White Chocolate

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Authors: Emily Victoria

BOOK: White Chocolate
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White Chocolate

Emily Victoria


Desiree daydreamed as she stocked the shelves
. It was her favorite escape. There was something that was disturbing her mind and she didn’t quite know how to handle it. Her relationship with her boyfriend was on the rocks, and she had asked him to give her some time out so that she could know what she really felt first. She was a pretty African-American woman, and she deserved better than to be with an abusive man who treated her like he did not trust her at all. He could not even stand it when she went to lunch with her male colleagues, and he would get all violent when she got home and he found out. That was the main reason that the young woman had decided that she needed a break. She was fed up of the violent nature and mistrust that Jerome had. In the morning she had waited until he was gone from her house, before she changed the locks so that he would not have access. She intended to stay away from him, and bring her life back on the road. Who knows, maybe she would find the right person, a man who would treat her like a queen and satisfy all of her needs as a woman. She walked out of the store, going back to the main supermarket to see if everything was in order, when someone grabbed her hand from behind.

“What the hell did you think you were doing when you changed the locks to your house? Do you think that it is going to be so easy to get rid of me?” Jerome shouted at her as he spun her around to face him roughly.

“Jerome, what the hell are you doing at my work place?”

“You answer my questions first, bitch,” he shouted back.

“Will you lower your voice, you are causing a scene,” Desiree was embarrassed to notice that everyone within vicinity was looking at them.

“I can talk the fuck how I want,” he slapped her on the cheek, the pain stinging her.

“Hey, leave Desiree alone, will you,” Mark, one of her co-workers dashed in to intervene.

“Look here, white boy, stay out of this or you might get hurt,” Jerome shouted, his face burning with fury.

“I won't stand here and watch you abusing a woman, how shameful are you?” Mark replied.

Jerome turned to look at Mark, and then swung a fist at his face. Mark ducked just in time and threw an uppercut at Jerome, striking him under the chin, while another blow landed in his belly. Even more furious, Jerome went charging at Mark, but Mark got him first, by taking a hold of his shoulders and driving his knee into Jerome's crotch. As Jerome moved back in pain, Mark swung him another blow, hooking him under the chin and sending him flying across the floor to land into a heap on the floor. Jerome got up in pain and ran out of the store
, while Mark hurried over to Desiree with a worried look on his face.

“Are you okay, did that
asshole hurt you?” he asked, taking his hands to her face and making her look at him as he studied the place where she had been slapped.

“Yes, Mark, I'm fine, and thanks for coming to my rescue,” Desiree replied, actually feeling pretty proud of Mark.

“I suggest that you stay as far away from that guy as possible,” Mark said, concern still registered on his face.

“I will, and I don’t know how I will ever be able to thank you for saving my life.”

“I'll tell you what, today is a Friday, how about I take you out to dinner, I know of this place on the seafront where they serve excellent Italian food, and they also have nice music,” he said, looking her deep in the eyes, and for some reason, making her heart flutter.

“Cool, I guess dinner wouldn’t harm.”

They agreed on where to meet and at what time, and then Desiree went about with her job. She had noticed the way that Mark had always looked at her in a way that she could not understand, and although she had always ignored it, wanting nothing to do with a workmate in terms of a relationship, but today when he had held her hands and looked into her eyes, Desiree knew that she too felt something inside her. Yes, she’d had a crush on him all along, but she just couldn’t see it before, maybe because they had never gotten so close to each other before. Mark was a handsome guy with short dark hair and sea blue eyes, and he had the sort of body that she admired in men. It was athletic, and she could tell that he hit the gym a couple of times a week. Desiree wondered how it would feel like running her dark fingers over his white body. God, these thoughts were going to make her melt with desire. She tried to concentrate on other things but found that her thoughts found their way round, back to Mark, the knight in shining armor who had come to her rescue. She wished that she could read his mind just to know what he thought about of her. Would he be willing to fall in love with a black woman like her?


Mark could not believe that the chance that he had been waiting for so long had finally come. He’d had his eye on Desiree right from the time that he started working for the supermarket in the same rank as her, but she had never seemed to notice him. She was one of the sexiest women that he had ever laid his eyes on, her huge firm breasts and the figure of an hour glass. To make herself look even sexier, she usually wore clothes that hugged her body tightly, and if they were not pants, they were dresses that showed off her thighs generously. He would always find his eyes following her whenever she passed by his desk, until she was out of sight, and many a time, his cock began getting hard when dirty thoughts of what he could do to that perfect body came to his mind. He was dying to get his hands on that sexy woman, and today was probably going to be his lucky day, because he intended to woe her. He had fallen in love with her a long time ago, and maybe this was going to be his only chance to have a try with her.

He walked into the bathroom for a leisurely shower. He loved standing under the warm water as the steam from the hot water filled the room because it made him relax. Today however, he was not going to be spending too much time in the shower since he had a date to attend to at seven sharp. He was supposed to pick Desiree up somewhere in town. He showered quickly and then walked into his closet, debating on what to wear to the date. He settled for a pair of blue jeans and a polo shirt. He wore his most expensive cologne and checked in the mirror a million times to make sure that he looked fine. Mark felt like a 16 year old going boy going on his first date, nervous and self-conscious. He finally left the house and drove to the rendezvous, wanting to get there before Desiree arrived, it would be bad manners to keep such a beautiful woman waiting
. He was glad that she had not arrived, and he sat in the car, nervously waiting for her as he tried to formulate a plan of how he would start tuning her. He opened the door when he saw her approaching, dressed more sexily than he had ever seen her. She was dressed in a sexy provocative short red dress that showed off her luscious body in a way that would drive any man crazy.

“You look beautiful,” Mark said, walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek
. And you smell, wow!

