When Darkness Fell: An Elemental Enchanters Story (3 page)

BOOK: When Darkness Fell: An Elemental Enchanters Story
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“I am not sure. I hope this will pass. And that nothing will happen to the Ephemerals.”

I looked up at him. “Do you think he would harm them? What if he harmed George?”

“He will not. I promise you.”

“If I continue to see him, he could hurt George.”

“Try not to worry, Sister. If things do not change, I promise you that we will leave, with George.”

“You would do that?”

“Of course. You are my sister. I would do anything for you.”

“Perhaps we are overthinking. But he forbade me to see him. I cannot stop. Nor can I stop healing the villagers.”

“Do not let him take that away from you. We will find a way around this.”


Weeks later, a mysterious plague spread through the village, and many feared it was a repeat of the Black Death. It started with a fever, then their stomachs refused to keep any nourishment down, and then arash formed on their skin that took no time devouring the flesh all the way to the bone

When the villagers came to me for help, I could not save them all for the disease spread much too fast and was lethal. George contracted the illness, and I was able to save him. I did not want to admit that Corbin caused the illness, but deep down I knew. Veronica had to have encouraged him. She was manipulating him.

I returned home late one night, and Corbin knew I had still been treating people. I did not hide it either. I knew he would never hurt me, but I still feared for George and other’s lives. I was exhausted, and the illness kept spreading.

“You cannot save them all, Savina,” Corbin told me. 

“Why are you doing this?” I asked him.

“It has to be done.”

“Killing innocent people?”

“These people are not innocent,” he shouted and jumped to his feet, knocking the chair backward on the floor. I flinched. Corbin had never raised his voice to me, not until recently. “They are the murderers. They kill people like us, Savina. And you are out there trying to help them.”

I could not believe people would kill Enchanters for no reason. Unless there were Enchanters who provoked them, like Corbin. I presumed his family did just that. “My mother did the same.”

“She had to do what she could so they would not think she was an Enchanter. They trusted her.”

“And they trust me. I do not understand what these people have done to you.”

“Do you know what your mother told me on her deathbed?”

I shook my head.

“She told me she hoped I would eventually create an army to avenge those who have been killed. And that is what I am trying to do.”

My mouth dropped open. “No. No she would not say such a thing.”

“I do not expect you to understand. You have not felt the pain that many of us have. We have lost so many we loved because of what we are. If it’s a war they want, then they will have it!” he screamed and slammed his fist against the table.

“War?” I inhaled a sharp breath and clutched my chest. My heart was beating so fast. “Why should you start a war? What have the villagers done to deserve this?”

He let out a long sigh and sat back down. “They will never stop, Savina.” His voice calmed. “You cannot be their friends. They will all turn against you.”

I shook my head. He was wrong. “George loves me. Danielle and Graham would never turn their backs on me. They have been my friends since I was a child.”

“Why have you never told them you were an Enchanter? What do you think they would do if they found out?”

I wanted to tell him about George, but I could not. I had to protect him. “Mother and Father always told me to keep it a secret. I do not wish to scare them. I only want to help them. They would not understand.”

“You are right about that. They do not want to understand. You are not like them. And the moment they find out, they will kill you.”

“No, they will not. They trust me.”

“Just wait and see.”

“They only kill those who are dangerous. And if you do not stop this nonsense, they will come after you.”

“They can try.”

“Please do not do this,” I whispered.

“Father, she is right.” Colden’s voice came from behind me.

Corbin shook his head. “I cannot believe you both are defending them.”

“What right do you have to kill them?”

Corbin glared at his son. “I have every right. You do not know the evil they possess.”

“They have done no evil!” Colden yelled. “Whatever happened in Caprington did not occur here. These people are innocent.”

“You are too much like Savina. Too kind to these ridiculous people. You will never amount to anything.”

Colden’s hands curled into fists. “They accept me for who I am. Something you know nothing about. They care for me and enjoy my company.”

“You both are naïve. Just watch what happens when these people you love so dearly find out who you are. They will never accept you.”

Veronica entered the room with her usual scowl. “Corbin, they will never understand. There is no reason to try and explain it. They are too much in love with the Ephemerals.”

“Perhaps if you helped us understand,” Colden said. “But you have given us no reason.”

“And if Ephemerals hurt you in Caprington, they are not the same people in this village.”

Veronica moved closer to me and stared down at me, her eyes cold and calculating. “You are just a child, Savina. You have let them warp your mind. And you will allow them to be the cause of your demise.” She gave a wicked grin.

Then, she and Corbin left the manor.

She was manipulating Corbin and I could not understand why.

“I never wanted to let him down,” Colden said.

“You are not letting him down. But are you going to let your father do this?”

“I cannot stop him, Savina.” He crossed the room and poked the fire loosening the ambers in the fireplace. “Why are you so against him? Maybe he is doing the right thing. What if Father is only hurting those who are bad?”

I could not believe my brother. “You cannot possibly believe what Corbin is doing is right, can you?”

He let out a frustrated sigh. “I do not know his reasons.”

“You know all about George, and he is not bad. He made him sick. He could have died. And our friends. They would not harm us.” 

His black eyes softened and he held my hands. “I am sorry. You are right. But what can we do?” He lowered his voice.

