When Angels Fall (25 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Jackson

BOOK: When Angels Fall
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Jenny pulled some lingerie from the cabinet and brought it to Dani, “Here you go, that should fit you nicely. It’s brand new, and it if doesn’t make it through
the night, don’t worry about; m
y lingerie rarely survives a night with Potter. Now you better hurry or Gabriel is going to beat you back to the house.”

Dani gave her a quick hug, “Thank you so much, Jenny.”

“Think nothing of it. Now go; hurry,” Jenny said, shooing Dani from the house.

Dani hurried as quickly as possible back down the path.



It didn’t take long for Gabriel to find Wesley. He wasn’t far from where they’d left him
. “Can I talk to you for a few minutes?”

“I didn’t do anything to your wife, I
,” Wesley said, dropping out of the tree he’d been in.

“I know you didn’t; that’s why I want to talk to you,” Gabriel said. “It’s been brought to my attention that I’m an asshole, and I want to apologize for threatening your life. You were helping Dani, and I want to say thank you. I’m very sorry for the way I treated you.”

Wesley laughed,
“Don’t be sorry, sham. I would have been pissed too if I’d found my wife and another man in the position you found us in.”

“Maybe, but it was a bit juvenile of me to actually start counting down to the moment of your death,” Gabriel said.

“At least you
count, mate” Wesley said.
“The man that’s on vacation right n
ow doesn’t seem to be able to.  He j
ust calmly ca
me out of the house and tore my
damn arms off, and then he
tried to kill me. Nary did a one, a two, or a three ever pass
lips. And all because I gave his wife one
kiss; he’s a psycho, that one.”

Gabriel laughed. He hadn’t been watching this group when
had happened
but he could clearly
see Richard having that reaction
to someone kissing Beck
, “Well, he does love his wife, of that there is little doubt. And your limbs
grow back.”

“That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when you te
ar them from my
mate,” Wesley said with a laugh.
“T’was just rude.”

If Wesley had nothing else, he had a good sense of humor about life, “I owe you a favor. It can’t be for the situation that your family is in now, but if you ever need anything else I want you to call on me. If I don’t show up, call on my brother, Michael. He’ll fulfill my debt in my absence.”

“Would that be the brother you attacked today?” Wesley asked.

“You saw that, did you?”

Wesley smiled at him, “Aye, you’d be surprised what I see. I may have been off my rocker for awhile, but my observation skills are fully intact.”

“Why don’t you talk to your brother and get this thing between you worked out?” Gabriel said. “Then you could become
of this family instead of just observing it from the tree tops.”

“You don’t know my brother, mate.” Wesley laughed.

“Yes, I do,” Gabriel said.
“He’s loving, funny, highly intelligent and loyal to his family.”

“Aye, he
ll those things,” Wesley agreed.
“But he’s also vicious, fierce, and merciless; and he can hold a grudge longer than a statue can hold a pose. Not to be offensive, but why don’t you deal with
brother, and let me deal with mine?”

“Fair enough, but don’t forget that I owe you one,” he said.

Wesley nodded his head,
“I’ll keep it
in mind.

Gabriel shook Wesley’s hand and then left him alone.



Dani,” he called out when he got back to the house.

She answered immediately, “I’m still upstairs.”

He ran u
p the stairs two at a time
threw the bedroom door open. Dani
was standing by the bed in a short black silk robe. Her hair had been brushed out and curled at the tips, and she had on light make-up. She was

“I didn’t pack that for you,” he said, looking at
amount of leg that was visible beneath the hem of the robe. “Where did you get it?”

“Jenny gave it to me. She has very nice tastes for a vampire,” Dani said. “But if you don’t like it
I can take it off.”

She untied the sash, slid the robe from her shoulders and let it glide to the floor. She twirled in a slow half circle and stopped with her back to him. All of the air in Gabriel’s lungs whooshed from his body
and he slipped slowly to his knees.

She was wearing a tiny little black bra, an even smaller black thong and a red garter belt
on her left thigh. Not even in Heaven had he ever been confronted with such beauty. This sight alone; this one moment in his life, was worth what being with her was going to cost him.

She looked over her shoulder at him, “Is this alright?”

“I…it’s …it…,
” he could not seem to form a complete sentence.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

” he stammered.

She smiled at him, “Don’t you want to come over here?”


“Fine, I’ll come to you then,” she said and sank to her hands and knees.

She crawled slowly across the floor to him. When she reached him she kissed her way from the waistband of his jeans
up his chest
and didn’t stop until her lips had reached his neck. Her breasts were pressed against his chest
and Gabriel’s Earthly body was in overdrive.

He pressed his hands to the carpet at his sides to keep himself from crushing her to him

And then she spoke, “No misunderstanding this time around. Do you want me, Gabriel?” she asked in a smoky voice.

