When the Walls Fell (31 page)

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Authors: Monique Martin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: When the Walls Fell
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“Don’t know where you got those clothes, but they’re the last taste of freedom you’ll ever have.”

Another man gripped her arm painfully and she felt the cold of the iron manacles as they clamped tightly around her wrists and the watch was ripped from her hand.

“No,” she mumbled. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be. “I can’t go back.”

The guards spun her around and led her away from the gate. Led her back to the hospital. Back to Bedlam.

* Thank you for reading
When the Walls Fell
. Look for another book in the
Out of Time
series soon!*





About the Author

Monique was born in Houston, Texas, but her family soon moved to Southern California. She grew up on both coasts, living in Connecticut and California. She currently resides in Southern California with her naughty Siamese cat, Monkey.

Monique attended the University of Southern California's Film School where she earned a BFA from the Filmic Writing department.  Monique worked in television for several years before joining the family business. She now works full-time as a freelance writer and novelist. Her novels Out of Time and When the Walls Fell are the first two books in the Out of Time series.


s currently working on an adaptation of one of her screenplays, her father

s memoirs about his time in the Air Force's Air Rescue Service and the third book in the
Out of Time

For news and information about Monique and upcoming releases, please visit:



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