When To Let Go (8 page)

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Authors: J.M. Sevilla

BOOK: When To Let Go
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Wes rolled his eyes, “I know.”

“You come to your mom and me about it too,” he added, changing to a softer tone, the two starting one last round. “We'll be there for you.”

“Okay, Dad.” He tried to think of another subject. Sex talk with parents was about as comfortable as an Arizona record-high heat wave.

Noah stopped his movements, causing Wes to do the same, both their hands on their hips, chests heaving from excursion, “That being said, Ava deserves a gentleman, not a horny-fucking teenager.”

“Jesus, Dad!” Wesley's eyes darted around, making sure no one had heard his dad's embarrassing declaration.

He shrugged unapologetically, “Just making it clear. I was young and stupid once. I got lucky, but a lot of kids don't.”

After a few minutes of silence Wes asked his dad about something that had been bugging him since school started, “You ever get jealous?”

“Of what?”

“Other guys checking out Mom?”

His dad stopped dead in his tracks, his menacing sneer taking form, “

Well, that answered his question.

“I'm just trying to figure out how to handle it without losing my shit,” Wes explained.

His dad scratched his ever-present scruff, “Hm, I'm not sure that feeling ever goes away.”

“Perfect,” Wes grumbled. How was he going to survive the next two years of high school if he had to watch guys leer at his girl all the time?

“But that's why I keep a punching bag in the garage,” Noah admitted to his son, recognizing the look in his eyes, having gone through the same turmoil with his wife. “Or I come here.”

Wesley hoped that's all it took. Just thinking about how the guys at school checked out Ava had his blood pressure rising. He didn't want any of them thinking for even a second that they could have a taste of what was his. He got so worked up thinking about it he found himself driving to her house on his way home.


Ava tried concentrating on her homework, but all she could think about was earlier on the hammock: Wes's lips, his hands, even the way his breath felt on her skin.

A hard rap on the door had everyone in the living room staring at it, not used to visitors at this time of night. Naomi (who Ava called Mum) got up, questioningly looking at Stevie (who she called Mom) and Ava. They both shrugged, not having a clue who it could be.

Her mum peeked through the peephole, frowning and darting a glance at Ava before unlocking the door and pulling it open.

“Wesley, it's ten o'clock at night,” she accused, not happy with the unexpected visitor. “What are you doing here? Is everyone alright?”

Wes ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it, giving her an apologetic smile, “I forgot something in Ava's room earlier. Mind if I go get it?”

Naomi widened the door to let him pass through.

He radiated his most infamous smile at Ava, the one that made her insides turn to jelly, motioning with a nod of his head in the direction of the hall leading to the bedrooms.

Ava mumbled out a quick, “I'll go help him.”

She kept her eyes to the ground as she followed behind him, wondering what he was up to and hoping her parents didn't catch on that they were never in her room that day.

The minute the couple made it through Ava's bedroom door she found herself pinned to the wall.

Right before Wesley brought his lips to hers, their eyes briefly met. What she saw stopped her breath right in her throat. It was a look she had never seen before, sending tingles along her skin both in fear and desire. Then his lips met hers with a hunger that nearly overwhelmed her, yet it didn't stop her from letting it take over her entire body, wild and uncontrolled, kissing one another like they never had before, as though they were starved for each other even though it had only been five hours since they were last together.

Wes's hands dug into the material of her dress at the hips while hers clung to his hair, pulling at it, not knowing how to handle the fire building inside of her.

He pressed himself further against her, as though the wall had the capability to mold around them, a desire forming so strong that neither one of them knew how to properly handle it.

“You find what you were looking for?” Ava's mum called from down the hall.

“Just did,” Wes called back, breaking their lips apart.

“What'd you forget?” Ava asked breathlessly.

Wes pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. Lifting it up with a wicked grin, he answered, “This.”

He grabbed her by the back of the neck and roughly smashed their lips together. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against hers for a few more seconds, both eyes closed, before his lips lightly brushed against hers one last time. Then he was gone, leaving her alone. She listened to him thanking her parents as he exited the house.

Ava put her fingers to her lips, closing her eyes once again and hoping this new incredible sensation running through her would never go away.

She thought he had all of her before, but in that moment he had taken whatever scattered pieces were left. That was the moment she knew she was madly in love with Wesley Baxter.

Chapter 14

Violet walked right into Parker's tiny apartment without knocking.

Parker was leaning into the fridge, popping his head up when he heard the noise.

“Hey,” he casually greeted, he and Violet having the kind of friendship where she could show up unexpected. “I'm about to make dinner. You want some?” He asked, grabbing a second beer before shutting the fridge.

“Sure.” She hopped onto a bar stool.

Parker handed her a beer after popping the cap off with the edge of the counter.

They clinked their bottles together before taking a swig.

“Got any plans tonight?” She asked, knowing it was Saturday and he would most likely be going out with his roommate to The Recovery Room, a popular local bar.

