When Alice Met Danny (19 page)

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Authors: T A Williams

BOOK: When Alice Met Danny
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‘Hi Alice, good to hear from you. How can I help?’

The day they invent hugging phones
, she thought to herself,
I’ll be the first to invest in one
. Gratefully, she launched into the details of her plight and her present whereabouts.

‘No problem, I know where that is. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Is Dorothy there with you?’

Alice looked surprised. ‘Yes, she is, actually. I’m using her phone.’

‘Well, say hello from me. See you shortly.’

Alice replaced the receiver and turned round. ‘Daniel Tremayne says hello. He’s going to come and rescue me.’ She couldn’t miss the look of interest on Dorothy Frazer-Hamilton’s face.

‘You know Daniel? Oh well, then, you’ll be in good hands.’

Together they returned to the waiting horse. Alice shook her warmly by the hand and thanked her. As Dorothy remounted and rode off, Alice returned to her car, thinking idly of what it might be like to be in Daniel Tremayne’s hands. She settled down in a patch of wild flowers by the hedge and waited. She did not have long to wait. After a very few minutes, the sound of a powerful engine announced the arrival of the Land Rover.

‘Hi Alice. Got yourself into a bit of a spot, have you?’

‘Oh Daniel, thank you so very much for coming.’ She came close to throwing herself into his arms, but the thought of Vicky and little Danny stopped her. ‘I got lost. I’m so stupid, really. And then I drove into the field…’

He held out a calming hand. ‘Don’t worry about it. We’ve all done it from time to time. Now, I want you to get into the car, turn on the engine, make sure it’s not in gear and that the handbrake is off. Then, as we start moving, just steer so as to follow me. When I brake, you brake. All right? Got that?’

As she squelched back to the car, he drove into the field, the chunky tyres gripping reassuringly well, even in the mud. He drove past her car and stopped. As he climbed out she saw that he was wearing boots. Her eyes dropped forlornly to her filthy feet and even filthier sandals. He attached a rope to the front of her car, gave her a thumbs up and returned to his vehicle. Without any drama or fuss, the Land Rover moved off. It towed her sure-footedly round in a broad circle until they were back at the gate once more. Within seconds, they were on the track again, facing in the opposite direction. She could hardly believe it. Both vehicles came to a halt, and he climbed out to release the tow rope. She joined him.

‘That was wonderful. You are my knight in shining armour. I don’t know how to thank you.’ In fact she could think of several ways of thanking him, but she restricted herself to the offer of tea. ‘Have you got time for tea, or coffee?’ Personally, she felt more like a half bottle of wine, but, knowing his history, she stuck with non-alcoholic beverages.

‘That would be nice, but they have been doing TB testing at the farm this week. The vets are there at the moment, checking the results, so I’d better get back. Some other time though, thank you. Anyway, I’m always pleased to be of assistance. Now just follow me and we’ll be back in Woodcombe in no time.’

Ten minutes later she was sitting in her kitchen, stroking Danny the dog and contemplating the sorry remains of her hundred pound shoes.

Chapter 31

After soaking her sandals in a bucket, wondering what the mud would do to the leather, she washed her feet and put on trainers.

‘Come on, Danny. You’ve been in all afternoon. Let’s go for a walk.’ She stepped to one side as the dog made a run for the front door. They walked down, past the pub and the church, and into the field. As she walked around, she let her mind roam. She was so very glad she hadn’t been in Danny Green’s shoes.
No, not shoes. I don’t want to think of shoes
, she told herself, thinking of her sandals. But life in the trenches must have been abominable.

‘Hi Alice, you look as if you are miles away.’ It was Mandy with her greyhound, Panda. Danny trotted over to say hello. ‘What were you thinking about?’

‘I’ve been reading up about the First World War. I was just thinking how awful it must have been in the trenches.’ Mandy nodded, so Alice went on. ‘I’m trying to get into Exeter university to do a history MA.’

‘That sounds like a really exciting idea.’ She fell in alongside Alice and they walked up the path towards the little hillock from where you could just glimpse the sea on a clear day.

Danny and Panda had set off on a wild chase across the field. The Labrador, though willing, was no match for the agility and sheer pace of the greyhound. The women reached the top of the hill and stood, admiring the view, while the dogs tired themselves out. Alice was still thinking about the war. The thought of death made her think of Mrs Tinker.

