When the Stars Fade (The Gray Wars) (72 page)

BOOK: When the Stars Fade (The Gray Wars)
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Gilroy scoffed
All these blue-blooded pricks dressing up to impress each other, then handing out awards like the
ve earned any of them. Always turns my stomach

“Then why attend such a function

“As if I have a choice
He looked down at the alien, eyes glazed
When you put on this many stars, you have to learn to play the game. It becomes as much politics as knowing how to fight a war. And the
re not even letting me do that. I should be back in Africa dragging that arrogant fuck Von Braun behind my truck
He caught a passing flute of champagne and threw it back. The glass was back on the waite
s tray a second later.

s lips tightened into a thin smile
And how does one balance fighting a war with playing a game

“Not well
Gilroy turned as a young woman approached with a new tumbler of scotch. He nodded in appreciation, already bringing the drink to his mouth
Nowadays i
s the generals and rear admirals running most of the show. Takes the fun out of getting promoted, if you ask me

Anduin did
t answer. He had found a more interesting subject across the room. Jerry and Arthur, lacking their boss, entered the gallery. Gilroy continued his tirade, but the alien paid no attention. He worked through the evenin
s schedule in his mind, preparing for what would be the most important speech he would ever deliver. His race had never taken an affection to oration like the humans, but Anduin studied the art. Like all things in his life, he focused his attention on what was important until he had it perfected. Now it was time to test his mettle.


IV                            -


              Zev found it hard to stand still. Everything about his situation made him extremely uncomfortable. They stood inside a large tent, centered between the Boxti fortress and the siege line. Captain Grahams stood at parade rest, his hands clasped tight behind his back. To his right was General of the Armies Casey, acting strategic commander for New Eden. Seated at the table in the center of the room, her hair just right, sat Ambassador Maria Gutierrez. The rest of their contingent, armed security details, guarded the entrance and hovered in the shadows.

Then there was the other side. Zev knew somewhere in his mind that this was an historic occasion; the first real contact with the Boxti. But all he could feel was fear. Aside from the four-armed giant lumbering in the center of the group, the entire squad seemed comprised of abominations from the darkest nightmares of a horror writer. Two of the creatures, armed with thorn-covered clubs, resembled skinned wolves walking upright. Long, greasy spines covered their backs, trailing down to their legs. Near the door were the heavy muscle, three-eyed ogres with bifurcated jaws and thin sharp teeth. Standing directly behind their leader, and acting as skittish as Zev felt, was an urchin-like being with a furry one-eyed face extending from a veined stalk. It shifted from side to side on its many legs, chittering to itself.

Then there was the smell. Something underneath the layers of sweat and dirt, beyond the reek of gasoline and fire and death that permeated the air. A putrid penetrating aroma drifted out from the alien commander. Zev found it hard to place, but figured it was in the same family as ammonia. He fought to keep his eyes from watering.

“Can we begin
Maria asked. The soldier had to admit, the politician had stones. She had hardly blinked when the monstrous creatures entered the parlay tent. It had been their request that led to the meeting, but tensions were high nonetheless.

The four-armed creature spoke, its voice a rough baritone. The urchin creature clicked in response and walked to the side of the table, near Mari
s young aide. It raised a long thin arm and wrapped it around the bo
s neck. He seized up, gripping at the appendage. Immediately the soldiers drew their weapons and shouted.

Zev pulled his pistol and pointed it at the alien leader
Let him go

“Do you wish to speak or not
the aide said in a low whisper
I do not know your language, and this process could be very lengthy
The alien whistled and its eye dropped down into the furry body
I promise, the boy will not be harmed by this process

All eyes turned to the Ambassador as the weapons stayed trained on the arrayed host of beasts. No one moved. Zev concentrated on his breathing, trying to keep his pistol steady as his heart pounded in his ribcage. Sweat poured down his face and into his eyes, stinging and burning. Across from him, a lizard-faced alien shifted uneasily. Its golden eyes darted between Zev and the other humans, while its three-fingered hands flexed around a stubby machine pistol. For a moment, Zev shared a look with the creature and felt a strange connection.
We both do
t want to be here.

The sergeant felt a hand on his shoulder. Captain Grahams motioned for the soldiers to back off
the captain said
s all just calm down
He eased his finger off the trigger, raising his pistol toward the ceiling
You asked us here to talk. So talk

“Call me Shix
the aide said
I am translator and navigator for the esteemed Warlord Eruk djun Tolan
At this, the four-armed creature stood and grunted. Its plated skin crackled with each movement
Our leader does not learn new languages, so it is up to me to communicate with you. Please lower your weapons and we can begin

The humans safetied their rifles and backed down, though not without a good amount of posturing and sneering. Maria put a hand over her chest to slow the pounding of her heart, casting a wary eye toward her repurposed assistant. Eruk, the Boxti Warlord, crossed both sets of arms in a familiar fashion, but his face revealed nothing.