“Thanks you Mark,” she replied, a warming smile lighting up her face.

“Shall we,” Mark said, taking her hand and leading her to the passenger side of the vehicle.

God, there it was again, the electricity
that he had felt earlier on in the day when he had held Desiree's hands. This woman had an effect on his body that no other woman had ever made him feel, and just feeling her hand sent a tremor all the way from his hand and through her body all the way to his dick. He opened the door of the car for her and as she settled in to the seat, he shut it and then walked round to his side. They drove to the restaurant, barely talking, the air in the car filled with tension. The restaurant was located by the beach, and it was adjoined to a club, and he had taken her there with the purpose of going clubbing after dinner. It would be a great idea to unwind and get closer to her as they danced together. The restaurant was set up romantically, and they were led to their table.

“This is a pretty cool restaurant you ch
ose, I've never been here before,” Desiree said, sitting down after Mark pulled out her seat for her.

“Well, I thought that a pretty woman like you deserved a classy place, and what better place other than here,” Mark winked at her as he sat down on his seat opposite her.

“Oh, come on Mark, stop flattering me with words,” Desiree said, blushing as she looked at him.

God, this woman was even prettier than he had imagined! He had no words to explain exactly how she looked, because she was the most gorgeous woman that he had ever set his eyes on.

“I mean every word that I am saying, you are the sexiest woman that I have ever met,” Mark leaned over the table and took her hands into his to begin massaging her palms.

“You are over exaggerating, what the hell do you see in a woman like me?” she seemed to be enjoying the way that he was massaging her hands because she did not pull them away.

“Everything, right from the way that you handle yourself to your beautifully sculptured body. My definition of sexy is not only in the way that you look, but in the way that you behave.” Their heads were so close, Mark felt like reaching out and kissing her like he had dreamed a million times, but he did not, because he might scare her away by being to hasty.

He slowly pulled his hands away from hers as their food was brought along with a bottle of wine.


Desiree felt dizzy just hearing the sweet words that Mark was telling her. Jerome had never told her that she was sexy, but Mark had told her at the first chance that he got. Could he
possibly be interested in her, because just hearing him talk to her, his face so close to hers, and her hands getting a massage, had made her feel good in all the right places. She could feel a warmth spread throughout her chest, and it was driving her crazy with desire. There was something wildly arousing about Mark, and it had taken all of her resolve not to shut him up by fusing her lips onto his and kissing him passionately. Desiree had never felt so highly aroused, and she wondered why she had never thought of Mark this way before. Well, thank God Jerome had opened her eyes when Mark had come to her rescue. Desiree wondered what it would be like having his white cock inside her, pumping loads of pleasure into her body as white mingled with black passionately. Her nipples had grown erect with arousal, and they were pressed hard against her dress. She was wearing a strapless dress, and she wondered if Mark had noticed her hard nipples poking through. She dared not look down at them, because he would notice just how aroused she was. The discussion over dinner shifted to other topics, mostly work related issues, before Mark brought up Jerome.

“Who was that maniac who attacked you earlier?”

“That asshole happens to be my ex, he is still bitter because I broke up with him,” her head was feeling a lot lighter because she was on her fourth glass of wine.

“How did you ever end up with a guy like that?”

“To say the truth, I really don’t know, let's just say that I was blind but now I see,” she said, running her eyes over his body.
My light is you

Too bad she could not see his crotch, because she was really curious as to what was inside his jeans. She had never wanted a man the way that she wanted Mark right now, and she was feeling so aroused, she barely touched her food, and had barely concentrated on what they had been talking about earlier, as her mind had been pre-occupied with fantasies of Mark.

“Well, now that dinner is over, what would you say if I asked you to come dancing with me? There is a nice Latino club next door, and I am sure that you will love it. They play all the modern pop and Latino hits, and I would like to get to know you better. Wanna kick on your dancing shoes?” Mark asked as he poured the remaining wine into their glasses.

“As a matter of fact, I would really love that, it has been such a long time since I went clubbing,” she smiled.
And maybe I might get a feel of your cock, because I intend to hold you tight!

“Great, in that case, we had better finish up and leave,” Mark said, waving his hand to attract the attention of the waiter, and then handing him his credit card

Thirty minutes later, they were at the club, a pretty trendy place packed with people, mostly around the same age as her. They found a vacant table besides the dance floor, and this time Desiree ordered a strong drink, a whiskey on the rocks. The wine had made her mind a bit foggy, and now she felt like getting drunk. They sat at the table talking in soft tones as they drunk their whiskey, ordering glass after glass.

“Let's go to the dance floor, I wanna dance with you,” she slurred drunkenly, as she got up from her seat staggering.

“Sure, let me help you get there.”

Mark led the way to the dance floor and pulled her into his arms. They began dancing along with the slow tunes belting out of the speakers. Desiree pressed herself into his body, grinding her body against his until she began to feel his cock starting to get hard. Within no time, his cock was hard against her belly, and she could feel herself getting wet already. She had not had sex in a couple of weeks since she had been going through a rough patch with Jerome, and she was feeling super horny. She moved her head from his shoulder, and as she looked up into his eyes, his lips came crushing down on hers. Their lips fused, and she slid her tongue into his mouth, pushing it past his pink lips to let it begin dancing alongside his tongue erotically as they rubbed together. Desiree tilted her head a little so that their lips fitted together perfectly as they ate each other hungrily. Desiree could not imagine the intense desire that she was feeling as they kissed. His cock was still pressed into her belly, and she could not resist the urge to get a feel of it, and so she pulled one of her hands from around his neck and pushed it down in between them. She pushed her hand to his crotch and touched the hardness in his pants, trembling when she felt just how huge the pecker felt.

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