Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)
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Thankfully, he could see the other riders in the distance. He kept Midnight at a canter until he came along side Nina on Thunder.

Surprise on her face, she replied, “I thought you were staying behind.”

Grant gave a warning glare to Clay who rode on her other side. “I changed my mind.” Now that Midnight was with Thunder, he slowed and Grant didn’t have to struggle with the reins. He relaxed and started to enjoy the ride. It was exhilarating feeling the power and strength of the beautiful stallion.

Two hours of riding and Grant’s backside ached. At least they would be stopping for lunch in a few minutes. Ahead he heard the roar of water before he saw the waterfall. As they left the forest and rode into the clearing, the sight of the cascading water caused him to catch his breath. It was the most picturesque scene he had ever had the opportunity to witness. He estimated it was a thirty-five foot drop to the bottom where the water pooled. The soothing rhythm of the water falling to the rocks below melted his anxieties away. A billow of orange wildflowers grew through the cracks of an outcrop of rocks. Bright, yellow goldfinch fluttered in the sunlight. It was as close to paradise as he’d ever come.

If only he were alone with Nina. All the fantasies of what he would do to her caused him to harden. He glanced her way and their eyes met for a long, silent stare. Hopefully, she was having the same thoughts.

They dismounted at the edge of the pool of water. “What a beautiful spot, Nina. You’re brochure described it perfectly.” Mel sat down on the rock above the pool and took off her riding boots and socks. She dipped her feet into the pool and closed her eyes basking in the cool water. Nina’s other guests joined her and they laughed and enjoyed the beauty of the secluded spot.

Grant helped Nina hobble the horses. She removed her saddlebags and carried them to the shade of the trees. His stomach growled when she placed bags of sandwiches and chips on the soft grass. “Did you bring enough for me?”

Nina’s smile caused his heart to beat faster. Again he wished he were alone with her. The soft grass would be the perfect place to make love.

She spread a thin blanket on the soft grass, then placed the food in the middle. “I always bring more than enough food.” She opened a bowl of fruit and peered into his eyes. “Why did you change your mind about coming? Could it be you are jealous?”

He couldn’t tell her the real reason he decided to tag along. What was he suppose to tell her? He saw Clay with a machinegun in the forest guarding a million dollar crop of marijuana. Tell her the man would have killed him if he discovered him hiding in the bushes taking pictures. He reached for a piece of apple and bit into the slice to give him time to think. He didn’t want to give her false hope but then he couldn’t be honest either. He drew in a deep sigh. “I just felt like spending some time with you doing something besides work.”

His words caused her to smile. Seemed she would take any tidbit of affection she could get from him. His thoughts were interrupted as Nina’s guests meandered to the shade of the trees, hunger calling them. Conversation bounced from person to person. Grant chose to listen instead of joining the various topics of the government, the economy, and the war. The war was a hot topic and he didn’t care to give his opinion.

Clay pulled Nina into the conversation. “What is your opinion, Nina? Do you think the President should bring our soldiers home?”

Eyes on him, she looked uncomfortable. “I haven’t had time to keep up with the facts. A person shouldn’t have a say if they don’t know the details.”

Clay smiled. “I guess it takes all your time to run the farm.”

“How about you, stable boy? How do you feel about the war?”

Obviously, Clay knew he was a Marine. Another reason he believed Collins sent him to spy. Why else would he leave the marijuana crop when it was so close to harvest? Grant stood and peered down at the man. “I don’t have an opinion.” To keep from punching Clay in the jaw, Grant made his way to the pool of water and sat on the rocks. Rage plagued him as he sat there letting the horrid memories of losing his men invade his good mood. No, not today. Today was going to be different. He focused on the sound of the waterfall and pushed the turmoil away. Immediately, his temper began to calm.

A shadow blocked out the sun. Grant lifted his eyes to Mel’s pretty face. She sat down beside him and placed her hand on his knee. “Let’s go swimming.”

Without an ounce of shyness, she pulled her shirt over her head and then her bra. Her breasts were small but pert. She unzipped her jeans and made a huge performance of wiggling them over her hips. Her heart shaped bottom was perfection. Black lacy panties were the last to go and then she dived into the water causing a small splash.

She swam a lap before coming back to him. “Come on in. The water feels splendid.”

