White Knight (18 page)

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Authors: Kelly Meade

BOOK: White Knight
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Her chin hit his belt buckle, and she paused. Glanced up.

Knight watched her with desire in his eyes, cheeks flushed. He worked the belt himself, then the fly. Shay tugged off his shoes and socks, tossing them out the back of the vehicle. He maneuvered out of the jeans, leaving a pair of blue boxer-briefs in place. She gazed at the impressive bulge behind the cotton, her heart tripping with wonder and delight. Arousal tightened her belly. He’d given her an amazing orgasm already, but she still couldn’t wait to feel him inside of her.

To finally claim her mate.

He surprised her by sitting up and grabbing her waist. He rolled her beneath him. She grabbed his shoulders to steady herself, then gave an encouraging growl when he settled between her legs. His erection pressed against her core, only a thin piece of cotton separating them. She hiked up her knees, rubbing against him. Urging him to complete them. He devoured the side of her neck, finding that wonderful spot near her ear. She grabbed the taut globes of his ass and squeezed. He growled and rutted harder, perfect pressure on her clit. Driving her higher.

“Please,” she gasped. “Please.”

He held her head still, his expression both fierce and loving and completely in control. “Say it.”

No going back. They’d both chosen this. “Make love to me. Bind us, my mate.”


He pulled away long enough to remove his underwear, and then he was bared to her. She curled her hand around his erection and stroked him, marveling at the heat and silky skin over such rigidness. He was beautiful. She wanted to worship him as he’d done for her, but he was already settling above her, one hand braced by her head.

Fine tremors in his shoulders didn’t escape her notice. She drew him into another kiss, keeping him focused on her while she guided him to her entrance.


Knight had nearly combusted the first time she touched his erection, and he gasped into her mouth at the first brush of her heat against him. A deep-down instinct to drive himself into her, to claim this woman, battled with his need to take it slow. He wouldn’t be brutal with her, not her first time.

Not ever.

Hands on his ass urged him forward, and he pressed in slowly, working his way in short thrusts. She gasped, rolling her hips, taking him in a bit at a time. Tight heat engulfed him, became his entire world. Nothing mattered but her body, the sounds she made, the combined scents of their arousal. The scent of sex.

Of us. Us and no one else.

Soon he was rocking his hips, pushing deep inside on every thrust. She rose to meet him each time, her arms tight around his shoulders. His orgasm barreled toward him faster than he wanted it to, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t stop the amazing glide in and out of her body. He treasured every gasp and moan, every murmured nonsense word that betrayed her pleasure. He existed in that perfect moment for as long as he could, giving her everything in him.

We’re one, my love.

She clung to him, coiled so tight, so ready. He worked a finger between them and pressed against her clit. She screamed as she came for the second time. She tightened around him, and he thrust harder, deeper, his own pleasure drawing his balls up tight. So close. Fingernails raked down his back, and Knight’s world exploded in a kind of pleasure he’d never felt before. It burned down his spine and engulfed his senses. He spilled into her, marking her. Claiming her as his.

The release left him shaking. He gathered her into his arms, still deep inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him there.

Holding him.

He pressed kisses onto her neck and cheek, exhausted and energized all at once. Light fingers traced paths across his back. She released a deep, sated sigh. He didn’t want to move, didn’t want to part from her, didn’t want the real world to intrude upon this perfect moment. He’d made love to his mate, and nothing else mattered.

Shay cupped the back of his neck and turned his head. Her wide, shining eyes met his, her joy impossible to mistake. “How are you?”

He laughed. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“Ask after you answer.”

“I love you.”

She blinked hard several times, then smiled. “I love you, too.”

“Are you allowed to say that after sex? Does it sound insincere because—”

“Shush.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “Just because we didn’t say it before we made love doesn’t mean the feelings weren’t there. We both know they were. And you avoided my question a little bit.”

He licked her finger just to see her eyes widen. “I haven’t felt this safe in months. I haven’t felt so content in my entire life. You are my present and my future, Shay. I want us like this always.”

“Naked in the back of an SUV?”


She laughed, then wiggled her hips, and Knight clued in that he was still hard. Desire rippled through him, but he had to know—“How do you feel? Are you sore?”

“Not really. It hurt a bit at first but that went away.”

