When Hell Freezes Over (24 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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Keaton and MaLeah had been in the mall for some time. He'd made several purchases; mostly presents for his family members since he knew this was his last week in Philadelphia. By the time they got back to the truck, MaLeah was asleep. He pulled around to the dock so the Barbie Corvette could be loaded inside. He also picked up a scooter for Fredrick. For Winston and Arnelle, he got them a weekend getaway at a local hotel. It was going to be bittersweet for him when he went home; mostly because of Meridan. Long distance relationships were hard to sustain, but he was willing to do whatever he could to keep her in his life. He just prayed she would go for it.

When Meridan stepped out of the bedroom, Jacob was waiting for her. His eyes widened. Her black gown was strapless and hugged her curves.

“Meridan, you look fabulous. Are you ready to go?”

“As ready as I'm going to be. You look nice, too, Jacob. I guess you'd never know we're a couple of country kids from Mississippi, huh?”

Laughing, he kissed her on the cheek. “You can take us out of the country, but you can't take the country out of us.”

Meridan giggled and nudged him playfully with her elbow. “I'm glad I came. I miss hanging with you.”

“I'm also glad you came. Let's roll.”

Meridan and Jacob got in the limo and headed to the hotel. He poured two glasses of champagne and asked, “So, how's your friend? What's his name? Keaton?”

Taking a sip of champagne, she replied, “Keaton's doing fine.”

“You're glowing. What's up?”

Blushing, she answered, “Nothing's up.”

He smiled while studying her.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Stop it.”

“Meridan St. John, I will get to the bottom of this before the night is over. I guarantee it.”

She sipped her champagne. “You're silly, Jacob. There's nothing to get to the bottom of.”

The limo pulled up to the front of the hotel. There were dozens of people going inside, dressed in their formal attire. The driver opened the door so they could join the many people attending the banquet. As they stepped out, Jacob held his arm out for Meridan to take it.

She looked at him, dressed in his tuxedo. “Good luck tonight.”

“I wish my parents could've come, but Momma's not feeling well. Daddy didn't want to leave her.”

“I understand. I guess we'd better get inside.”

Taking her hand into his, he said, “Let's go.”



eaton pulled into the garage with a sleeping MaLeah in tow. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. He pulled MaLeah out of her car seat and entered the house. Winston was in the kitchen fixing his plate.

“What's up, Bro?”

Closing the door, he said, “Nothing much.” He handed Winston the envelope with the certificate for the weekend getaway.

Winston frowned and asked, “What's this?”

“Just a little thank you for letting me hang out with you guys these past few weeks.”

Winston opened the envelope and smiled. “You didn't have to do this, Keaton. You're family.”

Keaton repositioned MaLeah. “I wanted to.”

“Thank you, Bro. I'm sure we'll enjoy this,” he said with gratitude.

Grinning, Keaton said, “I'm sure you guys will.”

Sitting the envelope down, Winston asked, “Do you want me to take MaLeah?”

“Nah, I got her. Oh, you can take the items out of the truck that I got for the kids.”

Winston looked worried. “What did you get them?”

Laughing, Keaton walked out of the kitchen without responding. Winston knew very well how much Keaton spoiled the kids on their birthdays and holidays. He was afraid to see what awaited him in the garage.

Meridan and Jacob were enjoying their meal. The ballroom was full of people and the banquet would be beginning soon. Jacob leaned over and occasionally pointed out dignitaries in the crowd. There were a lot of politicians and entertainers in the mix; some that Meridan would otherwise not get this close to.

“Jacob, I'm so proud of you. You've really done well for yourself here.”

“It would be so much better if you would share it with me.”

Taking a bite of her dessert, she asked, “What are you talking about?”

He whispered in her ear, “We'll talk about it back at the house. Okay?”

Confused, she shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.”

Jacob was recognized for chairing the banquet and after that portion of the program was over, the guests were ushered over to another room where a band was set up for dancing. Jacob introduced Meridan to several colleagues and friends. Meridan loved the South and being in Atlanta was no different. The climate, food, and hospitality were like nowhere else. It was an enjoyable night after all.

On the ride back to Jacob's house, Meridan fell asleep on his shoulder. Once the limo pulled up in front of the house, he gently woke her up. The chauffeur came around and opened the door. Jacob handed him an envelope and thanked him for his services.

“Meridan. Wake up, baby. We're home.”

Yawning, she took his hand and followed him up the stairs. Inside, Meridan yawned again. “I had a good time, Jacob. I'm glad I came.”

“I told you it would be fun,” he said as he locked the door.

They walked into his den and Meridan slipped out of her shoes. She lay on the sofa and smiled at Jacob. His eyes were red and glazy. He took off his jacket and sat down next to her. He pulled her feet into his lap and began to massage her feet.


“No, I'm okay. You look tired though. How are you holding up? You had a lot to drink tonight. That's not a problem for you, is it?”

Looking over at her, he said, “Nah, I'm cool.” He continued to massage her feet in silence, then said, “Meridan?”

With her eyes closed, she said, “Uh-huh?”