“Aw, did somebody miss seeing me this week?” He gave her his cocky smirk as he gathered ingredients together.

Yes. “No.”


She wanted to smack the smirk right off the side of his mouth.

“I bet you missed these the most,” he said, flexing his arms and kissing each bicep.

She wished she had something to throw at him for being such a dork, “Did you seriously just do that?”

He chuckled, going back to chopping vegetables for a stir fry. It was one of the only things he knew how to cook, but also delicious so Violet didn’t give him shit for it.

“I was thinking of getting some more piercings?” Parker informed her.

“Yeah? Where?” He already had a few trailing his ears, and she knew he had his nipples pierced as well.

“Maybe my eyebrow and lip to start.”

“Mm, that would look hot.” The words slipped out and she tried to remain cool and hide her embarrassment. “Anything else?” She quickly added before he could make some smug remark.

She was thankful he let the comment go, but he had obviously liked her response from the huge smile that spread across his face. She hated that smile the most because every part of her body responded to it.

“Tongue ring, of course. Maybe an apadravya.”

“What's that?”

Back came the cocky smirk, “Google it.”

She grimaced, “Oh god, it's going to be a penis piercing or something, isn't it?”

His mischievous smirk told her everything she needed to know and she made a face, “Won't that hurt?”

“A buddy of mine said it's the most painful thing I'll ever experience.”

“Why would you do it then?”

Before he could respond, the sound of a door opening caught Violet's attention.

She glanced down the short hallway to find a gorgeous redhead buttoning up a shirt that Violet recognized as Parker's and nothing else. Violet quickly looked away, the knot that always formed when she came across one of his many daily women tightening with every second. Thankfully it had been a while; normally they were gone by the time she came over.

“That smells amazing,” the redhead purred, coming up behind Parker and wrapping her arms around his waist. She began nibbling on his ear.

Violet diverted her eyes, examining the super cheesy fridge magnets the two roommates collected. She didn't understand this side of him.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Parker unwrap the redhead's arms, “I thought I told you it was time to go?”

The woman gave a brief frown before pursing out her lips in what Violet assumed was supposed to be sexual, “Thought maybe you'd want to find out how deep I can swallow.”

Violet rolled her eyes. How desperate were you that you'd talk like that to some guy you've probably only known for an hour or two?

Parker remained straightforward and detached, “I've got company.”

The woman glanced over, noting Violet for the first time.

Violet didn't smile or offer a greeting. She wanted her to feel unwanted and leave.

The woman slowly scanned what she could see of Violet, wiping the side of her mouth, “I hope you don't mind seconds.”

“It would be more like hundredths,” she scoffed, irritated equally at both bodies before her, “and I won't go anywhere near his dick as long as he has that rash.”

The woman’s eyes bugged out, darting to Parker's crotch.

Parker shook his head in amusement, trying to conceal a laugh.

“Is it still itchy?” Violet innocently asked him.

Parker scratched the side of this balls over the fabric of his pants, “A bit.”

“Omigod!” The woman screeched, her hand covering her mouth. “I can't believe you fucked me,
, and didn't say anything.”

Parker shrugged, “Sorry, slipped my mind.”

“Maybe you shouldn't go home with guys you just met,” Violet berated, not able to help herself.

Parker pointed a finger at Violet, nodding his head in agreement, “She makes a good point.”

“Omigod!” The redhead screeched again, “I better not have caught anything, you bastard!”

She stormed off into Parker's room, emerging seconds later with her belongings and hurrying out, yelling about him being a jerk, prick, and some other choice words.

Parker and Violet broke out in laughter.

“You're awesome, Vi. I need
to be my roommate so I don't have to deal with them not understanding what a quick fuck means. You'd be like my after-wingman, the one that gets them to leave.”

“Or you could just stop fucking everything with a vagina,” her sarcasm oozed out, laced in disdain and disgust. “What number was she for the day?”

He held up two fingers without looking her way, stirring the pan, “But the first was still leftover from last night.”

“You have a problem.”


At least he didn't try to defend himself.

Parker dished the pan onto two plates, handing one to Violet. They ate in silence for a few minutes. Violet was the first to speak, “Think you could ever be with one person?”

He was quick to answer, food still in his mouth, “No.”

“Why not?” She honestly asked out of pure curiosity, ignoring the pinch of sadness to her heart.

He shrugged, shoveling in more food, “What's the point?”

Violet didn't have an answer, knowing he didn't believe in love. She decided to change the subject, “I got asked to homecoming.”

“Shit, is it that time of the year already? It seems like the school year just started.”

“Six weeks ago.”

“You going?” He asked nonchalantly, watching his fork scrape food off his plate.

“I think so,” she answered, contemplating how she really felt about it. “This is the first time I've ever been asked. I should at least go and see what they're like.”

