When Aliens Weep (10 page)

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Authors: J. K. Accinni

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Literary, #Teen & Young Adult, #Literary Fiction

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Turning to Bonnie, he explained. “They know better. It’s their job to maintain the stasis inside the domes. I don’t understand how they let a rencet through.” Forbation’s aura darkened. “I’m sure it had something to do with their attention being distracted by one of our new guests,” he claimed in a pointed tone. Bonnie ignored his rebuke.

“What exactly is a
?” she asked.

Forbation aura was angry and raw. “Only the deadliest and most insidious creature known to Oolahans. We thought they had been eradicated decades ago. They are deadly poisonous to most living species, especially minions. They were part of a sorely needed intervention. But when the minions left their planet, the Kreyven had accidently left the portal link intact, just a fraction of a hole. Not enough to do any damage. So we thought . . . We have no idea how many rencets escaped. They can no longer breed, of course. We took care of that before we left their planet. Now the other indigenous life forms on their planet have a fighting chance. Long before now, the rencets would have all died out. Unfortunately, the passing through the portal and visits to who knows where, this side of the solar system, has rendered them either invulnerable or forever enduring.” Forbation scratched his forehead in consternation. “We will get to the bottom of this mystery in our labs.”

Bonnie stood to return to her quarters. A final blast from Forbation reminded her she was just a visitor.

“Do not come out here again, Sister. Something unstoppable may happen to you next time. The staging areas at the portals are not safe. You should not have come here.”

Bonnie cast her eyes down in shame but the bitterness of her words sounded crystal clear. “I am looking for my husband. No one wants to help me. So I’ll do it myself.”

Forbation puffed up in consternation. “Please don’t make me regret leaving you free. This is not the portal through which you arrived.” He swept his hands from horizon to horizon. “Look at all the portals. Your simplistic carelessness almost cost us one of our most valuable navigators.”

Bonnie lifted her head to scan the panorama in front of her. Portals littered the landscape as far as her eye could see. Letting the number of portals sink in, her heart sank. Her busy eyes frantically tried to identify one over the others.

“They all look the same . . .”

“Well, they’re
I can assure you

Bonnie slowly turned to Forbation. “Which one is the portal we emerged from?”

The Elder minion stared at her unblinking. Not a single twinge of an aura filled her mind. He gave a final defined blink of his large, glowing eyes and took flight. Within seconds he was aloft and on his way back to the minion refuge, leaving the disheveled Bonnie to lug her exhausted body back to the survivors’ quarters in disgrace.

For she knew, if one minion knew of her thoughtlessness, they all did, including the Womb.


Chapter 8



Abby and Cobby walked behind the rest of the survivors as they made their way back to their quarters from the memorial service for their loved ones and friends who had perished with the destruction of Earth. Dried trails of tears left evidence on their drawn and somber complexions.

Dezi had wanted to read from his Bible but Netty had convinced him to leave it behind under the circumstances. After all, the Womb was their host; no longer a theory or far-removed esoteric figure of the truth of their existence and evolution.

Cobby’s fingers brushed Abby’s. Her head didn’t move, her eyes remained forward but she allowed the faint trace of a secret smile to light them up with love for the father of her growing child.

“I’m scheduled for my check-up in a few minutes. I guess I’m the last one to go.” Abby nodded her head and cleared her throat, her efforts at normalcy slipping as her wings gave a subtle flex of nervousness.

“I don’t think Bonnie has gone yet. Maybe you could try to get her to go with you?” She glanced ahead of them to locate Jose walking with Wil, their heads together in animated conversation, his back still turned toward them. Risking a longing look at Cobby, she felt his finger entwine with hers. He gave her a squeeze of reassurance and support.

“Okay, I’ll see what I can do. And you? Are you ready to confront Netty?” She squeezed back.

“Yes, my love. I don’t think I can go on with this charade a moment longer. I want to shout to the moon and be in your arms as much as possible. Netty knows something’s up. I can see it in her eyes. But she’s giving me the time to hear me out.” Her eyes gleamed unmistakably. “We need her approval. Wish me luck.”

Cobby’s darkly handsome face, replete with the wisdom of all of his one hundred and forty years melted her heart. “Ab, just remember . . . she doesn’t own you.”

