Whimsy (8 page)

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Authors: Thayer King

BOOK: Whimsy
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, I…. Sorry.
Didn’t know you were

froze in shock. Her eyes flew open. They weren’t alone. A young man stood near
the windows, close to where
had stood when
she’d first entered the room.
gave a fierce growl and reluctantly relinquished
his hold on her nipples. Whimsy immediately fastened her gown.
tongue slid from her pussy but flattened on her
clit before leaving her altogether. She gasped and swiftly slid her legs from
his shoulders. Her face colored with embarrassment. She turned and righted her
seemed to have no qualms about showing his body.

timing could be better,” he muttered.

bit her lip. He was still terribly aroused. She wanted to wrap her hands around
his thick erection and plunge it into her body. The thought shocked her so much
that she moved away from him and sat down on one of the benches lining the
What was wrong with her? She
pressed a shaky hand to her face. She’d let him tongue fuck her. She’d ridden
his tongue like some hussy with no morals, with no idea of right and wrong. She
was shaming her family with her behavior. When she returned home, she would
have to admit to what she’d done.

“I didn’t
expect you to have company during the daylight hours.”

“Then you
had not heard. I released her last night, but
thought it more appropriate that we fulfill the tradition.”

watched as he slowly shrugged on his robe. She wanted to lick his taut stomach.
She wanted to kiss him as he had kissed her. She colored still more as she
realized that his mouth was still wet with her juices. As she watched, he
licked his full lips clean. The man had the sexiest mouth she’d ever seen. He
grinned when he caught her staring.

“Dark, I
would introduce you to Whimsy. Whimsy, this is Dark. He is here…under my

sensed that there was more to that story, but at the moment she had bigger
worries. She glanced over at Dark and wondered how much he’d seen. And where
had he come from? She hadn’t heard the door open. And at any rate, he was on
the other side of the room. He stepped forward out of the shadows and she could
barely contain a gasp.

locked eyes with the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. His jet-black curls
were glossy and perfectly coifed. His lashes were long and thick and the
perfect frame for his startlingly silver eyes. His features were perfect:
a straight nose, high cheekbones,
full sensual
mouth––and yet, he was not in the least feminine. His jaw was firm and
determined.  The man was the epitome of masculine beauty. He was not
as tall or as wide as
, but she sensed that
he had not finished growing yet. He appeared very young, perhaps no more than

Yet he
scared her in a way the
had not.  His
pale eyes were cold and emotionless. Reptile eyes, she thought, and
shivered. He inclined his head to her in greeting. She returned his nod
then looked away. It was difficult to hold his direct unblinking gaze.


, may I have a private word with you? It will only
take a moment. I don’t want to pull you away from your
pursuits for too long.”

“She is
not allowed to leave the chamber. We will speak in the hall.
may still be there.”

she heard Dark say with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

Once they
were gone, Whimsy took a deep breath. She stood and arranged the gown to be as
concealing as possible. She was tired. She needed time to think, but it didn’t
seem as though she were likely to get it. She’d gotten a brief reprieve with
the appearance of Dark, but she knew that
would soon be renewing his efforts to seduce her.
She didn’t know how long she could resist

The door
opened and
returned alone. He took off his
robe and threw it onto the nearest bench. “Dark says it was lovely to meet

colored. That was one meeting she’d rather not recall. She didn’t know if she’d
ever overcome the embarrassment. She looked up at
as he came to tower over her. “Was he real?”

compressed his lips.
He paused. “Do not forget you are here to fuck me and not a

She gasped.
“I’m not here to-to-to...”

me?” he supplied dryly.

anyone else!” she added, indignant. “I merely asked because he seemed too––“

“Handsome to be real?”
crossed his arms over his massive

frowned. “Yes, but that’s not what I was going to say. I was going to say that
he seemed too cold and emotionless.
Especially for someone
his age.”

shrugged. “It is the nature of his people.”

shivered. “He gives me the creeps.”

eyes flicked over her, amusement kindling in
their depths.
“He is harmless enough.”

suddenly realized that he’d been jealous over her. She couldn’t recall
ever doubting her devotion. Of course, he had no
reason to. No man would touch her knowing that she’d been betrothed to him
since the age of fourteen. “You were jealous,” she whispered, oddly hoping that
he would confirm her thoughts.

“I do not
share,” he said simply. “Best you keep that in mind.”

“Macho jerk.”
He moved closer until his cock
touched the front of her gown. She immediately retreated.