He rolled his hips, feeling her all around him, and she gasped. “Are you tired?”

Her gasp turned into a growl that hit him right in the balls. “Not even a little bit.”

He claimed her twice more before the night was over, and as he drifted to sleep with his mate in his arms, one word stayed in his mind.


Chapter Eighteen

Something rustling near her head woke Shay fully and completely. She sat up with a soft yelp, aware of movement. Something scurried across fabric, and she caught a gray blur leaping off the end of the SUV. The squirrel darted away and up a tree, and Shay collapsed to the sleeping bag with a snort of laughter.

“Wha’s up?” Knight came out from under the sleeping bag they’d pulled on top of them last night before giving in to exhaustion. His hair was adorably tousled and his face sleep-rumpled but he was fully alert. “What happened?”

“A squirrel was after your nuts.”

His confused frown made her giggle fit worse, and he took his revenge by tickling her until tears streamed down both cheeks—and her bladder kicked. She didn’t want to give in but nature demanded she cry uncle.

“Stop, stop, I don’t want to pee in the car!”

Knight pinned her by the shoulders and kissed her thoroughly, so sensually she didn’t want him to stop. With a soft peck on the tip of her nose, he released her. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

The thicket provided excellent cover from prying eyes, but Shay still put her top on and took her panties with her. Once she’d watered a nearby tree, she slipped the panties back on. The morning air was crisp, ripe with the scents of autumn. She wanted to stay in this little hideaway forever, just her and Knight and no one else.

The object of her thoughts came up behind her and slid strong arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder. “Thank you, love,” he said.

“I should be thanking you. After Stonehill was destroyed, I never thought I’d be this happy. I never expected you.”

“Ditto. I’d have been lost long ago without you.”

She hated remembering Knight in that cage, consumed by the rage of his beast. She hated thinking about him at the mercy of Fiona and Victoria. She was proud to have helped ease the burden of those memories and to help him heal.

“We found each other,” she said as she turned in his arms. “We saved each other. Now we can spend the rest of our lives loving each other.”

“I like the sound of that.”

He held her close in an embrace that was far more than a hug. It was a sharing of time and space and love between two people. She longed for it to last forever, and all too soon it was over. They parted, and Shay went in search of her pants.

“We should head back,” Knight said. “It’s about breakfast time.”

“Do you think Mrs. Troost made pancakes?”

“Let’s find out.”

They finished dressing, then began the short drive back to the McQueen house. She contemplated running upstairs for a quick shower before presenting herself to the others. No, she wasn’t ashamed of having Knight’s scent all over her skin. He was hers, and she was ready to tell the world.

Bonus points if anything about it offended Archimedes Atwood.

Knight parked in front of the house and killed the engine.

“I’d prefer going straight to the dining room,” Shay said. “But I won’t if you’re uncomfortable with it.”

He smiled. “I am a little bit uncomfortable but I’ll go with you if that’s what you want. Everyone is going to know anyway, right?”

“I think you whisking me away for the night is a pretty big clue, yes.”

“I appreciate you asking.”

“Your feelings are important to me, Knight. You’ve spent your entire life devoted to the feelings and emotions of other people, with yourself a distant second. For me you will always come first, and don’t ever doubt that.”

“I don’t.” He leaned across the center console and pressed his mouth to hers. A gentle kiss, sealing the promise.

She marveled at the treasure she’d found as they walked toward the front porch, hand in hand. The beautiful, sensual man who’d given himself to her, and who was coming back to life a little more every single day. Despite so much heartache and tragedy, she would never give up the happiness she’d found.

Voices drifted from the dining room. Conversations stopped when they entered. Shay’s heart tripped once as she forced herself to acknowledge the stranger in the room.

Atwood sat at the far end of the long table with Brynn on his left. Bishop, Rook, Jillian, Jeremiah, A.J., and Jonas sat at other places, all with plates of waffles and bacon. Shay’s mouth watered for the amazing aromas, and her stomach gave a solid growl. Food had been a struggle for so long, and now she craved fuel.

They’d had an active night, after all.

“Mrs. Troost is bringing out a fresh platter,” Rook said, pointing his finger at the empty serving dish at the center of the table.