Maria said
What are your demands

The aide laughed, the sound so sudden and out of place that half the room jumped
I want nothing more than a warm pond and an endless supply of drachni. I want to see my sun-spawn, to know the name of my youngest. I want that my sky had never seen the shadow of the Boxti. But that is not what you meant. You ask what Eruk djun Tolan would demand of you, or rather, what our Lord King commands. I will allow him to speak, but understand that this is considered a great honor for an unknown species. Please, for your own sake, do not interrupt

Eruk straightened, towering over the humans with his head just inches from the roof of the tent. His face was unreadable, a mask of muscle and bone spurs. To Zev it was the most alien face he had ever seen, despite vague humanoid characteristics. The room went silent as the Warlord began to speak in the Cthanul language, a sound like axes chopping at trees. Shix translated after every few sentences.

“By right of the Ruall, and in accordance with the wishes of our great Lord King, I begin this ritual. I am Eruk djun Tolan, Vanguard of the Tralank Vol, Warlord of the Boxti and honored disciple of His will. I am the right hand of the Horde, ordained by the Cleric Fulk to speak with the voice of the Druuma and carry out the commands of the Sovereign
He stopped suddenly, looking down at Maria with interest.

Taking her cue, Maria stood and spoke. Shix translated back into the alien dialect
My name is Maria Gutierrez, Ambassador and keeper of the planet New Eden. I am chair to the Council of Eros, and I speak with the voice of the Human race. I demand to know what brought you to our skies and by what right you seek a war

Eruk absorbed the information, seething at the woma
s words. Spines bristled along his muscular back
The human race chose to accelerate its advancement into the Boxti horde. You had not been contacted by an Acolyte, nor even selected for observation. There is little your species has to offer the Great Conquest, other than planets to use as garrison. But in its infinite wisdom, the Lord King has decided to offer a chance to settle the dispute with little more bloodshed

The humans visibly relaxed at hearing this. Maria smiled and sat back down in her chair
I am more than willing to hear your terms, Eruk djun Tolan. Please, tell me how we can bring this conflict to a peaceful resolution

Shix seemed to deflate, shrinking even further into his furry body
You are given the same choice as thousands of civilizations before you. The recent fighting has proven your warriors worthy of honor. It is therefore offered that you accept conversion to the great conquest, allowing your warriors the right of the thrall, and joining the horde as an Initiate race. In time, if you prove your devotion to the Lord King, you will be afforded the chance to submit candidates to the Clerics to become Ruall


m sorry
Maria said
I do
t understand

The aide spoke, and by the shaking timber of his voice Zev could tell that Shix was speaking freely
It is the Ultimatum, the command given over to every civilization that has come before, and all that will come after. Join the Boxti, or face complete destruction


*              *              *              *              *


              Sparks flew as metal hit metal. Josh dodged an overhand strike, narrowly avoiding the thin blade aimed at his shoulder. He countered with a low swing and tagged his opponen
s leg. A buzzer sounded as the contact armor activated and Pierre fell to the ground clutching his shin. The assembled crowd roared and cheered. Another foe bested.

They had all questioned the training. Swords did not belong on a modern battlefield. Most warfare took place in the skies over the planet, and ground forces relied on tried and true gun-and-run fighting. Sasha, a veteran of the Martian mines, had persisted and slowly they were all coming around. The swords were light and fast, folded carbonite with a titanium alloy and diamond whiskers. A nearly indestructible weapon, the katanas were now seen as extensions of their fighting tactics. Rifles jam. Ammunition is finite. But in close combat, nothing compared to a trained soldier with a powerful blade.

Josh was the savant of the group, knocking down the competition as quickly as it came up. Sasha often told them that it was a talent he could enforce but not give over and it had proven true. Alexa was fast and capable, but lacked the confidence to overtake her enemy. Fares had agility, but no power. Even Dax struggled, trying too often to muscle past his partner instead of using the techniques they had been taught. All of the Archangels had made definite progress.

“The match goes to the lieutenant
Sasha said
s it for today. You all need to keep practicing, work through the katas and find your centers of balance. I promise you, this will save your life one day

Cho groaned. He was the holdout of the group
m still not getting it, sergeant

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