Abby’s smile left her lips. “Try to understand. Cob. I have a responsibility and it includes Jose as my mate. There are ramifications we may not be foreseeing. And there is the fact that I will outlive you. And our child, I’m scared about the fact that it may be . . . well . . . different.”

“Shhh, let me worry about those things. Chloe’s baby will be here in a few weeks or so. She’s in the same situation. And no one seemed to care that Scotty was an Elder and she wasn’t.”

“Yes, but the important difference is that the mother of Chloe’s child isn’t an Elder. Our child’s mother is. There is a big difference between female Elders and males.”

Cobby made a face. “It can’t be that bad. You all look the same except for the antlers the males don’t have. Netty ever tell you what the difference is?”

“A little. Just that the males were eliminated from holding the reins of power—our antlers—because of their human heritage. The Womb doesn’t trust the male of our species, neither human nor Elder. She didn’t go into much more than that.”

Cobby glanced down the corridor to see that the rest of the survivors had moved far in front of them. He pulled on Abby, hanging them back even further. His voice rose.

“This child will be the best of both
of us. No matter what happens or what combination of traits the baby inherits, it will be
baby. What more could we ask for?” His hand was sliding up her arm. She could feel the tension and passion of his words as the tendons in his hand contracted.

She quickly threw her arms around his neck and thrust her body hard against his. Her wings blocked them from view as she shuddered against him and whispered, “I love you.” She released him just as quickly as she heard a plaintive cry.

“Abby . . . can you hurry on up here?” Jose voiced his impatience from down the corridor and in a flash she was gone, leaving Cobby with empty arms and an aching heart.

Hurrying after the beautiful Elder for whom he had such feelings, he managed to catch a glimpse of her shimmering wings as she entered the survivors’ quarters. Unfortunately, it looked like Jose’s wings alongside hers.

As he entered the quarters, he risked a casual glance as Abby moved to approach Netty, Jose’s restraining arm wrapped firmly around hers. He watched as she tugged hard to disengage. Reining in his anger, he moved in their direction. A restraining hand clamped down on him. “Easy, man. This isn’t the time. Let her handle it.”

Cobby turned to confront the sympathetic frown of Wil whose lion-like tail stood high in the air in support for his friend. Cobby released the breath he’d been holding in with a frustrated whistle. He ran his rough hand over his mouth, feeling the bristle of his growing whiskers. His muscles contracted with stress under Wil’s hand.

“What are you talking about, Wil?” He couldn’t stop himself from flicking his eyes toward Jose and Abby.

“You know exactly
what I’m talking about, man. Stop making it so obvious. They need to sort this out without your interference. It’s between the two of them.”

Cobby turned on Wil with gruff irony. “You mean the two of them and
baby. I think that counts for some say in this, don’t you?”

Wil’s jaw dropped, his golden eyes flashing. “Your baby? What the heck are . . . no . . . you don’t mean.” Wil’s voice croaked in fearful strains as a shy smile spread across Cobby’s face, pride and hope taking root in his eyes.

“Oh boy. This changes everything.” Wil quickly pulled Cobby into an alcove. Glancing back, they watched as Netty approached the quarreling Jose and Abby, steering them down a hallway where they vanished.

Wil turned to Cobby with a shake of his head and a mournful proclamation. “You are in for one shit storm now, buddy. I would have thought you’d have better sense than to begin an affair right now.”

With a start, Cobby set him straight. “You know me better than that, Wil. This isn’t an affair. I’ve been in love with Abby since the first day I laid eyes on her. With Jose in the picture, it just wasn’t to be. She was too young at the time anyway.” Cobby continued to share the details of the plans Abby had made with him. He held his breath, hoping for a solution from Wil but it wasn’t to be.

Wil agreed; it was all up to Netty now.


Jose sat in the wooden armchair facing Netty and Abby. His wings vibrated noticeably as his clenched teeth kept him from crying out at the pain from his fingernails that dug deeply into the palm of his hands. His face was stiff and wooden.

Abby shed tears as her faltering words sent arrows of hurt and bewilderment into Jose’s heart. Netty listened quietly, her face a cypher.

“This is not how I wanted you to find out, Jose. I wanted to talk to Netty alone first.”

