When No Doesn't Cut It (18 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

BOOK: When No Doesn't Cut It
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And plying those erogenous zones was having the desired effect.  Damien felt like his cock would just burst if he didn’t get inside of his mate.  Realizing he had been a tad distracted, Damien picked Scott up and threw him onto the bed behind him.  Scott squeaked a bit in surprise but the grin on his face was pure heaven for Damien’s soul.  

“I finally got your attention,” Scott laughed.

“Just appreciating all of the things you have taught me about myself, lover,” Damien said as he licked
and nibbled his way right down Scott’s front.  Nothing escaped his attention - not the pert little nipples that loved to be sucked.  Not the solid pectoral muscles that seemed to flex under the long licks from Damien’s tongue.  Scott’s abs might be smaller than Damien’s but they were just as well defined.  Damien had a lot of fun sucking up a hickey on every muscle ridge - the fun coming from the fact that Scott couldn’t decide if he was ticklish or not. 

Eventually it seemed, Scott seemed to favor being aroused because now his breath was coming faster, he was moaning under every one of Damien’s touches and his cock, that had only been half-heartedly hard before, was now straining to find some kind of friction.  Damien loved that he could do this to Scott - he loved the responsiveness and the sheer passion that Scott exuded.

When he got around to tonguing around Scott’s asshole, the heat from the earlier spanking warmed Damien’s cheeks.  Belatedly Damien remembered that he probably should have put some lotion on Scott’s poor butt as it might get a bit sore, but Scott didn’t seem to be complaining.  Actually not true, Damien chuckled to himself.  Scott was cursing up a storm, trying to get Damien to actually put his cock where it was supposed to be going.

Damn it, Damien, do I have to do it my bloody self,” Scott moaned from the top of the bed.

Then five minutes later.

“Fuck you Damien, get on with it

Damien just
smirked.  He had Scott pinned down on the bed with his huge arms, and there was no where Scott could go, and nothing the man could do, but take what Damien was doing to him.  And Damien found he really loved to eat out Scott’s ass.  His mate had a unique smell and taste, and he yelled so prettily when Damien added a finger to the mix.

But adding the finger was Damien’s undoing.  As soon as Scott’s tight little channel gripped onto Damien’s finger, Damien was gripped with an equally hard need to get inside of his mate.  Reaching over and grabbing the lube from under the pillow, where Damien had put it before he went in the shower, Damien made short work of preparing Scott.  Minutes later he edged the head of his cock to Scott’s hole and pushed in steadily.  Both men groaned as Damien sunk in until his balls hit Scott’s ass.

Looking down at his mate, Damien knew he had a huge smile on his face.  Nothing in the world felt as good as being encased in his mate.  Scott took in his beaming expression and shook his head.

“What, you waiting for, an engraved invitation?  Mate, move yourself,” he ordered.

“Bossy,” Damien remarked, keeping still although it was getting really hard to do so.

Scott’s eyes narrowed, and then he grinned
, and Damien soon found out why.  Scott had amazing control over his anal muscles and despite being stretched to hell with Damien’s girth, he managed to clench down on Damien’s cock, repeatedly.  Damien moaned.  He had never felt anything like it and he realized he was going to come really quickly if he didn’t start moving soon.

“Fuck mate,” he gasped as he slid out and plunged back in, “you sure have a novel way of getting your own way.”
  Scott winked at him, but moaned in appreciation as Damien slid back in again. Pulling out, Damien pushed back in again and the two men quickly found a rhythm. A rhythm that got faster and harder, very quickly.

All too soon Damien could feel the signs of his impending orgasm.  The sight of Scott beneath him, clutching onto his biceps, his own cock leaking like a sieve, woke something primal in Damien.  Wanting Scott to come with him, he ordered gruffly, “
Touch yourself.”  One of Scott’s hands flew to his cock and Scott fisted himself, hard and fast in tempo with Damien’s thrusting.

