Wheels of Steel Book 4 (20 page)

Read Wheels of Steel Book 4 Online

Authors: Pepper Pace

BOOK: Wheels of Steel Book 4
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Chapter Twenty


Yagano glanced at Robin who was uncharacteristically quiet. Over the weeks he had spent hours of one on one time with her, driving her back and forth while the others worked on projects. In that time Yagano had learned that Robin was a confusing mixture of vulnerability and strength. It was obvious to him that she was fearful of being hurt and was still trying to figure out how to protect her heart and to open up.

Yagano was happy that she trusted him enough to share some of her feelings. It gnawed at him that he realized that Robin was the type of woman that he would have pursued. She was talented, beautiful and a bit tragic.

Realizing that he had an attraction for Robin didn’t diminish his feelings for Amberly. He had been drawn to her for similar reasons. She seemed so delicate in some ways and then he realized that she was fierce. Her Cerebral Palsy did not hold her back. She dressed sexy, danced, sang, and never shied away from people or activities.

When Y had been in charge of showing the sites of Japan during the group’s original visit, he had expected that Amberly would not want to be the focus of attention—but that was quite the contrary. Japan was image conscious and most ‘politely’ avoided the disabled—sometimes even turning their heads so as not to see them. So when Amberly happily jumped in front of the crowd whether it was to sing karaoke or to dance with unashamed freedom, he could not help but to be drawn to her. Amberly was alive with spirit but there was an underlying sadness that he wanted to ‘fix’.

Amberly’s vulnerability drew him just as surely as her free spirit and her delicate beauty. He sensed in her a deep need for an emotional connection that had been evasive for her but for him as well.

Yagano’s personal life had always been that of a loner. He felt rejected by his blood relatives and while that had created a fighter, it had also created an awareness of being less important. His father who constantly put Riyu above him reinforced the feeling that he was not good enough. Therefore Y focused on being the best—the best pianist, the best singer, the best son. And personal relationships had taken a back seat to that. Until Amberly came into his life and he had met a kindred spirit.

He loved Amberly, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a connection to Robin. At first he saw it as just discovering a very cool friend. But then the attraction had intensified right around the time she’d gotten high and danced and sang so provocatively—but not for a crowd, just for herself. That moment was almost like a ‘ping’ had been set off inside Yagano and as he gazed at her while she got lost in her own dancing and singing he couldn’t help but to recognize how amazingly unique Robin was.

This new awareness of Robin made Y intensely uncomfortable—at the same time that being around her made him feel a little more alive, a little more comfortable in his own skin, and much more sexually aware.

When Y looked over at Robin who was quiet wearing a pensive expression, he had to fight back his desire to grab her hand and reassure her.

“You okay?” He asked.

She looked at him and gave him a brief smile. “Yeah. Just thinking about everything.”

“I hope your thoughts are good ones. You have a very promising future.”

She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. “Things are moving fast.” He saw her twisting the diamond engagement ring on her finger. He sighed.

“Don’t rush into anything that doesn’t feel completely right. Give yourself time to consider your full feelings.” Y wasn’t sure if it was right for him to make that suggestion in light of the way he felt about her. But if her concerns were about marrying Jason then she definitely needed to think it through and make sure it was the best decision for her—and not just for Jason.

She turned to look at him. “I … I’m ready for the next phase of my life. It’s just that two months ago I was performing with my girls for weed money, hating men and studying for a career working with children with disabilities. Now I’m engaged, about to sign a recording contract, and on my way to a meeting to discuss singing in a popular anime show.” Her eyes had widened. “I’m scared.”

Y reached over and gripped her hand. “I know. But you have a lot of friends who have your back—including me. You won’t have to go through this alone.”

Yagano thought about his plans for the future of Akita Tom Productions and if he could convince the other shareholders then Robin, Wheels of Steel and any other artist that signed under their label would get one hell of a record deal. But regardless of anything else, Yagano intended to make sure that Robin would get the best deal that he could manage.



Jerry Flynn shook Robin’s hand and then Y’s. If he was surprised at the other man’s presence he didn’t show it.

“Robin, I’m so happy to see you again. Your performance at Akita Tom’s funeral was so touching. It truly moved me. Yours and Yagano’s choice of songs was perfect.”

“Thank you, Jerry.” She replied, sitting when Y held out her chair for her. She gave him a grateful smile.

Jerry looked at Y. “So I hear congratulations are in order for you, Yagano. You’re a newly wed and now you are the owner of a gorgeous piece of property.”

“Yes. I’m humbled by Akita’s kindness.”

“He will be missed,” Jerry said. “But through our endeavors his influence will live on.”

“That is the plan.” Y said.

They talked casually while their lunch was being prepared and Robin began to feel at ease. Y was there and it was like her big brother was at her back. Although Robin was an only child, something Y had said really struck home to her. Blood relationships weren’t everything. The family you chose to surround yourself with was every bit as important. In Wheels of Steel, and now Yagano Kurahara Robin had gained more than just friends but a real family.