Perhaps Collins sent the adorable Mel to tempt him. She was a hot little number. Still, she paled in comparison to Nina.

Hearing her laughter, Tim hurried to the pool of water, stripped off his clothes, and dived in the cool water. He tried to take Mel in his arms but she kicked him away. For some reason she had no intention of having sex with him. After several attempts to change her mind, he gave up and swam to the other side and crawled out on the outcrop of rocks basking in the sun.

A nude Mark and Callie joined the swimmers. It didn’t take them long to embrace in a passionate kiss. Bodies entwined, it was obvious they were having sex. Their grunts and jerks caused Grant to watch them with distaste. Sex should be a private affair. He could never indulge in something so intimate while others watched.

Grant jumped to his feet feeling the urge to talk to Nina. Still relaxing under the tree with Clay, Nina peered up at him when he hovered over them. “Would you like to go for a walk?”

She held out her hand and he pulled her to her feet. “Please excuse us, Clay.” Instead of saying anything, he gave a slight nod.

As they took the small trail into the forest hand in hand, Grant looked over his shoulder to see Clay’s angry glare fixed on him. Instincts told him the man was as dangerous as Collins.

Chapter Nine


Dappled sunshine filtered through the huge trees of the forest. Nina felt like giggling, she was so happy. It seemed like an eternity since she had enjoyed anything more than being alone with Grant in such a serene spot. His eyes took in everything. It was obvious after being in such a stark place like Iraq, the wonder of the forest had him enthralled. He seemed like he belonged in the middle of nature. At the moment she couldn’t imagine him with a gun in his hand fighting for his country. That part of his life seemed so far away.

Grant pulled her to his side and placed his finger to his mouth, “Shhh.” He pointed toward the clearing ahead.

Her heart melted when she saw the buck, doe, and their fawn nibbling on the rich grass. They looked fat and healthy, coats shining in the sun. What was even more pleasant was sharing such a precious moment with him. For several seconds they stood stock still, eyes glued on the three deer. The moment was broken when the buck looked up and snorted a warning sending his family bolting into the thick forest. His white tail high in the air was the last thing they saw as he disappeared into the seclusion of the trees taking the same path the other two deer had taken.

“Beautiful,” was all Grant said. But then nothing more needed to be said. It was enough just being there in the midst of the forest together.

Nina tucked her arm into his and leaned her head on his shoulder. Yearning for him to kiss her, she cupped her hand to his cheek and gazed into his chocolate eyes. He had not shaved and his beard was rough and scratchy. His head lowered and their lips met. She moaned as his kiss deepened, became demanding. He pressed his groin against her and she could feel his erection. His hand rubbed against her breast causing her nipple to pucker. He slipped his hand into her jeans and rubbed her soft curls.

Suddenly, he pulled his hand away from her crotch. “I’m sorry, we have to stop.”

Nina thought she would cry. “Why?” She reached out, ran her hand over the huge bulge pressed against his jeans causing him to suck in his breath. “We have plenty of time.”

Lips close to her ear, he whispered, “Your guests might stumble upon us.”

Perhaps he was right. Clay seemed very interested in her. He asked a hundred questions about her. He had even been bold enough to ask if she was involved with Grant. What if he did follow them? She didn’t care much for him seeing her in the throes of making love to Grant.

His lips curved. “How about we come back tomorrow and have a private swim.”

Her whole body quivered. Just the thought of making love with him while listening to the cascading water from the falls had her yearning from within. “Do you promise?”

He touched his lips to hers before gazing into her eyes. “I promise. We’ll get up early in the morning, do the chores, and have the rest of the day to hang out here.”

Nina thought how quick her life had changed. Before meeting Grant she would never have been so frivolous to spend the day lounging in the woods. She had to admit she loved having the time to enjoy herself.

By the time they returned to the natural pool, Mel and Callie were stretched out in the sun drying. Neither were the least bit shy because of their nudity. Not once in the six months she had been renting out the pool house and barn had her paying guests been so outlandish. Most were quiet and just wanted to enjoy the amenities of the pool, hike, fish, or camp. Her new boarders seemed like they would be more at home in a hotel where they would be waited on hand and foot. She didn’t care much for her present guests. At least they would only being staying three more days.