Grunting with every thrust, Damien made sure that his cock brushed Scott’s prostate with every move.  Beneath him, Scott’s breathing turned to pants and he gasped out, “Gonna come…”

Damien let go of his control and fair battered the man beneath him.  As they both hit their peak at the same time, Damien let out a huge roar, his orgasm barreling through him like a freight train.  As Damien rode it out, he swore he could see stars and when he finally came down, the sight of Scott, red faced, blissed out eyes and come streaking his stomach and chest hit Damien’s heart like no-one had before.  This man was his, his alone and for the first time, Damien seriously considered what it would be like to allow his mate to fuck him.  Somehow he thought it would be an amazing experience.


Chapter Twenty One

Waking up
from what could only be called a nap, Scott sighed in appreciation of the fact that Damien was still with him in bed.  In fact, the man in question was wrapped around him so tightly, Scott knew he wasn’t going to be going to the bathroom until he could entice his lover from sleep.  Given the emotional events from the day before, Scott took pity on Damien and decided to let the man sleep a little longer.  This gave him the opportunity to really study the man he would be spending the rest of his life with, so that was an added bonus.

In sleep Damien looked a lot younger. 
The worry the man lived with, the stress of being Alpha, all took its toll on the handsome man.  In sleep, Damien looked much like he would have done at twenty - relaxed and with a small, contented smile on his lips.  Scott knew he could come to love that look on Damien, although Scott also appreciated he would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t get off on the sheer power of his mate in Alpha mode.

A quiet knock on the bedroom door had Scott struggling to sit up
, but Damien’s arms tightened around him and he settled for calling out an equally quiet, “come in.”  From the sudden stillness in Damien’s breathing, Scott knew he had woken up, but Damien made no move to open his eyes or acknowledge the woman who poked her head around the door.  Her eyes lit upon Scott and she blushed; probably at the sight of Damien’s exposed back and arms and the way he was holding onto Scott.

“Forgive me, Alpha Mate,” the woman whispered.  “I just wanted to know if you wanted breakfast in here, or if you would be coming to the dining room to eat with the others?”

As Scott went to say they would get up, Damien grumbled without opening his eyes. “In here, Marie.  Lots of coffee and a full breakfast for two.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Marie replied and she ducked her head out of the door before closing it quietly behind here.

“You know you sound intimidating even when you’re half asleep,” Scott teased.

“I’m the Alpha, it’s my job,” Damien grumbled again.  “Now why haven’t I had my morning kiss?”

A small smile tweaked at Scott’s lips as he raised his face to kiss his mate.  Damien’s lips were surprisingly soft considering how hard they looked on his face, and the man was a damn good kisser even when he was half asleep.  The two men kissed each other in that lazy way lovers have when they know they have things to do, but just want to shut out the world for five minutes.  All too soon another knock on the door sounded and Damien broke the kiss long enough to growl his permission for the interlopers to enter.

Marie came in, followed by another woman.  They were both carrying trays with plates of steaming hot food and Scott realized how hungry he was.  Damien had finally moved off of him and he shimmied himself so he was sitting upright in the bed, with his back against the headboard.  Damien did the same thing, pulling the blankets up over Scott in a move that tickled the younger man.  His lover obviously didn’t want the women in his pack to see him naked and Scott was touched.

Once the women had scurried around getting the food served, they hurried out of the room, cautiously not meeting the eyes of either man.  Scott had noticed similar reactions from the other women in the pack the day before and felt it was a good a time as any to bring it up with Damien.

“Don’t you have a lot to do with the women in your pack, Damien?”
Scott asked as he started on his breakfast.  His plate held a selection of bacon, sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes and hash browns, and Scott groaned quietly as the unique flavor of bacon hit his taste buds.  Someone in the pack was a darn good cook.

“I don’t have anything to do with them,” Damien said
, as he poured them both cups of coffee.

“How come?
They are part of your pack, aren’t they?”

Damien nodded, his mouth full of his own food.  Scott waited
for the Alpha to finish his mouthful and then reply. “Yes, they are part of the pack.  But I spend most of my time at the club and no women are allowed there, ever.”

