Where Love Takes You (12 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Smith

BOOK: Where Love Takes You
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‘Fine,’ Katie told her honestly. ‘Of course, it would have been better if Pete had been there, but it wasn’t to be and I’m getting used to being without him.’ Faye gave her an old fashioned look which spoke volumes. ‘He wasn’t right for you, but I can understand how devastated you must have felt when he...’

‘Dumped me. I’m over it, Faye. It’s been almost two years now and it’s time I got my life back together again. Actually, I thought that’s what I was doing, but now it’s happening all over again.’

‘Jack? Shelley told me,’ she added, seeing Katie’s surprised glance.

Katie nodded. ‘Not that there was anything serious between Jack and myself, but I found him good company and we did go out now and again.’

‘And you’ve absolutely no idea where he’s gone?’

‘None. Your guess is as good as mine. Of course, he’s made off with all our stuff for the exhibition and our entire bank balance. I tell a lie, he’s left us enough to pay you a week’s rent.’

Faye whistled. ‘Well let’s hope he had a very good reason!’

Dylan Glover reappeared and set down a loaded plate in front of Katie, on which was a fluffy ham and cheese omelette, salad and buttered toast.

‘You’re spoiling me, but it looks good.’ She tucked in, her appetite suddenly restored.

Faye and Dylan were a thoroughly nice couple, who had been good friends to Katie during the eighteen months she had lived in Lyndhurst.

They fired questions at her now about her holiday in Yorkshire, visiting friends, obviously trying to take her mind off other matters for a few minutes.

‘Have you met this new lodger of Mrs Mason’s?’ Dylan asked.

‘Yes, he was at the workshop this morning and I was hoping you could tell me a bit about him.’

‘Can’t help you there, I’m afraid. He arrived shortly after you went away and he’s renting the flat from her on a temporary basis. Mrs Mason must trust him or she wouldn’t have left him in charge of the house.’

‘He’s rather dishy, isn’t he?’ Faye put in, watching closely for her friend’s reaction.

Katie concentrated on her omelette. ‘Is he? I haven’t noticed.’

Just as Katie was about to broach the subject of the rent, Faye, said, as if reading her thoughts, ‘Katie, you’re not to worry about the workshop rent for the time being. Now, there’s to be no arguments. It’s the least we can do in the circumstances. Wait until you’re solvent again and then we’ll set up a new contract.’

Relief was written all over Katie’s face. ‘I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve such good friends. Thank you! You’ve taken a load off my mind. I was wondering where to find the money to buy some more materials. Jack’s taken practically everything. Poor Shelley’s devastated.’

Faye looked sympathetic. ‘I’m not surprised. You’ve both worked so hard. Mrs Mason will be upset when she finds out what Jack’s done, too. She thought the world of him. So you say Lyall Travis was at the workshop this morning?’

‘And he seems to think he can fill Jack’s place. Apparently, he’s an aspiring artist

dabbles in ceramics.’ She told her friend of the offer he had made.

Faye’s eyes widened. ‘Then I’d go for it, if I were you. After all, you haven’t really got anything to lose, have you?’

‘But, I’ve only known the man for five minutes!’ Katie protested.

‘And exactly how long had you known Jack, before you took him on board?’

‘That was different, he’s Aunt Alice’s nephew,’ Katie said defensively.

‘By marriage,’ Faye pointed out. ‘Anyway, how exactly did that benefit you in the light of recent events?’

Katie coloured slightly. ‘I’m sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation for what’s happened. Jack’ll be back. It’s just a momentary blip.’

Faye sighed. ‘Come on, Katie, I know that’s what you’d like to believe, but, deep down, I think you know Jack’s gone for good. Dylan had a look round the bed-sit yesterday and it would seem he’s made off with a few items from there too, a kettle and such-like.’


* * *


Returning to lavender Cottage, Katie did what she ought to have done several hours back, picked up the phone and dialled the contact number on Alice Mason’s note. Shortly afterwards, feeling much happier, she went into the kitchen and put on the kettle for some tea.

Her old friend had managed to reassure her about Lyall Travis. Apparently, many years back, he and his family had stayed with Aunt Alice and her husband, who had a thriving bed and breakfast business in those days.

Lyall had always meant to look her up again and so, while visiting friends in Sevenoaks, had called in on the off chance that she still lived in Lyndhurst.

When he discovered that she had a flat to let, he decided to stay for a few months, as he was in between jobs and liked the area. There were still a lot of unanswered questions and Katie was not sure if she should put her faith in a man she had only just met, but what other option had she got?


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