“I do not know,” I said, defeated. “I must warn George. He has to leave this place.”

“What will I tell Father if he returns and you are not here?”

“Tell him I needed some air.”

I left during the evening twilight to meet George at our place by the riverbank. I came to him in tears.

“What is it? Has someone hurt you?” He kissed my forehead and cradled my head between his hands. His worried blue eyes stared into mine.

“You and your family must leave, George.”

His face wrinkled. “What do you mean? What is happening?”

“The disease. I fear that you and your sister will contract it again,” I half lied. “It is very strong this time. Promise me you will leave.”

“I will tell my family but I will not leave without you.”

“Please, George. You must.” I could not hold the tears back.

“Even if I contracted the disease, you could save me again.”

“It is too strong.”

“Then I will stay with you.”

He was too stubborn, and I was not strong enough to lie to him to get him to leave. The truth was I wanted to escape. I needed to, but I could not desert my townspeople to fend for themselves against Corbin. Colden and I needed to stop him and Veronica somehow. But he was the only father I had ever known. I did not want to kill him. I wondered if I could get Veronica to leave, if Corbin would return to himself. There was only one way to find out.

George and I stayed for a little longer by the river. I did not know what would happen to us, but I wanted that moment to last forever. To remain in his safe arms. But as we said goodbye, I had a sinking feeling it would be our last.

He pulled me into an embrace and kissed me. His lips were warm and gentle. “My heart is yours,” he whispered.


The next day, I went out to make my rounds, after George asked his family to leave. They agreed and decided to visit friends. George accompanied me, but no one would let me tend to the sick.

“I do not understand why they are turning me away,” I said to George as we walked through town.

As several people passed by us, they gave me a hateful stare, and whispered among themselves. I heard what they said.

“She’s a witch.”

I exchanged a worried look with George. “Why would they say that?”

He pressed his lips in a tight line. “I have not said a word,” he whispered. “Does anyone else know?”


My oldest friend, Danielle rushed up to me. Her blue eyes were wide with shock and her face reddened. “Tell me it is not true,” she said.

My body tensed. “What do you mean?”

“You are the one making everyone sick.”

“That is absurd,” George cried. “She is the one healing everyone.”

“They say you are a witch.”

“It is not true.”

“You do not have much of a good word. Everyone is starting to believe it. I must go before someone thinks I am associated.” Danielle stepped beside me.

“Danielle, wait.”

But she hurried away from me. I turned back to George. “You do not believe I spread the disease, do you?”

“You know I do not.” He looked around at all the stares. “Savina, I should take you home where you will be safe.”

As he walked me near the manor, we stayed hidden, knowing Corbin could see us. I did not want George to leave. I held on to him as tight as I could. For I did not know my fate. Once the word ‘witch’ was thrown around, it was only a matter of hours or days before they came for me. And there was no way out.

“I will do whatever I can to stop the rumors and correct them.”

“You can only do so much, George. Please, do not get yourself involved or they will come for you as well.”

“You need not worry for me, my love.”

“I love you George.”

He drew me into his embrace and I could feel his lips pressed to my head. He held me at arm’s length and looked into my eyes. “I love you, Savina. Please, stay safe tonight.” He kissed me with such a fervor. Then he kissed my hand, and I knew I had to leave him.

I walked inside the manor and stopped once I heard Veronica yelling at Corbin. I closed the door behind me without a sound and crept next to the partially opened parlor door. I held my breath and listened, though my pounding heartbeat throbbed in my ears.

“I thought you said you were only blaming Savina,” Veronica shouted at him.

“I did. What happened?”

“They are blaming me, too.”

“Have they said this?”

“No, I can read their minds, Corbin. They are coming for us tomorrow night.”

I froze. Corbin spread the rumors. He betrayed me. Why would he have done such a thing? What had Veronica said to him to make him hate me so much?

“We must hide you,” Corbin said. “I assure you, I did not have my man mention your name.”

“I did not think you would betray me.”

“Of course, not.” He let out a long sigh. “I fear Savina believes I have betrayed her, though. She is the only daughter I have ever had.”

“Do not be so hard on yourself, Corbin. Once we return to Caprington, they will understand.”

“I never wanted to hurt them.”

“Sometimes we hurt the ones we love because it’s necessary.”

“Can we not tell them now?”

“I fear they are too young to understand. I still believe it will be better hearing our family’s stories.”

“I do not like this secrecy, Veronica. They are my children.”

“I understand. But what will happen if they choose not to come with us? What will you do then?”

“I have no answer. But they are losing their trust with me each day.”

“You will need to decide, dear brother.”

“Perhaps now that the town is accusing Savina of witchcraft, she and Colden will see.”

“Colden, maybe. I fear Savina is too involved with the Ephemerals.”

“It is only because of George.”

“He will betray her.”

“Will he?”

“Do not challenge me Corbin. They are despicable creatures. Ones that must be destroyed.”

“You are right.”

“One more thing. This may interest you. There are Enchanters with elemental powers. They are rare, but powerful. I have been told that a group of elementals will be extraordinarily powerful. If we could find them, we would have the strongest coven and we could use them to rid the world of Ephemerals.”

BOOK: When Darkness Fell: An Elemental Enchanters Story
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