“So who do they go to when they are having problems either with their mates, or something within the pack?” Scott wanted to know.  He had never been in a pack where women weren’t given the same rights as the men.

Damien thought for a minute.  “Well, traditionally that would have been Jacob.  He was the go-between so to speak.  He would take care of any problems that happened within the pack and then let me know if there was anything that he couldn’t handle.”  Damien looked troubled and he ran his hand over his face.  Already the relaxed look that Scott had appreciated in his sleeping lover had gone, and Damien wore the look of a man that knew he was going to have a bad day.

“Of course, now I know that Jacob has been stealing children to groom them to be a possible mate for me, there’s a good chance there is a whole stack of other problems in this compound I don’t know about,” Damien admitted.

“I want to talk to every woman and child in this pack,” Scott said decisively.  When he saw that Damien looked like he might object, Scott continued, “The women and children here have a right to be heard and cared for.  If this Jacob is bad enough that he could steal children from other packs, there is no telling what other abuses these women and children have been subjected to.  Not all of them have true mates, and with the amount of fear I have seen on some of these women’s faces, it is clear that something nasty is going on, with some of them at least.”

Damien nodded
thoughtfully as he took another mouthful of food.

“We’ve got another problem.  How the hell are we going to find out where these kids came from and get them back to their parents?”  Damien said after a while.

Scott thought about the resources that the Cloverleah pack had - with Shawn as Shifter Guardian, and Griff and Diablo’s contacts with the FBI.  “Do you have anyone in the pack tied to law enforcement in some way?”  He asked.

Damien shook his head.  “We’ve never needed it,” he said.  “If there have been any problems within our pack then I have sorted it out
personally, and we have never had a problem with another pack before.  But this business with stolen children could turn into a right pack war if it is not handled carefully.  Any of the packs these kids have come from have the right to demand retribution from this pack, and as Jacob isn’t here to account for his actions, then it will fall on me to deal with any fall out.”

Scott thought about it.  S
even kids, probably from seven different packs, given that none of the children seemed to share a common scent bond that Scott could tell.  The fallout, as Damien called it, could have huge ramifications on Damien and his pack. But Scott was hesitant to suggest he bring in members from the Cloverleah pack, because underneath it all Damien was a really proud man, and he prided himself on coping with all problems by himself.

“Damien,” he began cautiously.

“You want to bring in Shawn and the others from the Cloverleah pack to help out, don’t you mate,” Damien finished for him.

Scott had the grace to look embarrassed.  Of course with their mind link that Scott kept forgetting about, Damien would know what he was thinking.  It wasn’t as though he was shielding his thoughts from anyone
at the moment.

“It’s not that I don’t think you can
’t handle it,” Scott said looking Damien straight in the eye.  “I just think that Shawn as a Shifter Guardian could help broker any arrangements with any other packs.  Griff, Diablo, and Troy could all help with tracking down the parents of these children, and Dean as an Omega would be great at talking to the children himself.  Your pack doesn’t have these resources and I just thought they might help,” Scott trailed off.

“And of course Kane would have to come wouldn’t he, because he wouldn’t let Shawn come here on his own.”  Damien sounded peeved.

Wondering what Damien’s problem with Kane was, Scott said, “of course he would come.  One, he is Alpha of Cloverleah as well as Shawn’s mate.  Two, he would come because I asked and three, he would be helpful as support for you.  Why have you got a problem with him being here?  Are you still holding a torch for Shawn or something?”  Scott’s voice got a little terse as he said the last bit and Damien was quick to pick up on it.  Damien might be dense about most things connected to a relationship, but he understood jealousy when he heard it.

“No my mate,” Damien soothed, “I don’t have any lingering thoughts about Shawn in that way.  You
’re mine and I am perfectly happy with you. I definitely don’t want anyone else.”

“So what’s your problem with Kane
, or any of the Cloverleah pack members, for that matter?”

