When Saint Goes Marching In (49 page)

BOOK: When Saint Goes Marching In
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laughed and nodded in understanding. “How’d your interview go with Jazz? She was so excited about it.”
“It went great. She seems very nice,” Saint answered, still unnerved by Xenia’s previous blocking ability and not knowing her whereabouts. He sighed heavily. “Don’t do that anymore, please.”
opened her eyes. “You’re really mad about this, aren’t you?” She searched his face. “Saint, just because you can use your abilities to see what your wife is doing doesn’t mean you should. I should have the same privacy any other woman would have. I just happen to be married to a psychic. It’s not fair for you to think you can just do that any time you wish and I know you broke through; I felt it as soon as it happened. Now I see you don’t even have to touch my heart anymore to find out anything. It’s disconcerting.”
“I was worried about you, is all, Xenia. I just got you back, damn. You’ve told me you were taking care of some things regarding your mother and the kids, and I accept that but don’t you see how much I missed you, needed you? Can’t you understand that?” Saint kissed her forehead.
“I’m sorry. You’re right. At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing but I didn’t look at it from your point of view. In my mind we were back together so I didn’t think you’d be concerned but now I see that if the roles were reversed, I’d be mad, too.”
“You were right though.” Saint stood up and paced the bathroom floor. “I’ve really got no right to be angry about you evading me. I’ve been keeping my own share of secrets.”
“Like what?” Xenia asked curiously.
Saint sighed. “My abilities go beyond the dreams, reading hearts and minds, Xenia. I can do things, strange things, and I really don’t even want to tell you. They’ll freak you out; they still freak me out sometimes, actually.”
touched his hand. “Then don’t,” she smiled. She hesitated, looked out the window then back at Saint. “I know about the levitation, by the way. I saw something the night we got back together. It freaked me the hell out, just like you thought it would.” She bit her lip. “I got up and got dressed to leave. I looked back to blow you a kiss and you were off the bed, at least two feet. I just stood there staring at you with my mouth open and then I ran. I got to the bottom of the steps and caught my breath, gained my composure, and then remembered reading about it. I spent a little time trying to educate myself on…your gifts. I found out a lot, probably more than I ever wanted to, but now I know what our sons, especially Hassani, is going to be dealing with.”
Saint shook his head. “I know. I’m still learning though – this is still fairly new to me, and I keep finding out new things, strange things, every time I turn around.”
“That is a part of you that I don’t even think about anymore until conversations like this come up. I’ve suspected this for a while, and I guess ignorance is bliss in this case because I prefer things just how they are. I’m not stupid though, baby. I know some stuff has been going on. I can feel you. When your adrenaline is high – I feel it. I felt it when you were chasing that maniac. I knew you had done something to him but I wasn’t sure what and as far as us,” she pointed to her chest and back at him, “This is a don’t ask, don’t tell subject in our marriage. This is one time, Saint, I’d like to stay in denial.” She looked down into the water briefly then back up at him. “I know you’re learning as you go but if I could barely handle the heart reading or seeing you up in the air asleep, quite peacefully I might add,” she laughed, “then I doubt I could take anything more, so, as long as it, whatever
is, doesn’t harm you, me or our children, just keep it to yourself. Now, if you’re hell-bent on telling me and need someone to talk to, then of course I’ll listen, but…”
“I’m glad,” Saint laughed. “Never mind. This conversation, you sharing your feelings with me about it is perfectly fine. I don’t want to tell you, so there is no need for us to go on about it, but if you ever change your mind, then I will. Right now, today though, I think maybe the less you know about it, the better but I knew I had to come clean, at least offer you the truth if I expected the same in return.”
There was a brief silence. Saint shoved his hands in his pockets and resumed his pacing.
“Why don’t you get in this tub with me?” Xenia smiled up at him with a naughty grin.
Saint grinned widely. “What about the kids?” he nodded towards the bathroom door. “Hassani will be suspicious if I take too long.”
smiled “Hand me the phone. My mother is over my cousin’s house right now, and she only lives ten minutes away.”
“OK, hold on.” Saint stood, grabbed their cordless phone, handed it to Xenia then walked out of the bedroom and down to Hassani’s room.
“Your grandmother is on her way to visit in a sec. Your mother and I are going to talk for a minute so…”
“No, you’re not! You’re going to
it, just like before!” Hassani laughed. “Mommy and Daddy are back together! Yeah!” he pointed his finger at Saint.
Saint burst out laughing. “OK, well, afterward we’ll go out to eat for dinner, wherever you want, OK?”
“Chuck E. Cheese!” Dakarai screamed as he held one of Hassani’s most favorite toy cars.
“Yeah, Chuck E. Cheese!” Hassani agreed. “Where a kid can be a kid!” he chanted, reciting the commercial.
Saint rolled his eyes and winced. “OK, Chuck E. Cheese it is. I see Dakarai has the hummer,” Saint smiled.
