I … yes?” Tabitha reached behind her back, unfastened her dress and let it fall to the floor. She stood before him in matching bra and panties. She lifted her foot to kick off her shoe.

His eyes raked over her body. “No. Leave them on.”

Tabitha stood still, trapped in his gaze.

“Turn around. Let me see you.”

Tabitha turned around slowly and forced herself to keep her arms at her sides. She turned to face him again and placed her hands on her hips. Her eyes met his and she sensed challenge in his gaze.

“Are you ready to begin?”

Tabitha tilted her head and considered her choice for the last time. “Yes.” She was ready.

“How do you show me?”

Tabitha stepped toward him, extending her hand to touch him.

Marcus held up his hands stopping her and shook his head. “No.”

Tabitha considered her options.
What does he want? How do I show him I can be submissive?
She sank to her knees and averted her eyes.

“Very good. Do you want me?”

Tabitha nodded. “Yes.”

Marcus paused, waiting. “Yes what?”

“Yes … Sir?”

“Come here.”

Tabitha put her hand on the floor to stand, but he stilled her with a gesture.

She understood. She crawled the short distance to where he stood.

“Do you want to please me?”

“Yes. I do.” Tabitha stumbled over the words. “Yes, Sir.”

“Undo my pants.”

Tabitha’s hand shook as she reached for him. It wasn’t fear that filled her though. It was desire. She unfastened the button at the waistband and slowly lowered the zipper. Marcus swelled under the fabric. Her hand longed to slide inside. She looked up and he nodded for her to continue.

Tabitha slipped her fingers into his undershorts and encountered the heat of him. As she encircled his shaft, she heard his sharply indrawn breath. She stroked him, but the fabric prevented her full access.

Pulling him through the opening, Tabitha raised her eyes to look at Marcus. She closed her lips around him, teasing him with the tip of her tongue.

Marcus smiled, content to let her set the pace for now.

Tabitha ducked toward him and rubbed her lower lip against the tip of his cock. Marcus throbbed in her hand. She surrounded him with her mouth. As she drew him across her tongue, Tabitha felt moisture wetting her panties. Without even a touch, her nipples hardened. She quivered as she licked and sucked his erect flesh.

Marcus combed his fingers through her loose hair. “That’s very good. You’ve pleased me. Go into to the bedroom and lie on the bed. I’ll be with you shortly.”

Tabitha was stunned. He didn’t want her to continue? He’d said he was pleased, but he didn’t let her give him completion. Confusion clouded her mind. She stood, her eyes averted, and walked into the bedroom.

A large, four-poster bed dominated the room. Tabitha didn’t spend much time examining the furnishings; she crawled into the center of the bed as directed. She rolled over on her back and closed her eyes. The room was a bit cool and the air raised goose bumps on her skin.

The anticipation was unbearable.
How long will he make me wait?
Tabitha had the urge to touch herself and slipped her fingertip under the edge of her panties. She was sliding her finger toward her clit when Marcus entered the room.

“Well, I don’t recall giving a direction for that.”

Tabitha bit her lip and removed her hand from her crotch. She glanced at Marcus and saw that he had refastened his clothes. She spotted his arousal bulging against the fabric of his pants.

Marcus crossed to the bed and sat beside her. He extended a finger and gently stroked her lips. “I can see we have a few things to work on in terms of following directions.”

Tabitha bit her lip. “I’m sorry … I didn’t think.”

He paused, waiting.

What does he want?
Then it came to her. “I apologize, Sir. It was wrong of me.”

“Now you know that I expect my directions to be followed exactly. No additions. No omissions.” Marcus took her hand and kissed the fingertips, one by one. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you remember. Take off your bra and panties.”

As Tabitha complied, Marcus opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a roll of black velvet ribbon and a pair of scissors. “I picked this up just for you.”

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t. Not for sure. But I wanted to be prepared.” Marcus carefully measured out and cut two even lengths. He laid them on the bed. “Roll onto your stomach.”

Tabitha hesitated and looked into his face. What she saw there reassured her and she turned over.

Marcus took her wrist in his hand and wrapped the velvet ribbon around it. He guided her hand to the closest bedpost and tied the ribbon around it. Moving to the other to the other side of the bed, he repeated his actions on her other wrist. “Do you want me to continue?”

Tabitha tested the ties that bound her wrists and found them secure. The vulnerability she experienced was both shocking and arousing. Arousal won out. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I’ve been patient but I won’t keep reminding you. There will be a penalty in the future. Do you understand?”

“Yes … Sir.”

Marcus left her legs free and Tabitha was tempted to move them, but resisted the impulse. She heard Marcus moving around the room, but he didn’t come within her field of vision.

“Have you been a naughty girl?”

Tabitha nodded. “Yes, Sir, I’m sorry.”

“I know you are. But I can’t let it pass, can I?”

Tabitha shook her head.

“I don’t think I heard you.”

“No, Sir, you cannot let it pass.”

Marcus rested something against the cheeks of her ass and Tabitha flinched in surprise. He rubbed it against her and she could discern that it was smooth with a bit of heft.

“This is a small leather paddle. Have you ever been spanked with a paddle?”

“No, Sir.”

Marcus gave Tabitha a very weak slap with the paddle that didn’t leave a mark. “What do you think? Would a spanking cure your naughtiness?”

Tabitha swallowed. “Yes, Sir.” Her voice quivered with barely suppressed excitement.

“Get on your knees. Your ass is too low.”

Tabitha struggled to reposition herself with little assistance from her arms, which were still tethered. Eventually, she brought her knees underneath her.

Marcus stroked her ass with his fingertips and pressed on her back. “Bend.”

Tabitha complied. This position exposed the lips of her pussy, and she grew moist. Marcus had not blindfolded her as he had threatened to do. When she glanced to the side, he had removed all his clothing except his boxer briefs.

The mattress depressed as Marcus put one knee on it to move closer. “Mmmm … the question is, of course, how many will it take? Do you suppose ten might make you more compliant? Or will it take twenty?”

Tabitha did not respond. She didn’t have any context to know what ten versus twenty meant. She hadn’t been spanked since she was a child, but this was entirely different.

Marcus applied an encouraging stroke. “Answer.”

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