White Liar (7 page)

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Authors: T.J. Sin

BOOK: White Liar
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The light turned green and the guys drove off, their laughter still ringing in Chloe's ears.
She sat back in her seat and pulled into the nearest gas station.
Turning off the car, she walked around to the other side and
slapped her hands over her eyes.

I should’ve known.

Just as bold as you please, in black shoe polish it read, '
For a good time, contact me.
I'll fulfill your every fantasy.

He was going to be so dead.
Angry, peeved and pissed as hell Chloe stomped back to the driver side of her car and slunk low into the seat.
As soon as she slammed the door, her phone rang again.
Glancing down at it, she grabbed for it and flipped it open. "No
Espanola," She answered curtly and slammed it closed again.

Oh, he was going to pay
for this one, she told herself, i
n a really
His time was coming and she was counting down the days.
Friday night couldn't get here soon enough.



Chapter 6

Justin spotted Cathy at her locker and stopped to cop a feel of her perfectly rounded butt.
He couldn‘t help himself, it was just too tempting being outlined in that in that tiny scrap of material that she called a cheerleading skirt.

“Thanks babe, “he whispered at her ear.
She jumped, and then giggled before turning around and looking up at him through those big dark lashes of hers.

“No problem, i
t was easy peasy,” she replied.
Taking a step closer, she laid her wa
rm hand on his chest.
“All I had to do was tell that goat of a secretary that Mr. Lancaster needed some help and she was out the door.
She has the biggest crush on him.
With her out of the office, I was able to access her computer and voila, I was able to get her number.”
She flashed him a seductive smile.

“By the way, Dan told me what you did to her which I personally think is hilarious.
But why is it that you have such a hard on for this new chick anyway.
It’s not like she‘s anything spectacular anyway.”

Justin looked down at the beauty standing before him.
Her body was flush against his, her breast pressed up against his chest and
, she felt good he thought to himself..
“She started it,” he told her and bent down to brush his lips lightly over hers.
“But I’m just finishing it.”

“Mm,” Cathy let out a mewling sound and dropped her head back, looking every bit as much of a tempting Goddess in his arms.

He let himself touch her cheek and again couldn’t help but to smile, “You did good babe, real good,” Justin praised her.

She lifted her head and gave him that killer flirty smile of hers that would make any red blooded male go weak in the knees, including himself. “Justin-,” she all but purred, “Aren’t you going to ask me to the homecoming dance?”

He had completely forgotten all about that.
Between scheming against Chloe and getting ready for the big game he just hadn‘t had time to think about much of anything else, not even the dance.
“What do you think?” he smirked, intentionally dropping his voice to a husky level for her benefit.

Cathy started to strategically place hot kisses along the edge of his jaw line, sending his libido into overdrive. “What I think is that you need to ask me to the dance Mr. Pinnix considering that I will probably be the Homecoming Queen and you will probably be the homecoming King.
It's only logical, right?”

She was all but purring his arms now.
“You make an excellent point,” he told her and unable to restrain himself any longer, Justin took her mouth in a heated kiss.
One of those sloppy wet ones that teased as well as satisfied all at the same time.
And she was right there with him, their lips moving together, their tongues dancing a dance as old as time itself.
By the time that he lifted his head from hers, they were both left breathless and hungry for so much more.

Cathy took a step back from him,
straightened her top and lifted her head.
Her lips were all swollen from his kisses and her eyes slightly dazed. “See ya later Jus,” she said to him while bend
ng over to pick up her book bag off of the floor.

He watched her walk away from him, her butt swaying in a seductive side to side motion.
“You most certainly will,” he noted, licking his own swollen lips and savoring her taste.
“You most certainly will.”




Justin hated English class.
In his mind, it was the most boring subject that man had ever created.
Who really cared about what a man wrote hundreds of years ago? He surely didn't.
It was a whole different time and circumstances have certainly changed.
In his eyes, Shakespeare was irrelevant today.
Why couldn't they read something like 'The Hunger Games".
was something that he could actually relate to.

Walking in class, he glanced around the room and headed for the empty seat by John. He let his book bag fall to the floor.
“What’s up man?” he nodded his head and sank into the chair.

