Read When I'm With You: The Complete Novel Online

Authors: Beth Kery

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When I'm With You: The Complete Novel (41 page)

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Lucien tipped the bag and more sapphires and a platinum chain spilled into his large hand.

“Oh . . . it’s
” she said, her eyes glued to the unique piece of jewelry. He opened it and held it up for her avid gaze. The top part looked like it went around the neck—an exquisite necklace of filigreed platinum interspersed with dozens of gleaming, half-carat sapphires. She’d known she was correct about her assumption when Lucien knelt over her and looped the necklace portion around her throat, fastening it. The unusual part was the two chains that dropped vertically six or seven inches below the necklet. Another chain was looped between the two suspended metal ropes, and several sapphires were suspended from it.

it?” she asked, bewildered as she watched him pinch a tiny, flexible loop that was attached to the chain.

“The necklace has a nipple chain attached. You can remove the chain and merely wear it as a necklace,” he explained. She moaned softly when he slipped a stiff nipple into the tiny loop. “I just have to twist this sapphire—like this—and the loop tightens.” Her eyes sprang wide when the metal loop narrowed, pinching at her nipple. Lucien studied her face raptly. “It should pinch, but not be unduly uncomfortable. Is it too much?” he asked quietly. “I can loosen the loop.”

She shook her head, too amazed and aroused to speak. She couldn’t stop staring at the erotic sight of her pink nipple surrounded by the metal loop. It was tight enough to create a focused, mild sting. The pressure and slight abrasion was highly exciting. She felt her pulse began to throb in her nipple. She experienced an overwhelming urge to feel more friction on the highly sensitized crest. Her breathing started to come erratically as she watched him attach the joined chain to her other nipple. When he was finished, the delicate chain hung in an arc between her nipples.

Lucien sat back and inspected her, his face rigid and shadowed. The dark pink tips of her breasts were very erect, but they seemed fatter than usual, the loops causing increased blood flow, plumping them. She bit her lip to stifle a moan when she saw his cock lurch against his cotton pants.

“Here, let me help you,” he said, putting his hands on her back and lifting her from the pillows. “Sit up slightly. Let the chain fall free between your breasts,” he commanded.

She moaned in stark arousal when he repositioned her so that she leaned partially upright against the pillows and the chain hung free between the tips of her breasts. The sapphires attached to the nipple chain acted as erotic weights, pulling gently at the taut peaks. Her clit twanged sharply. She whimpered and jerked her hands in the delicate wrist restraints, wincing.

If she hadn’t been bound, her hand would be on her pussy right now, trying to staunch that stabbing ache.

His stare leapt to hers, and she knew he’d noticed her reaction.

“It feels good?” he asked huskily.

“In a weird way, it feels fantastic,” she whispered, bewildered by her powerful response to the nipple chain.

A smile flickered across his lips. “You have no idea how beautiful you look.” He reached up and gently plucked at one of the center sapphires. She cried out at the tug on her nipples, clenching her thighs together tight. Lucien appeared rapt by her reaction. He gently knocked at another sapphire.

she groaned feverishly. Her hips twisted on the mattress. She was desperate for pressure . . . for release from this sweet torture.

“Yes?” he asked quietly.

“I need to come,” she said, her face clenched tight with arousal. She licked her upper lip and tasted salt.

He muttered something terse under his breath and scooted her body back into a reclining position. She panted, feeling disoriented as she watched him rapidly unwind her pearls from her ankles and set them aside, liberating her feet. He lowered over her, straddling her with his arms holding himself off her, his muscles bulging. She cried out when he matter-of-factly ground his hard, swollen cock against her pussy.

He looked fierce as he stared down at her and circled his hips, his actions stunningly precise. The key hung from his throat, just inches from her lips. “I can feel how wet you are,” he grated out. “You’re like an inferno. I’m going to fuck you so hard and melt in that hot little pussy.”

Her facial muscles clenched tight in cresting pleasure. She craned up her head off the pillow and stilled the swaying key with her seeking lips. Lucien groaned gutturally and thrust extra hard.

She exploded in orgasm against the delicious pressure of his throbbing cock, her cries flying past the little key that had fallen against her tongue.