‘You’ve heard about poor old Mrs Tinker, I suppose?’

Mandy nodded. ‘I understand her son is over. Did he manage to see her before she died?’

‘Yes, fortunately. He said they had the chance to talk.’

They set off again down the field, collecting the panting dogs as they did so. By the time they got to the gate, Mandy had pumped Alice for anything she could tell her about the bearded man from Canada. Alice had given in after a while. In a few days Derek would be thousands of miles away, so he would never hear the wagging tongues. Now, eager to get away, Alice made her excuses, said goodbye and headed for home.

As she passed the little house with the blue door by the church, it opened.

‘Hi Alice.’ Megan locked the door behind her and came out onto the road. Danny trotted over to her and she made a fuss of him as usual.

‘I was just coming up your way. I thought I might pop in on Mrs Tinker’s son to offer my condolences. We’ve got to talk about the funeral service as well.’

‘Mmh, you might do well to put that off till tomorrow. He only just went to bed at midday. I don’t think he’s slept much for the last forty-eight hours.’

Megan smiled. ‘Definitely best left till tomorrow, then.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘That’s me off duty then. Fancy a drink?’ They were approaching the pub. Alice didn’t hesitate.

‘That’s the best idea I’ve heard for a while. I was only just wondering about drowning my sorrows an hour or two ago.’ They went into the King’s Arms, and after buying two glasses of wine, Alice recounted the events of that day, finishing with her rescue from the mud by Daniel Tremayne. ‘I didn’t know who else to call. But it’s all right, I didn’t lay a finger on him, honest!’

Megan looked serious. ‘By the way, all that stuff I told you about him, I’d rather you didn’t tell him or anybody else that I told you.’ Alice nodded vigorously as Megan went on. ‘There’s nothing confidential about it. It’s all well known around the village, but I’d rather not compete with our Mandy for the title of gossip queen.’

‘Of course, my lips are sealed. But, on the subject of gossip, how are things going with you and a certain builder, if I may make so bold?’

Megan took a mouthful of wine and smiled broadly. ‘Very, very well. In fact, once you’ve got yourself fixed up with a young man, we should go out all together. Reggie is a sweetie.’

‘I’m not sure about getting fixed up with a young man, but I’ve got a date tomorrow night with my older man.’ Megan’s eyes lit up in natural curiosity. Alice hesitated.

‘The one you were telling me about?’

Alice nodded and told Megan about the invitation to dinner, finishing up with an admission. ‘I did tell you he’s a good bit older than me, but he’s awfully, awfully good-looking.’

‘When you say “a good bit”, I’ve forgotten. How many years are we talking here?’

Alice dropped her eyes and mumbled. ‘Ten?’

‘That’s not so much.’

‘Well, maybe fifteen.’ Alice glanced up at Megan’s face.

‘Just remember, it’s not good to call them “Daddy” on a first date.’

Chapter 32

Alice drew up outside number 23 at seven-thirty sharp. It had been the hottest day of the year so far and the temperature was still high. On the strength of that she had decided to put on a lightweight summer dress. It was shorter than she was used to, and she was thankful nobody was watching as she swung her legs out of the car. As she walked across the pavement, she found herself snatching at the hem, to pull it down.

She rang the doorbell of number 25 and waited. A moment or two later, Daniel Mortimore opened the door. He was wearing white trousers and a yellow shirt, a discreet gold medallion glittering against his hairless chest. Either he had been out in the sun or the fake tan had been applied heavily.

‘Alice, you look fabulous.’ He reached for her hands, pulled her towards him, and kissed her on both cheeks, his touch tender rather than neighbourly. She recognised the scent of his aftershave. ‘A drink here before we head for the restaurant?’

She nodded and he ushered her in.

The house was very similar in layout to next door, except he’d gone one step further and knocked down the wall between the lounge and the dining room, creating one large room all the way through to the kitchen. The first impression, heightened by a surprising lack of clutter, was one of space.

‘Wow, this looks marvellous…’ She hesitated, trying to make up her mind on what to call him. Danny seemed too much like London Danny or baby Danny, or Danny the dog, while Daniel reminded her too much of Daniel Tremayne. She decided to do her best to avoid using his name.