“Leave it to this group to scarf up round one,” Knight said. He angled toward Atwood, showing more grace than Shay thought the man deserved. “We haven’t been introduced. Knight McQueen. This is Shay Butler.”

“Greetings,” Atwood said blandly. “The White Wolf, yes? You’re what all of the fuss was about.”

She felt Knight tense. “At first, yes. But this fight isn’t about me anymore. It’s about revenge.”

“So I’ve been told.”

Knight pulled a chair out for Shay, then plunked down beside her. Mrs. Troost appeared a moment later with breakfast, and Shay dug into a stack of syrupy waffles and crispy bacon. She glanced up once to a knowing grin from Jillian. Shay winked at her.

“Dr. Mike called a little while ago,” Bishop said, as much to Knight as anyone else. “Luke’s awake. He’s going to be fine.”

Relief hit Shay in the chest. She squeezed Knight’s thigh, as happy for him as for Luke and Tanner. He flashed her a happy smile.

“That’s excellent news,” Knight said. “I’ll have to stop by and see him after breakfast. Anything else develop overnight?”

Bishop’s raised eyebrow seemed to ask the question right back. Shay smothered laughter, part of her wanting to stand up and shout what they’d done. She had better sense than that, though.

“Jeremiah thinks he caught Dell’s scent over by the main road,” Rook said. “He couldn’t follow it though, but he’s pretty sure Dell’s lurking around.”

Shay didn’t blame the man for that. “His family is here.”

Atwood seemed somewhat confused by the conversation. Shay had no sympathy for him. He didn’t need to know all of their run’s business. He was a means to an end, not a friend or proper ally.

“So what are your plans while you’re here, Mr. Atwood?” Knight asked. “Our auction house used to be our biggest draw, but that’s out of commission for a while.”

“I hope to spend some time with my daughter.” Atwood’s voice was cold, the sound she imagined ice would make if it could speak. “I lost decades of valuable time with her because of my own prejudices. You don’t truly know what you have until it’s gone.”

“That can be applied to a sense of safety as much as family.”

“Yes it can. And that’s also why I’m here. To help end this siege you’ve found yourself under thanks to my projects.”

“You’re about two months too late for that.”

Bishop cleared his throat, but didn’t silence his brother. Shay enjoyed seeing Knight stand up for himself and his people.

“I do not wish to be here any more than you want me here, White Wolf,” Atwood said. “I do not align myself with your kind lightly, and I will be glad to leave when the hybrids are dead.”

“Excellent. We’re all on the same page then.”

“Yes we are.”

“Brynn?” Rook brushed hair away from Brynn’s face. Her cheeks had flushed, and she was staring into space. “I think it’s a vision.”

Every person at the table went still, alert and curious. Even Atwood was watching her closely, like he expected her to do some sort of trick. Shay despised the man for his lack of confidence in his own child and his dismissal of her visions, and now he had the audacity to feign interest.

Brynn gasped and shook herself all over. “I’m okay,” she said before anyone could ask.

“What did you see?” Rook asked.

“The hybrids. Both girls. They were standing in the woods somewhere, during daylight, I think, but it was murky. Deep forest. The ground was blackened, like it had been burned or a fire had been made there. They looked angry. I think there was someone else there, too, lurking deep in the shadows behind them but I couldn’t see who or what.”

“Was there anything about the forest that was unusual? Any specific kinds of trees?”

“The kind that grow around here. The foliage was turning like it is now.”

“How big was the scorched area on the ground? Like a campfire might have been there?”

“I’m uncertain. The vision was more of a close-up, if you’ll forgive the expression. The ground was behind where they stood, in the background.”

Burned earth could mean a lot of things, but the turning leaves suggested that whatever the hybrids were doing, it would happen soon. “Are there any campsites around here?” Shay asked. “Anywhere they might find a camp fire?”

“Not for about ten miles,” Bishop replied. “But that doesn’t rule out hikers.”

“We haven’t had problems with hikers in our woods for a few years,” Rook said. “There are posted signs on the edge of town property. It helps give us a safe space to run in when we shift.”

The explanation seemed to be more for Atwood than anyone else. Stonehill had similar barriers, as did all sanctuary towns.

“Was there any hint as to who was in the background?” Bishop asked.

Brynn closed her eyes, silent for several long minutes. “No, I’m sorry. I saw movement, like a body passing in the shadows but nothing that could tell me who. Not even if it was man or beast.”

