Whats Your Pleasure (6 page)

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Authors: Marie Haynes

BOOK: Whats Your Pleasure
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Nathan grinned, tucking the card into his wallet. “Bill, I like the way you work.”

“One more thing.”


“Baby Girl’s got some demons. They’re hidden real deep, but they need to come out. She’s stubborn, but if you or Vince can break through and help her wrestle those demons, she’d be better for it. Do the girl good to find out she’s not meant to be the strongest person in the room all the time. ”

Nathan glanced over to see Joe wiping down the counter. Looking back at Bill, he nodded. “I understand.”

Bill lifted his beer in a salute and downed the contents. Glancing back at Joe, he noticed her frowning at him. “Guess I’d best move along. Good chatting with
.” He reached over and shook Nathan’s hand before walking over to end of the bar.

“What are you up to?” Joe
her hands on her hips.

’, really.
Just making a few new friends,” he
the picture of innocence.


’ off now, kid.” Bill lifted her off her feet in a huge bear hug. “
home late tomorrow morning, so I’m heading to bed. Probably won’t see you tomorrow.”

Joe wrapped her arms around him and hugged back just as fiercely. She never could stay mad at him for very long, especially when he shot her that silly, lopsided grin.

“Next time you come down, give me some warning, will you?” she scolded gently.

He set her gently on her feet and kissed her cheek before tossing a quick wave at Nathan and Vince and heading out the door.



















Chapter Six




Heaven’s Flame


1 shot rum

A dash of hot sauce


Allow the hot sauce to settle a moment before drinking in one gulp.



The heat blistered her skin, but she had to find him. Covering her mouth with the hem of her T-shirt, she dropped to the floor and crawled. His terrified cries escalated into hysteria. Finally, she was in his room. Using one arm to cradle him against her body, she began to crawl again, using memory to guide her to the door. Dark, heavy smoke obscured her vision. She heard a loud crack and curled her body around him, protecting him milliseconds before the flaming beam crushed her.

“Joe! Joe!” Someone was shouting.

Joe shook
awake and stumbled to the door.

“Joe, let me in!” Vince yelled.

“Coming,” she yelled back, fumbling with the lock.

She pulled the door open, wearing only the over-sized T-shirt she slept in, blinking against the bright sunlight. Suddenly, Vince’s arms were around her, holding her tightly.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why are you smothering me?” she answered, confused.

“God, woman.
I was downstairs doing some paperwork and heard you screaming your head off.” He held her at arm’s length then pulled her back against him.

Joe’s arms went around him as if by instinct. It felt so good to be held, comforted. It had been a long time since she’d been cradled in strong, masculine arms. She nestled her head against his chest.

“I’m sorry, Vince. I guess I was having a nightmare,” she murmured.

“Look at me, Baby,” he said. “It’s over, now. I’m here. You want to tell me about it?”

, Joe thought.
I want to pour my heart out to you. Tell you everything. But I just can’t do it. If you knew what kind of a deformed monster I really am, you’d hate me, fire me,
want to look at me with those beautiful, sexy eyes again.

“Thanks, but I’m okay, now,” she assured him.

He looked down at her, and she could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

“Really, I’m fine.” She smiled with a confidence she did not feel.

Vince ran a finger down her cheek and gently grasped her chin, lifting it. He dropped his head, his lips barely touching hers. Surprised, Joe opened to him, her tongue darting out to meet his. Vince made an animal sound deep in his throat and lifted her into his arms. Keeping her mouth trapped beneath his, he carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed.

Joe wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him on top of her. She could feel him struggling with his belt buckle and knew she should pull away. She felt him rise a bit, heard his shoes hit the floor, the metallic sound of his zipper.

I need to stop this
she thought but instead lowered her arms to help push his jeans down.

“God, I want you,” he whispered into her neck. “Take off your T-shirt.”

Joe shook her head. “No, take me. Take me now,” she begged, desperate.

Vince pushed her shirt up, capturing a nipple between his lips. Joe arched her back and dug her hands into his hair. The heat of his mouth seared her skin with passion’s flame. No longer gentle, Vince sucked hard, causing Joe to cry out, whether from pain or pleasure, she didn’t know or care. He switched to the other nipple, keeping the first one trapped within his fingers. He chewed and sucked on her tender flesh until all she knew was need.
A gnawing, desperate need to be possessed by him, to feel him inside of her, to be fucked and fucked hard.

“Please, Vince. Please. I can’t take any more. I want you inside of me! I need you now!”

“Whatever you say,” he answered. “Just give me a second to find the condom in my wallet.” Quickly, Vince rifled through his pants.

Joe stifled a laughed when he fumbled with the package and swore under his breath. Finally, he positioned himself over her and pushed his manhood against her folds, finding her already wet and hot. He entered her fully. Joe tightened her muscles, grasping him inside of her. He filled her completely. His heat combined with her own so that she wondered why they didn’t spontaneously combust. She ran her hands up his strong chest, marvelling at the smoothness of his tanned skin. God, she knew it had been a long time since she’d had sex, but she didn’t remember it feeling like this. If she died right at this moment, she’d die happy. Suddenly she remembered her dream.
Reality really can be better than fantasy,
she thought as she contracted and released her tunnel, milking his rod.

“You keep that up and I’ll come,” he warned.

“We can’t have that, now, can we?”

With maddening slowness, Vince eased himself out only to plunge quickly back. She gasped and raised her hips, meeting each thrust, matching his rhythm. He tugged at her nipples with his teeth. She wanted more. Waves of heat washed over her. Her mind stopped all rational function and nothing, nothing in the world existed outside of the pleasure this man bestowed.