“I'll take you…” Parker offered, like she had a flat tire and needed a ride.

She had a hard time not laughing at the idea, “You would seriously go to a high school dance?”

“For you I would. I think we'd have fun.”

They would. They always had fun together.

“The school probably wouldn't allow it.”

“Find out. Then you wouldn't have to worry about your date having to meet your dad.”

They both cringed, knowing that would be bad.

“Think he'd care if you took me?”

“You come over here all the time and he allows it, knowing it's just the two of us most of the time,” Parker reminded her, although they always left out their make out sessions. That was better left unsaid.

“Good point. You'd really go with me?”

“I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. Besides, I never went to any and I can finally see what all the fuss was about.”

They went back to eating and sharing about how their weeks went, both having been too busy to really see much of the other.

After they cleaned up they went to the couch to find something to watch. They sat as close as they could get. Violet slung a leg over his like she did every time, and he rested an arm on the cushion behind her, the other on her thigh. She wished she was wearing shorts so she could feel his fingertips when they absentmindedly danced around.

They didn't get far into the movie before the front door burst open and about a dozen people came barging through.

“Thought I'd start the partying early!” Parker’s roommate Peter shouted, holding up a bottle of vodka. The two knew they were destined to be roommates based on their names. It also helped that they were both partiers who loved random sex. “Who wants a shot?”

The newcomers all cheered, finding empty places to sit around the room. It consisted of mostly females, only about three other guys in the mix, which was just the way the two roommates liked it.

Violet went to move her leg and sit up, but Parker held it in place.

“How about you two lovebirds?” Peter called out, pouring shots of vodka in the kitchen.

Parker raised a brow at her and she nodded her head.

“Yeah, man. Can you bring us one?”

“Sure thing.”

Violet had met some of these people from previous house parties, but as usual most of them were new.

Peter came in with a tray full of shots and beer, handing everyone one of each.

“To Saturday-fucking-night!” Peter cheered, and they all took their shots.

Violet cringed from the taste, immediately gulping down half the beer. She didn't normally have anything because Parker usually got too parent-like on her, monitoring how much she had and who she talked to. She hated when he treated her like a kid, but tonight she wanted some for no good reason at all other than she could.

Parker moved her leg to get up, bringing her hand with his for her to rise with him, “We’re going to my room.”

The room erupted in woots and hollers.

Violet hated that her skin flushed.

“You going out tonight?” Peter asked, pulling a girl onto his lap.

“I'm hanging with Vi tonight.”

The group booed, the women shooting Violet daggers.

She was used to the women that came over instantly not liking her from the amount of attention Parker gave her.

Parker led them to his bedroom, never letting go of her hand, which was something she liked far too much.

“You don't have to leave. You can party with them,” she offered, even though she wanted to be alone with him.

He closed the bedroom door behind them, “I'd rather hang out with you. Want another shot?”

? “But no more after that. I have to be home by twelve.”

He came back with fresh beers and shots that they both promptly took.

Violet quickly felt buzzed.

Parker collapsed onto the bed, patting next to him.

She crossed her arms, “I'm not touching that bed.”

He looked embarrassed, which surprised her. Normally he laughed when she refused to touch his bed on anything but clean sheets.

“Hold on,” he went to his closet and reached up high, retrieving a blanket. He threw it over the bed to cover it.

They leaned against the headboard, shoulder to shoulder. Violet was tempted to lace her fingers with his but didn't want him getting weird about it. Kissing was okay. Signs of affection? Not so much.

“What should we do tonight?” She asked.

“Not sure. Any ideas?”

Her eyes automatically went to his mouth.

It quirked to the side and he shook his head, “I don't think we should do that anymore.”

Violet rolled her eyes. He'd been saying that at least once a month since their first kiss.

“I'm serious this time.”

Yeah, she'd heard that too.

“Your dad would kill me.”

Yup, next he'd say she was too young. That one always annoyed her, so she decided to speak up before she had to listen to it.

“But giving me alcohol won't bother him?” She teased, lifting up her beer and finishing it off.

“Yeah, I'm not exactly the best role model. I just know you can handle it; you've always been more mature for your age.”

Violet bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from making a sarcastic remark about being too young.

“I'd never let Maggie or my sister have any,” he continued. “They're too naïve, like your mom. You're more like your dad.”

“That's probably why you like kissing me,” she couldn’t help but harass him.

It was his turn to roll his eyes. He was used to her teasing him about having a crush on her dad, “That's not why I like kissing you.”

“Is it that you need to keep your mouth in shape for the hordes of women who pass through?” She liked to joke about it as a way to cover the jealousy. She wanted Parker all to herself, which was silly; he'd never belong to anyone.

“I don't kiss the others. It's strictly fucking or blowjobs,” he responded matter-of-factly, as though they were discussing business.

Violet went to make a witty comment but came up blank, “Never?”

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