“It’s all right. Thank you.”

Rook pressed a kiss to his wife’s cheek. “You did great, sweetheart.”

Atwood watched the entire production with barely restrained disbelief. “How is a vision in which you’ve learned nothing useful considered a job well done?” The curiosity in his voice, rather than outright derision, was probably the only reason Rook didn’t deck the man. His glare said enough.

Brynn answered for everyone. “My visions can be vague, yes, but so far all except your death have come true in some fashion. I’ve had more visions in my time here in Cornerstone than in a single year at my old home.”

“One of her visions saved my life,” Rook added. “And Knight’s. You may not see her visions as anything of value, but we do. We value her for everything she is.”

“Then I’m glad she has found the acceptance she’s always sought,” Atwood said. “I don’t know if I have ever said this to you, daughter, but I’m proud of you.”

Brynn’s smile was blinding. “Thank you.”

“I’ll let the patrols know to keep a nose out for smoke,” Rook said, shifting the conversation back to business. “And for signs of hikers in the area. The last thing we need is to explain missing humans if the hybrids decide to attack them.” He excused himself from the table.

The conversation died out. Shay focused on filling her belly with good food and orange juice, until she was pleasantly full. She and Knight were the last remaining at the table by the time they were both finished.

“I’m going to go shower,” she said, leaning in simply to scent him. “And then I’m going to speak to the Alpha.”

Knight kissed the tip of her nose, a small action she loved for its simplicity and sheer cuteness. “About what?”


“Are you going to ask for my hand in marriage?”

She laughed. “Something like that. I’m an Alpha’s daughter in love with the Alpha’s brother. An official declaration to Bishop seems like a good move.”

“Point taken. While you’re handling him, I’m going to check on Luke.”


“It’s across the street.”

“Just don’t wander around town, okay? Tanner’s got enough to worry about.”

“I have no intention of causing that man any more anxiety, believe me.”

“I know, and you don’t do it on purpose.”

“Well, I’m done allowing things to happen to me.” He pressed his forehead against hers, his breath fanning her mouth. “From now on I am in charge of my own future.”

“Our future.”


Their kiss was brief but no less affectionate than all of the others. Shay loathed the idea of being parted from him, even for a few hours. But they would be together again soon.

For the rest of their lives.


Knight carried Shay’s scent on his skin like a badge. Once he’d wanted nothing more than to scrape a woman’s odor from his body with the hottest water possible. Now it invigorated him, because he’d been with Shay. His mate. She’d given him an amazing gift last night—not only her own virginity, but making him feel as though he’d never lost his in such a violent way. She was as much his first as he was hers, and he couldn’t imagine it any differently.

He crossed the street to Dr. Mike’s house, looking forward to the chance to thank Luke now that he was awake. Raised voices in the waiting area made him pause at the closed screen door. Anger and confusion rippled over him, coming from two different people.

“—my job, Dev. Luke was critical.” Rachel. She was confused, which meant the anger was coming from Devlin.

“And he’s not anymore, plus Dr. Mike lives here.” Devlin sounded nothing like himself under the weight of so much rage. “He can handle emergencies so you can actually go home to your husband once in a while.”

“It’s not as if you aren’t gone all night for work.”

“I’m an enforcer. It’s my job.”

“And this is mine.”

“You aren’t even a real nurse.”

Knight blinked hard, shocked at the cruelty he was hearing from his best friend. He yanked open the door and stepped into the room. Rachel had both arms wrapped around her middle and tears glistened in her eyes. Devlin was red-faced, tensed up, and looking ready to swing.

“Don’t even, man,” Devlin said to Knight. “Do not do your voodoo on me right now.”

“Then calm down and I won’t have to.” Knight met his glare, his own temper sparking. Feeding off of Dev’s.

“That a threat?”

“Stop it, Dev, you’re acting insane,” Rachel snapped, her loup half reaching its limit with the verbal abuse. “Quit taking your grief out on me.”

“Don’t order me around!”

“Hey!” Knight slid in between the pair. He didn’t truly believe Devlin would hit Rachel on purpose, not in his right mind, but he hadn’t been in a good emotional place since Winston’s death. And Knight wasn’t letting him get a pass this time.

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