"Not much.
Same ole, same ole,” he replied with
nonchalance, not bothering to look up at his friend.
He had a piece of paper in his hand and was staring at.

Justin simply grunted in response and took a second to let his eyes roam around the room.
The class was about half full.
“So,” he started again, not finding anything out of the ordinary to catch his attention. “Did you ask the Ice Queen out?”

John lifted his head and looked over at Justin.
He lifted his brow.
“What’s it to you?” He bit out, surprising Justin with the extra snap in his tone.

He held up his hands up in surrender and laughed.
“Just curious man.
No need to have a cow.
But I’ll take your lack of an answer as a rejection.”

John's answering scowl was answer enough.
“She hasn’t rejected me-
I just haven't convinced her to go out with me
et being the operative word.
But I will, that‘s a promise you can take to the bank.”

Heady laughter rang out from the door as Chloe walked in.
Justin's head whipped around in her direction and her laughter quickly died out.
She stopped in the doorway, her eyes instantly resting on him.
For the longest second, their gazes were interminably locked.

Speak of the she devil and she shall come, he silently mused.

The feeling that stretched between them was almost surreal.
Her dark probing eyes held his own captive.
He couldn’t turn away.
There was just something about this girl that drove him insane and by the way that she stared back at him, he was pretty sure that she was battling the same sort of feelings.

Then her lips curled down.
maybe not.

She jerked her head up, lifting her chin high in the air and stomped towards him, looking madder than a wet hornet.
Standing in front of Justin, she reached in her purse and pulled out her phone, slamming it down hard on his desk.

“Do you have any idea the trouble that you have caused me?
I can’t even sleep through the night without getting a perverted call, probably from one of your friends.
That was a low blow bucko, a really low blow.”

His eyes went from the phone on his desk back up to her seething mad face.
She kept her hands tightly fisted by her side.
Leaning back in his seat, Justin openly smirked at her, “Tit for tat, all is fair in love and war baby.”
He saw her mouth open, ready to protest and slowly he shook his head.
“Remember, you’re the one that started this; I’m just the one that's going to finish it.”

Her eyes narrowed into tiny slits, color rising high in her cheeks.
She actually looked rather hot all riled up like this, he noticed when her temper flared.
She grabbed her phone back off of his desk and stuffed it back in her purse.
"I had to change my number you know and that can be a real pain in rear to deal with."

Again, he lazily shrugged his shoulders. "Not my problem."

Bending over, Chloe placed her palms on his desk, pinioning him with her stare.
“Let’s get one thing straight.
You started this and in the end I will be the one to finish it.
By the time I get done with you
” she added a touch of dramatic emphasis on the word
and then continued, “You will be the one on your knees, begging for

Justin laughed.
He glanced over at his side before bringing his full attention back to her.
“You show me a boy and I’ll happily kiss your ass.”

She snorted and a hint of a smile curved on her lips.
"You are something else Mr. Pinnix.
You are so full of yourself that you’re even starting to give me a complex.
How can one person be so naïve?
So petty?
So irrevocably stupid?”

Sitting up straighter in his chair, he brought his face up closer to hers.
So close, that he could feel the heat of her breath fanning across his cheek and whispered in her ear. “I’ll be more than happy to take you somewhere and demonstrate just how much of a boy that I am not.
You just name the place and I’m there.”

She froze and glared at him before pushing away from him and standing back up.
For the briefest of seconds he had the satisfaction of seeing her eyes go wide with surprise before she crossed her arms over her chest.
“God, you’re the poster boy for easy," she sneered,
"You might as well just have the word ‘easy’ tattooed on your ass and spare everyone the anticipation.
You forget that I have already seen the goods and let me tell you something,
, there wasn't much there that impressed me, not much at all.”

This time Justin heard John bust out laughing from beside him. It wasn't one of those laughs that he tried to stifle either.
It was one of those full blown, fall out in the floor laughs.
“Oh man, she schooled you dude.”

Justin sucked in a deep breath and shot a warning glance in his friend’s direction.
He then turned back to the infuriating girl in front of him and was about to retort when the bell rang and Mr. Mills suddenly walked in the class room.

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