Robin’s meal of good old-fashioned steak and baked potato arrived. She enjoyed rice on occasion but not the way she had been eating it since arriving in Japan. She had to admit that she missed Cincinnati chili and hot metts and fish from Alabama’s fish bar. But it wasn’t just the food, she also missed being home and the familiar sites.

Robin noted that Y had a delicious looking fish dish—with a bowl of rice, of course, and some odd but tasty looking stewed vegetables. Jerry was eating pasta and raving about it. He finally got down to business and laid out his plans for Robin and the show.

“There are some very good session musicians used by other shows. But The Bushido Code prides itself on utilizing not only well-known hip hop and contemporary artists but also up and coming musicians.

“One thing we have not had is an actual singer. The music of the Bushido code is about the beats and the vibe and the hip-hop culture laced with Japanese influences. Even though it takes place in the Edo period the cast is a multi ethnic ensemble. As you know it’s about a group of young samurai’s in training, traveling Japan and living by the bushido—which is the code of the Samurai. It is an adult animation with plenty of blood, fighting and language although we don’t consider ourselves hardcore on the adult themes.

“Robin, we would like to offer you a re-occurring role in the show doing the voice over for a new character named Enya. She is black, a young adult like the others and she would be a love interest for Kao.”

Robin’s heart very nearly stopped beating. She snapped her mouth closed as she listened to Jerry. Robin had come here thinking they wanted her to sing but they actually wanted her to be
the show…

She was going to black out. She was going to black out like back in the day when she would feel overwhelmed. The world began to close in until she knew it would be just a pinprick of awareness. But in that second Robin did something that she had always advised Jason to do.


And suddenly the heat and sweat that was beginning to pop up along her body receded as she relaxed. She inhaled calmly and the buzzing in her ears drifted away allowing her to continue listening to Jerry’s offer.

“Enya has mystical powers. There is a death song that she can sing and we would like you to record that song. It would be a rare and beautiful song that would only play when Enya feels that she or the group is threatened.”

Robin tried to control her excitement. She wanted to just scream yes, I’ll take it. Actually she just wanted to scream. Instead she heard a calm voice coming from her mouth.

“That sounds very interesting Jerry. Jason, my fiancé introduced me to the show and we’ve watched every episode. There are revolving characters as well as a core group. How do you propose Enya’s character?”

“We’ll start Enya out as one of the revolving characters with an option to become a full member of the guild.”

Robin’s eyes shifted to Yagano who had remained quietly listening. He blinked slowly and she thought the gesture meant that she should continue to remain calm and to ask questions. His calm quiet reinforced her own sense of courage.

“Jerry, who would perform the music for Enya’s death song?”

Jerry seemed to hide a smile. “We think there are a number of artists that would compliment your voice, but you’ve worked with a group that we’ve recently had some interest in. Wheels of Steel.”

Robin almost squealed. She knew that together they could make one hell of a death song for Enya.

“But of course that is all contingent upon your interest in the offer.”

Robin nodded. “Yes, I understand.”

Jerry continued. “Enya’s power is in her voice so there will be several musical snippets that you would be required to perform. They represent certain powers that Enya possesses. If you feel comfortable recording with Wheels of Steel then we would obviously make them an offer as well.”

Robin smiled, unable to stop her show of pleasure. “It sounds like something I would like but um …” Was it proper to ask how much she was going to get paid?

Jerry smiled at her sudden loss of words. “We would be willing to offer you seventy-five thousand dollars for the first year with an option to negotiate the following years—in the event there are following years for Enya.”

Robin’s mouth went dry again. Seventy-five thousand dollars to do something she would have fun doing for free?! She was hard pressed not to grab Jerry’s hand and shake it right then and there.

Y finally broke his silence. “Do you have a formal offer that Robin can review?”

Jerry reached for his briefcase. “I certainly do. It doesn’t contain our discussion about Wheels of Steel but once we make an offer to them we can add that into any contract.”

He handed Robin a manila folder, which she promptly handed to Y who accepted it without opening it.

“Yagano is one of my agents,” Robin explained to Jerry.

“So you are going to sign with Akita Tom Productions?” Jerry asked.

Robin looked at Y. “As soon as the contract is complete.”



Robin was on the phone with Jason as soon as she and Y were back in the car. Jason went to get everyone to put on speakerphone and the yells and whoops and cheers were so loud that Robin and Y could barely hear themselves.

“Robin!” Peter yelled. “My dad looked at the contract and he said it was amazing. He said it was like Jason had hand written it for you—it has everything that you could want in it and more. My Dad said that if you don’t sign it you’re crazy!”

Robin looked at Y, her face spread wide with a smile. “I guess you guys got me.”

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