‘I’m glad you like it. As I said, I am here so rarely these days. I spend most of my time in Tuscany.’

‘Well, who wouldn’t?’ She had never been there, but it was high on her list of places to visit. As she spoke, she continued her survey of the room. Not only was there no visible clutter, there was virtually nothing at all on display. There was a beautiful old painting on one wall, of a Victorian family group on a picnic in fields full of wild flowers. The other wall had a series of pen and ink drawings of nudes; very well executed, as far as she could see, without getting up and studying them.

‘I was wondering what to give you to drink. Gin and tonic or something lighter? I’ve got some fizz in the fridge.’

‘I think I’d better start off with something non-alcoholic, if that’s all right. Water is fine.’

‘How about elderflower cordial? It’s homemade, but not by me. I get it from my old aunt. She’s been making it for decades,’

‘That sounds lovely.’

‘Shall we sit in the conservatory?’ She followed him into the kitchen and waited as he mixed the cordial for both of them. Then they went out into the conservatory. She sat in the same wicker chair as last time, while he pulled up another close to her. ‘Here, a toast: to good neighbours.’

She repeated the toast and they settled down to chat. The elderflower cordial was excellent, as were the little canapés he produced from the fridge. They talked mostly about the house and garden, plus inevitably, the glorious weather. Finally, a little after eight, he led her off to the restaurant. The one he had chosen was only a ten minute walk from the house.

‘I should have asked what sort of food you prefer. In the end, I was selfish and went with Italian. I can’t get enough of it.’ She was more than satisfied with Italian food and told him so. He was greeted by the proprietor of the Casa Bianca as an old friend and the two men chatted in what sounded like very fluent Italian for a while, before they were shown to a charming table overlooking the river. Through an open window, they could see a pair of mallards just below them. Two glasses of Prosecco arrived and Alice had to admit to herself that it didn’t get much better than this.

The meal was very good. After a plate of mixed antipasti, both of them chose monkfish. He ordered a bottle of white wine, but she only took a small glass, knowing that she was going to have to drive later. As they talked, she learnt more about him. He told her he was a writer.

‘So, what sort of thing do you write?’

‘Historical fiction. You’ve probably never heard of them, but I’ve done a series of thrillers, set back in Roman times. My main character, Titus Flavius, is a sort of two thousand year old detective. I’ve got a pile of them at home. If you’re interested you are welcome to take one and try it.’

‘I would love that.’

‘And what about you? What are you planning to do once the house is finished?’

She told him about her idea of doing an MA. ‘I’m very interested in the history of the First World War. I found an old suitcase full of letters, written by one of the soldiers fighting in the trenches of the Somme. I thought I could draw upon the letters for inspiration when it comes to writing a dissertation.’

‘That sounds terrific.’ He leant towards her and smiled. He really was very handsome. His shirt hung forward and she caught a glimpse of a muscular chest. She almost choked on her monkfish.

At the end of the meal they walked back up the river path to Lyndhurst Avenue. She took his arm as they walked through the shadows. When they reached his house he turned towards her.

‘Would you like to come in for a coffee?’ She had released his arm, but they were still standing close to each other. She had been debating what to answer if the invitation came. She made a hasty decision.

‘I’d love to, Danny.’

He led her inside, discovered that she preferred tea to coffee, and busied himself in the kitchen. He left her in the lounge, where she walked around, studying the paintings and drawings on the wall. In particular, she admired the pen and ink drawings of a naked man. She was still looking when she heard him behind her. He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder while pointing at the drawings. She leant back as he started speaking.

‘That’s Lorenzo. The drawings are by a very talented young artist we know in San Gimignano.’

‘They are beautifully done. Who’s Lorenzo?’ She could feel the warmth of his chest against her back.

‘He’s my partner. We’ve been together for almost ten years now. In fact, I am going back to Tuscany next month for our anniversary.’ She did her best not to appear too astounded. She eased gently away from his touch, ostensibly looking at the other drawings. He gave no sign of noticing. ‘Of course, as you can see, he’s a good bit younger than me. That’s why I spend so much time in the gym. I need to keep in shape, stay attractive, after all.’

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