“A macho
jerk you want to fuck.” He ran the back of a finger down her cheek.
“Where were we before the interruption?” He
easily undid the clasp of her gown. “Oh, yes, you were riding my tongue.”

held the edges of the gown together over her breasts. “You said you’d let me go
after the kiss.”

“And I
did. Sooner than I wanted to, but I did.”


“Did you
think I meant that I would not try to hold you again? I only agreed to let you
go for that moment.”

you please give me some time?”

a low rumbling sound that vibrated in his chest.
“How much time?”

“A couple of days?”

again.” He glanced out the window.
light was beginning to wane.
will be served soon. You have until nightfall.”

not enough time.”

“Make it

worried her lower lip and turned from him. She didn’t know how many men
had with him. Their only hope was diplomacy. Their
people were not fighters. They weren’t built on the same scale as
or his guards. She could only pray they would
listen to reason and release her when
came for
her. She glanced out the window. And he had better come soon.



Chapter Eight


watched Whimsy pick over her dinner. He should
feel guilty for pressuring her. Damned if he did though. Her very resistance
brought out his dormant predatory nature. The more she fought the attraction
between them, the more he wanted her. And she was fighting it. He saw the way
she watched his lips and his hands as he ate. Her own hands were balled into
tight fists most of the time. He deliberately taunted her. After the servants
had brought in the meal, he had immediately stripped out of his robe despite
the fact that he usually ate clothed.

Her eyes
kept darting apprehensively towards the windows as it grew darker and darker
outside. Her breathing was coming in shallow pants. Her nipples were
The pheromones were doing their

servants knocked before entering to remove the table and the remains of their
reluctantly put his robe back on
before allowing them to enter. The drapes were drawn over the floor to ceiling
windows and candles were lit to give the room a romantic atmosphere. It was so
dark at this point that little could be seen.

stood so that they could remove her dining chair. She would not meet his gaze.
Once the last servant had left the room, he flung his robe aside. She
immediately backed away from him. “Whimsy,” he whispered, reaching for her and
pulling her body flush to his. She trembled.

, don’t do this to me.”

He pushed
her hair back from her beautiful face. Tears were filling her dark brown eyes.
One tear slid down her cheek. He traced it with his tongue. “Whimsy, you do not
know how desperately I need you.” He placed small kisses over her face before
settling his mouth over hers. She gave a murmur of distress before opening her
lips to him. Her fingers slid into his hair. Her moans filled his ears. He
lifted her and took her over to the bed. She did not seem to notice when he
removed her gown so intent was she on drinking from his mouth. He plunged his
tongue deep and she arched her hips wantonly off the mattress. He growled and
automatically thrust back despite the fact that he was not yet sheathed in her

He cupped
her firm breasts, holding them so that the hard nipples raked his chest.
“Part your legs,” he ordered. “Wrap them
around me,” he said once she complied. He slid his length between her lips so
that his cock rubbed against her straining clit. Then he thrust hard, riding
her so that she was crying out with each undulation of his hips. Her heat was
scalding him. He gritted his teeth. Once she neared orgasm, he stopped. He
dropped his head to her shoulder. “Tell me you want me, Whimsy. Ask me to fuck
your sweet pussy.”

Her nails
dug into his back and she pumped her hips against his erection
He gripped her hips so that
she could not move, could not tempt him to take her. He could not take her without
her permission. He needed her to ask for his cock.

She was
shaking her head. “I can’t. You’ll destroy me.”

He knew
his size was intimidating, but he had yet to encounter this type of fear. “I
would not hurt you.”

don’t understand. I

growled. Her eyes flew open and filled with those
damned tears again.
“Whimsy, you hurt
both of us with this refusal.”

She bit
her lip. “I know,” she whispered.

She was
shaking as he moved off her. He did not understand her. Why would she choose to
suffer? Perhaps if he had some blood left in his brain he could figure out the
puzzle that was Whimsy. He sat on the side of the bed, his head in his hands.
His cock stared angrily back at him, throbbing painfully enough to remind him
that he had not had pussy since last night. Whimsy’s presence only made the
ache more acute. He could smell her arousal between her legs and on himself.
The taste of her essence on his tongue was still fresh in his memory.

growled and Whimsy jumped. He stalked off to the sunken tub. At this time of
night the water was cool. He swam to the deepest part and completely submerged
himself. He stayed down for as long as he could before resurfacing. Whimsy
watched him from the bed. She had covered herself in the bedding. Her gown
remained in a tangle on the floor.
had no clothing other than the gown and it served as poor protection against
him. He had removed far too many of the gossamer-thin dresses.

He turned
away from her, splashing water over his chest and into his face.
He floated on his back once again cursing

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