Much to her disappointment, he lifted his cock from her pussy almost immediately when her shudders of pleasure waned. He flashed a sexy smile at her as she panted on the pillows.

“You got that excited? You have the most responsive breasts. I’m going to have so much fun with them. I’m going to treat your nipples to such sweet torture,” he murmured, still watching her with fiery eyes as he again rose to a kneeling position over her. Her ragged breathing came to an abrupt halt when he shoved his hand beneath the waistband of his sleeping pants. She watched, mesmerized, as he extricated the thick column of his cock. He remained kneeling over her for a moment, stroking himself.

“Let me, Lucien,” she whispered longingly, and her desire was so sharp, she knew that he knew precisely what she meant.

“You are sweetness itself, but your mouth makes things too easy,” he said, dark amusement in his tone. “It’s tempting, but I’m going to ravish you right now. This is another thing I imagined doing to your pretty breasts.”

She watched as he came toward her on his knees. His brushed the flaring, velvety cockhead against a hypersensitive nipple and she gasped. She bit her lower lip to stifle a scream when he batted teasingly at the nipple chain with his heavy erection. He swung the thick column of his cock against the outer curve of her left breast, gently flogging her.

“Devil,” she whispered shakily when she saw his small smile.

“Another time I will have you hold them together and I’ll fuck them until I come on your nipples. Will you like that?”

“Yes. God yes,” she said, thrashing her hips on the mattress, rapidly rising up the slope of renewed arousal. What he said in combination with what he was doing to her was going to have her shuddering in orgasm again within minutes. Maybe it was because he was typically so restrained, or maybe it was because of the thick lust in his smooth, rich voice, but hearing Lucien talk dirty was a potent aphrodisiac.

He backed up slightly and leaned down, placing his mouth against the side of her ribs. She shivered at his hot kisses. It felt like his lips and teeth and tongue were everywhere at once. Her trembling continued as he charted her ribs and belly. All the while, she was tortured by the vision of his heavy penis hanging over the waistband of his pants.

“Why don’t you take off your pants?” she asked between gasps as he ran his tongue along the strip of skin above her pubic hair, lifting his head when she tried to raise her pelvis to his mouth and get him just where she needed him.

“In good time,” he murmured, flashing her an amused, sardonic glance that she interpreted as a warning for patience on her part. By the time he began torturing her thighs with his consuming mouth, she was squirming once again in full arousal. It was incredibly erotic to watch him, knowing she had no choice but to lie there and accept his every caress, kiss, and tease.

“Oh, please,” she whispered a moment later as he licked the inner part of her thigh. She gave a quivery whimper when his tongue flicked within an inch of her pussy.

“Your juices are running down your thigh. Hmm, delicious,” he said thickly before he tasted her again.

She clamped her eyelids shut, overwhelmed by the image of his dark head between her thighs. She keened in growing frustration as his tongue flicked over her moist skin yet again. Her toes curled.

“Tell me what you want,” he murmured.

“Put your mouth on me and make me come,” she begged through lips that felt swollen and overly sensitive.

His nostrils flared slightly at her bald plea. “Since your desire is in accordance with mine, I’m more than willing to grant your wish.”

He matter-of-factly bent her knees and spread her legs. He rolled back her hips, fully exposing her pussy. She yelped a moment later when he knelt before her, his knees bracketing her hips, and lifted her lower body off the bed, his hands open on her buttocks. She’d never get used to how easily he took her weight.

He sat on his haunches and brought her pussy slowly to his mouth, biceps bulging hard. The anticipation seemed to cut at her from the inside out.

She detonated a moment later as he whipped at her clitoris with the firm, wet lash of his tongue. He continued to eat her as she moaned and shuddered in orgasm, covering her outer sex with his lips and applying a firm suction that left her flying in the sexual stratosphere for an unprecedented length of time. He lifted his head after he’d worked a final shudder out of her. He lowered her and she sagged into the mattress, utterly wrung out. She noticed that his facial muscles were rigid and his lips gleaming with her juices.

“You’re delicious. I’m going to shave you sometime soon. Nothing is going to interfere with me getting my fill of this pussy.”