“Sit up for a second. I want to talk to you.”

He pulled her up, so that she was sitting close to him. She ran her hand over his closely cropped hair and asked, “What do you want to talk about?”

He held her hands. “I know you got my message on your answering machine. I couldn't help but pour my heart out to you. It's just that I love you so much. I've been trying to figure it out, what was so different about you all night, and I think I know.”

“I know you love me, Jacob. I love you, too, but there's nothing different about me. We've already had this conversation. Remember?”

Lowering his head, he said, “No, no, Meridan. I don't think you realize where I'm coming from. I've wanted to be with you all my life. As we grew up and you told me you couldn't have children, I still wanted you. Meridan, marry me. There aren't many men out there who would want a woman who couldn't give them children, but I'm the exception. I'm the only one who truly loves you for you. That punk up in Philly could never make you happy.”

Punk? Where is this coming from?

Meridan was first shocked, then furious. So furious that tears formed in her eyes in disbelief.

She jumped up and yelled, “What the hell is wrong with you, Jacob? What makes you think I want to marry anyone? Like I told you when we were home, my issue is
issue. I'm so sorry I ever told you anything about my condition.”

Jacob stood and paced the floor angrily. “You're screwing him, aren't you? That's why you're acting so different. That's also why you won't marry me. You can't deny it because I can see the change in you.”

“You must be drunk! Furthermore it's none of your damn business!! You make me sorry I ever came down here! I've told you, I don't love you like that! What is it about that don't you understand?”

He stalked over to her. “So, I guess what you're saying is you're in love with him? He'll never marry you, if that's what you're hoping. I saw the way
he looked at the kids playing when we were home. I'm the only one who could accept you with all your flaws. You'll be back.”

She folded her arms and stared at him. Before turning to walk out of the room, he walked over and said, “I'm sorry, Meridan. I shouldn't have said that to you.”

She yelled. “You should be!”

“Give me a hug, so I'll know you're not mad,” he calmly begged.

Meridan hesitated for a moment, then decided to bury the hatchet. Jacob pulled her to him and tried to kiss her. She was able to prevent him but, as she tried to push him off, he was able to hold onto her so he could place a large passion mark on her neck.

“Take that back to Philly with you and try to explain that to your boy.”

Meridan slapped him hard across the cheek. “You make me sick!”

She backed away from him when he started toward her. He stopped halfway and rubbed his cheek, then laughed.

Meridan didn't like the look in Jacob's eyes. It was almost like he was someone else. She backed out of the room. “Stay away from me, Jacob. I mean it!”

“You know I speak the truth. Just think about what I said, okay? My offer is still on the table.”

“Go to hell, Jacob!”

He watched her as she ran out of the room and up the stairs. From the foyer, he yelled, “Sweet dreams, my love!”

Meridan continued up the stairs and locked the bedroom door. She sat down on the edge of the bed and burst into tears. Looking at the clock, she noticed it was around one. She looked in her bag, pulled out her cell phone, and placed a call.



ack in Philly, Meridan stepped off the plane and walked down the ramp to the concourse. She'd had an emotionally draining evening and knew she had to get away from Jacob as soon as possible because he really scared her.

It was around five a.m. when her plane landed. She was able to pack, call a cab, and slip out of Jacob's house undetected. With all the liquor he drank, he was in a deep, coma-like slumber when she left. Nichole was the only person she could call and when she saw her, she hugged her and started crying.

Nichole hugged her back. “What's wrong, Dee? Are you okay? Did that fool hurt you?”

Shaking her head, she answered, “I'm just glad to be home. Thanks for meeting me. I couldn't call Keaton.”

“Why not? I'm sure he'd rather pick you up.”

Meridan wiped her tears. “If I had called him, he would've showed up in Atlanta ready to draw blood. He told me before I left that he would hurt Jacob if he got out of line. Nikki, Keaton was dead serious.”

Nichole put her arm around Meridan's shoulder. “Well, you're home now so come on. You don't have to worry about Jacob anymore. I'm taking you to my house so you can get some rest. You can call Keaton when you wake up.”

“Nikki, that's not the worst of it.”

Nichole frowned. “What do you mean?”

Meridan lowered her turtleneck and showed her the passion mark on her neck. She gasped. “Yikes! He didn't—”

Shaking her head, Meridan said, “No! He did it to make Keaton think something happened between us. How am I going to make him believe nothing happened? You know how men are.”

“Keaton's going to be pissed, but he trusts you. Don't worry about it. Just tell him what happened. If you try to hide it, that's what will make him suspicious.”

“I hope you're right. Thanks, Nikki. I owe you big time.”

“No, you don't. Let's ride.”

Moments later, they pulled into the driveway. Nichole said, “Now I know I left the lights on when I left.” She looked over at her neighbors' houses and their lights were on. “Humph. That's odd.”

Meridan looked around and asked, “What's wrong?”

Opening the door of the car, Nikki said, “It must be a blown fuse.”

Grabbing her arm, Meridan said, “What if it's not? What if Sam's in there waiting?”

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