Grasping his tight, smooth ass, she encouraged him to fuck harder. Joe thought she would melt from the heat of him. She closed her eyes and let his power consume her.

“That’s it, baby. Ride the wave,” Vince commanded.

And what a ride it was! She screamed his name as her body trembled and shook. Something deep inside of her
and the ice she had carefully built around her heart began to melt. All time, meaning, mistakes, pain. All of it evaporated as she convulsed with exquisite pleasure. She dug her nails into his back and tightened her legs about him like a vice grip.

“Jesus!” he shouted before he gave one mighty thrust and emptied himself inside of her. He collapsed on top of her, rolling over, dragging her with him in a tight hug.

They lay panting for a few moments before Joe, unwilling to let this moment end, wiggled out of his grasp and kissed her way down his chest. She smiled when she heard him moan, continuing her path to her destination. Carefully, she peeled off the condom to find his rod still dripping with precious fluid. She sighed with pleasure. She loved this. To savour a man’s essence and clean his tool with her mouth was, perhaps, her favourite way to pleasure a man.

She cupped her hands around his balls and, using cat-like licks, lapped up the remains of his cum. Vince lifted his hips slightly, growled, and placed his hand on her head. She took him into her mouth, wrapping her lips tightly around his slowly shrinking penis. She sucked and licked, savouring his flavour, knowing she was giving as much pleasure as she was receiving. Again, she felt the muscles in her womb begin to quiver. When Vince reached down and dipped two fingers into her pot of honey, she exploded. Keeping him in her mouth, she rode out her orgasm. He finger fucked her until she went limp against him and rested her head on his abdomen, his now soft rod against her chest. For some reason, she wanted to serve this man. She wanted to give him everything.

“You are incredible,” he whispered.

She blushed with pride.

He moved his hand to stroke her back. Suddenly, she felt him cease all movement, and her heart lurched.

“Joe? What’s that?” he quietly asked.

Joe quickly sat up, pulling her T-shirt down to cover her body. “Nothing,” she answered. “Don’t worry about it.”

He frowned. “If it’s nothing to worry about, then why are you hiding it?”

Joe got up from the bed and began gathering clothes.

“Look, Vince. I don’t want to talk about it. Okay?” She turned to face him. “Thanks for coming up here to check on me and all, but just because we enjoyed a good fuck doesn’t mean I’m willing to bare my soul to you or anything, understand?”

Vince practically flew out of the bed, grabbed her shoulders and gave them a good shake.

“No, you understand,” he ground out, his voice filled with anger. “We did not just enjoy a ‘good fuck’ as you so quaintly put it. There’s something special going on between us, and you’re putting up walls. I want to know why!”

Joe looked up at him, saw the pain and the anger in his eyes and knew he was right. There
something special between them, and she
putting up walls. But what else could she do? She did not have the luxury of fall in love, not now, maybe not ever.
Best to nip this in the bud now.

Hardening her resolve, she laughed derisively. “Special? Look, Vince. I’m not going to lie, you were good.
Very good.
But just because we both needed to scratch an itch doesn’t mean I’m ready to walk down the aisle with you.”

Vince’s eyes
and he dropped his hands. “You’re welcome to think anything you want, lady. But that doesn’t change the facts. Which are
You have more than an itch that you want scratched, and if you think I’m so easily scared off by your smart mouth, you’ve got a lot to learn.”

He placed his hands gently around her and drew her into him. She instinctively tipped her head back. He kissed her soundly and deeply. An earth shaking kiss which left her breathless and starry eyed. Reluctantly, he pulled back and stepped away from her, bending to retrieve his scattered clothing. Joe stood motionless, watching.

When he was dressed, he looked at her one last time and said, “And I’m planning on teaching you.”

When she heard the door shut, Joe leaned against the wall and slowly slid to the floor, dropping her head into her hands and letting the tears flow. What on earth was she going to do now?


* * * *


“So what do I do now?” Vince asked Nathan. After leaving Joe, Vince had locked up the bar and driven over to Nathan’s house. The two men sat sprawled on the couch, a bowl of chips between them, beers in their hands and football on the television.

“Let me get this straight. She was having a nightmare, screaming ‘get it off me’, you woke her up then fucked her. All was going good up to the point where you touched her back,
she freaked out,” Nathan recapped.

“Pretty much,” Vince answered. “She just did a complete turn around. One minute she was sweet and lovely, using her mouth the way it was meant to be used, then the next a self righteous bitch.”

Nathan munched a chip before answering.
“Seems to me the girl might need an intervention.”

Vince frowned, confused. “What do you mean?”

Nathan proceeded to inform him of his conversation with Bill. “So, if you add all that to what you just experienced, I think we got a little girl on our hands
needs to face her past.”

Vince nodded. It made sense. “Let me ask you a question, first.”


“How do you feel about Joe?”

Nathan hesitated. “Honestly?”

“No, Nathan, I want you lie to me.” Vince punched him in the arm.

Nathan laughed, rubbed his arm and took a gulp of beer. “I could go for her. She’s beautiful, sexy,
Got a sweet little ass that’s begging to be spanked.”

Vince held his breath and waited.

“But I’m not in love with her, like you.” Nathan gave Vince an assessing look. “And she doesn’t look at me the same way she does you. I got a hell of a lot of respect for that. Still, you ever want a third to join the party, like the old days, I’m the man for it.”

“Thanks.” Vince grinned. “And you’re right. I think I might be falling for her.”


Vince paused a moment, watching the game. “So, what kind of intervention did you have in mind?”





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