It hadn’t been easy to convince Nina to let him sleep in the house with her, but in the end Grant’s charm won her over. Worried that Clay might try to harm her, he wanted to stay close. He would be in a quandary when his uncle sent him back to the marijuana crop to spy on the growers. What if Clay or Collins tried something while he wasn’t there to protect Nina, Maria, and Juan? Because of the seclusion of the farm, no one would be around to help if something happened in his absence.

Lying on his back in Nina’s bed, he waited for her to get out of the shower. Outside at the pool he could hear loud music and laughter. He wondered just how long Nina’s guests planned to stay awake. He peeked out thirty minutes earlier to find them partaking of alcohol. By their sounds of merrymaking they were drunk. He had an uneasy feeling and would be glad when their stay was over.

The door to the bathroom opened and Nina stepped into the room. His eyes started at her feet and moved up her long, bare legs. For seconds his gaze remained on the soft, gold curls at the apex of her thighs. God, she was exquisite. He took his time as his eyes moved up to her flat stomach, her breasts, and then her perfect face.

She smiled mischievously, and asked, “Did I do that?”

The sheet was tented because his penis was hard and ready. He threw back the cover and in his most sensual voice replied, “Yes, now come and let me see what I can do to you.”

She padded across the floor and stopped by the bed. When he reached out to pull her on top of him, she grabbed his hand and kissed the inside of his palm. “Slow down, Marine.” She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over. He held his breath in anticipation as she touched him gently with her fingers. His heart raced as she stroked up and down his thighs teasing him with her other hand.

Grant wrapped his hand into her damp hair and moaned. “For a beginner you are very good at sex.”Her scent was subtle and fresh from her shower.

She raised her head and looked into his eyes. “I watched a dirty movie once while in college.”

He raked his fingers over her cheek. “Are you sure you haven’t watched several?”

Her smile caused his heart to skip a beat. Wide lust-filled eyes peered at him. “Only one. I’ve always been a quick study.”

Grant had to force air into his lungs. He closed his eyes and basked in the warmth of her hand as she stroked him. She had his senses reeling and he almost forgot to breathe as he felt the sensations of her touch. His head was spinning as if he were intoxicated. He groaned in ecstasy as her hand went up and down on his shaft. To keep from having an orgasm, he pushed her away and took deep breaths to calm his excitement.

Nina lay beside him and purred, “Do I please you?”

“You have no idea.” After his pulse slowed, he caught her knees in his hands and pressed them apart. His fingers grazed the inside of her thigh before finding her most sensitive place. Her bottom came off the bed and she gasped in surprise. His finger pushed deep inside her. She tossed back her head and moaned. Hands under her bottom, holding her up to him, he dipped his finger in and out. She fisted a hand in his hair. He drove his fingers into the wet heat of her. Her body exploded under him, writhing against his hand as she climaxed. Tiny screams started in her throat and continued for several seconds as her orgasm shattered around his hand.

Falling on top of her, he found her mouth and gave her a titillating kiss. Their tongues melded together and he felt her whole body tremble with desire. He moved to her breast and caught her nipple between his teeth biting the tip. She pulled him tighter, her back coming off the mattress. Rising above her, his hands rolled her small, firm breasts in circles. Blue eyes glazed with desire peered into his as he entered her in one swift motion.

Her soft whisper exploded. “I love you, Grant.” She cupped her hand to the back of his neck and pulled him to her lips and seared him with a kiss. Her kiss was reckless. With impatient hands she gripped his back, his buttocks. Her hands were rough, not feminine but he didn’t mind. He reveled in her strength. Her mouth was brutal as she bit his lip.

Sheer absolute ecstasy filled every fiber of his being as she began to push against him. An ache started deep in his groin as he pumped into her. Each time he would almost pull out then slam to the hilt into her wetness. She matched the furious pace losing all control. It was as if the Nina he knew disappeared and in her place was a wild animal. Together they rode wave after wave of passion as their orgasms seemed to go on forever. Pleasure showed on her face as she went limp under him.

A small smile on her lips, she kissed his cheek. “I’m glad you talked me into letting you spend the night.”

“Maybe I could move in for the rest of my stay.” He felt her tense.