All he could manage in way of an answer was

“Because I want you,” she whispered in his ear, and then caught his earlobe between her teeth and softly bit it.

Gabriel’s hands shot through the carpet and into the wood floor beneath it.

Dani giggled, “Calm down.”

“Are you trying to kill me, love?” he finally managed to gasp out.

She gave another throaty laugh, “Goodness no. If I was trying to kill you I’d do this.”

She put her hands on his chest and pressed him back until his shoulders touched the hallway floor. She licked her way back down to the waistband of his jeans, letting her hair trail down
chest. She bit down on the denim and with a single twist of her head, the button fly flew open and his erect shaft sprang out.

He had time to
briefly wonder how she’d learned to open a button fly like that before she did the last thing he’d expected. She licked up the length of him and drew him into her mouth. He felt as if he’d been struck by a bolt of lightning! His hands shot out, locked
onto two large hand size pieces of the bedroom doorframe and crushed them into dust.

He could feel his blood pounding through his heart. He was an angel nearly as old as the beginning of time, but he felt what he would imagine a fifteen year old boy would feel if put in this same situation with Dani. When her hand came up and lightly clawed down his stomach, he had to push her away.

“What’s wrong?” Dani asked looking up at him.

He had to pull several deep breaths into his lungs before he calmed himself enough to answer her, “I believe you really
trying to kill me.”

“I’m sorry,” she said.
“I thought you’d like it.”

“Like it?” he said, rising back up onto his knees. “Are you
, woman? I want
you much right now that I don’t even trust myself to
you. You can’t just do that to a man the second night out of the virgin gate.”

“But you’re
a man,” she said with a wicked grin. She undid the clasp on the front of her bra and let her breasts fall free. “You’re an
, remember?”

She cupped her breasts in her hands, dropped her head back and moaned.

She raised her head and gazed at him through half closed eyelids, “I would think an
would be able to take a little more than a simple
man,” she said and licked her lips.

She was right, he wasn’t a man, but she was toying with him as if he

When she skimmed her hand down her stomach and slipped her fingers into the top her panties Gabriel could take no more. She
wanted an
? Well
she was about to damn well get one! He rose to his feet and tore his jeans away, and then he scooped Dani from the floor and headed down the stairs with her.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m giving yo
u what you wanted,” he said, and
opened the front door and stepped outside.

She looked at him in confusion. “But the bed’s the other way.”

“I didn’t say
about a bed,” he said, and then spread his wings and soared into the air.

Dani wrapped her arms around his neck and clung tightly to him. When they were a hundred and fifty feet up, Gabriel stopped and hovered in the air.

“Hold tight,” he said and dropped her legs from his arm just long enough to tear her panties from her body. Then he put both of his hands on her bottom and pulled her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist.

“You can’t do this up here,” she said nervously.

“Watch me,” he said, and plunged into her.

Dani threw back her head and cried out. She dug her nails into his shoulder
with enough force to rip a human mans flesh. But
as she’d pointed out, Gabriel

He moved Dani so that her velvety wetness slid u
p and down his shaft. The sweat
from her body was allowing her breasts to glide up and down his chest. The sensation was driving him to the edge
of madness

“Look at me, Dani,” he ordered.

She looked up and gazed into his eyes, and he kissed her softly on the lips, “You were right,” he said, never stopping the movement
of their bodies, “I’m not a human man; no matter how much you want to
I am. I’m this,” he said, and flew them higher into the air, “I will always
this; that can never change.

I am the
Archangel Gabriel
, older than the ages
and the Might of God on Earth. I am the Guardian of the last Daughter of God and the Warrior sworn by God to strike down the Morning Star. And I am in love with you, Danielle. Tell me you love me for what I
am and I will smile as I die for you.”

She looked at him in true awe for the
first time, “I love you, Gabriel.”

He slid his arms up the length of her back, cupped her shoulders in his hands and slammed her body against his over and over again until
cried out.

“She’s mine!”
bellowed, to both Heaven and Hell, as he exploded inside of her.



Gabriel’s declaration to Heaven and Hell had shot a shock wave of power from his body that had sent Dani into unconsciousness.

He returned her to the house and laid her on the bed, and then went back outside to sit for a moment in the cool night air. He should have known that Michael would be waiting for him.

“Well I’ll say this for you, when you decide to defy God you
do not
fuck around,” Michael said. “I don’t think you could have made your intention of staying with Dani any clearer.”

Gabriel stared stonily at Michael, “Are you here to lecture me? Because I’ll tell you right now that I’m not going to listen to it.”

“No, no lecture. I was just going to say that if you want any privacy with Dani that you may want to keep your lovemaking inside. All of the angels saw the display you put on in the air tonight; I bet all the demons saw it, as well. You practically threw it in their faces.”

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