“You don’t think you owed me an explanation first? Give me a chance?”
Jose spewed
indignation. Abby cast her eyes down.

“It’s beyond that, Jose. It’s just . . . I . . . I mean we . . .” She cast a quick glance at Netty. “It’s part of growing up, Jose. People change.”

Jose snorted. “We’re Elders. What can he offer you?” His question was met with a silence that vibrated like balloons ready to burst. “What else are you hiding from me, Abby?” Jose glanced over at Netty. “Do you mind? Can we have some privacy here, please?”

After first glancing at Abby, Netty made to rise.

“I’m pregnant, Jose.” The words were said in a whisper. But the pride and joy in Abby’s voice said everything. Jose turned white. His frame began to shake. His mouth opened then closed. She placed her arm on his.

“I’m so sorry, Jose. You know I will always be there for you. We’ve been through so much together. You’ll always have a place in my heart. I hope we can get through this and still be important to each other.”

“You bitch. You treacherous bitch.” Reaching out with his trembling hand, he slapped her hard across the face. Abby’s hand flew to her face, stunned. Blood drained from her face to expose the perfect print of Jose’s hand on her cheek.

That’s it
, Jose.” Netty took a firm hold of his arm and ushered him toward the door where they were confronted by Baby.

“Sister . . . Brother. We can have none of this here. Violence is prohibited. You must leave now. It is against the law of the Womb.”

“I think I can handle this.” From behind Baby came the stooped figure of Forbation. “No need to let this get out of hand.” He looked around the room. “Come with me, Jose . . . please.”


Jose ground his teeth, veins on his forehead throbbed. All eyes were on him as his expression went blank. A sigh of relief was palpable as Jose smiled. His eyes lost the dangerous glitter.

“Of course, Forbation.” Jose rose quickly and shook out his wings, turning to Abby. “I wish you much luck.” A half-bow followed then he glided out of the room with Forbation.

Silence greeted his departure. A gentle stroke announced Baby’s presence in Abby and Netty’s mind.

“Mark my words, my Sisters. We have not heard the last of this matter with Brother Jose.”

Abby and Netty exchanged heavy glances, their relief beginning to dissipate.

“Don’t be silly, my little golden worrywart.” Netty bent down to scoop up the minion she loved as much as she loved her daughter, Maya. “We are family. This might take some time for Jose to accept but he will come around. Brother Forbation will see to it.” She turned to Abby with Baby ensconced firmly on her hip. “The child you are carrying is another matter. We will just need to wait until Chloe has her baby. It should give us a guideline. We will give Jose some time before you and Cobby announce this . . . new beginning. Does that sound fair?”

“Yes, of course, Netty,” Abby hastened to reassure her. “We’ve waited this long, what’s a few more days or weeks?”

The three golden creatures reached out to embrace one another, Jose completely forgotten as the prospect of new life swept everything from their minds. Baby flapped his leather legs at Netty’s waist as he savored the excitement and the delight of another child on the way.


Forbation hastened Jose away from the survivors’ quarters.

“Slow down, Brother. What’s the rush?”

Forbation stopped in his tracks and whipped his head around to study Jose, surprised at his peevish and surly tone. “I sincerely hope I do not have trouble brewing here, Brother Jose. You have responsibilities to everyone on this planet.”

Jose laughed, his tone incredulous. “I don’t have any responsibilities to anyone. I do what I please and when I please.”

Forbation froze to gaze into Jose’s flashing eyes. Seconds ticked by before Jose heard a grinding.

“I am sorry to hear you say that,” intoned Forbation. The wall beside him opened up and out thrust a Kreyven. The hallway was filled with its unmistakable spicy lemon odor. Before Jose could move, the Kreyven struck. It hung high in the air over Jose swaying from wall to wall, then descended like a snake, wrapping its now noxious fumes around the hapless Elder, his wings crushed tightly in its coils.

“Hey . . . Brother Forbation. Make it stop.”

Forbation remained silent. The Kreyven increased its pressure, its considerable mass mounting and swallowing Jose’s body, leaving only his golden head with its flashing eyes exposed.


A dog barked. As it grew closer, Jose recognized the curly white face of Barney, followed by an agitated Echo. “Hey girl . . .
Echo . . . help!”
Jose screamed, plaintively.

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