“As I’ve already explained, I don’t want Juan knowing we are having sex. He looks up to me and I want to be a good role model. It’s hard enough teaching morality to children with all the disgusting shows on TV.”

Immediately, he felt a change in her demeanor. More than likely she was upset because twice she had told him she loved him and he had not told her how he felt. How could he tell her his feelings when he would be leaving in a few days? After Collins and his cohorts were behind bars, he would have no reason to stay.

She laid her head on his chest. Her voice filled with melancholy, she asked, “What happened in Iraq?”

Silence continued for several seconds as he wondered if he should tell her. If he did, they would always have a special connection and he didn’t know if he was ready to share something so personal with her. The more time he spent with her, the harder it would be to walk away, and walk away he must.

“Please, I need to know.”

He raked his fingers through his hair. Pain gripped his stomach as he focused on the second worst day of his life. His worst was the death of his father. “My men and I were pinned down in the desert of Iran. We were sent in to take down a terrorist cell suspected of attacking The American Embassy in Iran killing ten Americans.” He hesitated for a moment to gather just the right words. His fingers stroked Nina’s soft skin on her arm. “The second I suspected we had walked into a trap I radioed for a helicopter to help us. I’m still not sure what went wrong. The helicopter was late in coming. When I later asked why they didn’t send help sooner, I was told they had to wait for an Apache Helicopter to lead them. So many rules, so much red tape. You have no idea how many men have lost their lives because of protocol.” If only the helicopters would have been ten minutes earlier, there would have been a different outcome. None of his men would have died. “Three of my men died and two others were injured.” He rubbed his eyes to keep from shedding tears. “You have to understand that we went on many missions together. They were my brothers.” He had lost men in other battles, but that had been different. The deaths in Iran were needless. The lives could have been saved.

She gently touched her fingers to the wound on his shoulder. “And you were also injured?”

“Yes, I spent two weeks in a hospital. The scar is small, but there was a lot of damage.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that the main reason he spent so much time in the hospital was because of his anger. The doctor would not sign the release forms because he insisted he talk about the trauma of losing his men. He had to come to grips with the loss of his comrades and the depression. The doctor felt he was a ticking time bomb and a danger to others as much to himself. Most of his fury was at the men in charge that did not come to their aid to stop the slaughter of his brothers.

“I’m sorry, Grant. War is difficult and you have been through a traumatic experience.”

Silence followed until she asked, “Are you going to go back to Iraq?”

After seconds of reflection, he answered, “I’m not sure what I’m going to do.”

He kissed her forehead. “Enough about me. I have some ideas for the farm.” He had already divulged more about his life than he should have with Nina. Things that would only bring them closer together. “How about a petting farm? You could make some serious money charging school kids to come and see the animals.” Proud that he could help her financially, he continued, “You could do a hay ride, offer them honey, and home baked bread. The possibilities are endless. It’s too late now, but next year you could plant corn in the bottoms and make a corn maze. People eat that kind of thing up.”

Propped on her elbow, her brows drew together. “I fear the kids will mistreat the animals.”

“Nonsense, you will be there to make sure they behave. You could hire a couple of people to help and still make a hefty profit.”

“Why are you so concerned about the farm? I told you we are surviving. Things are tight, but we are okay.” She touched her fingers to his cheek. “Besides, I don’t know if I want a bunch of strangers on my property.”

He couldn’t tell her he saw her financial books. She would have to find some means of making money or it was possible she could lose the farm. “I’m concerned because I worry about you.” He cupped her face in his hands. “How about I loan you some money? My mom is a financial advisor and has invested my money wisely. I’m pretty well off.”

Pride had her jerking up her chin. “I don’t need your money. As I have told you before, we will be okay.”

The only way she would be okay is if money fell from the sky. She was much too stubborn for her own good.

From outside they heard loud angry voices. “I don’t think it could get much worse than the five strangers renting the pool house. A bus load of children couldn’t be any more trouble than the rude, perverts staying in the pool house. I don’t like them.”

Nina snorted indelicately, “I don’t like them either. It is the first time my guests have behaved badly. Today at the waterfall was an eye opening experience.” She giggled. “I’ve never seen any of my guests in the nude before.” She ran a finger across his chest. “Except you of course.” The voices became even louder. “I dread seeing how the pool house looks after they leave. I’m sure they are pigs.”

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