Damien thumped his head on the headboard behind him.  Then he grabbed hold of Scott and pushed him down on the bed, kissing him harshly.  Scott rebelled for all of two seconds
, and then fisting his hands into Damien’s long dark hair, he gave as good as he got.  The clash of lips, teeth and tongues had both men panting in minutes, and when Damien finally pulled his mouth from Scott’s, the pain in his eyes shocked Scott with its intensity.

“I don’t want them taking you away from me,” Damien said quietly, his voice rough.

All of a sudden Scott understood.  His mate, the almighty strong Alpha, feared throughout most of the States, was scared of losing him.  Scott’s heart ached at the words even as he sought to pacify his lover.

’re not going to take me away from you.  I’m not ever leaving you,” he said, stroking Damien’s hair and tracing over the man’s face with his fingertips. The man still looked unsure. 

“You have no idea what I feel for you, do you mate?” Scott said quietly.  A look of confusion flashed across Damien’s face and Scott shook his head.  There was no way he was going to tell Damien that he loved him.  It was too soon, the man was clearly not ready to hear it
, and Scott still had to contend with the fact that Damien would probably never allow himself to love him back.

So instead of saying the words that hovered on the end of his tongue, Scott said instead, “They can’t take me away from you.  You will just have to trust me on that.  But they can help us
, and Damien, as much as I know what a really good Alpha you are, we need that help.  This problem with the abducted children is just too big, and needs to be handled with specialized skills that we just don’t have.”

Scott could tell that Damien was thinking
hard as the big man ran his eyes over Scott’s face.  Was he wondering if Scott and the Cloverleah pack could be trusted?  Was he wondering just what Scott did feel about their mating?  Scott had no way of knowing without probing their mind link, and with the intense way Damien was looking at him, Damien would feel the intrusion right away.  But Damien seemed to come to a decision because he asked, “Can you phone them?  Can you phone Shawn and explain what is going on, and see if they can get here today?”

Leaning over to give Damien a chaste little kiss, Scott said, “Yes Alpha.”

Taking a deep breath, Damien went to get out of bed.  As he hunted around for his jeans he said, “Once you have let me know when they are arriving I will get everything else organized.  I can arrange for the women and children to come here in family groups so you can talk to them.  I can work with Shawn and the others to track down where these children might have come from, and Dean could spend time talking to the rescued kids to see if he can find out any details on how they were taken and anything we can learn about their home packs.  In the meantime, I had better go and survey the damage from the fires and see if there have been any updates on tracking down Jacob.”

Scott nodded
, although he was saddened that their intimate times together all seemed too short.  He honestly didn’t know how he was going to be able to cope with being mated to a man who had so much responsibility.  While he was proud that Damien was such a strong leader, the man’s need to be hands on about everything would keep the two men apart for long periods of every day, and Scott’s heart ached at the thought of not being enough…at anything that could be helpful for Damien.

Putting the negative thoughts behind him with a determined swat
, Scott swung his legs off the bed and sat, looking for his clothes.  Damien came up to him and lifted him to his feet, draping Scott’s naked body against his own fully clothed one.  Scott looked up at Damien in surprise, especially when he saw the look of worry on the man’s face.   But for the moment Damien didn’t seem to want to say anything, although his arms were tight around Scott’s back and he held the man close.

“What is it Damien?”

“When you’ve made your call, can you come and find me?”  Damien asked.

“Sure,” Scott said, “Did you need me to do something?”

Taking a long deep breath, Damien buried his face in Scott’s neck, inhaling Scott’s scent.  Scott held Damien loosely around the man’s neck, softly massaging his nape and letting Damien just get himself together.  They stood quietly for a few minutes and then Damien straightened himself and looked Scott in the eyes.

“I need you with me today,” he said
in the deep soft voice that seemed reserved for Scott alone.  “I have let the pack down, big time, and I need your strength.  I know I should deal with all of this shit on my own, but I need you right now.  Is that too much to ask of a mate?”  Damien asked as if he genuinely didn’t know the answer.

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