Her vagina contracted tightly at his stark, unrelenting tone.

“Yes, all right,” she whispered, even though she knew he hadn’t said it for her agreement. He seemed single-minded in his lust. She gasped when he lowered his head again, tilting it at an angle. He plunged his tongue into her slit and ladled out her juices, sucking them into his mouth. Oh God, it was a decadent, sybaritic delight to have him pleasure her with such skill, to feel his sexual hunger penetrate every pore of her being. She had never felt herself to be the object of such concentrated, burning desire in her entire life. She wanted to touch him so badly. Her palms itched with thwarted desire.

“I want to touch you. Why do you have to restrain me?” she asked in frustration as he continued to dip his tongue into her pussy.

He lifted his head. “It’s exciting, knowing that you’re at my mercy, that you’ll have no choice but to accept whatever I give you,” he said gruffly, rising to his knees and once again straddling her supine body.

“You mean like for punishment?”

“Not just that. For pleasure. You can’t escape any of it. No matter how intense it gets.”

“I don’t really like pain,” she said weakly. “I’m not a masochist.”

A small smile shaped his gorgeous mouth. His gaze flickered over her flushed breasts wearing the nipple chain. “You like small amounts of it. Nothing too harsh. Don’t worry, I’ve noticed. I’m getting used to what excites you. I look forward to finding out more.” When she didn’t reply because she was too busy absorbing the fact that he’d been reading her on their other times together, gauging her, he added, “You’ve become aroused when I’ve punished you before, or when I instructed you to punish yourself, haven’t you? And that hurt, didn’t it?”

“Not much. It stung—especially the paddle and the hairbrush—but I was more . . .”


“Excited,” she whispered.

He nodded in understanding. “And you like the pinch on your nipples, don’t you?” he asked gruffly, touching a crest with his forefinger. Her nerves were so exquisitely sensitized she shuddered in pleasure even from that soft caress. “If things ever become too intense between us, though, all you have to do is say ‘End it.’ That’s all. And I will. But you must say
specifically. If you scream for me to stop, or curse at me, or beg me, I will continue according to my aim.
End it
. That’s what you must say, and I will. No questions asked. Do you understand, Elise?” he asked sharply.

She swallowed and nodded her head. Her vagina had clamped tight when she thought of begging him to stop, and him continuing with whatever he was doing. Why was that? Perhaps because he’d also given her the power to truly stop him? It was like a secret key, a get out of jail free card she had forever at her disposal.

“I understand,” she whispered.

His gaze lingered on her lips even when she no longer spoke. “You have come to me and been honest about your desire. Now I’ll be honest about mine. You goaded me into taking you like an animal that night in the stables. But tonight, I’ll take my pleasure of you because you have offered yourself, and I have been burning alive from wanting you.” He caressed the underside of her bound arm, then her chest, finally cupping her breast. She choked off a moan when he gently tweaked at a sapphire. “I have been holding back, chaining myself. But tonight”—he glanced at her, his expression fierce—“I’ll feast on you and I won’t come away hungry, Elise. I will take you hard . . . maybe a little savagely.”

He studied her reaction, candlelight glinting in his eyes. His pants were still gathered beneath his cock. It jumped when he said those words. She clamped her thighs together, his rich voice echoing in her head:
hard . . . maybe a little savagely.

“If you want me to stop at any time, remember what I told you to say?”

She nodded. He really had been holding himself back when it came to her. Tonight, she was going to be the recipient of all that trapped passion. She craved it, but how could she not be intimidated by being the target of all that raw, pent-up sexual power as well?

“Say the words I told you to speak if you want me to stop. I want to know you remember them,” he said grimly.

“End it,” she repeated. “But I won’t want you to. I want you to fuck me hard. I want you to use me for your pleasure, Lucien.”

His eyes flashed and a small snarl shaped his mouth. He opened her legs wide and took his cock into his hand.

“Then you will have your wish,
ma chère

Read more of Elise and Lucien’s red-hot romance in



Available from InterMix on April 16, 2013

Keep reading for a taste of Beth Kery’s popular novel

from the
One Night of Passion


Available now from Berkley Heat

BOOK: When I'm With You: The Complete Novel
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