Hassani looked up at his father, “Yeah, he promised not to break it. It’s only a toy, Daddy. One day I’ll have the real thing.”
Saint laughed, kissed his sons on their cheeks. He heard the doorbell and raced down the steps to find Pam standing there with her hand on her hip and a scowl. She brushed past Saint.
“You and Xenia need to get a live-in-nanny.”
“I know. She wouldn’t let me before, but I do think we need someone here in the afternoons, at least a few times a week.” Saint tried to keep a straight face as he looked at her bright red pants, hiked up right to under her breasts.
Pam burst out laughing. “Whew, I’m so glad y’all are back together.” She leaned in close and hugged him. “Saint, why can’t you leave my daughter alone though?”
He stared at her, confused.
She broke into fits of laughter again. “I know why I’m really here. You must think I’m dumb as hell. You two need to enter the Guinness World Records or go to sex-a-holics or somethin’!” She waved her hand as she looked around the foyer. “Always climbin’ all ova each otha.” She looked him up and down. “I can’t say I blame her though, but she was never this way until you came on the scene.”
“Huh?” Saint feigned ignorance.
“Shut up lyin’, Saint. You done pulled some Hickory Saint Dickory dock; I emphasize
, on my child. You got that look in ya eye, and Xenia was studderin’ on the phone when I asked why she needed me over here so quickly. Now, give me the kids and I’ll bring them back in one hour. You got sixty minutes to get this out of your system. Y’all so damn nasty.” She cackled as she made her way up the steps to retrieve her grandsons.
Saint laughed and walked quickly behind her. After she’d left with the boys, he
rushed to the bedroom and locked the door behind him. He tore off his clothing as he made his way back into the bathroom.
“You busted in here like room raiders,” she grinned. “Saint, you’d think you hadn’t had none in a while. You’re a mess.”
“We only got an hour. Scoot up, baby,” he asked. She leaned forward and he jumped in the bathtub. The water sloshed about until he got settled in. Xenia leaned back against him, her head on his warm chest. Saint reached down and removed the green towel from her hair, let it slide on the floor, and her damp, curly twists sprang forward. He sniffed her hair, enjoying the strong coconut aroma from her conditioner.
Saint reached around her waist and down to her pelvis, his fingers dipping slowly into the sudsy water as he lightly trailed down to her pussy. He gently opened up her flower, massaged her with his fingertips as the tub jets sputtered warm water from all directions.
With his other hand he gripped her left breast, massaged it, while Xenia sighed and whimpered, scooted her ass back into him as she slowly humped his fingers. Her clit swelled under his ministrations.
Saint lifted her slightly and lowered her onto his hard, thick shaft.
It felt so good that he had to hold her still for a few moments for fear he’d end it too soon. Soon he guided her into an even rhythm as he thrust into her, while still stroking her with one hand.
“Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah…” Saint’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as the jets streamed onto him with each lunge.
leaned back and placed her hands on his thighs. As Saint pushed up, she pushed downward, creating a plopping, smacking sound as the water moved between their hungry bodies.
“Oh God, that feels so good,” Xenia moaned as Saint started to move faster.
Saint hunched down, reaching around her as he pressed the side of his face against her back and fondled her clit as he went in and out of her.
The water sloshed around them, louder and louder. “Uh!” Saint bucked against her back, squeezing her tightly to him in a romantic embrace. He listened closely to her breathing and knew she was close when it accelerated.
 “I want you to cum all over my dick, baby.” Saint encouraged. “Make it rain, Queen.”
gripped the side of the bathtub and moaned. He increased his pace, strummed her clit like a violin.
“Shit!” Xenia screamed as she came harshly against him, her body vibrating and twitching.
His cock was rock-hard. The way she abandoned herself during an orgasm was too much to bear.
He needed to cum inside her.
He leaned back in the water, going partly under, and thrust deeply upward. His thighs squeezed her soft ass cheeks.
“Damn, baby.” Saint gripped her tighter; his fingers dug deeply into the fleshy roundness of her ass and hips.
“Fuck that pussy, baby!”
threw her head back as her body responded to the quicker pace.
“Squirt in that wet, tight pussy, Papi!” she begged. Xenia smiled, narrowing her eyes and licking her bottom lip as she watched his eyes fly open right before the pending expulsion.
“You want it, baby?” he cried out as he was just short of the finish line. “You want my hot nut in your sweet pussy, baby?”
“Yesss!” Xenia hissed.
“You’re cummin’ again, baby. I can feel it.”
“Yes!” Xenia screamed.
Saint quickly let go of her and reached back around to her clit and rubbed on it in circular motions.
“Come with me now!” he ordered, and came inside her while she fell apart in his arms
“Shit…cum for me again, baby.” He yelled as he continued to thrust in and out of her. Xenia grabbed the bathtub again, closed her eyes and rained down.
BOOK: When Saint Goes Marching In
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